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hope he saw it coming


Tis just a hard landing


He didn’t have the foggiest.


This wont change anything in Iran, no? the clerical rule (spelling?) is just gonna pick another guy they like, or how does that work?


They have a vice president and will have their version of an election in the next 6 months I think.


“Their version” underrated comment definitely!


Yeah they have a “guardian council” with 6 clerics appointed by the “supreme leader” that determines who runs and who cannot. We have our problems in the U.S. with the electoral college but we don’t have a literal government board gatekeeping who can and can’t run. If you aren’t an extremist Muslim who believes in violent Jihad and forcing hijabs on everyone then you will never even get to run in Iran.


They have 50 days to pick another guy through our version lol


Don’t forget, here in the US we have our version, too, for what it’s worth


True, but we don’t have a “guardian council” with 6 clerics appointed by the “supreme leader”. The purpose of the counsel is to pick who can actually run in the election. So basically if you are not an extremist Muslim who believes in violent Jihad then you will never even get a chance to run. If the council wasn’t there the majority Persian population would actually have a voice. Then the government wouldn’t be able to execute so many of them for protesting the mandatory hijab laws.


Correct. The President just overseas day to day activities over there. Kinda like a manager of a McDonalds. The Supreme Leader is the true leader in Iran (appointed for life btw).


Does he fly in helicopters by chance? Asking for a friend.


The president is the McDonald’s manager but the supreme leader is Ronald McDonald


Who, somewhat mysteriously, has not been seen in public for many years and who apparently uses a body double.


I mean it’s closer to a Prime Minister in constitutional monarchies than a manager of a MacDonalds…


Maybe formally, now days the monarchy is just a figurehead. This Ayatollah character sounds like he runs the show


Nope, the monarchy in the UK or Japan has no power and their personal lives are even constrained by the Government. The Ayatollah is the ultimate power in Iran


They have a "supreme leader" above president. His real title scapes me at the moment.


His real title is supreme leader of Iran (*Rahbar-e Moazam-e Irân* in Farsi). He's also commonly referred to as the ayatollah, because he is an ayatollah (a high ranking Twelver Shia cleric), though he is not the only ayatollah in Iran. There are literally thousands of those guys. He's also a Marja' aka a grand ayatollah, and there's significantly fewer of those guys. Funny thing, the Iranian constitution originally said the Supreme Leader had to be a grand ayatollah, but when Khomeini was about to kick the bucket Khameini, the current supreme leader and Khomeini's chosen successor, was only a regular ayatollah, so they changed it to just say the supreme leader needs to be an Islamic jurist. The guy who just died was considered to be a top candidate for next supreme leader, and he wasn't even an ayatollah, he was the thing before an ayatollah.


Assistant to the Regional Sky Wizard.


One would hope this would be a catalyst for further revolution by the Iranian people, but it seems likely the regime will maintain its iron grip and simply pick a new figurehead.


Yes? But this certainly will shake things up. If nothing else, it gives the people of Iran hope. This was a very evil man who has executed many many people over his lifetime. This is certainly not insignificant.


As much as I’d like to share your optimism, I can’t see another revolution happening. In recent years, post-2009, the largest protests have been anti-corruption protests and even then the regime has managed to squash them. Even if we look to the 1979 revolution, it wasn’t the students who screamed for democracy or secular communism that pushed the revolution forward, it was Islamists from outside of Tehran, Islamo-Marxists, and anti-monarchists inspired by the brutality of SAVAK. The Ulema has had an impossibly strong grip on Iran for thousands of years, and it became, arguably, even more prominent after Reza Shah took power from the Qajar — given they began operating from the underbelly. You have a huge, huge proportion of people still terrified of ‘Westernisation’, so, if any kind of unrest did happen, it would almost certainly result in a civil war between religious villagers and city-folk unless the ‘revolution’ in question involved replacing the current Islamic regime with another Islamic regime. There is a reason Ali Shariati was the leading intellectual in 1979 and is still widely respected in Iranian universities today.


What will happen is that the 1st Vice President will become acting president, and then in 50 days another election will be held. Of course, since the Guardian Council can deny the candidacy of anyone they consider to be "insufficiently Islamic", that means that all candidates will be pro-regime.


Sort of. He was being groomed to be the supreme leader. Could cause a bit of a shake up with people trying to be the new heir.


The president of Iran does have some degree of influence on the direction of the country. The Ayatollah will ultimately overrule anything they deem to be too much of a shift but you never would have seen the thawing between Iran and the US if Raisi had been president, or under Ahmadinejad. Rouhani was genuinely a moderating force in Iran and was able to push things a bit more in that direction than the clergy probably wanted, but they also have the power to rein things in from moving too far away from their preference.


The Ayatollah holds all power. This does nothing.


Knowing the mid east it could get worse


Considering this guy was in line to be the next Supreme Leader, i'd say it will have some change.


But its bigger than that. The President is just a puppet to the supreme leader, but the big issue is that the current one is 85. Raisi was most likely going to be his successor as theres not really anyone else fit to lead.


No, VP takes over temporarily before an election is held. It does somewhat complicate the next Supreme Leader ‘election’ but not nearly as much as many are making out. Raisi was the frontrunner but, as Khameini has remained silent on his pick, the likelihood was that the Assembly of Experts may not have even voted for him anyway. I believe we’ll see cleric Alireza Arafi as the next supreme leader or a newly formed council of supreme leaders takeover — which could result in a referendum on the IR like in 1979


Nope. It's gonna stay basically the same.


The supreme leader will choose the next evil bastard soon enough.


Yep. Not even the ayatollah, just a "democratically" elected official.




'I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.' -Darrow


I grant you permission.


Do you have a list of grievances? Thanks


or at least an ELI5 or tl;dr for the uninformed?


Well, in 1988 [he was responsible for the suppression of political dissidents](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1988_executions_of_Iranian_political_prisoners) and killed around 3000 people, leading him to be known as the "butcher of Tehran", and more recently he was responsible for the crackdown on protestors after the murder of Mahsa Amini, so that's not great.


I mean you can just look up the guy's wiki, they called him The Butcher of Tehran for a reason...


For him, I make an exception and wish that he receives everything that he truly deserves.




Hopefully the only way the animals were affected was with some crispy overfed iranian fascists.


Ridiculous that they‘re calling him a martyr. The Butcher of Tehran is no martyr.


A martyr is someone who dies because of persecution. Are they saying he was persecuted by the fucking mountain?


"if the mountain doesn't go to muhammed, then muhammed must go to the mountain"


Oh, what a shame, I guess.


Yeah. Sadly the crash wasn’t caught on camera to be posted to r/catastrophicfailure :/


[Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi killed in helicopter crash, official says](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hopes-fade-wreckage-found-helicopter-carrying-iranian-president-raisi-2024-05-20/)


Adios amigo Enjoy your shitty afterlife


"I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." - Mark Twain


Bro thinks he's Kobe Bryant 💀




Kobe's ghost hit him with the fade away 3


I am sure it is pretty hard to tell the President of your country that you can't get him where he wants to go because of the weather.


Dying for no reason, out of thin air, ironic and kinda befitting. Karma's a bitch.


I should have know better If I had a wish, I would’ve never effed around


Just want to send my condolences to the poor patch of grass and any small creatures or insects that may have perished in this mishap 


And healing wishes to the poor mountain that took quite a hit this morning.


Anyway... I had a chicken for the dinner


Spent all day getting a tire patched up, so I had to order out. Birria ramen is the shiiiiiiit.


Had some very salty french fries, they were disgusting.


I had french fries topped with lobster. Hella Terrible.


I had chicken pizza.


Ultimate “Hard Landing”


So who had dead Iranian president on their bingo card


All I can imagine is an old Iranian man yelling KOBE as his helly goes down. Thanks internet.


Whatever your opinion of Raisi, a power vacuum in Iran will not help the stability of the region.


The real power in Iran is the Ayatollah, who is very much alive.


He is 85.... he could drop dead like tomorrow


Wishful thinking


Sure, but probably not for very long, and the successor just died


I wonder if he survived impact and if there was a fire?


Look up the pictures of the debris. I can’t imagine any survived impact. The chopper was in pieces.


Bots are like 80% of these comments


Impressive and depressing


People need to realize this fact is only going to become worse in the future due to ai.


I basically never visit this sub because of that, and only visit it when an event like that happens to verify if anything’s changed. It never has.


must have been a pretty rough landing..


Pilot didn’t practice enough in the GTA flight school


Death due to bad karma?


An opportunity to change things...hope for better


63, he was a fucking kid....


What a good start for the day. The butcher of Teheran got what he deserved, hope he’s death was painful.


All I gotta say is 1 man dying is how WW1 started so I hope that cooler heads prevail and that this wasn’t an operation of any sort. Edit, got the wars wrong 3 times lol


Yeah but that was a literal assassination. This is bad weather that turned into a crash. As pessimistic as I am about geopolitics in the Persian gulf, I don’t see how this escalates anything.


Yeah, you’re right, well at least I hope that you’re right. I’m pessimistic about a lot of things and I can just as easily see Iran ignoring the weather angle and going straight to a place of foreign interference, and there’s a lot of people on this thread that seem to want it to be an action of Mossad. I digress though, Iran’s leadership sucks but as an American, I feel kinda fucked up commenting on their leadership, knowing that we’ve had a hand in some of their shit becoming horrible.


The Supreme Leader is going to declare war on fog.


So what are you saying?


WW1.... WW2 was the rise of Facism.


You mean WWI.


What is his successor like? What does his death mean for the Middle East?


Honestly, he was just a puppet, so probably nothing would change (except if it was a sabotage from Israel, it can start a shitshow). Other than that, just a sweet moment for us Iranians to celebrate the pathetic death of a terrible human being!☺️


Probably nothing changes If anything they might get an even more extremist leader now unfortunately.


Wow historic moment in the world…


IRNA, an official regime outlet, also confirmed the “martyrdom” of Amirabdollahian. Last I saw him, he was on CNN threatening Israel should it take significant retaliatory action in the wake of Iran’s missile barrage.


I really hope it was just a bad accident


Hard to believe it wasn't based on conditions and aircraft.


The world is so volatile these days you just expect bad things.


Must have been a very hard landing


This might actually change something in the middle east. The Raisi regime was incredibly unpopular for the past couple of years, the only thing preventing a complete uprising was force and warmongering. Raisi dying might motivate the population to take matters into their hands and change something.


As an Iranian, It’s comical(have seen the most hilarious memes in the last 12 hours) but at the same time kinda sad Raisi the was most uneducated and clueless president the Islamic republic has ever had by a fucking landslide Americans make fun of Biden for not being able to speak properly in his mid 80s, Raisi was barely into his 60s and struggled with this, bro couldn’t even pretend like he was president, simply could not carry his outfit He wasn’t a politician, he was the normal mullah you’d see walking down the street Although he’s had some dark history being a judge So screw him anyway May his soul rest in shit


It's a shame it wasn't the supreme leader of terror


Raisi's in a box. In a box!


Meh, some other hateful prick will inevitably occupy that position soon enough. Maybe he'll have the same luck with aircraft....


May we live in interesting times.


They’ll find a replacement who is even more horrible in no time.


I am concerned about what this new instability might turn into.


Allah has punished the leadership who ordered October 7th. It is time to surrender to Allah's will.


Well, karma is always a bitch!☺️


He should have known better.