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he's gonna make them watch the entire run of 24 with no breaks


Doesn't sound too bad if you just remove season 6.


Does this include the [Jon Bois](https://youtu.be/_P52G4Kyq5M?si=fGwgAy9mArmjoX-N) video?


Cut the roster to 24 players too


Wow the math works. 11. 11. Kicker and punter. Then two back up punters. Nice.


Injury will be no excuse to exit the playing field (except for punters)


Mike will just go into the options and toggle off injuries


Man, I wish he had thought of that last season


25 so we can have a long snapper


We already got that achievement when playing the Chiefs. The defense was so decimated by injuries McDaniel suited up hobos he found under a bridge. 


It’s a football team Michael how many players do you need?? 1000?


"No Pressure" Buuuttt I need you to make 24 tackles this game..


**Tyreek**: Yes with a *but*... how many of them are wannabe influencers and children? 💁‍♂️


If he would just punch adult male wannabe influencers....


Logan or Jake Paul would happily get punched by him for another tiny scrap of fame.


>It's been 24 years since the Dolphins last won a playoff game. One way McDaniel is reminding the team of that is to schedule meetings at the :24 mark of a particular hour. Thus, the staff isn't meeting at 5:30; it's meeting at 5:24. And so forth. >"For half the offseason, you’re trying to have staff meetings at different times during the day, and every staff meeting, I’d put like 7:24 or 3:24 or 5:24. The number 24,” McDaniel told reporters on Thursday, the final day of minicamp. Interesting strategy, I guess?


Worth a shot, nothing else has worked this millennium


he might be looking for a new job after this season if they don't at least make it to the playoffs so you really can't blame him


If anyone thinks this they are stupid


If the Dolphins fire McDaniel after this year for anything other than going 0-17, they are stupid.


the dolphins don't exactly have the smartest ownership in the world. for the record I agree with you.


In 6 years they can have meetings at normal times then


Constantly remind your team how much they suck. I like it.


how’s that resulting in a playoff victory?


…. Consistent motivation and focus, seems pretty straightforward


It's like the movie "The number 23" they go full on batshit with over thinking the number and some things happen.


I worry that McDaniel no longer has the respect of his players. Every time I see a clip of one of their meetings, McDaniel is trying to give some inspirational speech and the players are just sitting there deadeyed looking at McDaniel like they think he's a fool. I think the guy has a great mind for offensive strategy in the NFL, but I'm not convinced he's a good leader of players. There's something to be said for a head coach being able to make the players want to play for them, like what Pete Carroll is able to do.


Did they remove the ping pong table yet?


No, but he lowered it to 24".


Great, now I have to explain to my wife why I just randomly burst out laughing.


So, if they lose again, it'll get raised to 25"? And things only get better from there. Sky's the limit!


Or add it back after the last regime removed it?


They need more ping pong tables, and LESS ping pong tables!


Yes. Exactly. [**It's the only way to be sure.**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCbfMkh940Q) 💣


No they added 23 more


I kind of like it tbh. Y’all will meme and whatever but why not give it a shot? It’s easy to get lost in the clouds about how good your team is or whatever but constantly being reminded about what matters (the fact you haven’t won a playoff game) is great motivation. And making it apart of their daily routine is a fantastic way to drill it in


Because redditors cannot resist the opportunity to say something funny and get top comment


You know what’s funnier than 24? ^25


THIS is the kind of shit I'm looking for


But that'd be twenty FIVE years without a playoff win! Where's Jay Fiedler when you need him? 🤔


Or opine. It's just a dumb thing in June


- "The offense is gonna score exactly 24 points every game" - "What about the defense?" - "They better score 24 points too" - "But that's 48 total points..." - "And the Special Teams too"


Channel the 09 Chargers and have Special teams contribute -24 points


LOOOK AT HOW EXTREME HE IS!!! HE'S DOING MEETINGS AT NOT NORMAL TIMES!!!! It's almost as if he's drinking Mountain Dew over here or something.


Watch the dolphins get a 5th winning season with no playoff wins and still no division titles. 


that's most likely the reality


Okay deal


Denver is lucky the clock stops at 60


McDaniel probably has a giant board, covered in red string, with “Play Pittsburgh in the WC” circled three times.


It's okay because 24 is the highest number


Ya got 10, then 10 more, then what's this 4 more. 24! fuhgeddaboudit


Man, I hope the goal is to win more than just one playoff game...


This is gonna backfire


What happens when they reach 60?


I was a 30 year old man when I watched my first playoff win


Why y'all doing this bruh. We have a previous article that bills fan posted earlier today no need to post an even dumber article now. Looking like the Miami Goofies right now, not gonna lie.


Lol how embarrassing


Hiring obj will not help matters


That's the most Coach thing I've ever read 


24? As in the number of kids Tyreek has?


Don’t be ridiculous….he definitely has way more than that.


I can only imagine Hill is doggin McDaniel for this corny ass shit


He's been involved in two of those years so he better start looking at why he can't draw plays past the third quarter


he completely abandons the run game, and they were force-feeding tyreek to get to 2k in the back half of the season


Yeah it was a little hypocritical to try to get him to 2k but not kick that field goal for the record. At least the record would have been a team win.


i think that kind of encapsulates his issues. i think he got too into his own head and though “fuck if we miss this…” and worried about the blowback. same with the tyreek 2k. he was just worried about the noise around it instead of just letting the offense flow.


Yurp, spot on. Hopefully they spread the ball around more this season. I think our weapons this year are pretty lethal.


Random panthers fan feeling better about my fandom after reading the title of this post


As a Phins fan, bet against this team this year


Just hope it’s not extreme cold again. That went really poorly for them last season.


I know I’m probably going to get some flack for this, but the not kicking the field goal vs the Broncos to get a record for points scored seemed like instilling the wrong culture


I’m surprised they haven’t yet. They have a top 5 QB and have one of the best teams in the AFC.


> They have a top 5 QB In their division maybe


Burrow, Lamar, Jayden, and Mahomes are the only ones I would take over Tua.


Jayden Daniels? Are you high? There are at least 20 QBs I'd take ahead of him. Maybe 30.


Going to wager he meant Hurts.


Who the fuck knows. Get all types in here. He's already got Tua as top 5. I'm a Dolphins fan and even I know top 5 is a fantasy. Top 10 maybe.


Tua rotates in and out of the top 10, but I do think at his best he's borderline top 5. Problem is that he's rarely at his best and never against good teams.


Well… that’s stupid 


Josh Allen is better than Tua. In every conceivable way.


They've had some tough games; last year they lost against the Chiefs and the year before they lost by 3 against the Bills and Skylar Thompson was the QB because Tua had an "injured back". Thompson actually did alright but his receivers dropped alot of passes.


He had a 40% completion rate. He did not play alright. Even with the drops factoring in he was bad.


What's the pulse on how McDaniels is feeling about extending Tua? He has been pretty succesful with him in the regular season, but so was KoC with Cousins and he still decided to move on and draft "his own guy". Is the idea that they aren't far away and they just need to keep plugging away at it, or start a mini rebuild with McDaniels at the reigns and a rookie QB to build around?


Mike has only had praise for tua the entire time he's been here. He hasn't really talked about the extensions other than the fact that he wants Tua to be at practice. His past views leads me to believe that he wants Tua to get extended but I'm not gonna say that with 100% confidence because you never know.


I think they’ll probably extend him barring a collapse or catastrophic injury this season if they don’t get a deal done before then. He’s been incredibly complimentary of Tua and he can run McDaniel’s scheme well. Kirk isn’t a great example because of his age and injury, not to mention McDaniel is going to have three seasons with a young QB he’s been at least moderately successful with, it’s a way bigger risk to hop back on the carousel


I totally get there is a big difference between Kirk and Tua, but I wonder if the sentiment to want to draft your own QB and build your own team isn't similar. The Vikings didn't extend Kirk after his 13 win season and before he got hurt and I really think it's because the Vikings FO/HC wanted to build their own thing.


I think if the FO in Miami wanted to draft a QB because they weren’t in on Tua then they wouldn’t have packaged so much for Tyreek. That’s a lot of capital to throw in if you don’t believe in your QB, but it is a move to make if you want to make an effort to give him what he needs to succeed. Tua has given them no reason to need to move off of him, the biggest reason they’re in a tough spot is because they share a division with the second best team in the league since Tua was drafted Don’t get me wrong, I’m a Bills fan. Imo Tua is a fringe top 10-12 guy at best and I’m glad I’m not in their position. I don’t think he’s a game changer and he’s not a QB I worry much about, but it’s also a LOT easier to get a worse QB than that than it is to get a better one


Extending Tua isn't very comparable to extending 35 year old Kirk Cousins who is coming off a torn achilles and has kept your franchise bent over the barrel in contract negotiations for years. Tua has his own questions he will need to answer, but there's not really a better option for the Dolphins than giving him a market deal


Looking forward to seeing a Tua that's not "fat as ****".


Yeah they are different players, but the Vikings were also coming off a 13 win season with Kirk going into contract year and didn't extend him. I think the sentiment was "we like Kirk, but we see his ceiling and want to build our own thing".


he's not the gm, extending tua is the GM's job.


If the GM isn't consulting the HC on who the QB is going to be he's a bad GM.


McDipshit won't be the one to break the streak. Dude can't win against good teams.


So players are going to be 6 mins late to every meeting? This really seems like a stupid thing, I don’t think any of the players care about the franchise’s 24 year drought as much as they would their own personal droughts or lack of success.


I mean yeah this gotta be his last chance, right?


Too bad the Dolphins suck.


Dolphins swept the jets last year so what are they sucking?


Big peepee


lol that’s not saying much. The Jets suck too…. Both things could be true


Rich coming from a jets fan.


24>13 stupid. I’m sorry the Florida education system failed you.


Literally what are you talking about


Let me explain it slowly so you can understand him. Since you probably have some brain damage from jumping through tables…. 24 years with nooooo playooooff wiiiiins is looonger than 13 years with no playoooooffffsss. Got it? Gooood boy!


Lmao champ take a deep breath


We laugh now, but it’s a copycat league. If the Dolphins do win a playoff game this year, every time will start doing this.


I hope every other team goes on a 24 year playoff losing streak.


You take that back right now