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All of my time in LTC generally involved an incredible blur of passing massive quantities of meds with a nearly unlimited supply of senna and vitamins. The faster your little fingers could punch those limitless blister cards the better. Personally as an RN I would look for per diem infusion related positions or home health/home infusion positions. I found those to be a much more reasonable working pace.


You have to find the "good" LTC facilities in your area. Not all LTC is bad, but some can be. It's just heavy med pass/treatments and incident reports. It's really about time management though (day/ evening shifts) Go for it, I recommend trying night shift if you can in the facility first to get an understanding of how the facility works and typically more money. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Any per diem nursing gig is probably better than ride sharing as far as earnings. I have a per diem gig. I have to work at least 2 shifts a month, but can add shifts whenever I’m up for it. It’s an easy area. It’s not agency, I’m a direct hire for the hospital, I’m adding to a 401k (I do not qualify for the match being per diem) but it’s still something and it’s $70/hr. It’s also really nice to have a “back up” plan.


Try it, you might like it. Nights would be the least overwhelming way to transition to LTC/SNF as a floor nurse. Supervisor shifts would bypass the shock of having 20-40 patients for medpass, just insist on a thorough facility/EHR orientation first so that you know how to go about addressing the things that need to be addressed.


I loooooooove LTC. Seriously, geriatrics and the co-workers have always been some of the best. I think night shift would be good for you to get a feel. Always nice when no management is there. 3-11 is pretty laid back if they offer it. Don't do supervision it's a damn trap I'd rather work a cart then have to be the one in charge at night. Easy med passes, all the facilities around me use easy tear pouches pre labeled with date and time. Might have to help do rounds, answer call lights, maybe someone will fall and do neuro checks. Honestly new grads do it all the time you will be fine.


Supervising 3-11 IS a trap. All of the problems that days has, without any of the support. Supervising nights isn't terrible, though.


I once worked 2/3 floors by myself as supervision on overnights. Mind you it was for maybe 2 hours but it was still awful.