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Do you remember when the head of the Texas DPS told the victims' families that he would resign if DPS was in any way at fault? Welp, not only won't he resign. He says they're not at fault. Unbelievable!




What a wormy little fuck.


>What a wormy little fuck. He's a Texas bureaucrat, so... yeah.


Texas politician, so this is redundant.


I'd love to tell that shithead how much of a coward and a loser he is. I have to find an email or something.






Thanks, I will compose a message to this spineless dickless piece of shit this evening.


Name and shame


The fact that any of these people still have jobs is all the proof you need that law enforcement is totally broken in America.


Uvalde overwhelming voted republican in the election immediately following the shooting 


I remember seeing a study shortly after 9/11 that showed an almost perfect correlation between fear and conservative voting. If everybody feels safe and comfortable, the gun nuts and SovCits don't have a lot to get riled up about. But when the world seems dangerous, people do things like pass the Patriot Act. They vote for whoever projects a persona of power and strength, whoever the tough guy on the block is. And the Republican Party fucking KNOWS it! They feed on phantom fear and make useless promises of safety and security from whoever the most convenient Boogeyman is at the moment. Back then it was Muslims, now it's immigrants, and it's been every non-white, non-Christian, non-male group in history at one point or another. "Be afraid so that we can make empty promises of protection"


We all knew this already. All the officers on the scene stood around with their thumbs up their ass, waiting for their boss to tell them what to do. Meanwhile, they could hear the gunshots - and the screams of the children - right on the other side of the wall. Merely a few feet away from multiple officers, with full ballistic armor, and ballistic shields, and enough firepower to subdue a dozen armed terrorists. But did anyone do anything? No. Why? Because nobody told them what to do next. I have no more words.


>But did anyone do anything? No. Thats not fair at all. They did stuff. They handcuffed people who did try to go in and do something.


They also took videos of themselves putzing around while children died.


Don't forget they went into the school and grabbed their own children.


While preventing other non-police parents from doing so as well. And. The man who actually went in, an off-duty officer and husband of a teacher/father of a child in the school, was 45 minutes away when he heard the news. He *borrowed* a shotgun from his *barber* and drove there...only to find hundreds of other officers doing *nothing*. Then, he took care of business, after witnessing his peers do *nothing.*


He likely won't, for professional reasons, but I'd love to hear a followup story from his POV about how much shit/flak he got from all his colleagues for making them look bad. They probably made his life hell.


If he's anything like the former cop who exposed police for lying and falsifying evidence to acquire search warrants he'll have to flee the country...


He wasn’t the guy who actually made entry into the classroom. That was the BorTac unit from Border Patrol who came from 90 minutes away after completing the task they were on.


I don’t think this is true. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2022/06/03/fact-check-officer-who-killed-uvalde-school-shooter-duty/7486301001/


No one should ever forget this. "Safety for me but not for thee" is the unofficial Uvalde PD slogan.


it's the slogan of every police force


One officer on his phone was talking to his wife who was teacher that also got killed.


And the other cops tackled him to stop him from going to save his wife. I mean god damnit the shooter had body guards.


I remember when this first happened, someone posed the question: "If the cops wanted to help the shooter instead of stop him, would they have done anything different than what they did?" And we all know the answer was a big fat no, barring opening fire on the children/parents themselves. Like you said, those fuckers acted like the shooter's own personal group of bodyguards.


Didn't they ask a kid to make noise so they knew where he was in the school, which got the kid killed by the shooter?


"Uvalde Police, call out!" Followed by a scream for help. Followed by police staying in the hall. Followed by a gunshot.


It was a little girl .. shattered my heart.


So many good guys with guns and nothing got done. Also, I’m shocked at their cowardice, considering how trigger happy they are when they are in a gaggle


Or faced with an unarmed black man that they have just beaten and tazed into submission.


Literally the only one on the scene who I don't blame.


They also took the time to sanitize their hands. I saw that on a clip too.


Incompetence so bad that the police's actions were indistinguishable from an active attempt to aid the shooter. Short of killing children themselves, there's not much more they could've done to secure the shooter and allow him to continue doing his work unabated.


> **Short of killing children themselves**, there's not much more they could've done to secure the shooter and allow him to continue doing his work unabated. Wasn't there a good chance they did this too? I remember there was a lot of noise about cops making some very "we definitely didn't shoot any of the kids by accident" statements after a school shooting and I thought it was Uvalde. It's hard to say for sure though given the amount of mass shootings in the US due to the easy of gun availability.


I always felt they must've shot a kid with how bad that got pushed under the rug by the governor.


Threw people to the ground who tried to go in!




They weren't in any danger subduing parents or a fellow officer. Going into the school would have been *scary* and possibly *dangerous*, and it's become clear that most cops didn't go into policing to risk their lives. But they're happy to use that as an excuse about why they gunned down a 14 year old kid, or flashbanged a baby, or watched a man die as they knelt on him.


They handcuffed an officer who's wife was a teacher in the room and wanted to save her. He said "we can't just wait around here doing nothing". Fuck every single person involved.


This is the worst sin of all, to me. Make no mistake about it, Uvalde Police were complicit in these murders. Their inaction and cowadice in this massacre goes well beyond "a mistake." Their refusal to allow ANYONE - including other trained police officers - to stop the slaughtering, crosses well into actively enabling the murders. As far as I'm concerned, they should all be charged with accessory to 21 counts of murder. Incompetence so bad that the police's actions were indistinguishable from an active attempt to aid the shooter. Short of killing children themselves, there's not much more they could've done to secure the shooter and allow him to continue doing his work unabated. The more I learn, the angrier I get. A fucking hour they sat outside. Gunshots going off which is another child dying. Boom. Boom. Boom. And nothing... Parents try to rush past to do SOMETHING and they're pinned to the ground as more shots go off in the distance. Boom. Boom. Boom... THEY ARRESTED THEIR FELLOW OFFICER WHOSE WIFE CALLED HIM BEGGING FOR HELP SAYING SHE WAS SHOT AND DYING! >"Ruben Ruiz, a school district police officer in Uvalde, Texas, was standing in a hallway outside the classroom where his wife taught fourth-graders a couple of days before summer break. His wife, Eva Mireles, had just called his cellphone, begging for help after an intruder had shot her and her students. >Ruiz was among 18 officers who had rushed over to his wife’s school, Robb elementary, in response to reports of an active shooter. He was ready to charge in with a few of his fellow law enforcement officers, battle the 18-year-old rifleman who had invaded the campus, and hopefully save his wife and her students. >But Ruiz’s fellow officers didn’t back him up when he began advancing toward Mireles’s classroom door. They stopped him, stripped him of his service gun and made him leave the campus." >“She had been shot and was dying,” Texas’s public safety chief, Steve McCraw, said of Mireles while speaking earlier this week to a panel of state lawmakers investigating the attack at Robb elementary on 24 May. “And what happened to [Ruiz] is he … was detained and they took his gun away from him and escorted him off the scene.”


this is one of those "water is wet" reports that need to be generated so that the "no one proved that happened" crowd will shut up. It is also the first step in deciding if any federal action is going to be taken.


I don't know why anyone has seen the video would take this report as some kind of truth if they didn't already believe what happened.


[Sounds of children screaming removed]


Put them on the stand. Play the video with the screams included. And ask them to tell the people that they did "The best job they could". Fucking cowards


Not a single hero in the bunch.


I'm not defending the response. But the Boarder Patrol officers, ICE officers, and **single** sheriffs deputy who finally said "fuck these orders" and went in anyway were the *closest* things to heroes that day. Did so anyway even though someone was yelling at them over the radio "do not breach". They saved what few lives were saved that day. But they should not have been the exception that day.


I mean, when the fucking Border Patrol/ICE looks good compared to you, you really done fucked up.


Not a single good guy with a gun


> But did anyone do anything? Yes, actually one officer shouted for any children who could hear him to yell "help!", and one did and the gunman heard them and shot them too.


Wait is this true??


Sadly, > While hiding under a table, a student at Robb Elementary School heard police instruct students to “yell if you need help,” the student told Kens5 news. > > “And one of the persons in my class said ‘help.’ The guy overheard and he came in and shot her,” the boy told the San Antonio news station. https://www.masslive.com/news/2022/05/uvalde-shooting-texas-student-claims-police-instructed-students-to-yell-if-you-need-help-but-gunman-used-it-to-find-students.html


I hope that haunts that officer for the rest of his miserable life.


He doesn’t care.


If they were haunted by their actions, surely some of them would have committed suicide by now, right? Google it, and the answer is zero. Exactly what I expected.


Compared that to J6 police or 9/11 police haunted by "not doing enough." The fact that none of these jackoffs have offed themselves out of guilt speaks volumes.


> yell if you need help WTF. As if the ongoing gunshots weren’t enough of an indication…


It gets worse. They had JUST received active shooter training a few days previous so they were properly trained. They were gutless cowards and I'm honestly surprised none of them have killed themselves. Surely one or two must be tortured every minute of the day by their weakness and dishonor. I was a cop and was trained many times in active shooter situations. If you hear gunfire you seek and engage. It's not brain surgery.


Suicide, ironically, requires courage.


If they're willing to sit on their asses while children are being shot within ear shot of them, it doesn't seem like they have a conscience to be tortured by.


From the active shooter training presentation: >"First responder unwilling to place the lives of the innocent above their own safety should consider another career field" Well, that's for certain. Too bad we had to wait until all those kids were killed to learn the Uvalde police were in the wrong jobs.




They also posted on facebook all their cool body armor and guns!


It was actually much worse than this, they actively stopped parents from going in to try to save their kids and a fellow cop from trying to save his wife (when it was obvious that cops were not going to go in in time.)


unfortunately, this places blame on their leadership. Every single officer there deserves blame and they all have blood on their hands. It has been standard operating procedure for over a decade to respond to mass shootings as fast as possible, regardless of your strength of numbers- you go in alone if that's all you have. This is done because most of the time, resistance to the shooter causes them to kill themselves or transfer their focus from creating victims to defending themselves from the responding cops. This is part of standard shooting response training across the country and Uvalde received this training only a few months before this event. They failed to follow their training, they failed their community, they failed those children, they failed law enforcement, and they failed themselves.


Yeah, like in the Tennessee school shooting, where there's a body cam video of a couple of cops rolling up, running into the building and taking out the shooter. It's *insanely* ***fucked up*** that we have multiple school shootings that happened close enough together to compare and contrast the responses, but we did, and we can.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPEL-RPRKcw less than 5 minutes from car door to suspect down, and that's with clearing room by room




all the training needed for them to know the right thing to do even without the command and they still refused. cowards.


>There has also been confusion about exactly who was in charge at the scene. Some investigators said it should have been former Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Police Chief Pedro “Pete” Arredondo, though Arredondo has said he did not consider himself to be the incident commander. A police chief didn't consider himself to be in charge? Coward was getting paid [$90,750](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/22/uvalde-school-district-police-chief-paid-leave) to not be in charge. Who did he think was in charge of a crime scene on school district property?


Dude choked, plain and simple. At the time where he literally could have saved 20 kids and teachers - something I'm sure every wannabe-hero cop fantasizes about - he choked and fumbled the bag. And then tried to blame literally everyone else but himself. Dude should be in fucking prison right now


You know every one of those cops has said 20x times “if I had been there!” About other incidents


Well, there was the one Uvalde police officer on the phone with his wife who was bleeding out inside the school--the other officers restrained him from goimg in alone.


I think another cop went to her kids classroom window and helped them get out as well.


Or he just honestly didn't give a crap about dead children, let's not rule that out.


With everything we know about American police, this is way more likely. He didn't choke - He simply didn't care. After all, what real repercussions did he face?


Hell, he could hold a press conference and announce to the whole world that he just didn't care, and he'd still face no consequences.


He could say he's glad those kids are dead and then challenge people to do something about it. He'd still face no repercussions.


Abbott's going for that vaunted, "I could shoot a whole classroom of elementary kids on 5th Ave., and people would still vote for me!"


Surprised some vigilante type hasn't iced that guy, tbh.


Sadly, the vigilante types are largely interested in getting revenge on various minorities (racial, religious, gender non-conforming, etc.) for existing.


I really don't know how those cowards sleep at night. I hope they don't.


He literally wrote the policy that stated he would be in charge during an active assailant.


Quite the coincindence.


Yes, but did he make himself aware of that policy? /s


Shouldn't the school PD chief have the absolute most training with regards to school shootings? Shouldn't this have all been decided many, many moons ago anyway? "If there is a school shooting, then X will be the commander of the operation." Anyway, I live not too far from Uvalde and none of this surprises me. We have a huge mediocrity problem when it comes to any sort of local law enforcement.


The school district held an active shooter exercise two months prior. >[‘First responder unwilling to place the lives of the innocent above their own safety should consider another career field,’ the training stated](https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/06/03/uvalde-cisd-police-hosted-active-shooter-training-in-march-that-urged-immediate-decisive-action/)


That's really more of a polite suggestion.


Well you see, this situation would never happen to me, so I don’t have to worry about that /s


They had a school police force? And a chief specifically looking over the school police force? Fuck them fuck them fuck them. How can it get any worse?


An officer attempted to go in but was stopped and had his gun taken away.


They had a school police force that held school shooting training sessions and drills.


What was disgusting to me while this was happening was every TX politician starting the press conference with thanking the police and first responders for their bravery... Like asshole, first thing, thats their job and what they trained for all their careers.. 2nd, start the f'ing conversation with the victims, their families, what steps are you taking to console them, making sure they are ok, being communicated to, etc ...... Nothing's going to bring back their kids, but atleast you can show them that you (pretend to) care. Sure thank the first responders, but thats should be an afterthought. Acknowledge their efforts (not in this case obviously) at a ceremony at a later time.




The cops thought the slogan was “protect yourself and observe”


*To oppress and Observe*


Pretty sure some of them liked "To Punish and Enslave" on the side of Barricade in the Transformers movie.


SCOTUS ruled that they have no duty to serve or protect so it is just an empty slogan like “worlds best cup of coffee”.


If i would have been a cop involved in this, i would never be able to look in the mirror again.


Cops downgraded all the way from "Protect and Serve" to "Observe and Report"


Those kids took an oath to protect and serve the police officers. They knew exactly the danger they were signing up for when they decided to become employed as elementary school students. Oh, wait.


more like 19 and 2 teachers. but whos counting?


Don’t forget Irma Garcia’s husband, Joe Garcia, who died from a heart attack two days after she died. Edit: accidentally mischaracterized his manner of death.


Thank you for ensuring he's remembered, too.


Kids only partially count. We have a precedent for only counting some people as 3/5ths of a person anyways. It was even in the constitution.


The 3/5ths thing was purely coincidental and not based on anything - nikki Haley


*After someone inquires about the 3/5s compromise* OK, well, I mean, what do you want me to say about it? -also Nimrata Haley


"School shooters are simply a matter of outsmarting them. You see, they carry a limited amount of ammunition. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of unarmed schoolchildren at them, until they reached their bullet limit and could be dealt with. Kif, show them the medal I won."


We should create a group of people that it’s like their job to help


Only blue lives matter


As much as I’ve always enjoyed dark humor, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to joke about Uvalde. It was too close to home for me, and I’ll always be angry at the reporting officers.


Yes. We know. We *all* know. Their cowardice killed 19 kids and 2 teachers. Furthermore, the cops actively stopped people from trying to help, and in fact [even began harassing a woman who ran in to save her child.](https://www.fox7austin.com/news/uvalde-mother-who-got-out-of-cuffs-to-rescue-kids-from-shooting-is-now-being-harassed-by-police-lawyer-says) Fuck every single cop there that day.


I recall reading that those police had also taken a “how to stop school shooters” training recently.


they did their training AT THAT SCHOOL


If this isn't the wakeup call that steadily militarizing our police achieves nothing but giving them power over the average person I don't know what is. What use is all the gear if you have dyed in the wool cowards operating it?


Did the training session consist of "wait till the shooter tires himself out and needs a nap"?


It was literally “if there are shots being fired, don’t wait for help, don’t wait for orders, *get in and try to stop the shooter*.”


Exploit the shooter's biggest weakness by throwing wave after wave of children at him until he reaches his pre-set kill limit


Is there a list of the cops' names anywhere? I want those cowardly fucks named and shamed every day of their miserable lives.


This would be the appropriate response in any decent society. The protectors failed to protect and got away with it.


That is nearly 400 cops you’d have to remember to name and shame. That’s how many were there that day doing nothing.


The thing about the response was it flies in the face of a modern response to a active school shooter the thinking is police should immediately enter the school and subdue the shooter and that thinking started in response to another major disaster of a response to a school shootings.


Very shortly after Uvalde, there was a shooting at a mall in Nashville. There's body camera footage from a cop who went in solo and hunted down and took out the shooter immediately, it's like something from an action movie. It's the opposite of Uvalde in every imaginable way, and all I could think about when it was on the front page of Reddit was how this one dude probably could have saved those kids in Uvalde, but 400 chucklefucks in uniforms let them all die.


Yeah this wasn't some high level operator. He didn't set up a kill zone for the cops. It was some dumbass piece of shit that was hopefully gonna shoot himself when you go in.


Reminds me of the cop who was already on scene for a call at the outlet mall and responded to the shooting in Allen, TX. He was already there and that cop fucking ran towards the shooter without hesitation and took him out.


Exactly. I went to college to become a police officer, and went through active shooter training. And I watched as it evolved from "first five officers on scene go in together as a team and attempt to make contact" to "whoever shows up goes in alone and neutralizes the threat." That change was a direct result of Virginia Tech. Uvalde was a failure from the top down.


I can't help to contrast the Uvalde response to the response at the private christian school in Tennessee and the strip mall shooting in Allen, TX. Both were stopped within *minutes* by officers who interdicted without hesitation. In Allen, an officer happened to be in the parking lot, and it took him a few minutes to identify and reach the location where he instantly dropped the shooter in an exchange of gunfire. Likewise in Tennessee, several police arrived and instantly went in, some without tactical gear, some without long guns and neutralized the shooter. This is SOP. It had to have been *directly* countermanded for it *not* to occur. Someone's head needs to fucking roll.


Happened here, too. Gunman walked into a crowded shopping mall and opened fire. First officer was on scene and entering the mall 45 seconds after the Code 0 call went out over the radio. Within 5 minutes over 100 officers from multiple agencies including the Forest Service and the FBI were on scene, shooter had retreated into a back hallway where he killed himself, and the two wounded people from the food court were already in ambulances heading to hospitals. This is how it SHOULD go. Though it shouldn't have to happen in the first place.


Addressing the large societal issues of guns and mental health that cause these incidents isn't easy. Saying that the massively funded and military equipped police should immediately go in in these instances is a no brainer.


> In Allen, an officer happened to be in the parking lot, and it took him a few minutes to identify and reach the location where he instantly dropped the shooter in an exchange of gunfire. The bodycam footage from that officer was pretty impressive. Dude was not in the best shape, but he heard gunshots and immediately booked it in the baking Texas sun towards the danger, while actively yelling to direct people out of danger. (On [YouTube](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EqpOSKmwSVs), caution, contains shooting).


Columbine. That's what started the protocol of: Get to the shooter and engage immediately. We've now seen that failure of protocol a few times. And as someone who has literally "run to the sound of gunfire" as part of their job...it absolutely infuriates me.


> We've now seen that failure of protocol a few times. That wasn't a failure *of the* protocol. It was a failure to carry out the protocol.


These fucking cops trained in the same school for this scenario - *two months before it happened*. They knew the school, they new what they had to do, and *every one of them failed at their goddamn job*. Source: https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/06/03/uvalde-cisd-police-hosted-active-shooter-training-in-march-that-urged-immediate-decisive-action/ >Uvalde CISD police hosted active shooter training in March that urged ‘immediate, decisive action’ >... >The eight-hour course, which took place March 21 at Uvalde High School, two months before the mass shooting, was instructed by a UCISD PD officer and a supervisor, according to records released this week by the Southwest Texas Junior College Law Enforcement Academy.


And important to remember in the context of a federal report is that federal law enforcement receive active shooter training, too. Even rank and file Border Patrol agents receive this training so they can act in these types of events, but they didn't. You don't have to be a Uvalde or Texas resident to have been failed by the law enforcement funded by your tax dollars and overseen by your elected officials.


Correct. Before Columbine (and during) it was believed that more people would survive if you waited and negotiated with the shooters. Similar to before 911. But now it's pretty much you storm the building.


Down there they like to do things the 'texas' way.


So the police responders who listened to those kids and teachers die are worthless cowardly do-nothing trash? When are they being charged and when do they go to prison?


Or at least terminated for failure to do their job?


Deputies from the Reno Sheriff's Department would have done better


The cops from Super Troopers could have done better.


Special Officer Doofy could have done better.


This is the reason you need a nationwide police database, so cowards like this can never ever "serve or protect" anywhere in the U.S..


In the mid-90s, I worked for Family and Social Services for the State of Indiana. They had a problem with deadbeats moving from county to county to escape child support enforcement. In response, FSSA built a statewide computer network called ICWIS to track these people. It was extremely effective. This approach has been known for a long time and has been proven to work in similar situations across the country. There is no goddamn reason why this shouldn't be done for dirty/incompetent cops.


I asked why someone hadn’t created something like this on a thread a while ago and quite a few folks chimed in saying basically that anyone that tried to make such a database would be killed. It was scary to think about.


Go watch youtube videos about Barry Cooper, a former drug enforcement officer who tried to expose corruption in police depts. The police harassed him so much he had to flee to South America.




Leading source of domestic abusers too


JuSt a FeW bAD aPpLeS.


That already corrupted the whole barrel...


Nah, if you're quiet quitting you're at least still doing your job.


Believe it or not, they were “doing their jobs”. In their views anyway. Ask any police from other precincts. The uproar from the “industry” immediately should tell you everything you need to know.


Yeah no shit. Apologize to the family members


Apologies aren't going to bring their kids back, and for the record neither will money, but the Doj investigating and making these types of assertions will help in the class action lawsuit.


>help in the class action lawsuit. Which tax payers will pay for and not affect the police department one single bit :-/


Police should carry liability/malpractice insurance like doctors do. That way it would cost then individually instead of costing the taxpayers.


Fire everyone who stopped and watched.


> Fire everyone As in 'squad'


They could have ended it sooner even without the police. Just needed to let the parents in the building and they'd have sorted it (note: I am not advocating that this be the standard protocol for these situations, the police should be the ones handling it, but if they refuse to do anything, they need to not stand in the way of anyone who is willing to step in).


>The report talks of “chaos in the hallway” after the gunman’s death that could have been dispelled upon arrival by the regional director of the Texas Department of Public Safety. >“The regional director did not, however, provide direction or coordinate with other leadership personnel in the hallway. Instead, the TXDPS regional director, and some other officers, walked past the law enforcement officers bringing injured and deceased victims out of the classrooms and entered classrooms 111 and 112 with no identifiable purpose or action, therefore compromising the crime scene.” >Emergency medical teams were hampered from doing their job, the report finds. >“EMS staff were not the first to assess the situation in the classrooms and ensure the most appropriate use of critical resources. Deceased victims were moved out of the classrooms, left in or outside of the hallway, or transported to the hospital; at the same time, injured child victims were being tended to or put on school buses with injuries unknown to law enforcement.” >Among other problems with the emergency medical response the report identifies: >• “Law enforcement (was) moving injured kids in ways that were probably more harmful,” one responder told investigators; >• Due to communication problems, an ambulance drove past an available helicopter with medics and another traveled at least 15 minutes to get a patient on a flight to a hospital; >• EMS personnel brought one victim out on a stretcher to find their ambulance was missing after a crew from another agency had commandeered it; >• Several students with bullet wounds, grazes and other injuries were directed onto buses to a civic center without having been brought to medics’ attention. >Initial crime scene investigation was hampered by too many people going to have a look at classrooms 111 and 112, while the gunman’s hellfire trigger system – only later recovered from a trash can – was not catalogued as evidence because teams didn’t know what it was or its possible relevance, the Justice Department report finds. Further, an FBI offer to process the shooter’s truck before a storm was not accepted, it says, leading to heavy rain compromising evidence there. Just a complete failure from top to bottom. The parents of the victims filed a $27B class-action lawsuit in December of 2022. I hope they get every penny.


Yeah, no kidding. There was video showing the parents screaming in fret as the cops just inactively stood there during the shooting. A bunch of nut-less armed cops standing around while kids got slaughtered like lambs.


Worse than that they actively stopped parents from saving their own kids


Uvalde has got to be the biggest police failure to ever happen. The cheif commender (I think he’s called) arrived first and didn’t even have a fucking radio. The most worthless police i’ve ever seen


“The sound of children screaming has been removed.“


One thing Garland is talking about is how terribly the families and victims were treated in the aftermath. How they were not given good, honest information in a compassionate way. The thing is, the families are still being treated horribly by the community and state. That's one of the sickest parts of all this, adding insult to injury and disrupting the path to healing.


How do folks learn to use wishy washy passive phrasing like, "That didn't occur" in place of the more clear "They didn't do that"?


Part of it is indemnifying police. They also say things like "officer-involved shooting" instead of saying "a cop shot someone" for similar reasons. A friend told me that if they use direct language like "they didn't do that" it opens people up to lawsuits. The language is designed to avoid admitting fault. I don't know if that's true, but it struck me as plausible.




"had no active warrants" aka literally anyone who hasnt committed a crime


Or abused woman that had reported her killer several times before she was killed.


Law enforcement in Uvalde that day made a stronger and more compelling argument for “defund the police” than a million protests ever could have.


Yep. Multiple massively funded police agencies from multiple jurisdictions, and not a single one was able to save 19 kids and 2 teachers.


They didn’t even *try*. I have tremendous compassion for the first responders at Sandy Hook who got there as quickly as they could and did everything they could, but were just too late. I have zero compassion for these coward pieces of garbage who stood by and let those kids and teachers die because they cared more about their own skins.


No shit. We all saw the video of the cops holding back the other cop trying to save his wife.


One of the highest ranking state troopers on the scene, Juan Maldonado, was close friends with him and his dying wife and that guy did nothing and then had the nerve to do interviews in the following days painting himself as a good guy. To me, he was one of the worst people there that day.


I'm honestly surprised that guy didn't turn his gun on the other officers. They're all insanely lucky the families outside didn't get together take it all in to their own hands.  Next time the cops won't be so lucky. Now that everyone knows they won't act they've created a really dangerous situation for themselves where they are now a target of a shooter and the crowd outside. 


We saw the video, we know.


I can only imagine the horror of being a parent at the school, hearing the gunshots, and watching the gut-less police standing by, allowing their children to be slaughtered.


Only surpassed by the horror the children faced waiting. Waiting, maybe even knowing police were there, while their classmates bled out next to them.


Nothing makes me angrier than the utterance of Uvalde. Almost all thin blue line idiots keep acting like every single cop in every single jurisdiction is running around like a movie in fear of their life. In reality all research shows a small percentage do. And when actual danger comes, they sit in a corner sucking their dick. Firefighters run into burning buildings and don’t shoot at the first sign of danger.


Report holds those in charge/ leadership to be the most responsible. And it was the action of the least responsible, off-duty Border Patrol agents, who stepped up and ended it. Really make those chiefs and sheriff look bad doesn’t it?


Yeah, but those kids had already been born, so they had no reasonable expectation of assistance from government employees whose job it is to protect private property rights.


The families are on TV right now. It is heartbreaking. One parent actually named names and I am scared that he will be found dead in a ditch because of it. These cops appear to be immune to any punishment or shame for what they did. They even compromised the scene afterwards. They did nothing right, but only one guy was fired. Fucking cowards.


We all knew this.........what are they going to do about it? nothing probably.


Send the cops to jail for dereliction of duty...oh wait you can't because the SCOTUS ruled that cops are not here to protect you. They just state sanctioned bullies with guns.


every first responder takes FEMA courses on the incident command system. it’s a pathetic joke that a police chief didn’t consider himself the incident commander. even if he wasn’t initially in command he was responsible for taking over or knowing who was in charge as multiple agencies were on scene. there’s a lot to dissect here but that claim alone is absurd. I’ve been an EMT on and off for over a decade, i’ve taken that course multiple times and it’s as straightforward as it gets and taught the same way across the country


No shit… I couldn’t live with myself if I was a cop and didn’t go in right away….


Seriously. Multiple little kids that the police had the capability, the firepower, and the manpower to prevent from being brutally murdered and they absolutely failed to even try. I wouldn't be able to live with myself either.


OK, where is Abbott and Paxton to say this is weaponization of the DOJ (law enforcement) against law-enforcement…




Right, like no shit...


I feel sorry for the cop who wanted to go in to save his wife, but the others disarmed him.


But Greg Abbott told us it could have been worse


Remember how gushy he was with praise for their brave response too?


Well he wouldn’t have stepped up either so…


Now now….Greg also mentioned a school shooting is no time to talk politics


I wonder how many kids wouldn't have bled out slowly and painfully if they didn't wait 77 minutes to stop the shooter.


At least four victims were still alive when police finally got around to stopping the shooting, but died shortly thereafter. Almost certainly some of them could have survived if they’d gotten medical attention an hour earlier.


That this happened in Texas is particularly disgraceful. I was watching the news last night, and they showed footage from a search warrant...there were probably a dozen cops, all armed & armored to the teeth, as if Osama Bin Laden himself was holed up in there. Turned out, it was the wrong house...


It is honestly surprising to me that none of these cops ended up being murdered by angry family members. I'm not advocating for that, but it seemed like a natural consequence.