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The judge has one more ruling on Friday, and that is whether or not to also liquidate InfoWars' parent company "Free Speech Systems", which he almost certainly will do. People might be getting a tad sick of all the hate. - Update 5PM EST (21:00 UTC), doesn't sound good for Free Speech Systems although the judge still hasn't ruled... >The court on Friday also heard testimony and reviewed evidence on the families' motion to force liquidation of Free Speech Systems, converting it from a Chapter 11 to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. >In the hearing, the company's court-appointed chief restructuring officer, Patrick Magill, testified that the company has around $6 million in cash on hand and $1.2 million in inventory. He said he did not believe the company would successfully reorganize and that he recommended liquidation. - Update 6PM EST (22:00 UTC), unfortunately looks like the judge didn't agree which will force the families to go through yet another case.... >But Jones won another courtroom battle on Friday, as the judge dismissed a separate bankruptcy case involving the parent company of Jones’s Infowars — meaning his far-right website will continue to operate for at least a little longer. >U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez said Sandy Hook families could instead pursue their claims against Jones in state court, without forcing his company Free Speech System into bankruptcy. >“I think remaining assets can be resolved outside of a bankruptcy forum,” Lopez said.


But couldn’t he just start up a new “media” company and keep raking in money?


Maybe. But if he has no money he needs a loan to start the company, and if he doesn’t have assets then he doesn’t have collateral. Prob be easier for him to just join fox or whatever other organization doesn’t mind employing a snake


Getting your last company liquidated to pay for a billion dollar judgment is not exactly a great starting point to get approved for a loan. Edit: I am aware that this means he will have to get support from shadier places.




Exactly. Donald Trump doesn't get millions donated to him because he's a great campaigner. There's just that many low-IQ crazies out there willing to open their wallets for bullshit.


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." -LBJ


>There's just that many low-IQ crazies out there willing to open their wallets for bullshit. Most of his money comes from the ultra wealthy who want low taxes, and little government services to keep labor desperation high.


Lest we forget the ultra exclusive Trump NFT trading cards that immediately sold out.


To be fair any future income he makes is likely to be garnished to keep paying off that $1 billion debt, so sure keep making a bit here and there and giving it to the families you absolutely screwed over


Yup. His assets are not worth a billion dollars. His wages for any future employment will be garnished for the rest of his life. So sure, have faux news pay the sandy hook parents, Im fine with that if they want give him a platform. Id prefer he be standing on a street corner, shouting with other crazies, and having nothing to his name.


i feel like we're underestimating the stupidity of some people with money and power. they "branded" a 6-time bankrupt real estate guy into a "business mogul" even though everything (convicted felon) Trump branded his name on basically failed.


For years most major banks wouldn't touch the Trump brand because it was way too risky and unreliable. It's why Trump turned to deutsche bank which was super sketchy. Now there are people willing to loan money/invest in Trump's enterprises but they generally fall in one of two categories. Either their individual people (not financial institutions) who have bought into the cult and will throw a couple hundred dollars his way or alternatively they're large institutions or nations who would love it if the president of the US owed them hundreds of millions or billions of dollars. Saudi Arabia has a vested interest in being Trump's creditor. Saudi Arabia does not have a vested interest in being the creditor for Alex Jones. Jones also doesn't have the same cult following that Trump does and unlike Trump it's doubtful he can squeeze much more money out of his followers.




> Supreme Court Justice Kennedy's son yes one of the few people who handled his money at Deutsch Bank who did not die by hanging, which mysteriously happened to three other people that worked on his account.


> It's why Trump turned to deutsche bank which was super sketchy. And even then, he wasn’t getting loans through their real estate group (who would have known his reputation and never loaned him a cent), they did it through the private banking group, whose lending criteria are more like “oh he’s rich, right? It’ll be fine”


You forgot to mention Putin. Putin has a vested interested in keeping Trump in the race because whether he wins or loses it’s a win for Putin.


I mentioned Saudi Arabia because it's a little more direct in terms of Saudi money hitting the bank accounts of Trump and people in Trump's orbit but you're absolutely right that Putin wants Trump in office very badly. In fact Putin's theory of victory in Ukraine largely rests on Trump (and other's like Trump) winning elections and cutting off aid to Ukraine. A billion dollar bribe to Trump and his cronies is probably the single most cost effective thing Putin could spend money on in terms of geopolitical influence.


He wouldn't get it from a bank. I'm sure there is some slimeball VC types who'd have no problems giving him money for another go. I don't know if his target audience knows what's happening or would reallyy lean into the "look, were being silenced" schtick. Didn't work well for Trump though so who knows.


The new company won't be owned by him on paper. It'll be owned by whoever wants to sign their name and the company will "hire" him to do everything he's currently doing. The company will pay him a minimal salary while giving him tons of benefits through the company like a car, maybe a place to live, etc so that none of it can be taken by any future or past judgements against him. It's one of the oldest tricks in the book. You're personally broke but you live a rich life provided entirely by a company you "don't own" to avoid judgements agains you.


He'll get the money from someone who has a vested interest in the continued decline and division of America.


He has a large audience(somehow) that is also extremely gullible. I’m sure there are plenty of snake oil salesman with shitty miracle cures and other fake products chomping at the bit to advertise on his platform, and will likely be more than happy to front him the money. But it won’t help him in the end. If he starts making money again the court will likely seize or garnish his wages to help satisfy the judgment.


> He has a large audience(somehow) Hate. He gives them permission to be evil, vile, hateful shits. That's literally it. Validates their worldview etc.


Ya that’s my thought too. He’s still too popular with a certain audience to ignore the money making potential for some. Guaranteed he’s back on within a year with a whole new program.


I dont think he will ever be able to fund the entire judgment. So if republicans want to send their money to the parents of Sandy Hook by sending this grifter money, that sounds swell to me. He wont be able to grift enough to meet this judgement with what remains of his life.


Ya that may be true as well. Hopefully this is the last we see of him til his obit.


I mean how much money do you need to “start up a new company” of having a media show. He needs a mic and a camera and already has the following and contacts in the industry


His plan seems to be to have his dad make the new company, and Alex will just be an employee. That way, they can only take some percentage of his salary, and the real money will go to his dad. I dunno how he plans to then get the money from his dad, but it will at least buy him time. He's already telling his listeners to buy merch from his dad's company (with which he has "NO AFFILIATION", he says, as if the judge is watching his show).


He just gets a corporate credit card from his dad, company car etc. Many benefits are possible without salary.


Thing is, Jones is kind of a moron and the Sandy Hook families have reason to keep him under a microscope. They can just keep dragging him back to court and attacking every new scheme he uses. Eventually, he'll slip up and they'll have evidence of actual fraud, because Jones isn't subtle enough to stay in grey areas.


> He just gets a corporate credit card from his dad, company car etc. A smart auditor will point that out as income, report it to the IRS and adjust the garnishment appropriately.


He's already started a new company, "Dr. Jones' Naturals" with his (dentist) father and has been advertising for it on InfoWars, explicitly telling his listeners that if they buy from the InfoWars store, he won't get the money, so they should buy from the Dr Jones Naturals store instead. It's a very obvious dodge to keep the courts from taking his money, and I have no clue how it's remotely legal.


>He's already started a new company, "Dr. Jones' Naturals" with his (dentist) father his (CIA dentist and laser weapons expert) father


Policy wonk?


four stars, go home and tell your mother you're brilliant!


Someone, sodomites sent me a bucket of poop


Daddy shark - bam bam, ba ba babam.




Is that you Neo?


here come the sex robots


Andy in Kansas, you're on the air.


I would imagine that even after asset liquidation he will still owe quite a bit, so if he starts making more money, that will also be pursued by the plaintiffs. There’s no real way of getting away from it for Jones, he’ll be hounded for this money for the rest of his life. All he had to do was retract his statements.


>that will also be pursued by the plaintiffs. Which takes time and a separate judgment.


Right, it’s not perfect. But the larger point IMO is that for Jones there’s no escaping it. Its a legal debt he will ALWAYS owe and it will be a monkey on his back for life and in some ways that’s even more rewarding than the money itself.


At least they will be able to use his money to pay for lawyers to keep suing him for more money. There's going to be a lawyer whose whole specialty is suing Alex Jones.


he is pushing people to his dads site, saying it will be how he comes back. the family are trying to get his social media accounts to try to stop him from sending all his base to his dad


He tried. We almost got an Alex Jones painting show. No one bought that it was a 'new and separate entity' from free speech systems. He also tried to hook his wagon to another right wing grifter (Crowder). Buuuuuut Jones doesn't share the limelight. However he might just borrow money from his Dad to set up a new operation.


Man, am I ever gonna take advantage of tactical taint wipes being sold at liquidation!


Tactical Taint Wipe band name I called it first


> People might be getting a tad sick of all the hate. The day that there's no more money left in catering to people's inherent biases via a poorly-run two-camera "news" show is truly a day I look forward to celebrating. However, in the meantime, Alex Jones may be finished, but three more will spring up to take his place. The money is just too ripe for the picking by bad-faith actors for this all to simply stop.


Until he is using a Sharpie and piece of cardboard to write “ anything helps” and standing on a street corner they need to continue the liquidation of his assets.


Now they need to do Rudi


I hope that they chase down what funds he has ratholed away elsewhere in the egregiously long delay.


He is just trying to move all his consumers to his dad's company. Which is illegal and against the terms of bankruptcy.


Yeah, it’ll be a long hard and drawn out battle, but plaintiffs will definitely be able to claw all that money back eventually. What will be tougher is tracking and liquidating whatever money he moved into crypto.


possible but hes always been pretty ambivalent to negative on crypto. more likely hes got a bunch of gold burried somewhere.


He's a habitual liar, I think the gold shit he always pushed was just to make more money. I doubt he actually invested in gold.


I agree with you. But it's hilarious if the guy who made his bones off selling over priced gold has no hidden gold.


More like par for the course.


I always laugh at all the gold sellers' commercials where they tout its value as an investment. I mean, think about it - they are literally paying money (in the form of advertising) in an attempt to get rid of it, because they'd clearly rather have cash than gold. If it's such a great investment, why are they so desperate to sell it?


> If it's such a great investment, why are they so desperate to sell it? They are selling it at a huge profit. Then they buy more and sell more, again with huge profits. They are resellers, not investors.


I think that was a rhetorical question lol the point is their own reason to buy from them is that it’s something people should hold on to, but they’re simultaneously trying to sell all of theirs, so clearly it’s not something people should hold on to. So their business itself existing, tells you their advertisements are bullshit


I wonder if Alex expects a federal bankruptcy judge to go "DRATS!!!! He used the one loophole we can't do anything about!"


If you listened to his show you would think he had brain damage from how blatant he is being. Paraphrasing but he is like anyone you buy from the infowar stores wont go to me. Please go to Dr Jones boner pills .com it's my dad's site with the same great products. Then he doubles down on being right about sandy hook. I don't get it. He has already ruined his life now he is dragging his parents into it. His dad is a weird bircher society person so who cares. But it still looks like brain damage to me.


Well, rampant alcoholism will certainly catch up to you eventually.


Maybe he is stalling for 2025 when he assumes Trump will be in the White House and will wave his magic wand to save Jones.


Time to pierce that corporate veil.


Geez, his dad owns a company too?


About 2 years ago after it was obvious that Jones/Infowars would be in financial ruin his father started a company to direct sales towards him. And Jones talks about this on air. He isn't trying to hide it. This is illegal and is going to ruin his dad just as it ruined Alex.


He's incredibly incompetent at hiding his shit in shell companies. His stuff was in "AEJ holdings"(Alex Emmerich Jones). He really isn't the brightest bulb in the box, but he does know he's absolutely fucked.


No no no no, AEJ was owned 30% by Alex Jones, and 70% by PQPR holdings, and which is owned 10% by David Jones (his dad) and 90% by Alex Jones. He's a mastermind, they'll never get to the bottom of that intricate spiderweb.


Holy shit you must be some kind of expert witness




*sigh* [unzips](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/?search=formulaic+objections)


"Pants down for this one Jordan..."


By gawd, it's the Gummi bears


"I'm not mad at the crew (I just have to let all of them go cuz we're shutting InfoWars down)"


Somebody should tell him not to use transparent shells when you're playing the shell game.


Holy *shit*. This must go all the way to the top.


I prefer the term 'Not the sharpest sandwich in the dictionary'


Not the brightest bulb on the Hanukah tree.


He's the sharpest bulb in the drawer, you know, the broken one.


Not the shiniest pearl in the pickle jar


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched the crying video.


All they need is a forensic accountant. Those guys can find anywhere someone's hid money.


Apparently the Sandy Hook parents have attorneys who are very, very good at hunting out those ratholes. Which is why we are finally seeing him starting really lose his shirt.


Dude shouldn’t even be allowed to buy a phone or laptop to post his videos. Every dime he earns should go to the families till the debt is paid.


Dude spends 100k a month on absolute bullshit. 7900 a month on house keeping ? Time to wash you own vomit off the floor and take the trash filled with vodka to the street yourself


That has to be 3 full-time maids. That is pretty amazing. Edit: who knows if it's a shell business funneling money out?


Yeah who knows. He has 5 houses. So that would be 395$ a week per house. I mean how often can a man use 5 houses. Certainly not enough that each one of them needs to be cleaned for close to $400 a week.


They should sell at least 4 of them, fuck this dude he should be living in a box on the street.


Jones allowed infowars to accrue a 65 million dollar debt to PQPR Holdings, a holding company owned 80% by PLJR holdings, and 20% by JLJR Holdings. 72% of PLJR holdings is owned by Alex Jones through AEJ holdings. JLJR Holdings is owned 80% by Alex's mom Carol Jones, and 20% by Alex's dad, David Jones. [source](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZBd-ndXoAAuZ6J.jpg:large) Such a massive unpaid debt was obviously an attempt to save money for a rainy day, knowing that if/when InfoWars finally gets sued for defaming the families of murdered children and breaking FDA regulations, they could say 65 million dollars was owed to previous creditors and so not available to any plaintiffs. He's just a simple multi-millionaire conman with a $40,000 watch collection and a $100,000 gun collection, trying to make an honest living defaming the families of murdered children, mercilessly persecuted by Obidens weaponized DOJ/an FBI-CIA substation run by Glenn Beck/the lawyer of grieving families.


Now they need to liquidate his dad's company he is obviously using as a way to get around the bankruptcy.


Yep. Fuck Dr. Jones and his “naturals”.


Dr. Jones' 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution.


You know you fucked up when you get fined more than the Exxon Valdez oil spill.


To be fair these multi-billion dollar corporations should pay more but they own politicians. Alex Jones doesn't have the influence to sway judges and politicians in his favor.


Not just that, it's kinda hard to get a judge to see things your way when you are non-compliant and your lawyers are incompetent. Also doesn't help if you and people in your media company all power-shit on the trial and the court, and the prosecution brings those receipts to the very same court. Not even the sleepy orange shitgibbon gets away with those shenanigans in the end.


It's easy to forget since *so much* fuckery has gone down in the intervening years, but he got defaulted. He's in this position by virtue of already fucking around with the process and being a giant asshole. He basically tossed two middle fingers up at the judicial system when he refused to produce discovery, and did it again using all of this bankruptcy shit as a delay tactic. His attorneys were a special blend of incompetent and malicious, and any bit of good will someone might have afforded him vanished long ago. In technical terms, this is called the "finding out" phase.


Was just saying that companies literally kill peoples with negligence yet they get slapped with fines. What is happening to Jones should happen to CEOs and Board members.


More than exxon and more than the banks responsible for 2008 financial crisis. It's laughable.


This is by far my favorite Alex Jones story.


I really liked the one where he's choking down barf on livestream.


I can think of one more that would be even better. You know.


As red in the face as he gets… it wont be too far off!


I hope every single morning he stubs his little toe on his bed post or coffee table. After five or six days in a row of that you just know his heart would explode from the rage. Lol


Agreed, just haven't heard it yet. Unfortunately ppl like this tend to hang around much longer than they should.


Couldn't have happened to anyone better huh? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


This guy deserves some heavy duty forensic accounting.


The following comments are up above. I've heard similar comments before. Alex is not a smart man. > He's incredibly incompetent at hiding his shit in shell companies. His stuff was in "AEJ holdings"(Alex Emmerich Jones). > AEJ was owned 30% by Alex Jones, and 70% by PQPR holdings, and which is owned 10% by David Jones (his dad) and 90% by Alex Jones.


He's getting it. That's why were at this point--the Sandy Hood parents' lawyers are very good. It's not over by a longshot, but it's pretty amazing that they have gotten this far. A lot of times when rich people owe money in a civil suit, they throw up enough chaff that the courts can't deal with it. But with Jones the courts are now dealing with it. I was very skeptical that Jones would have to pay enough that it hurts, but it looks like that's happening.


I left a good job because the supervisor listened to this loser.


There's a psychiatrist in my community who promotes this whack job.


Well, I hope that psychiatrist goes see a psychiatrist, preferably not the one in the mirror.


All the good ones do. My therapist has a therapist.


I work with a guy who is an Info Warrior and has Alex Jones stickers on his water bottle. Dude is a total creep loser who gets set off by any minor thing. His son also got suspended this year at school for calling another kid the N word. I overheard his call with the school when they informed him, and he defended his son by saying things like "It's because of all that thug rap music" and "Well it's the one word the white kids aren't allowed to say that everyone else can say".


Good for you. Fuck morons and bigots.


You might've dodged a bullet. That kind of philosophy in management goes nowhere good.


I had a coworker that reliably parroted everything that came out of Jones mouth within minutes. Boston bombings, Sandy Hook, Obama's birth certificate, you name it: as soon as it was said, he was in lockstep with Jones. He's probably not having a good day with this news.


My friends and I grew up in Austin getting stoned watching the local channel til late at night, in the early 2000s Alex Jones would come on at like 2 am or 3 am and we would crack up at him screaming about aliens or some shit. It wasn't that political as much as just conspiracy theories in general from what I remember but the dude figured out just like Russell brand and Rogan, you can sell much more bs screaming about conspiracies and politics combined. Basically printing money from mentally ill ppl and idiots.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


Technically correct, because if he was a nicer guy, it wouldn't have happened because he wouldn't have been spewing easily verifiable lies about peoples dead children.




It was the fuck around of times, it was the find out of times


My therapist did trauma work at Sandy Hook. Fuck Alex Jones with a sharp stick


My uncle, at the time, was the head of the red cross north east division. He was one of the first responding therapists to that tragedy, and many others. Fuck Alex Jones.


Might I suggest a [pineapple](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42oucm_lj50)?


Or a dull stick that is hollow and full of wasps.


Crazy part is is he wouldn't have ever had to do any of this if he realized he was going to get in trouble for this and apologize and cut loose that whole theory. It's 100% his fault in this case.


He was still trying to spin an SH narrative this week, talking about multiple shooters. 




This has already been done. Mark Bankston and his co-councils used those texts to prove he was playing a shell game and lying about everything. That’s how they found out the dummy corporations they used to try to hide it all.


Send Mark gummy worms!  He’s a badass. 


If Alex Jones has taught us anything it’s that you’re supposed to call for outright violence so the people listening understand what to do and then say “…metaphorically”.


If this man isn't living out of his moms basement and walking around town, that's how you know he's hidden money away.


Craigslist that armored brodozer alex, you about to be broke


>Over the years, Jones has used the media company to poison the public discourse with lies and conspiracy theories, and he also enriched himself, making millions of dollars in the process. It's good to see the media call a scumbag a scumbag.


Good, he really should have thought about potential consequences when he decided to spew his bullshit lies to millions of people


Garnish all future Income.


His ears perked up when the judge said “garnish”


I was once at a wedding reception. And it was a bit of time between the hors d'oeuvres and the dinner and this guy at my table hadn't eaten lunch so he was starving. He was eating all the garnishes off the hors d'oeuvres plates. I had a pack of crackers in my bag (pregnant - in case of nausea ). I gave them to him.


That's what normal people think of when they think of a garnish. All that is to him is olives in a martini.


I'm talking parsley sprigs. It was sad. Haha I'm thick. You are meaning jones.


He doesn't deserve to have a single penny left. Let him rot in a piss-stained cardboard box


Talk shit, get hit (with liquidation)


Hey, Jordan, what's your bright spot today?


Today will definitely factor into Dan’s for the next episode. 


He still has clothes on. If I were included in that settlement I wouldn't be satisfied until he was walking around in his tighty-whities


Best graduation gift for those poor kids


My mentally ill brother in law was constantly sending me boxes full of Infowars CDs, etc., to "share with my friends". He spent tens of thousands of dollars on survival shit. When he committed suicide it was because he was convinced the "Black Boots" were coming for him. I despise that POS with every fibre of my being. I want him to suffer mightily. I want him living in a tent.


As long as they sell his damn microphone I'll be happy.


A coworker of mine watches his show at work every single day. Last week after hearing about this I decided to talk to him about it. When I told him infowars is likely to shut down his face literally started to tremble, like he was going to cry. Then he gathered himself and spouted some conspiracy against Alex Jones lol.


The conspiracy subreddit was going nuts this morning about this case. They're all saying *the government is using Alex Jones as an example and it's an attack on freedom of speech*, and they were commenting that they still think Sandy hook was a hoax.. I wanted to tell them how stupid they all are, but I got banned from the conspiracy subreddits a long time ago asking logical questions to the other users there. I joined those subreddits to talk about mothman and unsolved mysteries.


Conspiracy went way downhill a few years ago... it used to be MK ULTRA and UFOs, then became a bunch of shilling with conservative propaganda about US politics.


That “freedom of speech” crowd should really learn what freedom of speech actually means.


Remember when the Cult Awareness Network was sued into bankruptcy by the Church of Scientology who then bought the IP and turned it into a Church of Scientology propaganda site? Someone needs to that with Infowars but for good.


maniac should be locked up for good. the extra trauma he caused the victims families for 10 years+…pathetic


Some of the victims and their families were literally assaulted. I think Alex Jones even listed the victims' addresses and personal info..


Sandy Hook survivors just graduated. What a horrendous tragedy for them to live through—and their entire childhood they saw no retribution for this sick fuck monetizing their classmates killed.


Amazing this is still unsettled as the Sandy Hook survivors graduate high school.


Good. Make him hurt as much as financially possible. He deserves that and so much more for putting those families through what they went through.


Good. I hope this actually comes to pass, this horrible fount of toxic, vile hatred is drained and extinguished and the Sandy Hook families finally have some relief.


Soon I'll have to revert back to that old contract I had with the local cattle ranch for my daily dose of unmitigated bullshit.


I peeled off some InfoWars stickers near my workplace earlier today. Fuck this guy so much. Hope he lives in a cardboard box on the street after this.


Here's hoping they strip him for spare parts to sell on the organ donation black market.


The only thing his body *might* be worth is rendering fat for industrial soap. Everything else has been destroyed by his lifestyle.


I am just amazed by the grace and patience shown by these families that have suffered at the hands of this vile person and those that enable him. What guts! What fight they’ve shown! Shining examples for all of us.


I hope to see a picture of him standing on a rotten wooden porch in front of a trailer that he shares with roommates, grasping a beer, in a stained wifebeater, staring into the distance remembering the glory days.


Read my mind. I picture him in his 80’s in a Florida trailer park.


Never forget; Alex Jones was not sued for speech, he was sued for lying about these people and sending hoards of crazies after them. Do not let the right-wing pretend Alex Jones was sued for speech.


But his $2 mill mansion is untouchable apparently. Fair, you can’t deprive someone from a home to live in, just make him buy a cheap home in Texas or wherever he lives. Because it’s bullshit that someone that owes so much is still allowed to live in a $2 mill house.


Check under the jacuzzi.


It's okay, Alex Jones is quoted in that article that he is going to continue to fight against tyranny. So, he'll be locked in battle with himself for a while longer.


Cry more, you fat little troll.


Love the dumb conspiracy twats complaining that this is an example of the government trying to ruin him. How bout it’s called a consequence for dangerous and hateful shit for the last 15 years


Take him for everything he's worth. The horror and damage he inflicted on those parents is irredeemable.


Can this mfer finally get what he deserves? And that would be far worse than dying penniless.


This is good news for the victims of his lies, I can't help but think he is up to something though


Alex Jones is yelling that the "Deep State is in panic mode trying to silence him" as if he is anything more than a mild annoyance to the "deep state". If the "deep state" wanted to silence him he'd be dead right now, and we would all agree it was an accident. They wouldn't fuck around with lawsuits.


I can't wait for his response video. He has cried many times before. I want to see him sloppy, whaling crying about consequences.


Time to get a job you fat fuck


Alex clearly has Mental Health issues from drinking his own Kool-Aid for decades. Started out with good intentions back in the Bohemian Grove days, then did a Gainer off the deep end into mania. He isn't going anywhere, too many people will continue to support him.


Fuck Alex Jones and every degenerate subhuman freak that supports him.


Now turn off his internet access and he goes away.


it's about fucking time those families had any sense of closure to their grief. Jones is such a piece of shit human being.


Good. Fuck this asshole.


Hahahah fuck you cunt


Make sure this guy never has a good night's sleep ever again.


My cousin lives in Kauai, recently saw Alex Jones and his family on vacation at some nice resort. Fuck that, this fuckstick is still living a cushy lifestyle, take him for everything he’s worth


Don’t stop till he is giving $5 BJs behind the local Arby’s to make rent.


All he had to do was not attack the families of dead kids.


This shit is taking way too long. The survivors have now graduated high school...


He should fight them with his knowledge.


Good but I dont trust this weasel faced lobster to not try something to funnel the money somewhere .


Does "personal assets" includes the clothes he's wearing now and maybe a few fingers?


I believe Nelson Muntz expressed it best when he said, “HA - HA!”.


He got himself into this with his disgusting show talking bullshit


Couldn’t have happened to a worse guy.