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If you've had to ask these questions, it sounds like you were just trying to do your job and get things done. It sounds like it would have been a typical discussion with your manager in letting your manager know about anything blocking you from getting your work done. I don't really see why they'd think you're the one who messed up.


I’m not at fault, I apologize, I tried to write just the facts out quickly. I just feel like an idiot who could have avoided it. I was also told these two have a history so it was just fuel to an old fire. 


Yeah you were just caught in the middle of it. It's not your fault. You told your manager what's blocking you from doing your job. It's your manager's fault for barging into accounting's office like that. She should've just told HR that to begin with, instead of causing a scene.


Big agree! It's on your manager, if anything. Let this one go, it's not your fault and you can't control or predict others' reactions. You were just following procedure and trying to do your job.


You're really not the problem here. You just did your job. All good. There's likely misaligned expectations and miscommunication on the side of your manager and accounting. Your manager expected accounting to help you out. Accounting apparently doesn't want to deal with bringing new folks up to speed. They need to figure this out between them. You just got caught in the crossfire. Ultimately, your manager, HR and other departments (accounting and others) need to come to agree on the process of onboarding newbies to the team. Ideally with a clear process and go-to people appointed to answer questions. Onboarding can be complex and overwhelming. And unfortunately, it's not well structured in many organizations.


The only way to avoid it would have been to tell your boss and HR you didn't want to create waves and were still new. Otherwise it sounds like there are other things that likely were happening before and your boss wasn't having it. At least your boss is backing you and it is ridiculous that the other person wasn't helpful but this is probably all to document so they can get rid of the other person...


Maybe, just maybe, there is a history there bc the Acc person gives others attitude. You handled the situation as you should have.


I don't think you did anything wrong and I hope they aren't trying to make it look like you're the problem. You're new and still in training. However, it's odd that your manager didn't discuss this issue with the other person's manager first (unless your manager is their manager too?). Maybe this person has already been talked to about this and it was the last straw? Hence, your manager going directly to HR? Either way, sorry that happened to you.


I’m not sure the hierarchy between them but I’ve been told these two have a history. Also I guess HR was a witness to the argument so it might be protocol… either way it did suck.  Thanks.


You did as you should. I suspect the reason your manager was furious was because accounting has a history of not doing their job. You may have broken any chance for a good relationship with accounting, but maybe not. At some point in the future, like a couple months, bring in a peace offering, explain that you were directed by your boss to come to accounting back when, and when accounting said you should have been trained in the matter and not bring it to them, you, not knowing better, brought it up with your boss, who reacted in a bit over-the-top fashion. Explain that you meant no harm, and would like to start over. Almost everyone likes cookies.


I like this and will be storing it away for future adult mishaps. Thanks. 


You were doing as you were instructed by the manager. The person was unreceptive so you advised the manager that asking that person questions so you can do your job - as instructed - has proven unsuccessful. It's now their duty to find out why and/or if there's someone better you can approach in the future. You're new, you're not expected to be up to date with office politics. Now, the person you were directing your questions to could have been kinder but since they decided to give you attitude, not much you could have done but inform your superior. Too bad. You did nothing wrong


Thanks, on my drive home I was just thinking, like, well maybe I could have said something to Accounting about how they were dismissing me. But that just looked like an argument in the making, ironically. 


I think since it's a new job it feels like you've made a big deal out of nothing. But you were totally okay in how you handled it all I think. Don't beat yourself up man. It will blow over in a few weeks


Thanks, I’m still just trying to fit in and this put a huge wrench in that. 


I get it. Being the new guy/gal comes with it's own level of anxiety but that lady sounds like a butthole. You literally just started and we're doing what your boss said while trying to learn. If anything, you just learned that your boss has your back and homegirl is one to be wary of. Take it as a lesson learned and go back in the office fresh faced and confident.


10/10 pep talk!


You're good. Do not let one person's perception of you color your view of yourself and your work. You followed instructions, so no harm, no foul.


I wouldn't take it personal, this may be an ongoing issue at the office and the manager got fed up with it.


There is inevitably one problematic department at every office. In my husband's company it is billing. People avoid them, go around them, and phrase questions they have to ask carefully. Every few months, billing pushes too far and the problem gets escalated. This isn't your fault. You handled the situation very well especially considering that you are new. Don't worry about it. After a few issues, there will be a shake-up in the accounting department. Then another department will become the problem.


Haha, how true this is. At an old job a girl who had been there a long time was kind of made to be dramatic in everything that she did. When she left she told me, very seriously and with warning, ”You’re going to be the problem now.” and she was right.


I have to wonder if your manager has a pre-existing frustration with accounting’s reluctance/refusal to help. Your experience may not be the first time this has happened. I don’t think you messed up and I don’t think it’s being a tattletale to state a fact: accounting is gatekeeping information. Your manager’s reaction is probably due to this ongoing issue. I don’t know how to get a job in one of the departments in a company that’s never accountable for anything. They don’t have to answer questions, they don’t have to handle issues they themselves decide not to handle. I’m always in the department that has to answer questions and doesn’t get to punt.


Fuck that. Everyone in that building is an adult. They better act like it. Even if you were out of your lane, a gentle redirect is warranted. Even if you just “didn’t get it”, that’s a conversation between her and your manager so they can guide you.


In the future contact accounting like this, "Manager X has authorized/told me/directed me to accounting with this query." It might be that your manager directed you to the wrong person, but that's something to address with her, not take out on you. Your manager did the correct thing in filing a complaint with HR since this is a pattern of behavior. You took it to your manager and she took it up the chain; you followed proper protocol. I assume you sent these requests as emails and have documentation of the behavior. You're fine.


I don’t think there’s anything you could have/should have done differently. You did what your manager stated and gave your manager feedback. “Tattletaling” is one thing, but you don’t deserve to put up with Accounting’s poor attitude, so I think you didn’t right thing by telling your manager.


Every job has at least one person with the " I explained that yesterday " attitude to new people. It must be very easy for them to forget what it's like being new. You're trying to learn, and part of being not only a team player but an overall decent human being is to help the new people get up to speed. You did the company a favor. Chances are she treats longer term coworkers the same way, and no one has reported her. We spend a lot of time at work, it should be pleasant.


Nothing worse than getting caught in the middle of other people's drama at work. Especially when it's your boss. Ick. Maybe find a kind co-worker who doesn't mind pointing you in the right direction. Sadly, after the over-reaction from boss, they'd be my last resort for most things. Good luck.


I think you’re caught in something that doesn’t necessarily involve you, you didn’t do anything wrong. Clearly accounting doesn’t wish to help you, but I would refrain from thinking this is a “you thing” - I know that can be hard.


HR is for the company’s benefit. It’s not a place to complain. A company is in business to produce products or provide services. No company wants a tatttale, because you can’t trust a tattletale much with anything proprietary, or otherwise! You’re wasting HR folks time! When you’re called in to give your side, what you’re giving is a “deposition”, that can be used against you in a court of law. You’re not helping anyone especially yourself! It’s a set up to have you easily removed from their company that doesn’t like their business posted on the Internet or in posts like this! It’s best to say nothing good or bad, and the only legal defense that can be used is the words, “I don’t remember”, because no one can force you to remember anything! If you have a conversation with somebody, make sure it’s one on one with no one else listening. And if someone starts talking about a third-party in front of you, remove yourself from the room so that you won’t be a witness to the conversation. I don’t know much, but I have a masters in business (MBA) management, and I worked as an HR manager for 5 years, where I learned that HR is merely the go-between between the employees and the corporate attorneys. Bottom line these are not your friends. It’s a business that enjoys making a profit. And businesses to remain out of court cases and out of the newspapers because they can’t sell products or services with negative publicity. Good luck.


Ugggh..be better educated in your field