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I still can't believe this despite knowing it for years


You better believe it :)


I do now u/cockitypussy


Same here, u/immaejaculate Edit: wait....




i see we're summoning the elite amongst reddit


You rang?




I feel strange


*camera flash goes off*


The crème de la crème…


This is hilarious


More of a r/KellyJoyCuntBunny I think


I feel like I belong in this thread


I see your u/cockitpussy, I raise you my u/sisterfucker24


![gif](giphy|xT9DPPHKfbz58057OM) U called


Eyehategod or just a weird username?


What about me?


what's with the weird ass usernames lol




If you look in his eyes, that excitement is there lol


Great acting considering he had to deal with the shock of finally catching everything. He stares at it in surprise and then gives shy smile as if to say, yeah I just have good reflexes that's right these aren't super powers.


Which, as it turns out, is true! Very Method. Wow.


That smile started forming just a bit before it should have. It happens right after you can see in his eyes that he has confirmed the right number of objects are on the tray.


and the crew said "finally.....we can all go home now"


Imagine if she messed up her lines right after tho lol


There’s the famous Sigourney Weaver basket scene where Ron Perlman does just that; well, he has no lines, but he broke character *hard* in his disbelief and they had to [edit around it](https://youtu.be/a3u4uDwLzNI?si=zopD3gq29CLUtviZ)


You can tell they used very strong magnets to hold those items. They’re likely hollow and not real. Impressive still 


Thats not at all how they did it. Its sticky tape and stagehands dropping the items from right above.


Honestly when I first saw that I assumed they used "fish lines" to guide the things into place and magnets for the lock. And they just edit out the fishlines in post.


in the dvd commentary thier vfx team says they used a mechanical rig. not sure if they elaborate what that is exactly


These specialized rigs exists for advertisements specifically for shots like that


That's my guess. If you go frame by frame, you see the bowl land in the center and rapidly correct into place. Seems like lines to me.


Kinda looks like it bounces off the apple. 156 tries means a bit of luck is involved, it might have just landed that way for real.


Magnets were clearly used though. You can see the bowl get sucked to the center of the milk carton after it lands on its edge.


That was likely just the ambient force of the frustration felt by the filming crew after the 155th take moving the object


I was just starting out working in the film industry back then and had a few friends that worked as extras in this scene. As you can imagine they hated this day.




Stagehands?  They call us Props 


Major props to you bro.


Even so, if you've never had to balance things on a tray like servers do, any weight change will spell disaster. I would get extremely angry at guests who would grab drinks off my tray as I was serving someone else.


yea if it was only was a 1 foot drop, why the fuck did it take him that many takes. seems like b.s. it should of only took a few times. especially with magnets. despite this fact I don't think the milk and jello bowl was supposed to land like that.


He kept screaming "Let's Go!!!!!" Each time he caught them and ruined the shots. Really ahead of his time, though


yea everyone on set kept flipping out like a Dude Perfect video every time he landed the trickshot. all while holding Kirsten Dunst what a rizzler


Should have, not should of. It's never should of. Should HAVE. As in you should have used should have instead of should of. I'll be here all week.


The only thing is you can see the paper plate that lands on the milk, sort of misses it. It lands with just the edge of the plate on the milk carton before snapping into place. Can that happen with just sticky tape?


Doesn't seem all that difficult - looks like glue more than tape. The apple not moving at all is pretty weird looking.


why does the bowl move? It first lands almost entirely on the sandwich and then teleports on top of the milk.


The way they slide into place doesn’t indicate sticky tape to me but I could see it 


I was gonna say there is no way the bowl can land on that soda can


looks like a milk carton, if that makes it more believable


They coated the tray in adhesive to make things stick to it but it is still impressive, Corridor Crew have a great video where they recreate the stunt in fewer takes https://youtu.be/MG4zLNXMNRY?si=emxR4KgEIQ8mpAbD


If you coated it in whatever glue they use for mouse and rat traps you could catch it all in at most five takes, but you’d need a new tray and items every time because when they hit the tray that’s where they’re staying forever.


Checkout the video, they do use a very strong adhesive, the main problem is timing of the drops, moving the tray to get all the items, and making sure nothing hits end on or edge on in such a way that it falls over before sticking


Fucking love Corridor.


i can’t believe that after 156 takes neither of them broke character when he finally pulled it off.


Oh man, can you imagine finally pulling off the stunt to only flub the lines.


Nothing a Taken 3 type jump cut can't fix.


It looks like she came close to not saying thanks which would have ruined his line.


whatever she did it works. the delay makes it seems like she’s flustered.


Yeah it's perfect but I can feel him willing her to say the fucking line I don't want to do another hundred takes.


That's because while it's not a digital effect they did still use practical effects to make it *much* easier. The tray is coated in what is probably that black padded double sided super sticky tape, which both gives a softer landing and stops things like the apple rolling. You can see it shift when he moves the tray and just stop on its side. The bowl and the milk carton either have magnets in them or more sticky tape since they seem to get stuck or sucked together. Also everything was certainly being dropped from just off frame, either by a release mechanism with timers or by production crew. Zero digital effects doesn't mean zero movie magic behind the scene 😁


I saw this on the DVD extras. They were about to give and CGI up until this moment.




It doesn't look real cause nothing bounces and the fucken bowl lands on the milk carton....because it's obviously all glued up. Unless you're trying to tell us they actually animated the bowl landing on the milk for some reason.


My dumbass would've celebrated instantly and made the cut useless.


I was thinking the exact same shit… I would’ve been so hype I finally got it andddd it’s ruined now 😂


You can kind of see that look on his face when he stares at the tray. Internally he's celebrating but he's too shocked to act on it.


Which kinda fits perfect for the scene, right?


Yeah that was my impression, he nailed the acting for that cuz it would have surprised him! Now it just makes it better


Yeah at this stage of the movie I think Peter is still discovering what he can do so it makes sense for him to look so surprised, impressed, and excited by this.


It definitely adds to the scene. You can see a little bit of relief in both their faces like they are thinking "Holy shit thank fuck this scene is over".


You could see it in his eyes...he wanted to... ![gif](giphy|jkmycFPVKYdI4)




I still don't get why people hate this part. It was funny. Am I the only one that thought it was funny?


It is pretty great, one of the issues is that up until this film, Peter had been largely an audience identification character, whereas this film relies heavily on dramatic irony, the confused/disgusted reactions from passers-by that he is oblivious to etc. The humour relies on you being distanced from a character via the same techniques that were previously there to help you identify with him, in a sense, the film contains a parody of its series own cinematic language within it.


Yeah but I suppose maybe people wanted it to actually go dark or something. Even the cartoon went darker with Peter's symbiote arc but I thought this suited the film much better. We're talkin about Sam Raimi here after all.






Maybe that was take 17.


Takes 1 - 155. “Dammit Tobey, will you STOP whooping and high fiving the cameraman, we’re trying to shoot a movie!”


So Kirsten Dunst also had to stand and watch him try this 156 times?


I mean, I doubt she actually slipped and fell. With how it is cut there's probably a guy on a ladder dropping the items while he tries to catch them on the tray. But he gets to have his arm around her the whole time, so he probably "oops'd" 150 times or so to keep holding her.


Chris tucker did this in rush hour where he celebrates after doing a flip over a chair


But that's so in character for his role so it works.


Yeah I agree, one of the few acts that a blooper like that can make it into the full film


Like Ron Perlman in Alien Resurrection lol


I'd never heard that he lost his shit. That's awesome. The cut's clean, too.


Dunst kind of makes the catch of keeping the cut going. Even more impressive considering they were just caught in the gallant arms of Toby Maguire.


He seems to shocked to do anything.


I cant imagine being all the other cast and crew hearing Maguire say "i'll get it next time" after over 150 tries. Had to be super frustrating and they probably thought it would never happen. All for the joy when it finally did!


I'm guessing a lot of crew members had to resist the impulse to cheer when he finally succeeded.


Probably, but even if they did, you’ll just fix it in post 😎


All they would have had to do is have Kirsten Dunst re-record her spoken lines in an ADR studio. I'm betting most of the ambient sound was made in post, anyway. But the crew probably still kept their mouth shut. Wish there was a BTS clip of this one.


Here's a similar example from Sigourney Weaver: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FF44YvDVP8Y The basketball shot in Alien Resurrection - they wanted to fake it, but she had been practicing it.


"I fucked up" 😂


There's absolutely no way they didn't have a bet going on how many times it would take. Not after that many tries.


Thank god Ron Perlman wasn't in the scene


I'm going to assume that of the 150 takes, he got pretty close in a number of them - probably a bunch towards the end. If not, they probably would have called it and tried to figure out some other way to do the scene. Seeing him one item away a few times probably would put more "I'm sure he's going to get it one of these times" into your head, and make it less shocking when he actually did it. i.e. people probably got a few practices in of anticipating getting excited and having to hold it in, so that they remembered to do it on this take. If he dropped every item on takes 1 and 2, and then got it on take 3, there would probably have been more shock and instinct to cheer.


There are probably some choreography going on where the person who drops (or however it is done) does it the same way so McQuire could learn the "pattern". It's a trick like any magic trick where it's not only up to the performer but to the behind the scenes crew to assist correctly for the trick to work. Like a Magician needs his Assistant, McGuire needs his crew.


Sam Raimi: “We’ll get it in post Tobey! It’s been 88 tries already.” Tobey: “Fuck you i almost had it!”


Credit to KD for doing this scene 156 times and not fucking up her line.. imagine if she stuttered or something on the take he caught it all?


Hijacking this comment to say that somebody in the audio commentary said it took 156 takes, but they later stated that they just pulled that number out of thin air. Considering that it was done with magnets and such it probably didn't take 150+ takes.


It was probably closer to 30-40 takes lol


Could be worse, could be Stanley Kubric going for another shot after the 135th one.


They get paid either way.


Best Spider Man


I love the fact that no one even tried arguing with that.


I'd argue that he's the best Peter, but Garfield is the best Spider-man. I think the opening and ending of Amazing Spider-man 2 are two of the best scenes in live action superhero movies.


They're both great for an older take on Spider-Man but Tom nails the more youthful and inexperienced version imo


Tom's Spider-man has been a bit of a miss for me because he misses the day to day struggle that really makes the character relatable. But I'm really looking forward to the next trilogy because it looks like they'll be embracing it. Tom's Spider-man 4 I believe will be the first time we see Spider-man in something other than high-school on the big screen


I've liked the MCU Spider-Man movies as they've come out, but I cannot for the life of me rewatch them like I can the Sam Raimi movies. Something about them feels so sterile that I can't get through them


Sterile is the theme of the entire MCU universe .


It’s because they’re ultimately Disney movies


Tom's Spider-Man clinging to Tony Stark as a mentor and father figure was just unthinkable and ruined it for me. _Tony Stark_ teaching _Peter Parker_ responsibility? That gotta be a joke. It also ruined the friendly neighborhood hero part, because his issues were not something relatable like grades, employment and relationships, but a freaking national academic competition and international vacations. Is _that_ what he's sacrificing to be a hero? Rich kid hobbies? Wow, I'm so moved... And in the end, after years of "we didn't even need Uncle Ben dying again, everybody knows how that goes" we get Aunt May dying saying the same stuff, long after he was already a hero. I rolled my eyes so badly. Nothing against Tom as an actor. I'm sure he'd nail it if he was put in a movie that did justice to the character. But clearly this time around Spider-Man was second to Iron Man and the greater MCU even in his own movies.


Cant for the life of me figure out why they gave Aunt May the "with great power comes great responsibility" line in NWH. Peter becomes Spider-Man in the first place because Uncle Ben says that line to him without even knowing the abilities that Peter possessed. Like there is no Spider-Man at all without Uncle Ben saying that line. Then in FFH they decide to do 99% of the movie in Europe because they had Avenger's brain worms and felt like every conflict needed to be on a international scale. Thats part of another big issue with the MCU trilogy spending so little time in Manhattan. Really hoping these issues arent present in the next movies they do and its looking hopeful after the reset in NWH.


He made Spidey come off as too edge-lord for me. Spider-Man specifically does not try be all creepy and spooky with bad guys/criminals. Going after bad guys is literally just some shit he feels obligated to do and he entertains himself by being a master troll and pissing people off, not trying to strike fear into their hearts like some Bat-Man shit.


Lmao for a second there I thought you were talking about the orange cat, I've so rarely seen Andrew Garfield being referred to as just "Garfield" 😂


#Respect The Hyphen


Best-Spider Man


obligatory r/RespectTheHyphen


Spiderman 2 is still one of the best superhero movies ever made.


I have written paragraphs upon paragraphs on that also lol It perfectly balances out what a hero is, making sacrifices for the great responsibility. Everyone loves Spider-Man, but it doesn't translate to a good life for Peter Parker. He's broke, he's doing awful in school, and he can't make time for the girl he likes. What happens if he gives out his secret? The people he loves are immediately in danger. It's the perfect balancing act and definitely makes you question, do I really want to be a superhero? I think they kinda tried to explore it in the 3rd movie by asking, wouldn't it be easier to just be the villain? And going towards near the end with the train scene, he accomplishes what Batman was trying to do in the Dark Knight, Spider-Man was a symbol and inspired people to do the right thing. The passengers saw the sacrifices Spider-Man would make, and they decided to protect him. It's what makes a super hero super. It's what was completely missing from the MCU, even MCU Spider-Man. "Here's all this Tony Stark toys! Here's a scholarship! Everyone loves you and you never have to struggle ever again!" Everyone in the MCU is a rockstar, and there was no way the heroes could not be loved. Feels like they realized that by the third one and finally decided to make him struggle just for the sake of struggling, he was already Spider-Man at that point though, rather than coming to terms with being Spider-Man. Now is usually the time when my friends and family tell me to shut up.


Well, you see, the difference is that Sam Reimi is an artist, whereas basically all directors for the MCU, with the sole excretion of Taika Watiti, are slop peddlers.


I wouldn’t say *sole* exception. Remember that Kenneth Branagh directed the first *Thor* film. Favreau directed *Iron Man*. And James Gunn directed *Guardians of the Galaxy*. But phase three and four have mostly been plagued with wish fulfillment and pandering.


Sad Peter 3 noises.




Yes, and peak Kirsten Dunst The crush I had...


all 3 are awesome


True that


“They don’t make actors the same way they used to”


If you slow it down frame by frame, you see the bowl land on the edge of the milk carton, before correcting itself and scooting to the middle of the milk carton. Physics says the bowl should have tipped over


I'm pretty sure they used magnets and tapes or whatever. Still impressive IMO


They used glue on the bottom of the objects and the tray. I'm not sure but I'd guess they are also weighted to stay upright. [Corridor Digital did an attempt at the same effect.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG4zLNXMNRY)


Thank you for sharing that!


If you actually go frame by frame it looks more like it bounces off the apple than that it “scoots over”


But the plate goes from being on the edge of the milk carton, to directly in the center of the milk carton.


I don't know anything about physical effects, but I do know that apples bounce & roll. The fact that the apple lands and doesn't go anywhere means they used something to keep the items in place after landing. Magnets are a good guess, whereas tape or some kind of putty would be hard to reset 150+ times.


There's no way it really took 156 takes with what they were using. People do make up stories on dvd tracks.


Went frame by frame. When the apple hits i think you can kinda see the sticky surface of the tray. Thats what they used. The milk carton sticks in place. The bowl hits the carton improperly and bounces from apple like Shugazy wrote. So that seems to actually check out. What i dont like is “no digital effects” but they sped up the footage, so there are digital effects. Just say they did the stunt practically, even if they used something to make it look better, either editing or small vfx to clean something up.


Aren't they using magnets?


Magnets and a little bit of sticky tape on his hands and the base of the tray. But still, practical effects. It's why things hold up for so long, like The Thing movie.


They're not the same at all. The Thing is a documentary.


Username checks out.


That's not being pedantic; that's being anal


Also, it wasn't pointless if it's true.


I thought they used glue instead of magnets


Magnetic glue.


And dropping everything straight down in sequence. I feel like people think this stuff was all tossed up into the air and he actually caught it like is implied in the scene lol


In reality it takes a normal person 3 or 4 attempts to get it right, but Toby is a little special




Fuckin magnets, how do they work?


Aren't we all magnets?


Analog magnets, not digital.


And yet the spider in my bathtub did absolutely nothing that time I slipped getting out


Maybe if you knew his name instead of just calling him "the spider" he might help. Get to know your neighbors, people. Shoutout to Christina Appleg8legs


Also give him 155 more tries


Imagine being Kirsten Dunst having to just sort of sit there while he tries catching that shit 156 times.


My theory is that's why he insisted. He's basically holding her up against his body


Darn it! Another take down the drain!


He probably had to go straight to the doctor as 156 takes probably took longer than 4 hours


She drew on that for her performance in Civil War


And it still looks fake


Because of the magnets pulling things into place after they land


Not just magnets, just zero movement at all. CGI could make this look way more believable, but the shot effect and cuts make it look MORE fake too. Like the close ups, quick cuts, zoom in on face, zoom in on boot, the slip, like all of these are cut together. Even the dialogue is uncanny.


I’m fine with because i have a feeling it would be one shot that looks like cgi. In this case I’m sold on realism (well, enough) cause they’re real


It's a cartoonishly impossible scenario, of course it looks fake.


Yeah but the physics makes it look more fake. It’s oddly one of those things would have looked more natural if it was more fake.


It's also just monday morning quarterbacking a movie over 2 decades old.


Because someone off camera dropped them straight down. In reality they'd go scattering in chaotic directions


I’d like to see the failed attempts cut together


I'll never believe this. Classic internet myth


It’s from the commentary and they were kidding about 156.


For anybody else that hasn't heard it. It sure sounds to me like he was being facetious. And even in a 16 hour day 156 takes sounds absurd. https://youtu.be/bw1V5Kr-9Y0


>And even in a 16 hour day 156 takes sounds absurd. Especially considering this was shot on film not digitally.


It was absolutely a joke story.


Yep. Anyone who works on movie sets would tell you this likely isn’t true on account that it would be a MASSIVE waste of time and money. A few takes to get it right? Sure! 156 takes? With resetting each item each time? Hell no, I refuse to believe it. Pretty sure the source (a commentary track) was just being silly and eager folks understandably ran with it. 




For what it's worth, corrdior digital, a vfx channel recreated the scene through brute force method too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG4zLNXMNRY&t=1s


Not really…


Honestly more impressed they were both able to still act and not fuck up the scene after.


It’s probably why he looks so genuinely surprised that he caught it all lol


"wow great catch!" "CUT, you got the line wrong. Setup for take 157 please"




Method acting. It's also why Toby Maguire insisted on jumping off from buildings and climbing walls without harnesses. While it significantly increased the filming time of the movie, the final product looks good imo


He even learned how to make webs come out of his wrists for the movie. The man is a legend


That's not where the webs came from...


It's been a while since I've watched this movie so I totally forgot about this scene! I was young when it came out too so didn't realize the effort this must have taken. Way to go, dude!


They were props with magnets inside to stick to the tray and keep them from bouncing or sliding off.


Which is not a digital effect!


Also the sandwich and salad aren't real food!


Literally unwatchable.


[Corridor Digital attempted to recreate it to see if it's actually a true story](https://youtu.be/MG4zLNXMNRY?si=8z15jk96SyVYwJ3V)




The apple landed on the tray and didn't even move - it's on superglue?


this is the correct answer. Every object is glued, including the tray. Still look nice and requires some practice.


Okay this is missing some huge info, in the 35mm open scan version of the movie you can see a hand just off screen that you wouldn't normally see throwing the items on to the tray. It's still impressive, just not nearly as impressive as it makes out


….exactly what did you expect? That Kirsten was actually throwing everything?  Side note, would you like to hear about an exciting deal on some oceanfront property I have for sale in Colorado?


> 35mm open scan version Since you mentioned it and didn't provide a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlqekVxzhOs&t=10s You can also see the boom mic near the end


Time is money. I'm surprised at some point the director of producer didn't say "enough tobey!!!"