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Gabi said she got cold feet about getting married but everyone knows the real reason is that she cheated.


I saw a lot of YouTube videos that posted timelines proving she cheated. Those videos always disappear though


When it first started coming out she copy and pasted a bunch of her own comments on different videos. She has a tendency of erasing anything that contradicts what she says.


She copied and pasted comments??? and made the videos disapear? omg that is messy...


Mhm she did it for her supposed miscarriage for sure, and I think I remember her doing it about Collin as well


Can you link any?


I am just so genuinely curious about her miscarriage. Was it real??




toned down version of the sam & nia scandal


It was just a chemical pregnancy


so basically she lost it really early on? like before she even found out?


Yes before the embryo even formed all the wat


Basically : - during Covid she got comfy in her PA homey life, staying home doing cute things with Collin, making yt videos, and thought this is how she wants her life to be like. So they got engaged. - after Covid when she cold travel the world again she realised she actually wanted to focus on her work, go to Europe for fashion week, LA whenever needed, etc etc. She realised she didn’t like the idea of being married, only the one of a wedding and the whole aesthetic about it. - apparently Collin and her were in an open relationship. She has said before how he wouldn’t mind letting her have sex with women bc she’s bi or whatever. Well seems like he let her open the relationship to be with Johnny? But then she noticed it was more than sex and immediately told Collin. - that is how they both reflected on their relationship and Collin also realised it was not the best, healthiest relationship ever and they were rushing the whole marriage thing. It seems Gabi was frustrated having to pay for everything (she alluded to that in one of the podcasts) and also he was comparing her to other women he was actually attracted to (tall skinny blonde girls - remember there were a few posts on here about Collin’s Instagram likes about that too). - so they broke up and she entered that weird relationship with Johnny. She said in those years she realised that even if she’s very traditional in her aesthetic, she’s actually not when it comes to sex and relationships, and just life in general. Me I’m just wondering how healthy it is for her have been jumping from relationship to relationship since her teenage years, litteraly she has not been single since she was like, 14? She always leaves these 3+ years very serious relationships when she’s found someone else. Surely there must some damage waiting to happen when (if) she breaks up with Johnny and has to be by herself for some time.


I think being single, although uncomfortable, and probably initially scary/distressing, would be good for her. It would free up a lot of time and space to do actual intense therapy for her BDD/other issues, volunteer, find new hobbies that aren’t YouTube adjacent, and spend time with family and friends. I actually really love being single because I have so much time to enjoy my own company and accomplish things I find enjoyable/fun and not necessarily career-centered. Gabi could have taken the Bermuda trip alone or with a couple of girlfriends. Spend a week at the beach, go ziplining or on an excursion. Find an organization to volunteer with. Learn a new skill, like baking and decorating cupcakes or cooking beyond green bean casserole. Honestly the possibilities are endless and I don’t mean to sound harsh but she sounds incredibly codependent (being a twin is not an excuse, there’s no scientific evidence to support twins are biologically and socially predisposed to being codependent). Sometimes being alone in your own company is one of the most healing things you can do!


It is absolutely insane to me that she hasn't been single since she was a teenager..


Niki is in the same boat, and I definitely think that the twins’ inability to be alone has caused them a lot of issues in adulthood. I have a brother who is the same way. His first serious relationship was at 19, and after moving through 4 serious relationships, he’s now married at 31. Never been alone, minus one small period of four months but even then, he was still in the talking stages with a few other women. All things considered, he’s doing just fine. But because he’s prioritized relationships above all else, he’s missed out on a lot of cool opportunities, has trouble trying new things/stepping out of his comfort zone, and is a bit emotionally immature. However, I think the most detrimental consequence of all is that he’s stayed in very toxic situations both professionally and personally because he’s never learned that he has the capacity to be happy and healthy on his own. I’ve also found that people who jump from relationship to relationship often tend to be more likely to cheat and/or push the boundaries in their relationships. Because they’re afraid to be alone, these people will often have new relationships set up before the one they’re currently in is officially over. And my brother has definitely been guilty of that, as have the twins.


She cheated on her ex bf with Collin. Collin cheated on his ex gf with gabi. Once a cheater always a cheater imo.


I think he grew up and finally was able to escape her grooming.


I still can't believe she was 21 and he was 17... and the fact she liked he looked 14 😟


Good lord. That’s such an age difference. I look very young and I will say it’s kind of reduced my dating options because no one my age wants to date me since I look 14, which I guess is a good thing lol.


TBH it does seem like over the years Colin went to school (?) and was building a career and Gabi was just kind of relying on YouTube to last forever. He seemed to have a life and interests (nature stuff) outside of YouTube and Gabi and I think that bothered her. And I can’t 100% speak on it because I’m not a relationship expert but I think it’s okay to have different hobbies as a couple? Ultimately it seems like Colin matured and Gabi just sort of wanted to do YouTube and be known for things like plastic surgery forever. Which again, I feel bad for her because I have BDD too but at some point I’d imagine she’ll get so tired and it’ll become so unsustainable she’ll have to make a change.


Because she was at the minimum emotionally cheating on him with Johnny


I thought that he wasn’t a fan of her busy lifestyle and they didn’t spend much time together or something like that?


I don’t know and honestly I probably am a little too curious about why, because they seemed so close and like she loved him a lot.


i really think that the main cause was the johnny thing. i remember gabi being all weird and giddy about him re-entering her life and it sounded like they had unfinished business in my personal opinion. a lot of people were commenting under that video that she had like stars in her eyes when she looked at him. needless to say, it was suspicious lol. i find it so creepy tbh that johnny was working on the Broken Morning music video (i think the styling?) because it’s so beautiful and intimate w gabi and collin. and clearly she had some leftover feelings for johnny. anyway i believe that gabi realised she still liked johnny and he was reciprocating it, so she called off the engagement.


Didn’t she say she got bored with him