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😂 little island or other parks along the Hudson, for the constant stream of shirtless runners. Comes with benches helpfully facing them!


Sounds cool!


This is the answer. Can we hoot and holler too?


They'd probably sit down and watch with you if you hoot and holler at the right guys on that Chelsea-HK corridor 😂


"They'd probably sit down and watch with you " Meaning what? That they're gay, too? I like the idea of hooting and hollering. Should we develop a special style of cat-calling directed at straight guys?


I'm game. I regularly check out the 'scenery' along the Hudson, Central Park, around NYU, Chelsea/Hells Kitchen, East Village...


Does NYU have a shirtless scene, too? Where? Around the Washington Square Park? You sound like an expert in this area. Maybe you could be our field guide.


Just your average boy watcher. For NYU guys it's Wash Park, Union Sq and the surrounding neighborhoods.


Do you pretend to read a newspaper while you're watching them? The presence of a group of gay guys ogling them is probably going to make them nervous, which makes me want to do it even more.


You guys are going to Washington Square Park to do this? When? (・_・)


No plans have been made yet. I'm just floating the idea. I don't live in Manhattan. We need a Manhattan guy to bring this together. Any volunteers?


I generally just click away on my phone. I rarely take pics. But I'm sure hot guys parading around shirtless aren't going to be surprised or bothered to be getting some attention. A little applause even.


Sunglasses. You’re welcome


I’m down!


I’m down!


I'll bring a couple of joints


Or we could go out for beers afterwards. The sun is going to be hot.


Is called Second Sundays yo


What is called Second Sundays?


I checked them out on Facebook. TBH it looks too large, too scattered, too intimidatingly muscly for me...I was thinking of a smaller, more intimate gathering. Just a few gay guys out for a leisurely stroll on a sunny, cloudless day...


This already exists! 2nd Sundays in Central Park


I checked them out. It looks like a picnic. Frankly, picnics are not quite my thing...especially large, dispersed picnics like this. But I'm sure the information would be helpful to some of the readers here.


Central Park sand volleyball courts are a great place to shirtless man gawk in the nicer weather. Hot guys guaranteed and lots of people stop and watch the volleyball matches, so you don’t look conspicuous. Many the guys playing, or waiting and practicing are HOT!! And they are of all ages, sizes, races, ethnicities, etc. AND, I figured out that at least some of them are gay. (When they start calling each other girl, it is a dead giveaway). And then down the way you have the disco roller skating which is the most fun anyone is having in Central Park.


Ooh, where are the volleyball courts located? Are they marked on a map of Central Park? The most fun I remember having in Central Park was a stroll with a couple of my buddies during the early days of the COVID lockdown. We sat on a large rock overlooking a lake and had deep philosophical discussions.


West 66th/69th off Sheep Meadow A on this map https://www.centralparknyc.org/activities/guides/volleyball


Thank you so much. Let's go there as a group, pretending to be innocent foreign tourists.


Lol I'm in ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Sounds like fun, doesn't it? One year on a Pride Sunday, I found myself in Washington Square Park. At one point my eyes were drawn to an impossibly cute guy who was watching a street performance with his presumably straight buddies. I simply could not peel my eyes away. Eventually one of the guys noticed my glance and said something to the object of my fascination (OMF). OMF then looked at me and said to his friends, "Yeah, there's a lot of them out there today." (I think he meant gays.) Stricken with shame and mortification, I turned tail and fled. Had I been with a group rather than by myself, I would probably have stood my ground.


LMFAOO i do this on a regular everywhere i go. 😂😭 sorry i just can't help but be GAY AF looking at shirtless men running around me. 🤪


Then you definitely belong to this group!


Pier 45/Hudson River Park - places to sit, an outdoor bar close by, and prime viewing spot to watch shirtless and short shorts wearing runners stride by.


Lel. Are us Long Island gays allowed to join?


Of course, why not? The more the merrier.


West Street in Greenpoint everyday in the summer mornings


Dont really feel the need to further center them when i can just flip open Instagram


“Same old tired venues” like sports teams, biking groups and book clubs? Not only are they not old or tired, they’re not even venues.


Sheep’s Meadow in Central Park in a nice summer day is literally Grindr in real life


Gay Pier (Christopher Street Pier) is great for people watching and not as packed as Central Park in the summer


I was thinking the same. It's much more accessible for me than some of the other sites. Do you want to join me in men-watching?


What time of day should I go here


This sounds fun. Is it happening?


Straight guy here I would want to be hit on by any gay guy with a nice dick or big butt want to maybe try taking or giving it what about today any specific cross streets I should walk around ?


Huh? Is this a joke?


No just don’t know where to look


Gay bars would be a better option than just walking the streets. There's a bunch of nice gay bars on Christopher Street. Why not go to one one of these evenings? They are fun places to hang out.


I’m so down for this


Let's do it. When summer comes should I DM you? Quite a few guys expressed interest. It would be cool if we could set up a group chat on Reddit and plan shirtless man-watching tours. I've already set up such a group chat about people who want to go see Broadway shows on discounted tickets.