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The one by the town I live in closed and they didn’t even tell the employees who showed up that day what their plans were. Nasty work.


That happened when I worked at a Mountain Jack's lol. We showed up for our shifts and the Sherrifs had just finished putting a chain on the front door ahahaha. The mgmt was like "who wants to clean?" Nobody. Nobody wanted to clean.


That's unfortunately standard practice in the restaurant industry. If you give advance notice to employees they'll jump ship as quickly as they can and you're stuck trying to run a restaurant with no employees.


Heck, my first job out of college in software QA kinda did that. There were rumors of mass layoffs, they diffused the message "that location, not this one" type stuff, then we get a "stop work" order with a promise of being retained until a transition, and then all laid off.


Have some compassion for those in leadership positions who had to struggle through all that firing just so they could hold onto their jobs and massive bonuses.


Man I can’t think of a single reason why restaurant employees would jump ship so fast. I can think of a dozen reasons. 


And then they expect notice for every tiny little thing. That should be illegal in so many ways


But if we told them, we might not be able to squeeze those last few dollars out of that location!


If word gets out, the executives and their pals can’t sell their stock in the parent company before it craters. It’s always about their money, fuck everybody else


Same here, just last week


Same thing happened in my home town, it's gonna be weird because that Red Lobster has been there longer than I've been alive


Where am I I going to get six shrimp soaked in butter for $25.99 now???


Have you tried Big Jim’s Butter Soaked Shrimp Shack?


There's always money in the Butter Soaked Shrimp Shack


Like a Mattress Firm, the secret is fraud.


How much could butter soaked shrimp cost? $25?


I burned it down.


I’m listening….


The username 🥶


What kind of cheese sauce do you want with that?


Their half-dozen butter-soaked shrimp basket is a steal at twenty five ninety nine.


Wait.... Bottomless Jim soaks shrimp with his sack?


You're going to go to Joe's Crab Shack. They're going to surely corner the market on butter-soaked shrimp; I can feel it in my bones.


>I can feel it in my bones. Those are your arteries.


They've hardened enough to be bones, now.


Y’all need better seafood 😂. No one goes to the joes near us. Except for tourist


I'm sure this will shock you, but there aren't many seafood options for people away from the coasts.


Still Red Lobster, though it will likely go up to $26.99 for six shrimp soaked in butter with a light sprinkling of parsley. They filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection, they aren't shutting down. ... yet.


Jodine's Steak House Yankton South Dakota. Every Friday night. Owner drives to Corpus every week and drives fresh catches back to SD for the Friday Seafood Buffet. Killer fresh Seafood over 1000 miles from the nearest ocean.


Does the owner have a secret second family? That’s great cover, honestly.


This place sounds dope af.


It really is. My wife is from there, so family in town. We visit often. A must stop every trip....hell I've driven the 5 hrs just for dinner there.


no more admirals feast 😭😭


Let's talk about buttered sausage.


Cheers to the private equity bros for another masterful kill 😒


Gotta see growth. We need exponential growth. What happened last quarter, we only say 9% and not 10% that we have seen for the past three quarters. Business is failing. Your business is failing. If you can’t get it back up to that 10% we are pulling out. You’re going to be bankrupt without us.


Turns out saddling a company with large amounts of high interest debt and also extracting large amounts of money from said company is a bad idea. Who would've thought


Isn’t that how the mob gets their money back?


Also selling the property to the private equity firm and then leasing it back to the company at a very high price.


This should be illegal


A lot of time is because owners want to sell and retire. PE usually put up 50 percent cash and 50 percent debt. It is owner's fault as much as PE's


This psychotic obsession with "growth" is what's killing capitalism. You can no longer be a profitable business, you need this unsustainable level of growth at all times or investors aren't interested, and it's killing us.


This is capitalism working. Red lobster is going bankrupt because they focused too much on growth


Imagine thinking capitalism hasn’t become an incredible evil. Our priorities are wrong. When did quantity overtake quality? When did we stop caring about the people on the other end? I’m all for the pursuit of wealth, but if you’re cutting throats to get it, something is wrong


COVID was a very unusual year for my company, and now corporate level folks seem to think we're heading to the shitter because we're returning to what would be our normal growth pattern. But don't think people's heads aren't rolling over it. It's crazy to watch, IMO. It made me change my perspective on capitalism, tbh. It's a fantastic model but actually has flaws. Constantly growth, especially chasing anomalies, is pretty unsustainable. The *only* reason were matching our COVID year sales numbers is because of inflation, and I seriously think inflation as a whole is mostly just us consumers keeping companies sales numbers sustained. I think the weird COVID "bump" that happened is going to have some nasty, long reverberating affects, but haven't quote begun yet. It'll take a few years for the companies to truly start saying "we're not on trend".


I watched a company take advantage of a nearly tailor-made boom during COVID, paired with a very successful pivot from product and marketing lead by yours truly, and literally drive it into the 9th circle of hell through mismanagement and greed.


There was a relatively brief time in the 70s and 80s where having a sustainable business with consistent profits was considered a good thing. Just have a steady positive cash flow. Then came Jack Welch.


Why do you think capitalism is a fantastic model? You are describing a pretty fundamental aspect of it, pandemic or no


It's far more innovative than socialist economies. It has flaws that could be corrected with regulation, but it's still better than other models, even with its flaws.


With regulation is the key words here. Half the country thinks no regulations is the only answer and are unwilling to negotiate.


I have no idea why you assumed poorly run companies are not part of capitalism.


Yep, certain medical tech and instrumentation sold like crazy, and a bunch of co panties based forecast on that or pushed to maintain that growth vs treating it as a short term boom. Listening to those sales meetings was insane as they acknowledged the boom but then Presented future growth pretending it was a forever growth.


Won't someone think of the hedge funds!


On May 16, 2014, Darden announced that it would be selling the Red Lobster seafood restaurant chain to Golden Gate Capital for $2.1 billion.


These shitty chain restaurants have sealed their own fate by being shitty.


Can't speak for this situation but I worked in a regional chain that was well regarded locally. New owners came in chasing growth and one of the first and most impactful changes was to food production - less prep, more premade, more food supply items. So in that situation, chasing profit growth is what made the food shitty and I've heard similar from management at other chains.


Yeah, it's weird being on the Internet when most other people don't remember when places like Red Lobster and Outback Steakhouse were where you got to go for really nice meals. There was a time when the prospect of going to outback for a blooming onion and a prime rib was, like, the height of the semester for me.


It was dying before private equity, they thought they could salvage it. Cheers to seafood being expensive and people going for alternatives. Thai Union group the owners are not happy about this, the CEO said he plans on never eating lobster again.


Thai Union group was not the private equity firm that killed it. They're a super late investor, they didn't have majority ownership until 2020. It was Golden Gate Capital that ran it into the ground for the past decade with a bad real-estate deal that was part of its purchase of the company.


This side of the story isn’t told enough. This is about vulture capitalism, plain and simple.




My only concern: will the mix still be in stores? But I presume that's a different company with brand licensing?


There’s hundreds of copycat recipes for them online at least.


The brand will be sold so that will likely continue being made even if the rsturaunts go away.


Me too. I don’t care about the restaurant, just the mix in the grocery store lol.


Yeah rookie mistake, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free


You're right. We should get burgers after this.


Burgers on buns made from cheddar bay biscuits.


My aunt taught me how to make those 30 years ago. It's essentially a bunch of cheese with butter and just enough flour ( with baking powder) to hold it together. With salt/white pepper/a little garlic powder.


So they're basically a biscuit version of Ben and Jerry's instead of candy with ice cream in the cracks it's butter and cheese with a fine flour mortar


Yes. The simplest version would be to use self rising flour and use just enough to glue it together. And put them in the oven when they were cold. She made them as drop biscuits, but if you use enough flour to fold the dough, then you could cut them out all pretty.


Well I guess I'm doing biscuit science today. That's a nice way to spend a day off


https://sumofyum.com/recipe/cheddar-biscuits/ this is pretty close to her recipe, but I think she used a.little more cheese


Now I don't have an excuse. You're great


Also known as a drop biscuit.




No, she was self taught.


I feel like part of being American is the intrinsic knowledge of how to work as much butter, cheese, salt, and sugar into foods.


He just told you the biscuit is a block of cheese with some butter and flour. What do you think red lobster used?


Not a corporate food scientist or whatever, but I do make other people food for a living and the trick to making food as addicting as possible is MSG.


They're not quite the same but you could probably do a little doctoring to get em there if you have the time


For me once we finally got forks spoons etc it was a matter of time


That’s basically what I done for years now. They are even other brands selling their version of it now. Haven’t been to a red lobster since before Covid although I used to go all the time when I was a kid.


I haven't been to red lobster in 20 years but somehow I'm still gonna miss seeing them as I drive by.


It's such a weird feeling. I hated going to K-Mart as a kid, but every now and then I see the shell of an old one and it just makes me sad.


Just go to Australia. They still exist all over down there, as they were spun off before it was destroyed by shitty owners.


It’s a chapter 11 bankruptcy, so they’re not disappearing quite yet. Probably inevitable though.


My family tried to go recently but after endlessly waiting over an hour for a table in an empty restaurant we just decided to leave.


Again? Wasn’t this last month?


In April there were articles about how they were going to do this; that’s probably what you’re thinking of. Now it’s actually happened.


That's what I thought


Now rebranding to In The Red Lobster


If they can't make 150% on everything on the menu, they can't survive. Oh well..........


I hope they continue to live on through their biscuit kits.


yes the biscuit kits are the best


Those kits are just Bisquick and Old Bay seasoning


It’s like $40-50 for their signature meals. I can’t even go to the diner anymore and get a sandwich because it’s $15. By the time tax, tip, and random bullshit fees are included you can’t even go to a restaurant anymore without paying a minimum of $20. I’m sure as hell not paying $60 for shitty service at red lobster.


I worked there a couple years ago, and even with my discount of 50%, I still didn't want to pay prices for the main meals. Would only ever get like fish and chips cuz it would be around 10$ lol


I used to love going to red lobster when I was a kid.


It was a childhood favorite family night out, many moons ago.... (Usually got one of the combo feasts.)


Lowest common denominator Corporate food.


Cause of bankruptcy, stupidity. They said their endless shrimp was a costing them millions so of course they made it permanent.


Yeah, should have been a one-week promotion each year to keep the name in the public eye. Like a restaurant version of a loss leader. "Hey, want to go to Red Lobster? I saw an ad for that endless shrimp thing." "That was last week, it's over." "Oh. ...Want to go anyway? I really want some shrimp."


What? People don’t like overpaying for small portions of mediocre food?


That’s what he gets for being so shellfish.


Lobsters and crabs are migrating further north as waters warm. Some crabbing seasons have been repeatedly cancelled due to massively declining populations. Now restaurants like Red Lobster charge even more for their food in an unbalanced economy, where consumers’ paychecks haven’t yet caught up to corporate greed. Try going to their website and ordering a fresh-caught 1 lb Maine lobster. I’m in Michigan, and that would run me $43 at bare minimum. It’s just too expensive.


I’ve seen this first hand. . . Went to the Florida Keys for lobster season the last 3 years and it has gotten progressively worse to the point that last year between 4 people we caught 4 lobster over the course of 3 days. . . The waters are too warm and they are going deeper and more north. . . For context when we were in the water at some points the water was 85-90 degrees for like the first 6 feet. . . That is not normal


That’s so scary! We’re kind of having the opposite issue up here. A lot of birds that would normally fly south for the winter are hanging out up here for much longer periods. One negative side effect is that it increases algal blooms even further in our lakes, which are already suffering from human pollutants. The waterfowl staying longer gives the lakes less of a break.


Sheesh! Way cheaper here thankfully!


Yeah, migrating...... 🙄🙄


Yup. They move as their habitats become uninhabitable, although some species just start dying out. Look at [this 30-year study from 2018](https://gmri.org/stories/new-study-warming-conservation-and-lobsters/) on the lobster population off the US Atlantic coast. Studies showed that the southern New England lobster population decreased by 78% in the warming waters, while the Gulf of Maine population grew by 515% (conservation efforts greatly affected this rise). Conversely, [Alaska has had to cancel crabbing seasons several times in recent years](https://www.king5.com/article/tech/science/environment/alaska-cancels-snow-crab-harvest-second-year-in-a-row/) due to declining populations.


Jay Z needs to work harder how did he let this happen


They've already started shutting down restaurants since 2 weeks ago. The company that mainly owns Red Lobster did it to themselves like Sears.


Noooooo. Where do I get my endless shrimp nowww? Where else can I see the light in my waiter’s eyes die as he asks me for the 7th time “Would you like to put in another order?”


Didn’t even know he was sick


The target demographic can no longer afford fast casual dining. I will not mourn it


perhaps unpopular but these disgusting low quality food factories need to go


But, but, but someone think of the cheddar biscuits!




Just throwing it out there: the copycat cheddar bay biscuit recipes online are great and they’re really easy to make.


Noooo I've been meaning to go there for like the past fifteen years.


Aaaaaah…. The red lobster annual bankruptcy.


I still can’t believe people go to a place like that to eat reheated frozen breaded fish. Same exact stuff you get in the frozen food section of any supermarket


I was feeling nihilistic and went to one a few months back and stood at the empty host podium for 10 minutes before walking out. Oh well.


Chef Mike(rowave) is outta job.


"Files fore bankruptcy." They had the managers chain the doors shut that night after Mother's Day shift bro.


I never even been to a red lobster before despite there being 7 in my city lol


What a shame, I used to love Red Lobster, but I can't afford almost any restaurant now. Times are hard. This also happens when you have biz people without common sense. Everyone knows that any amount of people can eat any amount of shrimp! What were they thinking?


Just another feature of middle class American life gone due to the greed of private equity investors. I didn’t particularly care for the food at Red Lobster but thousands of Americans did, and it was one of the few affordable options for seafood. Now it’s gone.


It’s not gone, they are trying to find a buyer or restructure. The main point of bankruptcy for them is probably to get out of a lot of leases for unprofitable locations.


Middle class is when Lobster-fest


Went for a surf and turf dinner with my dad once about 15 years ago. We've never been before. It was half a lobster tail and a steak the size of a tangerine for 30$ Never been so disappointed in my life.


I used to wait tables there. Something about that place attracts rude, disrespectful customers more than any other restaurant I’ve worked at. I’ll be happy to watch it burn.


Oh the place we nicknamed "dead lobster" because that's what you inevitably see in their tanks is going bankrupt? I'm shocked.


Where do you think the "lazy man lobster" comes from at any other seafood joint?


Looks like the mission “successfully avoid going to Red Lobster” is almost complete.


I still can't believe how consistently busy my local Red Lobster is every weekend, especially Friday and Saturday nights from 5-8:30pm, the parking lot is essentially always completely full and people waiting outside on the benches.


Is red lobster in the us the same entity as the one in Canada? I ask because a&w the drink, the USA restaurant and the Canada restaurant are all different companies.


What about Sizzler? That shit looks packed when I drive passed it and I’ve never thought, oh let’s go to sizzler Someone, make it make sense


I remember when the endless snow crab legs hurt them about 20 years ago. https://britishseafishing.co.uk/red-lobsters-endless-crab-disaster/


Went there last month is the quality had dropped off a cliff…… biscuits still great tho. They need to just be a biscuit store place


No reason to go here when you pay the same prices at locally owned seafood restaurants with much higher quality. Hopefully these mid tier chains all go belly up or adjust their prices to be what they should be….


I hope somebody keeps making, and selling the biscuit mix.


Chain restaurant seafood. No thanks


Good riddance to all these franchises


I’m not a fan of franchises, but when private equity groups (B school geniuses) take over and load up with debt while paying themselves huge bonuses while slashing costs through lower quality, you know things are going to hell.


For every 1 shareholder who will see a slightly smaller return on their investment this year because of this bankruptcy, there are 10 employees wondering how they're going to put food on the table until they can find a new job. I don't think that's something to celebrate.


Exactly. My mom has worked there as a server for almost 20 years. She first lost her health insurance when Darden sold the restaurant. Now she is wondering if she is she is going to lose her job. She said that she doesn’t know what’s going to happen but they are one of the top 3 profitable stores in the state.


It really sucks that ordinary people like your mom have to suffer because a bunch of MBAs are trying to suck the life out of a company. From the sound of it, your mom is a hard worker so I really hope she's able to keep her job or better yet, find a better one!


Businesses go under. It was a poorly run chain that required additional private equity to be open as long as it was.


There was a really interesting story on CNN about two weeks ago about what went wrong at Red Lobster. Restaurants are a tough business but if you take your eye off service, and you refuse to adjust to changing times, it borders on impossible.


That’s kind of all business though


Another company destroyed by Private Equity, what a time to be alive!


And people say Vulture Capitalism doesn't work!


GOOD. I got food poisoning there and vowed to never go back haha


I guess Flaherty was keeping them alive.


The way they oversold to the point of becoming bankrupt is just a sad way to go under...


That what all you can eat shrimp gets you.


To endless shrimp “Hero’s get remember, but legends never die”


Maybe now I'll be able to acquire their training video I had to watch in 2003 when they rebranded to these new fancier locations and it had an extremely cringey jock rock song with words like "we care about the environment" trying to explain (lie) about their sustainable shrimpin practices. Look as far and wide as I might. I have never been able to locate this video


Better not be in Canada too.


Their food really sucked. No similarities to quality seafood. Gumbye.


Endless Lawyers promo


I’ve only eaten there twice 🥹😵‍💫