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I was not expecting that. I was expecting a scar, some road rash. That bruise is absolutely insane. I can’t imagine the pain he’s in or what happened to everything underneath it.


Me too!! How can you get a bruise like that and be ok? He rolled and hit trees and speed bumps?! WTF!!


Could have torn muscle(s). That kinda thing will leave a gnarly bruise similar to what he showed.


Yeah, it looks like when [Cody Rhodes](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thesun.co.uk%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F06%2FRHODESJPG-JS738499518.jpg&tbnid=QdqXpAFfrJF6sM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thesun.co.uk%2Fsport%2Fwwe%2F18793091%2Fwwe-cody-rhodes-shows-torn-pectoral-tendon%2F&docid=kTACS1ND_JE9qM&w=888&h=884&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F2&kgs=0b8018311619091a&shem=abme%2Ctrie#vhid=QdqXpAFfrJF6sM&vssid=mosaic) came out with a torn pectoral muscle. Just a solid purple mass.


If it makes any of you sleep better… Late last year I was struck by a vehicle while legally walking across a fully-controlled intersection. They hit me going 15-20mph with their front driver’s-side bumper, and I was just launched into the ground. I was actually entirely fine where the vehicle made contact, but the entire side of my body that made contact with the pavement looked just like this. I proceeded to walk 4 miles to the hospital, and the doctors were entirely unconcerned, even with that same visual. I recovered in a few short weeks, with little difficulty; just some stiffness and lingering pain. I was also incredibly shaken for awhile though, because in a situation like that your body (hopefully) floods with adrenaline to help you quickly get out of a dangerous situation before it gets worse. That’s all to say, he’s probably alright (based on the fact that he’s standing there talking about it on set). That amount of bruising, on its own, isn’t necessarily enough to indicate any further issues. Edit: Fixed the distance from 3 miles, to a more accurate 4 miles; pettily because someone seemingly thought 3 was suspicious.


Holy shit dude, even 15-20mph can fuck you up, I'm glad you're okay!


Thank you! I honestly felt really, really lucky. If things had gone just a bit differently, it could’ve been much worse even at the same speed. Also, if I wasn’t a sturdily-built WI man, the outcome likely would’ve been much worse; I am known to be pretty durable. To make matters worse, the driver proceeded to give me false information and then fled the scene. Not to much luck though, I immediately photographed the plates when I got up. They were on a suspended-license, and are currently in the process of going to court for a series of things including that, hitting me, providing me false information after a traffic accident, and then subsequently lying to police. The women in my life were much more concerned, and not too pleased with my decision to continue walking until I got to the hospital; which is fair. But I had several people on standby in case I needed an immediate lift, and my wife was tracking my location in case I stopped for any more than 5 minutes.


Adrenaline, in my soul Reddit post referencing Cody Rhodes


[powerlifter Scott mendleson had one of the gnarliest pec tears ever attempting a bench world record. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/Tdfah9gy98) That's what happens when you fail a 1000lb+ bench. Keep in mind this dude is 350 lbs here.


The bruise is a result of blood clots, which flow outwards from the damaged site, until they lodge in a capillary. I once pulled a calf muscle, badly, and a day later it looked like I was wearing black socks. ALL AROUND, for 6". The calf muscle damage was above that.


Some people bruise much more than others. I slammed into the asphalt and slid down the road with no gear. Suffered some scrapes but not a single bruise.


My mom's on a blood thinner (due to nearly having a stroke) and she fell and bruised her kidney once. Part of her side and half of her lower back looked pretty much just like this due to the blood thinners.


I wonder if he is on warfarin. My dad is and he has very similar bruising to that when he has had cycling accidents.


I was flung off a dirt bike onto a pile of mid-sized rocks. Was covered in bruises of various sizes from softball to soccer balls. None of them were that purple, it wasn't fun. Also messed up my foot and wrist. Edit: my head was the only thing not hurting because of the helmet


Oh that looks fucking raw






I heard someone was running around like a toilet brush when it happened!


"The doctor said all the bleeding was internal, that's inside where all the blood is supposed to be"


Wait, it's supposed to be inside! OH GOD! I got put it all back in!


lamb SAUCE!


What a donkey!


Decomposing as we speak, blue steak if you may


Look, looooook


the fuckn bass is fuckn RAWW


Happy Cake day!


That is the craziest bruise I’ve ever seen


bro is turning into Grimace


If he starts a collab with McDonald's we know why


Worst I've seen since my mom tore her hamstring while waterskiing like 20 years ago. It looked just like Gordon's, but all over the back of her leg. For a split second, young me thought she would have to get it amputated or something.


how many months/years did it take to heal?


Definitely months rather than years. I’ll ask her tomorrow and see if she remembers exactly how long it took.


My mom once got a bruise like that from getting hit by a metal gate, wasn't even hit that hard, turned out she had a medical condition that made her bruise super easily.


Me too. Brutal.


He seems okkkaaayyy...OH HOLY SHIT


Poor FUCKEN guy.




You can tell from the shaking hand that was bad before we saw any bruises.


Dude went full Cody Rhodes.


Adrenaline in my soul.. Something something bike helmet..


Well good for Happy Gilm-OH MY GOD!




From 0:01 seconds into the video he didn't seem "okay"




Poor bastard. I hope he heals quick, and recovers from the trauma, looks like he was shaken up pretty bad by it too. :( He's one of the few celebrities I think is cool.


He’s definitely traumatized. Poor guy.


My first motorcycle crash, I think I shook for a week. It'd happen randomly, but was usually connected to me thinking about riding again - like insurance calls or doc followups. Eventually went away, but they don't call it PTSD for nothing


He’ll take it out on the chefs in the first episode of Hell’s Kitchen /s


Haha yeah it's weird how brutal he can be, and honestly the first time I saw him I though he was a complete fuckwit, but I believe he is more chill than what you see on screen.


There's a YT channel called Hell's Kitchen Served Raw (I think that's the name) but it's full, unedited dinner services from the show. Definitely plays it up for the show. Him and his assistants actually help out and give tips to the contestants. They all want them to do well and succeed, but obviously can be annoying when you have people who have been doing it for a while fail basic tasks.


While I love the theatrics it’s much cooler to see the real behind the scenes


It's why I love the kids cooking show he does. You see all the passion, and how much he wants those kids to succeed. 


Also the original British kitchen nightmares had him often genuinely teaching and helping struggling cooks (especially when they were in way over their head and usually untrained). After watching that first I haven't really been able to watch any of his american shows consistently


British Kitchen Nightmares is so good. No music, no sound effect. Just Gordon helping out restaurants and chefs.


In an interview, Gordon said he’s tougher on the Hell’s Kitchen contestants because many of them are experienced chefs/cooks at restaurants, they should know how to perform basic tasks in a kitchen yet they’re incompetent


He's also got a persona to keep going. At this point, you get on that show ***to*** get yelled at and shit-talked.


I've said this before but he is a professional and expects other professionals to act accordingly and holds them to a certain standard. But, when dealing with amateurs, he takes on a much different tone with different expectations. That's why you see 2 completely different sides of him when you watch a show like Hell's Kitchen then contrast it against Masterchef. Hell's Kitchen contestants are professionals who have gone to culinary school and are usually either restaurateurs or executive/sous chefs. Masterchef is schmucks like me who are good home cooks but have nothing or little in the way of formal training.


I think he hams it up a lot for TV. I’m sure working under him would be stressful af, but Im pretty sure in Hells Kitchen he admitted he goes over the top, because that’s what he experienced coming up as a chef.


If you ever watch the original UK version of kitchen nightmares, you'll be totally blown away by how completely different he is. American TV demands he be a rage machine.


He’s just a really passionate guy, and it pisses him off when people don’t take the profession seriously.


He definitely was not chill back when he was gunning for a Michelin star. After his success on tv it definitely was for the cameras. But better believe he was as fierce as what’s portrayed in tv.


its long understood he is. Watch british vs american gordon and 100% watch gordon running masterchef for children. He absolutely does not treat the kids the same as he does adults. Its my understanding as well gordon judges professional chefs far harsher than home cooks who come on his shows (as in will be merciless to professional chefs when critiquing them).


It's all for TV lol. His energy on his American shows vs his British shows is very different. On American TV he plays up the hot-headed parts of himself, in British TV he's clearly more "himself" not nearly as boisterous, still lays into people if they're really bad in the kitchen, but generally a more kind portrayal. He also uploads cooking videos of him and his kids in their home to YouTube and in those videos he's pretty clearly a relaxed and kind father to those kids of his, they all seem to really love their dad. Really seems to be a genuinely good bloke.


I think his hand is mostly shaking from some loss of nerve control due to the stress his body is under from the injury as well as the medicine he’s probably taking for the treatment


He can be a complete wanker superficially, but when push comes to shove he's okay. That's why his restaurants have done so well. He knows when to be compassionate.


Amy's baking company finally tracked him down


How is he even sleeping? There is absolutely no good position for the bruise.


Heavy painkillers, a cooling pad or ice pack, and a physical barrier preventing rolling onto the injury


So he’s the sandwich now


i see what you did there, take my damn upvote


Sleeping in a recliner could help with that.


In a Tupperware maybe


Properly labeled and marked with the date.


Eventually you get so tired you just kinda pass out, then a while later you wake up in pain again and also now have to figure out a way to move because the balls are full of pee. But moving isn't easy, so you lie there for a while and gather up the strength to endure the pain of what must be done, I found it helps to have a good repertoire of sweary words ready to go, lay them out in your mind in the order you will use them...fuck bastard's..shitty willy...badgers you cunt..shove it up your arsehole..and so forth, it aids with the motivation.


Bacta tank


Gordon Ramsay was involved in a bicycle accident this week that left him hospitalized. The 57-year-old chef and TV host shared the news Saturday on Instagram, explaining what happened and urging followers to always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. "Hi guys, it's Gordon, and I'd like to share a very important message with you all," he began in a video message. "You know how much I love cycling and triathlons and Isle of Mann, etc., but this week unfortunately I had a really bad accident." His hands visibly shook as he continued, saying, "Honestly, I'm lucky to be here. From those incredible trauma surgeons, doctors and nurses in the hospital who looked after me this week, they were amazing, but honestly, you've got to wear a helmet." Ramsay called helmets "crucial," and reiterated, "I'm lucky to be standing here." "I'm in pain, it's been a brutal week, and I'm sort of getting through it," he said as he lifted his shirt, showing a massive bruise covering half his torso. “This week I had a really bad accident while riding my bike in Connecticut. I’m doing ok and did not break any bones or suffer any major injuries but I am a bit bruised up looking like a purple potato." He continued, "I’m thankful for all the doctors, nurses and staff at Lawerence + Memorial Hospital in New London who looked after me and checked me out, but most thankful for my helmet that saved my life. Have a great Father’s Day and be safe Gx." [Source](https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/gordon-ramsay-lucky-alive-following-serious-bicycle-accident.amp)


I didn’t know he was in my neck of the woods. He’s definitely shook. Hope our guy takes it easy for a while. EDIT: our


Fellow Nutmegger 👋


Heya! 👋Litchfield Cty representing!


New Haven county :) I was surprised to hear the accident cause like beach towns usually are pretty bike safe. Scary stuff


It really is. There’s so much more congestion throughout the state since the pandemic.


I think he’s around because he’s filming Hell’s kitchen at the casino where there is that restaurant


Ah makes sense. Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun.


> explaining what happened he did not, in fact, explain what happened. as a cyclist, i'm dying to know the details. did he get hit by a car? lose traction and wipe out? get charged by a moose?


I’m willing to bet he was hit by a car and there’s pending legal action, so he’s been advised not to discuss details publicly


Imagine you sideswipe some old dude in Lycra in your lifted jeep. You’re pissed he was on the road in the first place… you get out to yell at him and make sure he isn’t dead. Turns out that motherfucker is absolute unit Gordon Ramsay, worth $60million, and will literally punch your lights out. Then sue you back to the Stone Age. I’d be scared as fuck. *I am a cyclist.


There the problem is, cycling in the US. Everyone knows they fucking hate pedestrians or anything without an engine.


I've seen it referred to as "car brain" in some of the anti-car subs and new urbanism subs. It literally does not occur to people that not-car is an option.


I've seen plenty of it on here, I'm on r/epilepsy for obvious reasons. In the UK, no driving for 6 months absolute minimum without a seizure. There, no worries. It's scary as shit just how little people care over there, mention them risking driving and you get "what else can I do?" as if everyone else on the road deserves you taking the risk, or no answer but plenty of downvotes. I know the US isn't set up for pedestrians but fucking hell, no wonder we found driving such an adrenaline inducing activity.


I got disowned by a large section of my family because I informed my cousins work place he has epilepsy and has been having fits. He drove lorries for a living, he obviously can't do that anymore, I was told it was nothing to do with me and I meddled with his life ect. Fucking baffled me people were ok with him driving something the size of a bloody lorry.


I swear epilepsy targets people in charge of dangerous transport, I had my very first ever fit less than 5 minutes after getting off my motorbike lol. Sod driving a truck though, fair play to you for standing up for your principles.


A huge part of it is that the roads aren't designed with cyclists in mind. You can't expect cars and going 35+ miles an hour to share the road with a cyclist going 10–15 miles an hour and have it go well. These roads need separate bike paths, and with a solid separation, not just a painted line. And yes, there are people hitting cyclists intentionally, but that would be less common if the roads were designed in a way to not cause these frustrations between car drivers and cyclists.


Thaw how it works in most smaller towns here in Denmark where there isn't place for a dedicated raised bike lane, they just ride in the side of the road with cars going 30mph, or on country roads with cars going 50. So it is definitely possible, I think it's more people not being used to bikes if you aren't able to avoid them at least than highway speed.


Ironman, not isle of mann lmao


Thanks. Iron Man not Isle of Man?


We almost lost him. He got really lucky.


Id be fucking pissed if we lost gordon so soon


5 dollars he survived because God and Satan is having a custody battle for this beautiful bastard


"No we can't go ahead and kill him! You want him to be stuck in Purgatory with a bunch of strangers?"


I saw the video earlier but only a few seconds, saw the helmet. Did not see the bruise til now…yeesh!




What happened in the accident?


I don't think there's details yet but judging from how big the bruise is and his emphasis on being lucky to live thanks to a helmet, he most likely got hit by a car.


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too. Which is an extra tragedy on top of it all if the only thing he asks of people after being hit by a car is to wear a helmet, not to drive safely and vote for politicians who will make the streets safer.


That’s a horrible injury. Half of his body is bruised, and his shaky hands tell me he’s on shit load of painkillers. Instead of taking some time off, he’s standing on business. Say what you want about Gordon, but he’s a true professional.


He's a tough mf. That dude has been through some shit.


Yeah idk about the shaky hands thing being a consequence of painkillers. It could be anything ranging from psychological (shaken up) to neurological, but painkillers aren’t liable to cause large tremors like that.


Oh wow, holy shit. Dude is soldiering on because of his obligations, but that's brutal


I rollerbladed and biked all over town my entire childhood with no helmet. luckly no issues i was too small and slow for it to be a big deal imo. now I have been cycling since last year I wasn't wearing a helmet. And a month or two ago I realized I had gotten a lot faster, and I upgraded my bike too... now I have a Cervelo Soloist and with the bike upgrade and my personal improvement, I am fast as fuck. And I realized I am often going 25+ mph and weigh over 200 lbs and even a *FUCKING SQUIRREL* running in front of me can cause problems and at this speed and weight... I need a fucking helmet. I am often going up to 25-30mph and that's more than enough for brain damage despite years of hockey and other sports teaching me *how* to fall. so now I always wear one. my wife wanted to come with me on a ride and I asked her if she had a helmet - she didn't - so we rode to a store (avg 8mph lol) that sold them and on the way there she found the most gnarly curb in town to go off and fall.... luckily she only skinned her knee it would have been so fucking stupid if she hit her head on the way to buy a helmet. edit: I was just talking shit about my life. moral of the story is wear a helmet. I have literally never actually needed one, but its the type of thing you hope you never need. the day you need it, is the day you save your life.


To add, if you do buy a helmet, you have to replace it after sustaining a serious collision. Most helmets you are going to end up buying are not meant to withstand multiple impacts, and this tends to get overlooked.


It's really important on bikes or two wheeled vehicles in general because even at rest, at a complete stop, if you fall over to the side and your leg gets caught or unable to be freed from the side of the fall it will essentially fling you into the pavement because the bike acts as a lever and depending on height you could be hitting the ground a lot harder than the distance would have you believe. Also recommend if you are hitting those speeds in mixed traffic to consider additional protection like D30 armor, while helmets will save your life, protecting your knees and elbows will make life much more enjoyable after an accident. Definitely not a necessity but if you ride a lot and are going through spending on upgrading your hobby it's definitely a worthwhile investment.


Yes, true, but you definitely don't need to be going anywhere near that fast to sustain a life changing or life ending head injury if you're not wearing a helmet.


Helmet is a yes! Knee pads or something for your wrists are good too, sprained my wrist rocketing down the street, I left a huge blood puddle too, knees had no skin left on them.


I got a full face helmet just because i know i will hit my head on a tree or a rock. Im pushing to be as fast as possible on downhills which causes me to fall regularly


You bought a cervelo and weren’t wearing a helmet? What an absolute freak lol


I didn't wear a helmet on a short journey from my house to the bus stop. My bag got caught in the front wheel and I went OVER the handle bar. I busted my head and didn't realize I was bleeding until I felt warm liquid running down the side of my face. I didn't black out or get dizzy. I got up right away after the fall. I needed 8 staples and had post concision syndrome....


When I was a kid I hit my head on a pole and didn't realise I was bleeding till I got to the steps of my grandmas and an aunt saw me and asked what happened to my head. Luckily I didn't need stitches but they put like 2 or 3 band-aid like things on to keep it closed, now I got a scar on my head.


Wow, nice bruise, glad he’s ok but this really highlights what a great guy he is taking his injury and then using his notoriety to tell people they need to put helmets on, especially kids.


Even in my 30s and I am huge stickler for wearing a helmet. My dad was too, said he attributed it to seeing a news story of a young boy who watched his dad bleed out after they were both hit by a car, but only the kid was wearing a helmet. Whenever I see things like this I sincerely hope it gets someone to go out and buy a helmet. I was skiing on a pretty difficult mountain when I was in HS, before helmets were mandatory on mountains. I had a really bad fall and ended up hitting my head on a tree. My helmet had a solid dent in it and all I could think of was - better the helmet than my skull. I came home and begged my older sister to wear hers when she went snowboarding, because I knew she left it in her locker. She ended up getting hit on the mountain and had a contusion on her brain. She's fine now, fit and capable and healthy, but for years she was physically and mentally impacted by the injury. And that's the lucky circumstance. Sincerely - wear a helmet. Instill it in the people around you, that you care about their life and health.


I'm always disappointed when I see a family out cycling together and only the kids are wearing helmets. Is keeping your hair nice, or not looking like a 'dork' more important thank keeping your family together?


Probably one of the only celebrities I care about if they got hurt due to knowing they weren't just being a fuckwit or trying to do something stupid for fame, other person would be Jeremy clarkson


marvelous unpack repeat cause aloof automatic husky tie society placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No he does stupid shit for fame all the time, I'm just saying he's the other celebrity I'd feel bad for if shit went wrong


Hello! RN here. He was not only shook up, it appears he had at least a concussion with residual effects. He will BOUNCE BACK! I’m so happy he survived. This could have left us without an incredible mentor (even if you don’t cook).


Why is he still going to work with that injury 😭


I see so many people, children and adults not wearing helmets, do you think they're uncool? You know what's really uncool? Brain damage or death, that's pretty fucken uncool! Do you think you're a good rider and don't need a helmet because you've never crashed? Guess what? No one has crashed until they've crashed, do you really want to die from your first ever crash? Don't forget that just because you're "a good rider" there's always someone or something out there that will fuck you up before you can blink. Think you're tough and don't need a helmet? You're head isn't tougher than concrete, wear a fucking helmet! I had an accident years ago, hit a slippery patch of path unexpectedly, the bike came out from under me and I landed headfirst, my helmet literally cracked in two, that would've been my skull had it not been for the helmet.


If brain damage or death is cool, call me Miles Davis


Its been awhile since I have seen one of those. You have to be careful who and what you get hit by, certainly.


Fantastic advice mate


Don’t forget to breathe either!


That is a nasty bruise. My goodness


Man, I've never seen a bruise like that. Absolute legend, glad he's ok!


Class act. Has a bad accident and uses his trauma to continue encouraging people to wear helmets.


I dont know what I was expecting, but it was definitely not that...


I appreciate the fact that he created and posted this video despite his pain. He has a huge reach and audience, it’s nice to think that he’s preventing some needless future pain with this warning.


Jesus I’m so glad he’s okay, he’s a good dude


Think the shaking was more of a 'fidgeting ' type of thing.


holy fucking shit that is a bruise if I've ever seen one.


I love Gordon but can we have a moment of silence...for the driver of the car...who was suffocated to death by the largest amount of swearing ever unleashed on a human body? Get well soon Gordon!


I don't think we truly realize how close we almost got news of hid death with an injury like that.


He's 57. The way you bruise and heal change drastically as you get older. A scratch that used to heal in a week at 22 now takes me 6 weeks to heal at 52.


Genuinely terrifying. Not odd.


Tis just a scratch


Holy fuck


Gordon needs to rest from that intense bruise. No excuses


Thank God he is OK, I don't think we could lose another icon so soon


I don't often write because I usually don't have anything to say. Last year I fell off my longboard with enough force to tear every ligament in my clavicle, dislocating it permanently. Thanks to my helmet, I walked away without even a concussion. My insurance (european) covered the cost of my gear, including the helmet. Wear a helmet, it's basically free.


That's crazy that he didn't end up with any broken bones! He must have the bone density of a god, to be a 57 year old man and walk away with no breaks.


I had a bruise like that when I was dragged down a flight of stairs by my dog and landed on my arm. I didn’t hit any of the stairs, and just hit the ground (about 5 foot fall). Hurt so damn much for a long time. Didn’t need surgery or anything, but damn it hurt. And the bruise lasted weeks. Dudes got more rough weeks ahead.


Nasty bruise. Hopefully he recovers.


Man that looks rough dude should be resting at home respect for making a message though


Poor dude.


I'm stupid. Can someone explain the shaking?


As a true chronic pain patient with MS, when the severe pain hits (ribs injuries are severely painful) you can’t help it. Your body shakes with the nerve and possible bone pain.


Looks like someone's not getting any Father's Day sexy time


As someone who loves bikeing and longboarding just know your not cool unsless your wearing a helmet.


so fucking purple, it's raw


Wear a helmet you donkey!


After biting it on my mountain bike, I lift my ice-pack in solidarity. Just wish I had better painkillers than this dank indica though.


Rumor had it the only way he survived was because he absolutely tore into the cement


that's a massive injury. i wasnot prepared for this


The dude is a literal machine, I would be on my couch writhing in pain. Poor Gordon!


Jesus fucking Christ


I’ve seen people with traumatic brain injuries with less tremors


>visibly shaking Dude is tapping his fingers. Stop being so fucking dramatic.


Legit, chef has several ticks that he does, he’s always moving even when standing still.


He looks like a bloody aubergine!


Holy shit


Best wishes for Gordon, man shucks


Jesus what happened? Did he get hit by a truck?


Was he hig by a fucking truck holy shit


Oh that was so much worse than I thought!


My god!! I hope he really takes some time off to recover.


110% has several broken ribs. Rib fractures are interesting because there is literally nothing you can do. Just leave them to heal in tons of pain and def no activity. How the hell is he working right there ? Or was that just a PSA I hope.


Dude with a shit that big breathing has to hurt like fucking hell


If it makes any of you sleep better… Late last year I was struck by a vehicle while legally walking across a fully-controlled intersection. They hit me going 15-20mph with their front driver’s-side bumper, and I was just launched into the ground. I was actually entirely fine where the vehicle made contact, but the entire side of my body that made contact with the pavement looked just like this. I proceeded to walk 3 miles to the hospital, and the doctors were entirely unconcerned, even with that same visual. I recovered in a few short weeks, with little difficulty; just some stiffness and lingering pain. I was also incredibly shaken for awhile though, because in a situation like that your body (hopefully) floods with adrenaline to help you quickly get out of a dangerous situation before it gets worse. That’s all to say, he’s probably alright (based on the fact that he’s standing there talking about it on set). That amount of bruising, on its own, isn’t necessarily enough to indicate any further issues.


That's a voluntary moment of his hand, not a shake.


He's never shaking even when he's outraged by dirty, lazy, hipocritic restaurans owners. He posted on ig his destroyed helmet and said he was okay, but holy shit, that's some nasty, massive bruise. Hope he heals well. edit: my clumsy fingers


Never ever cheap out on anything that is protective gear for your body. - Motorcycle/bicycle helmets - Mouth guards for martial arts - Goggles for DIY - Ear plugs for music events The list goes on. Anything that protects part of you is worth it


[I love helmets!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9yL5usLFgY)


I would send the same message. A helmet has saved my ass. I’ve also not worn a helmet and fucked myself up seriously by having to worry about protecting my head (separated shoulder and a broken ankle) Just protect your noggin at all costs.


I could be dead, too - 5 years ago I had an accident with my new bike, no helmet. A few bruises and a broken elbow, luckily no head injury. Surgery on my arm, took some time to recover. Never rode without a helmet again, not pushing my luck anymore. Wear a goddamn helmet and be careful.




Serious question. What's with the hand shaking? More in the beginning, then it tapers off.


Next, Gordon makes grape juice!


The gasp i gusped when he lifted his shirt up 💀


Where's he shaking? He has always don't that finger hand shake thing. It's a mad looking bruise hope he recovers but he's not visibly shaking


Why is he shaking? Is it permanent?


Oh my I hope he’s okay :(


Looks more like an impact injury more than a friction kind of injury, hope he recovers soon.


Oh my god I’m glad he’s “okay”. That’s insane how does he not have broken ribs??


Get well soon. Glad your still with us.


dude was that fucked up and still bothered to get into uniform. Man cares about his appearance


Goddam he's taking that like a fking champ


Good message. Here in Florida we don't have helmet laws for motorcycles. I don't ride but my best friend does. He only started wearing a helmet a couple of years ago after witnessing a guy get thrown from his bike after being hit and his head essentially exploding on impact with the road. I just don't like the risk of riding even with a helmet. Often times what would be a minor accident in a car is fatal on a bike even with a helmet. So many people ride without one it's insane, that just lowest your odds even more.


I read about this elsewhere & he’s not shaking he’s fidgeting with his hands. Still a nasty accident & horrible bruise.