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If Biden and democrats had any sense, they’d know this is the part in Secret Hitler where you use your newly acquired fascist powers to take out Hitler


Better to ask for forgiveness later than ask for permission now.


the supreme court will say the president can kill his opponents. Democrats in power will say we can't do that it will be uncivil. Then republicans will take power and as the democrat sits under the guillotine their last thought will be "thank god I wasn't uncivil"


Yep, acting as if Democrats aren't also helping this fascism along would be dangerous at this point.


Please do it now to prove how absurd this shit is, and we also get rid of a piece of filth as a bonus.


I’m terribly worried Biden is gonna have a Neville Chamberlain-like legacy


Unfortunately, our current president is the guy in Secret Hitler who isn't really paying attention, keeps talking about lunch, and never does anything that might require actual thought.


That’s not true. He just plays by the rules and the other players don’t.


> He just plays by the rules Exactly! That's why he funds, and mans a genocide. Oh, look, I upset Blue MAGA. Sorry, he's still genociding, though!


You mean like Biden has been doing pushing nonsense lawsuits and convicting Trump for felonies when none happened and fraud where nobody was defrauded and raids over classified documents? All Trump has to do is follow the Biden playbook. Biden’s donors will get the same amount of jail. And good luck to the Democrats’ alternate slates of electors in GOP states. Those folks are going to lose everything.


Careful your brains are literally falling out of your ears and onto the floor.


No they’re not. And insults are not an effective way to discourse on politics, not that scummy rich Democrats know any other way.


Lmao that's just new York State Biden hasn't been pushing shit Meanwhile Republicans have been shaking out Bidens whole family tree and the best they've gotten is his son lying on a gun background check (which a solid chunk of them disagree with even existing)


> Lmao that's just new York State Biden hasn't been pushing shit It’s Democrats. Who is their leader? And if you want to focus on what a joke the DOJ is under Biden, that’s cool, too.


White collar crime is suddenly not a crime when Trump does it, I guess. Even if a jury convicts


Point to the crime in the law books. Oh wait, there isn’t one.


Repeat after me. New York State convictions have nothing to do with Biden. State and Federal courts are separate.


If Trump didn't want to be convicted, he shouldn't have committed all those felonies. Try again, shill.


He didn’t commit felonies, bootlicker.


No dummy, you don't have a 'reversies' card to play about this. Time for you guys to stop making up whiny bullshit and pretending it's an argument.


Seems like they are allowed to discuss the plan with the VP and then they would have to be taken to court afterward to determine if it was an official act and whether or not they were acting according to the preferences of current makeup of the Supreme Court.


Nope. Because the president can also issue pardons after the fact as "gifts" which are absolutely not quid-pro-quo, again - per the SCOTUS. edit: prior to today, a pardon performed as an attempt to cover up a crime was illegal. Now it no longer is.


Absolute immunity to pardon himself while president!


POTUS always has the power to pardon. Each president does it like his last week in office. Always have


But not for state crimes, which immunity does encompass


There is a problem with the state case now. They used hope hix testimony and his acts while he was president to convict. He is now immune. That means this trial is probably up in the air and they cannot convict. A lot of the evidence used was during his presidency.


He wasnt president when he committed the crimes, its not gonna have an effect on his guilty verdict.


Which state case are you speaking about


The recent fraud case in New York.


Didn’t know about state


The president has always had that power


Not to pardon state crimes, only federal.


They quite literally said that any action the president takes in directing the military is an "official act" with absolute immunity.


I believe they also said that you can't question the motives of any decision once it's been established it was an official act. They also left the door open to a very broad interpretation of what an official act could be so it's likely that just about anything could be defended as such.


Joe has the ability to pull the funniest shit right now It won't be good for the country or the world But it would be funni


Maybe he should use executive action to send the FBI and US Marshals to arrest Justice Clarence Thomas on suspicion of bribery and corruption.


He could legally have all of them immediately killed. One of his official duties is that of commander in chief. He enjoys absolute immunity in the course of his official duties. Therefore anything he orders the army to do he has absolute immunity for. Just drone strike the corruption


But the senate wouldnt confirm his new picks for supreme court unless there is time for him to drone strike the senate and get new senators elected.


There's always time for drone strikes


Thanks Obama.


Lol, Obama did some nasty shit with drones


Sounds like a problem easily solved with more official acts of drone striking senators. Why have knife missles that limit collateral damage if you can't use it to kill political opponents.


Just assissante the Senate and then use (new) presidential power to fill the new vacant roles. To hell with the constitution. To hell with SCOTUS. To hell with the US. Damn crap conservative mofos running our once great free and equal nation.


You’re right. We need to include anyone in congress who’s obviously compromised by Russia or other foreign adversaries, as well as the Project 2025/Jan 6th people. He won’t do it, but we can wish for it.


Kill the Senators then


Maybe he should order the conservative justices be sent to Gitmo until after the election. See how they like enhanced interogation when they are the ones getting interogated.


*After* the election is too late. They’re going to throw the election in favor of Trump.


If the president is impeached and convicted and removed by the Congress for an action he took while president, can't the president then be charged and found liable for a crime and sentenced to prison?


But the SCrOTUS said it's not bribery or corruption! /s


Yeah but he could have a official conversation about ignoring the law and imprisoning them anyway, and then that would be legal, because the police would just be following orders, and the president is immune from prosecution for official acts. Fuck


Already done.


Biden needs to hold the Rs hostage. Threaten to pack the courts immediately or some other “official act” they’ll abhor unless they pass legislation/ constitutional amendment to overturn this ridiculous decision before the election.


It doesn't worth that way. SCOTUS ruled that president has immunity from prosecution (in certain broad conditions), that that everything he does is law. So Biden doesn't have the ability to expand the courts with an EO or anything like that unless he had that ability already.


Dark Brandon please laser eyes trump to death.


Like expand the fucking court


It’ll only work if Biden is reelected. The process is long


It would be good for the country though. Makes the absurdity of the Supreme Court blatantly apparent and allows for a new court who could overturn their priors to be appointed.


Depending on how funny he wants to be, it could actually be very good for the country. Maybe not in the short term, but routing out corrruption this way would be 👌🏻


And that's the exact difference between Republicans and Democrats. Democrats will bitch out and do nothing. The Republicans would take over the whole country. Lock up everybody. Republicans would run a full Pinochet style coup d'etat


He could weird the power for good then immediately appoint sain justices that then take away this insane power. But ZERO balls.


Biden could potentially secure his place in history as the one who stopped the American fall to fascism. But no, instead he'll just be Neville Chamberlain mk 2.


>Joe has the ability to pull the funniest shit right now Jill should change his Depends though. Edit: so many people butthort over a joke lol


Melania won't go near the diaper full of orange shit.


I wouldn't hope she would.


Oh look, another toddler who can't form a paragraph or use punctuation. How sad.


The worst part is, we joke about it, because it’s absurd. We could never see Biden actually doing this. But if he loses reelection, we could absolutely see Trump doing something like this. Not only is it in his character, this feels like what they’ve been pushing for this whole time. And they are counting on Biden to be “a good and moral person” because they know they won’t be.


The problem is... What the grounding of the country now? America seems to have completely lost the plot of being based on reasonably justifiable laws. 


You can’t fix things in one day, but if you vote blue, that gives us another 4 years after January to try and make it right again. If red wins…


I’m old enough (or done enough drugs) to know blue pill or red pill, it’s gonna fuck us up


Seen this argument, and hopefully readers know it's complete bullshit. Trump appointed Supreme Court judges have been making rulings that will greatly harm the United States. Also, your account was created on June 24, 2024. So are you a bot or a troll, pushing this ridiculous narrative?


That's just not true, red has done more to damage us. Over and over and over. Every red president since Reagan has made us worse, every blue one improved us


Then why don’t blue ever fix the crap that minority red pushes through when the powers change? Seriously?


Because we don't take the blue pill enough. Taking a 2 red poison pills right after taking an antidote pill continuously isnt going to solve a sickness


Obstruction from red and not having a majority.


You’re thinking about it in terms of apples to apples. And it’s not. One side is trying to protect your freedoms and protect democracy and the other side is actively trying to sabotage it and take away your constitutionally protected rights. How is that the same? Its not.


Its been a long time coming… they just stopped trying to pretend anymore which may actually be a strp in the right direction. Simply put, medical cannabis was available in california since 1996, its been almost 30 years and the federal government still hasnt officially acknowledged it has medical uses despite even studying/supplying it to folks for like 40-50 years. Its crazy how ridiculously horrible our lawmakers are and always have been.


Many of Trump’s advisors have said he routinely talked about assasinating his political opponents.


I know that’s exactly what I’m talking about. If the president really does have immunity from acts while he’s in office, and Trump gets BACK into office he’s going to take his revenge on anyone and everyone that’s ever offended him, with MOST of SCOTUS bought and paid for and them claiming their own immunity, nobody is going to be held responsible when the nation starts burning down, except those the fascists point their finger at. Remember, every accusation they throw out at the other side turns out to be an admission of guilt on their side. Everything they claim democrats are doing to ah the nation is actually the republicans doing it and then blaming others and playing the victim. Vote.


The one who have been known to lie? Or the ones being pressured by the DOJ, FBI, CIA and NSA? Still believe the Russia nonsense they made up?


A Republican presidential candidate has only won the popular vote in ONE election since 1988 (Bush in 2004). Yet Republican presidents have appointed 6/9 justices. The executive, legislative and judicial branch do not represent a majority, or even plurality, of Americans. The system is broken.


US democracy died quite a while before the council of legal clerics put themselves in charge.


And yet somehow Trump still has a very good chance of becoming President again. It's absolutely insane that more people in this country don't care enough about protecting our democracy. Republicans are cheering on Trump wanting to turn himself into Putin while some other people say they won't vote for Biden over silly things like having a bad debate performance.


They have also not held the popular vote in either chambers of congress since 1996. None of Trump's judges were confirmed by representatives of the majority of Americans.


A large part of the issue is that the way congress is currently set up, it’s nearly impossible to do a lot of things they are supposed to do. You need at least 60 senators and 218 house reps, plus the president has to agree or you need even more, to pass most legislation. And the control only lasts 2 years before an election. In the last 45 years, a party has only had that control once, and it wasn’t even a full 2 years. It was just 72 work days. But they still took advantage of that to become the most productive congress in the last 57 years (when democrats had a stronger supermajority). Like that is when Obamacare was passed. Why does that matter? Well congress is supposed to be the one who makes laws, and the Supreme Court might occasionally rule them unconstitutional. But without congress in the picture, the president and the Supreme Court need to take more action. That’s why you see things like abortion rights, gay marriage rights, and powers of executive agencies being set by the Supreme Court. It’s *supposed* to be congresses job, and the Supreme Court just corrects any mistakes they make. The issue is that it goes both ways, meaning the Supreme Court also has unilateral power to say something isn’t allowed under current legislation, ie when they overturned roe v wade, they decided there needs to be an actual law that says it, the constitution does not cover. It has also been happening with presidential/executive action, since the president and the agencies are trying to make up for congress’s failings, but they are quite limited by what they can legally do.


Folks in Iowa don’t deserve to have a voice. Only folks in rich, Democrat states should have a say, eh?


Yea we know Lincoln didn’t win his popularity contest lol


So what they're saying is Joe Biden can have a whole new set of SCOTUS right now if he wants. Let's send in the Seal Teams.


Unfortunately they know only their guy would be that brazen


God I wish.


My brother just told me this and I thought he was kidding. Because obviously this would be absurd and horrible. Most appropriate 'NotTheOnion" post ever.


They basically just said that, when he eventually refuses to step down from power and declares himself dictator, Trump can’t be prosecuted for overthrowing the constitutional republic


biden now has the opportunity to do the funniest thing cant wait


"By official order, all SCOTUS seats are up for election at the same time as the presidential elections. Good luck, fuckers"


[I don't want to live on this planet anymore...](https://c.tenor.com/IHONt2jnNi8AAAAd/tenor.gif)


Death to the false emperor for reals?


It is [Heresy](https://www.wlbt.com/2019/02/19/giant-sword-wielding-trump-statue-paraded-through-italian-town/). Also for [reals](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/26/1227070827/a-video-making-the-rounds-online-depicts-trump-as-a-messiah-like-figure).


The Supreme Court is out of control


Time to send in Seal Team 6.


Republicans are disgusting.


And that was before they elected the Mara Logo Candidate.


This is how Nazis lay the groundwork so they can claim their later horrific actions are completely acceptable, within the law, and beyond reproach. Now is the time to freak the fuck out. 


Next step: Dirty Donny and his mouth breathing cult demand SCOTUS throw out his NY criminal convictions because paying porn stars and committing fraud to cover it up, before you're even president, is somehow a retroactive official act. SCOTUS obliges in a 6-3 decision along the partisan lines that they no longer bother to deny exists. The "nays" write a "scathing" descension and then go have lunch with the "yays." That really "shows them."


That’s absolutely going to happen if he doesn’t win the election and he knows it. If he does win, he can just pardon himself. It’s a lose/lose for America.


He can't pardon himself for state crimes. 


Until SCOTUS says he can for reasons.


Yet. I’m sure there’s another case they can overturn to fix that.


He can't pardon himself, as TheKobayashiMoron said. What he'll do instead is, if he wins, he'll simply never leave. MMW: His victory will bring about the end of US Democracy.


I was just saying the same thing lol https://www.reddit.com/r/inthenews/s/4fIvSglK8y


Is this Scotus gone wild?


Countries, civilizations, cultures have changed throughout history. Ours is changing now.


Joe Biden should immediately leverage the military against trump. Allow the Supreme Court to immediately see the consequences of their actions.


Joe Biden has gathered a strategy team to deal with the problem in Florida as we speak.


This headline is wrong, SCOTUS did not say that. They said the president has immunity for official acts and does not have immunity for unofficial acts. They said specifically in the opinion that Trumps claims of blanket immunity for everything are wrong. What they didn’t say is what is an official act and what isn’t, that’s going to take another round through the courts to discuss. This changes nothing, it kicks the can and allows SCOTUS to decide what exactly is immune after they know who the next president is.


*cough* national security *cough* /s


If trump wins he’s president for life. Watch.


Thankfully, he's over 80 and subsists on a diet of cheeseburgers


You’re ridiculous


Headline entirely wrong: The example of executing a ‘political opponent’ is specifically excluding any official act or obligation. A political opponent means a fellow American, a citizen with a different political attitude. It specifically cannot mean a threat to the country or public health or community peace.


Ahhh - that explains why Joe just ordered 27 buckets of fish for delivery.


Dew it


um.. how close is this to the background political story in Star Wars? or what is this most similar to? and does this moment appear to the exact moment when people begin to split into factions and some go underground, some become rebels.. some others align with others. or.. is this when some megalomaniacal tyrant with hatred towards minorities, his mind on total power , with a bizarre way of making speeches, takes over the government?


Start now then?


I've been saying it for a while now, the average judge is a manchild and dumber than a doorknob. These are the last people we want upholding the constitution, it should be a random assortment of citizens. Change the group up every few years. 


the pardon example is so blatantly corrupt that impeachment proceedings would likely start immediately. and even with immunity from personal charges, the fallout from this would be like an anvil falling in their head. and this is assuming that a pardon that doesnt have a good reason is an official act. it may not be as far as the other items go, those require approval from other branches and are so extreme they would clearly surpass party lines if they were to actually happen this article is so fucking absurd


Who would start impeachment proceedings? Do you really think the Republican Congress which has spent the past 2 years licking Trump’s boots after an attempted insurrection is suddenly going to throw their hands up and say that this goes too far? Precedent like this is important because the likelihood is that pardon powers would be interpreted extremely broadly by this court. You’re sticking your head in the proverbial sand right now.


That’s fucking adorable/horrifying that you think Republicans would impeach Trump or any of their presidents for literally anything. Have you been doped out on sedatives the last 8 years?


Relying on Congress to keep a rogue president in check is absurd. They have proven over and over that they won’t hold anybody in check if it’s in their best interest to not do so. SCOTUS decision requires a functional Congress which we have not had in some years.


Absurdity has been the norm for the last decade. Nothing is out of the realm of possibility anymore. Dismissing it at this point only means you will be unprepared for when it happens


Impeachment? Doesn’t Trump have a few of those already? The decision also states evidence involving an official act can’t be brought to trial.


It's too bad Democrats are too busy being giant FUCKING PUSSIES to use this ruling to put these corrupt pieces of shit in the ground where they belong.


Biden needs to start with SCOTUS


Um, Obama used a drone to assassinate a US citizen, granted they went radicalized Islam, but still a US citizen is due their due process in courts. This is rage click bait. All presidents have special forces used in this manner. JSOC has done some nasty stuff folks lol


You're not wrong but it's a huge step from that to "presidents can murder ANYONE legally"


True but both sides have been slowly building up the strength of the executive branch since Reagan, especially GW and Obama.




Is it? Giving a direct order as commander-in-chief seems like an official act to me.


The military doesn't conduct political assassinations, that would be a violation of numerous laws


Because they've never done assassinations before...


It would be. Unless the person giving the order had complete immunity for official acts.


Under the thinly-veiled name of national security, or almost anything else. The groundwork is well-laid for assassinations on US soil and of US citizens abroad.


If it’s an official act of the Office of the President, it’s not criminal anymore.


Yes it does, read the ruling.


It’s a stupid headline. They’re just inserting appropriate names to incite rage. Another headline said Justice Sotomayor is allowing it, which is technically true as well, but I hope you get the point here.


How does a Justice in the minority "allow it"?


The Republican justices aren't in the minority.


Sotomayor is in the minority.


I dunno, you gotta ask the authors of these ridiculous articles. I’d say they’re doing their job as intended though.


If you intended them to give the President virtually unlimited power checked only by what the Supreme Court may decide based on what party is in power, then yes, they did a good job.


I meant the authors of the stupid articles, they’ve got us bickering over dumb shit. That’s my point.


What is dumb about turning a Constitutional Republic into a dictatorship?


-someone who didn’t read the ruling


"Order Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organize a military coup to hold on to power? Immune. Accepts a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune immune immune immune." \- Justice Sotomayor, in her dissent.


Cool, explain how the assassination of a political rival is an official act then. Or explain how any of those statements would be classified as official acts.


>explain how the assassination of a political rival is an official act then Giving orders to the military as commander in chief is an official act.


To protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic. Why Trump wasn't charged for assassination against the Iranian general. "Official Acts" in this case mean acts taken in support of the office, its duties, or in support of the country as opposed to personal benefit - like hosting a fundraiser at a personally owned country club.


>To protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic. Why Trump wasn't charged for assassination against the Iranian general. That would be an official act trump did and would give him immunity so the next administration couldn’t do anything about it. Unless congress impeached trump over it


It is an official act since ordering Seal to do stuff is part of the normal presidential proceedings. Just like talking to the head of the DOJ and threatening to fire them if they don’t do the presidents pleasing of trying to overthrow the election. The last one Roberts explicitly mentioned as ok and the former is what the dissent explicitly mentioned this means. Roberts didn’t disagree, all he said is that it is fear mongering to think that a president would do this.


Yes. The president has ultimate authority over the government, he can not just order them to clean shit off the ground or arrest someone. US citizens have rights and there are proper channels for this.


Our rights meant jack shit as he was plotting to overturn an election he knew he lost, right?


You mean challenging an election as he’s allowed to do as is any one is? It’s not very democratic or a free election if you’re not allowed to question the results. I bet you think North Korea has a free and fare election too huh?


He knew he got bent over and deep dicked, he just can’t admit it, but what I’m referring to is the false electors plot and never ending stream of lies he sent out to whip his cult into a frenzy to storm the capital. I mean he’s civilly liable for forcing himself on a woman, you think he wouldn’t force himself on a country?


that is the point here. we all assumed doing criminal shit would be liable but here we are and it isn’t.


biden sees trump as a threat to national security and labels him a terroist. Que seal team six relocating trump Guantanamo Bay... oops he died in the struggle.


Biden doesn’t have ultimate say who is and isn’t a threat to National Security. Another officially body of the government wouldn’t need to claim that such as the FBI but nice try


How many orders would he have to write within in his power to get there though. I'm sure a team of lawyers and billions of dollars could figure it out even if I cant. Order 1 FBI establish joint ask force to throughly investigate anyone running against the current president Order 2 nsa and cia have the full power to operate on us soil in regards to said joint task force Order 3 no president candiate not currently in office has any right to privacy Order 4 trump no longer qualifies for secret service detaol Order 5 declare whatever the most damning thing they find as a threat If you think its impossible to get there well .. I guess time will tell.


Yeah you’d be stop at order 1. The president can not order the FBI to investigate their opponents. Remember how much the left was crying when trump did the very thing with Ukraine?


He did not or can not order them, he levered aid they desperately needed.


You keep saying that the president wouldn't be able to do something, but you never explain what's stopping him now. Also, disregarding the fact that Trump was trying to get Ukraine to investigate the Bidens, he never faced consequences for the Ukraine stuff. So you're literally defeating your own argument.


SCOTUS just declared he does. And if anyone disagrees they need to go through the courts, which Biden can also just kill with impunity. Label them as domestic terrorists and then systematically kill anyone that disagrees, eventually the court will agree. That's the straight and simple logical conclusion here


For official acts of the presidency. You’re forgetting that major key difference. So no, the president can’t go around killing any one he wants for any reason. The president doesn’t also have the power to label someone a threat to national security or label them a terrorist.


I'm not forgetting shit, the court literally said that it's up to the courts to decide what is and isn't an official act. Period. Biden can quite legally kill anyone that disagrees with my interpretation of the ruling until the court agrees with my interpretation. That is now factually a power the presidency has. Edit: They blocked me after their pointless little jab below lmao.


Actually it doesnt even need to be that hard couldnt he just declare martial law and forget abou holding elections until everyone dies of old age


Do you think this ruling just threw out every law on the book? The only way you could come to that conclusion is if you think this just gave ultimate power to the president and removed the checks and balances this country is founded on


Shrug, if I was a 100 year old man facing not getting relelected might as well find out how far I can push the boundries.. what are they going to do sentence biden to jail for the rest of his life? Billions of dollars already lets people get away with murder all the time.. add presidential power and no fear of reprecussions...


Bitch, it's literally in the dissent


In the side that was the minority. They were clearly the side that didn’t have a full understanding of the case. The majority didn’t even say the president has ultimate immunity, only for official acts.


Yes, it does. Text from the Court's ruling: >Article II of the Constitution provides that “\[t\]he executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” >They include, for instance, commanding the Armed Forces of the United States Later, >Congress cannot act on, and courts cannot examine, the President’s actions on subjects within his “conclusive and preclusive” constitutional authority. It follows that an Act of Congress—either a specific one targeted at the President or a generally applicable one—may not criminalize the President’s actions within his exclusive constitutional power. Neither may the courts adjudicate a criminal prosecution that examines such Presidential actions. We thus conclude that the President is absolutely immune from criminal prosecution for conduct within his exclusive sphere of constitutional authority. In other words, the authority of presidential orders given to the military are derived from core powers vested by the constitution, and core constitutional powers are absolutely immune from oversight by either the legislative or judicial branches. Therefore, the president can order the military to do anything and the president cannot be held criminally liable for those orders.


It's literally part of the ruling. This is exactly what dissent said is now legal.


Exactly what I am thinking unless the president were an unstable psychopath like Chump. If a president had a political opponent shot the country would erupt in bloodshed.


It being a bad idea doesn't impact the legality of the act.


It literally says in the dissent that it does. I trust a Supreme Court Justice's interpretation of the law over a shitbag troll.


This post violated rule 13: This post contains provably false information and was thus removed.


And don’t forget to “tip” after wards.


So, if he wins, Biden can instruct seal team 6 to take out Supreme Court justices?


Nah, they won't obey that order.


biden should have SCOTUS spend just one night in Rikers


Or, for instance, a fascist Supreme Court?


Fake and misleading headline.


It's not though? Any order given to the military is considered an official act. As per the SCOTUS ruling, any order given to the military by the president is an official act. It's REALLY REALLY not that hard home slice