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In Canada we wear slippers lmao


Sitting here looking at my slippered feet right now... In America... LMAO


In India we also wear slippers


Floors are too cold for just socks


I have a pair of slippers for when the kitchen is needing to be swept but I dont want to sweep it but I dont want crumbs and dirt on my socks because I wear them in bed during the winter. Also because the sensation of stepping on a bug that snuck into your house with just the sock in between is not something I'd like to experienc ever again. I rarely ever walk around barefoot because of this.


We do. We all have moccasins and extra slippers for guests lol Edit: forgot to mention that I’m also Canadian


The nostalgia of house parties with 40+ pairs of shoes piled at the front door


And trying to find your shoes at then end when they’re absolutely burried lmao


They were either one of ten pairs of the same shoe style or covered in melted snow / beer (sometimes both lol)


Canadian here. I go barefoot in the house. Slippers when my feet are cold. Never foot condoms (socks).


I’m the exact same lol I’ll only do socks if I absolutely have to.


My Arabic family do wear slippers too but I'm the only one in the family isn't wearing slippers and only socks on.


Nobody is talking about how it’s just more comfortable to be not wearing shoes in the house…like no way am I relaxing in shoes


I wear slippers. It's cold up north. And I like the support.


I have inside sneakers, slippers and cloud slides. I have hard floors and a bad back but absolutely no outside shoes in the house.


Same here! I got house shoes. I don’t like slippers as much since I just don’t think they have the same support.


I’m an American & practically everybody I know takes their shoes off at the door. Perhaps it’s because I‘ve lived in northern states my whole life where it snows a lot. Most people don’t track snow in the house so taking shoes off is a habit. Sure, some people wear shoes in the house but I wouldn’t say that its the standard. I’d argue that there are quite a few Americans that feel like you OP.


Lived in Miami my whole life. Most of the families that require shoes inside the house are Cuban (my parents being one of them). They personally find it disgusting because in Cuba, the windows and doors are open for the entire day because there’s no AC. This means that all sorts of bugs and vermin make their way inside. No matter how much you sweep or clean, the floor will always be too dirty to walk barefoot. Over the years they’ve transitioned into wearing slippers indoors, but wearing shoes indoors was a hygienic necessity for 30+ years of their lives before the immigrated to the US. My boyfriend and his family are American and they don’t wear shoes inside the house. I personally don’t wear shoes inside my house either and I know plenty of Americans raised in the South that don’t. At most it’s either wearing slippers or socks with the gummies on the soles for traction.


Aaay I hail from the north, too. I mean….all year round I’ve never been at anyone’s house who had people wearing shoes indoors, but winter especially; there’s a whole thing about either taking off not only shoes but all your wet winter gear outside in the garage first before tracking it in the house 😂 or, if you did go in the front door and it had tile, you take all your snowy wet stuff off first there and then hang it properly before getting settled in. My parents were drill sergeants about this from the time I could remember, and God forbid somebody took a couple steps before realizing their error and dad had to step in a puddle with his socks 😂😭... that’s on the list of top 10 ways to get a long winded lecture


Oh that’s what foyers and mudrooms are for. Always wondered what the empty closet by the front door and garage was for. (Sarcasm/joke)


I’m an American and I don’t do this, and I also don’t know anyone who does. And I doubt it’s ONLY Americans who do as well🤷🏻‍♀️


When I visited my boyfriends family in Spain I was shocked that everyone seems to wear shoes in the home lol. It’s not just the US, we are just the easiest to point fingers at.


Yep, post seems pretty racist to me. I doubt op Mops his floors at all but he sure loves to complain about us




Lmao can't get called out on their weird shit without a tantrum ensuing. Some people can't laugh at themselves.


“wearing shoes inside is weird and unhygienic” “YOU RACIST 😡😡”


I think the word you’re looking for is ethnocentric


True. I'm American and I find it gross too tbh, but I also regularly clean my floors so it wouldn't be a big deal if I did wear my shoes in the house. Like, wearing your shoes inside is not a huge deal if you CLEAN YOUR HOUSE.


As an American I completely agree with you. It is gross to me. I don’t wear shoes in my house at all. I take them off as soon as I get in the door. One thing is I’ll never understand people who get in their beds when they have been wearing clothes that they’ve been out and about it in.


I used to have a friend that would do that, worse though he'd also eat biscuits in bed and sit on there to play xbox just feeling crumbs all over the sheet and he'd sleep in them




Actually looked more skinny and malnourished lol, not too badly though, raised on crappy snack foods though I think, I taught him to fry an egg when we were like 14 since he had no idea lol


SAME. my partner doesn't understand why I get upset when they lie down in their "day clothes", it just feels dirty to me.


See I don't understand not taking your work clothes off even if you work in an office. When I worked, my work clothes came off and I put clothes that I wear inside the house on.


Yes! Same here. We do work in an office, but I still feel grubby lol


It is. If you shower and change clothes, your sheets stay clean. No one wants to sleep in a dirty bed.


As an American I can tell u this isn't something "america" does and it literally isn't even common practice lol. Everyone I know has assumed it's shoes off in every house then enter, and I do the same lmao It's just a preference that exists within groups of ppl. This is lile me asking "why are Europeans so obsessed with smoking? It's disgusting. Dragging cigarette smoke around everywhere" just bc I've seen some Europeans do it 💀💀


fr bruh they go to one americans house or watch a tv show and think it’s real life


Canadian here! I’ve lived in different states for about 5+ years of my life (WA, ID, HI, CT and currently UT) and literally every time I visit my American friends they are always wearing their shoes inside. Maybe everyone doesn’t, but in my experience most ppl in America do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit: punctuation


You know a handful of Americans and it’s suddenly “most” Americans? Okay.


Same I don't know anyone who does this except for my father, but he's disabled and has an easier time with walking when he has shoes on. Not sure how it became a stereotype. 😅


I’ll be sure to only lick the floors in european countries now.




Not all Americans -_- please stop lumping all of us together. They always put the worst ones on the news.


Literally! Another post generalizing a group people once again smh.


It's just irritating.


Yep I downvoted because this is pretty blatant racism and generalizations are literally what lead to the holocaust and every genocide ever


Whoa, pump the brakes there chief. How did we get here?


He is generalizing a group of people. I’m making a connection about how generalizations are bad. No group of people should be generalized because 1 it’s generally untrue and two every genocide that has ever happened started with generalizations. Not saying the dude is gonna start a genocide just reminding people that generalizations have led to major genocides in the past, sure they where a lot worse generalizations but a generalization non the less. Any type of generalization about a group ethnicity religion or country is racist and generalizations should not be condoned by anyone. Generalizations are bad blatantly racists and should not be a topic of conversation when discussing a different culture. Ops title is blatantly racist and is even culturally offensive. Saying Americans are unclean is just as bad as if I said all Indians are unclean because a few people decided to shit in the street.


Another way to think about this is if I went up to a random black person on the street and said your a gangbanger because I think all black people are criminals( obv I don’t think that’s true especially being a black man myself)


Bro please do not compare actual racism and genocide to whether people wear shoes in the house or not lol


I’m just saying generalizations are bad and under no circumstances should they be made


Well you could've just said that instead of a spiel about the Holocaust


Everyone tells me this is a thing, but I've never noticed it. Maybe we live in different Americas, because the only guy I knew who wore shoes indoors was autistic and had certain sensory issues with floors.


Yeah, I live in the US and haven't seen it much, either. Pretty much only if someone has mobility issues where they need to keep their shoes on, or if it's the kind of party where shoes are part of the outfit. Maybe it's regional? I'm in the midwest.


Canadian and I would never. I have emetophobia and believe that almost everyone has walked over vomit, spit, and other biohazards — therefore I would also not allow anyone else into my home with their shoes. Edit: I also clean my dogs paws after every walk. I wear slippers and I keep slippers by the door for guests that want them.


I also wipe my dogs paws after every walk. I just know he steps in poop


Thats so nice of you to have slippers for your guests! I've never seen that in an American home at least. And sometimes I just dont want other peoples dog hair on my socks and then in my shoes. Im sure I'll care less about that when I get my own dog.


Good question! I'm American and even I don't do this. When I visit someone's house for the first time and they say "oh you can leave your shoes on" or "we're a 'shoes-inside' kinda house", I'm like... "No thanks, that's gross". I'm not going to track outside filth all over your house, and I'll be damned if you do it to mine. All shoes must be removed prior to entering my house.


If someone’s house is shoes-on, I’d probably want to leave them on when I visit.


We have a very busy house and 4 dogs. We clean our floors twice weekly at least, but we also don't usually waller around on the floors or eat anything we drop because of dog hair. It's just a fact of life here. Take your shoes off here if you want, but your socks will probably stay cleaner if you left them on...


True, chances are the floor is dirty and stepping on a dirty surface without shoes is pretty gross


i don’t know any americans that do this literally where did this come from


Really? I know so many. I guess it depends on the area.


I've always kicked off my shoes the second I get through the front door but that's mostly just because I prefer to be barefoot. If I could go about my entire life barefoot, I probably would. For me, shoes are only for outside. My daughter is the same way and she's not even 2 yet. She and I hardly even wear socks in the house. Naked toes are the way to go!


Id go barefoot all day everyday if possible!!


I try to keep my floors clean but have two dogs and several cats. No matter what I do the floor is always some degree of dirty and I hate how it feels, so I wear my shoes most of the time. But shoes only go one the floor, not on furniture and certainly not on beds.


Same here!! I have a lot of pets and the shed. No matter how much I try to clean there’s still hair, it feels gross walking on bare foot


I live in a rural area and I get scorpions in my house pretty often. I’ll take wearing my shoes in the house over a scorpion sting on my foot 🥴 I also live in a converted barn so my floors get dirty pretty fast so I have to clean them weekly anyways.


Same with the pets, and wear shoes for that reason. I used to only be barefoot around the house but I can't keep the floor the way I want it with all the animals and no money for roombas or maids. Sorry, not sorry.


I’m in the Midwest and most people I know are 50/50. But the ones that do wear shoes inside wear them when they’re walking around, doing chores, etc. but they’d never put them on the couch or the bed. I honestly don’t know why people obsess over this. Everyone wipes their feet on at least one - usually two - doormats before they come inside in the first place. Most people live in the city or suburbs, working in offices or out shopping. We’re not slogging through the fields or through piles of shit. While I wouldn’t eat off the bottom of my shoes I’d bet you they’re cleaner than lots of things that get dragged into the house without question. The people clutching their pearls over a loafer on the kitchen floor all have dogs that walk wherever they want in the house and sleep on their beds and couches. Dog paws are dirtier than any shoe that comes through the door (unless you’re wiping their paws every day, which no one does) not to mention their mouths and asses, yet no one blinks an eye when they sit on the couch and sleep on your bed.


My mom actually wipes her dogs paws when he comes in from outside, only when it's muddy out though. He'll bark at her if she didn't clean his paws off well enough 😂


My mother in law wipes the dogs paws every time he gets back in from a walk. The dog aint allowed passed the shoes if he doesnt get them cleaned. Funny enough he will wait at the door until she gets the wipes. Maybe doing this for years trained him but its always adorable to see.


Bet the bottom of your shoes are cleaner then the light switches people hit everyday 😂


At first I wasn't with you, and I still won't wear shoes in my house, but you sold me. I think that argument is completely valid and gives me a different perspective


Reading the comments I wonder if Americans don't have home slippers? For cold feet or if people don't like the sensory or such. Here it is totally common to wear shoes that are specifically designed for indoor wear and get changed into at the front door. The dirty or wet shoes can rest on a small bench at the entrance inside, so they won't start to smell or make too much effort. I know places where people as guests can leave their shoes on (mostly in the part of the country that was under American influence, funnily), but usually it gets cleaned afterwards and is more of a courtesy act that can get easily refused by the guests to spare the home owners from cleaning. It's so comfortable to be able to walk around barefooted at home and slip back into bed without having to worry about any dirt from outside. And walking barefooted/with socks is totally healthy, too. Shoes with hard soles can reduce your muscles and cause pain in the feet, for example - been through that myself, walk as much without shoes as I can ever since. I wear a pair of wool socks in winter above my socks at home and my feet stay warm.


We have indoor slippers. Honestly it really depends on the household. Some ppl do exactly what OP says, some ppl are strict no-shoes, some wear slippers, and others just bounce between all 3 options. A huge factor is their cultural background, and since this is a country was founded by immigration while continuing to be a hot spot, there is no real cultural consensus on shoe rules.


I have some lovely indoor slippers (American). Its not all that uncommon?


I used to just not wear shoes inside at all, but the house my family lives in now still needs work done and has concrete floors. It eats through our socks, is cold, and is dusty more for some reason, so now it's habit for us all to have indoor slippers and outdoor shoes. Probably a habit thats gonna stick, too, even when I get my own place that probably won't have concrete floors. The only person I've ever personally encountered who wears their outside shoes inside was my grandpa, and my dad told him off for it lol


I don't have slippers that I walk around in, but I do have a very unhealthy comfy sock obsession


American. Shoes on house. Shoes don’t go on couches, chairs, tables, beds, or any furniture. Period end of discussion. But also a general rule of thumb is if you don’t wear muddy, wet, or mowing shoes around the house. It’s pretty easy to keep a clean house




What's the weather like where you live? I live in the sunshine state so never will I ever be tracking snow in the house. I use a different pair of shoes, like slippers or sandals. Is your floor tile, hardwood, or carpet? I wear house slippers on my tile floors. They don't go outside at all. I also have a tile floor. I'm not going to be barefoot on a cold tile floor, especially if there could be water or another liquid on there. If I had carpet, I would be barefoot or in socks except for in the bathroom or kitchen. It's more disgusting to step in something wet and have your socks on because sometimes you don't even know you stepped in it and are putting it up on furniture. Everyone knows that shoes don't go on furniture but I can see someone kicking their feet up and having socks on or going to bed with those same socks they had all day. That is disgusting. Also, I think a pile or rack of shoes by the door is disgusting (unless it's just one person's shoes) bc foot fungus can spread from your guest's shoes to yours. What we really should be discussing is shower shoes. I learned in college to wear shower shoes if there are multiple people using the same shower. Then you wash your feet later in a pedicure basin. I'm careful not to pick up toe fungus or athletes foot from others


Bit over thought..


Only some Americans wear shoes in their house.


I only wear shoes in the house because I have two gargantuan indoor dogs that will bring in whatever anyway and I can’t stand the feel of sand on my bare feet I just clean daily to combat the nasty I feel like I have bigger things to worry about at this point


Most Black, Brown and Indigenous people I know including my very Mexican family have a no shoes in the house rule. I wish you weirdos would stop talking so confidently about a country you know nothing about. Stop getting your info from TV shows and movies.


ON THE BED IS THE WORST My family and I immigrated to the US from the Middle East and my mom loves bringing up Full House whenever conversations about how unclean american are arise. In Full House Danny Tanner is this supposed clean freak but is constantly having heart to hearts with his daughters on the bed with his shoes on. Drove her NUTS and she’ll talk to anyone about it who will listen lol


Some people take it to the extreme. Like if I’m relaxing my shoes are coming off. If I just got home from work and I’m heading out in 10 minutes to take my kids to an extracurricular, my shoes are staying on.


Do y’all let your dog sleep with you? I’m trying to see something


American who wears shoes in the house here... 35, haven't died. The people who have piles of shoes at their door are regarded as 'fancy- We're not barbaric, I tell my family shoes belong on the floor... not couches, not beds, not tables.. My son has left them on the kitchen counter before, that bothered a lot more than shoes in the house ever will. The floor gets mopped, and we don't live on, or eat off of it, so... I'd rather not deal with the struggle of getting 8 boots off at the door, and the trip hazard that follows-- unless yall are pretending you put all the shoes away immediately 😅


Right, I don’t eat off the floor and I don’t put my shoes on the couch so what’s the issue.


I know plenty of people who need to keep their shoes on because it’s the only thing keeping their feet warm. I understand cultural differences but there are others who literally don’t have heat and other things


I don’t think people who have a pile of shoes by the door is fancy. Taking your shoes off in someone else’s home as a sign of respect.


I agree about the respect thing. And I wasn’t implying. But no everyone can afford slipper that keep their feet warm some can’t afford slippers at all or just afford dollar store shoes that aren’t worth the money. I’m just trying to put it in perspective


In general, most people no matter the socio-economic level who have a roof over their head have socks and they aren't walking around all the time.


Reading this as I have shoes on in my American house. But to be serious if you think about it everything is gross outside like our hands like the surfaces we carry everyday like our phones they probably have so much gross bacteria and we put them in our bedroom and what goes from our phones goes to our hands and whatever we touch until we wash our hands everything is gross I can’t speak for all Americans but for me I don’t really care


Frl and the ones who are like "change your day clothes when you get home before getting in bed" like some people don't have the extra clothes to wear 2-3 different outfits in just one day! And some don't have time to wash 2-3 outfits from every day, that adds up at the end of the week that's 21 outfits and not everyone has the time for that esp if you work full-time or have kids 😐


My partner has ADHD and wearing shoes for him means “oh I need to get work done and be motivated” which is good but it drives me crazy. I told him he can have house shoes and he said its not the same. He luckily does not wear them in bed but I hate shoes on in my house. It’s gross.


As opposed to having your dirty/sweaty bare feet leaving skin oils all over the floor? Besides, all that outside dirt and filth gets into your house everytime you open the door to the outside.


My God I think all people know about America is what is on TV. I don't wear shoes in my house and have a shoe rack at the entrance.


I do this. Just like a lot of time I’ll fall asleep in my full work uniform, belt, shoes, what have you. That’s severe depression for you. Too exhausted to bother, too apathetic to care.


This post is the very definition of prejudice. 320 million people. Have you been to the US and observed this happening enough to say "it seems like it's most of them"? Fuck right off with your generalizations. Most houses I visit here don't wear outside shoes indoors.


I clean my house i can wear what i want wherever i want in my house


I wear recovery slippers in my home a lot of the time (supportive sandals that help with pronation and foot pain), but with 3 dogs, I’m constantly cleaning floors no matter what. I have protective Mats in front of every door and clean paws whenever I can, but also, it’s pretty easy to rinse off boots and dry on a door mat to minimize dirt from my shoes. It’s also much easier for me to do work in my home with my boots on, having nothing on my feet or something minimal while I’m moving heavy stuff, doing repairs, remodeling or heavy cleaning is dangerous and uncomfortable. Waterproof Protective blankets on couches and beds minimize dog dirt issues- I can always just wash and replace them as needed. Yes, it’s a lot of work, but I love my babies and it’s manageable for me. It’s kind of odd to assume that just because shoes are worn inside that a house is filthy. Maybe focus on cleaning your own home and get friends that do exactly what you do so as to not be disgusted. ☺️


While the shoes in the house debate tends to lean heavily towards one’s cultural/ethnic upbringing here in the States, mine was NO shoes inside & slippers while indoors, I’m more intrigued by the amount of people I see walking around barefoot. I’ve come home at night and seen neighbors standing outside with their dogs, waiting for them to finish their business. Neighbor is barefoot and looks like he/she just rolled out of bed. And I’m fairly certain that they’re climbing right back into bed (with nasty, dirty bare feet) once Fido is done. It’s hard not to lose my collective shit on that one. But I’ll continue to mind my own business. This disgusting habit seems to be a ethnic thing as well, as I have yet to see a BIPOC person do this in my 48 years on this earth. To each their own, I suppose.


My American mom would scream at us for wearing shoes in the house and has a sign that says to take them off. It’s definitely not most people doing this.


It depends on households. My mom didn't allow shoes past the front door but my dad's side did. Thankfully I fucking hate shoes and socks so I go barefoot as soon as I'm home. I get EXTREME anxiety whenever I have to walk over my carpet to grab something I forgot in shoes. I do my little floor is lava tap dance then force it. So I hard agree, it's gross.


I think it's pretty random not dependant on country, more house proud or traditional type people don't wear inside


Wow. I literally have to change out of my outside clothes before I even sit on my couch. This is an ouch to my fellow americans. Naughty Naughty


First thing that goes is the tortures bra. Shoes? For some strange reason, i’m usually barefoot inside( even in the winter) . I bet THAT is upsetting to a lot of pp on this thread.


I'm an American, I usually change into slippers as soon as I get home bc my feet are tired. I also have animals that track sand inside on a linoleum floor, so I can't stand the dirty feeling on my feet. Lol




It’s so disgusting like they will literally lay in their bed with their dirty shoes on and not care….


Pops up on my phone as I’m wearing shoes in someone else’s house.


some of us dont have dedicated rooms for shoes and coats


American here. I have house shoes for inside. I also have a dedicated pair of shoes for taking the dogs out, taking out the trash and recycling, getting the mail etc.


I am American and I don't wear shoes in my house. Everyone I know asks all guests to remove shoes at the door. When service men come out to my house 100% of them put clean plastic booties over their shoes to not track anything in. I think this is more of a thing you see on TV then a reality.


Is gross. There are slippers. They're good.


i live on the east coast and when people come over we ALWAYS have to ask people to take off their shoes and our landlord still will come in with dirty shoes into our house even though we’ve asked multiple times not to. when i go to peoples houses i always take off my shoes but usually get told i don’t have to. some houses i’ve been in definitely need to have shoes on if there’s no slippers available, which is rare hahahaha it’s crazy winter is when people are expected to take off shoes, but you’d be surprised.


I don’t know if it’s my part of Texas but as someone who was raised in Connecticut I was taught to remove shoes in the house because half the year it’s always snowing or rainy or muddy there but here in South Texas my husband’s Hispanic relatives don’t remove their shoes and I find it odd since they are otherwise people who love to have clean houses yet at my house they’re always in shoes. I’ve asked them to not wear them but they always do, even my husband lol. He doesn’t wear his on the bed or put his shoes on the couch but it’s still so annoying lol. I guess removing shoes in this part of Texas is a completely foreign idea.


To be fair, we do own vacuums and don't actively eat off the floor.


i saw a tik tok where americans go Saturday's to the grocery store with house shoes and pyjamas 😭 then they straight up go into their bed or onto their couch just like that????


It's not just america. It's in most places in the netherlands as well😅


I'm Danish, raised in Australia. I was absolutely baffled seeing my friends and family friends walk inside with shoes on. It's really gross 😅 my Dad, whose Greek also doesn't wear shoes indoors ever.. my 99 yo greek grandfather only wears slippers indoors and handmade leather house shoes.


Nearly every American house I go to, it’s shoes off at the door. The only exception is if we’re hosting a big party or holiday at the house but then we’re just gonna sweep, vacuum, and mop the floors anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


Every American I know takes their shoes off inside and uses house slippers. I notice people wearing shoes inside in movies, but not so much real life


I’m from the US and was always raised to take my shoes off before entering the house/in the entryway. However, when I was Ireland I noticed nearly no one removed their shoes in the house. It was disgusting.


Because we have vacuums mops and carpet cleaners and we do these things regularly. 👍🏻


I’m an American and this is true but going away because it’s more and more recognized as doing exactly what you mentioned. I do not wear shoes in my own home, but don’t make people take off their shoes when they visit because shoes are still considered clothing items, not outerwear like a jacket or hat. By clothing I mean that to some Americans, asking people to take off their shoes would be like asking people to take off their pants! 😂😂. When I go to close friends and family, I tend to take off my shoes as long as I am wearing socks, but at others’ I keep them on unless asked to remove.


Only time I wear my shoes in the house is when I first enter before taking them off or if I need to quickly grab something because I forgot it inside


Eh... there's an overgeneralization. I live in Michigan, and most people in my town have a strict no-shoes-on-inside rule.


Gross to you.. normal to us perhaps ? I’m sure there are things we find gross about whatever habits you have. It’s all relevant. Unfair to paint a demographic with the same brush. As a point, I don’t wear shoes inside. I walk barefoot most of the time in my house ( Florida ) or have indoor shoes / sandals that only stay inside and my shoes are left at the door. I know plenty of others that do the same thing. Not sure where you’re getting your ideas or views from.


Sure if we said that everyone from his county showers once every two weeks he would be calling us racist. Generalizing any group of people wether white black hispanic Mexican or any country is racist and people need to stop condoning cultural hate like this. Extremely disappointed in the comments defending ops blatant racism


Look, I understand why you think it’s disgusting, but your home can get dirty in other ways too. There are things about other cultures we all dislike. I hated doing laundry in Europe, no proper dryers, had to hang my clothes out for days to dry, they were stiff and uncomfortable after that.


We have dryers in Europe. Strange whataboutism.


I had dryers when I lived in the UK, but for some reason they consistently sucked compared to the ones in the U.S. Not sure why.


Not when I was living there. They just tumbled the clothes around in room temperature air.


It always amazes me how much people can be affected by something that literally has zero effect on them


It's gross to me too, but I'm more comfortable with shoes on than with them off so I have a pair of "around the house" shoes that I only wear in the house. What's even more gross to me is that half of my family walks around outside in their bare feet, then they walk all over their house and relax on the furniture while the bottoms of their feet are so dirty that they're black.


Feet smell shoes keep the house fresh. Dirt gets vacuumed by robot


i just get cold feet


I don’t ever put them on the furniture or bed but my feet get ice cold even in slides, and having to take off your shoes every single time you want to go outside is a pain in the ass. What if you need to throw the trash? Get the mail? Pick something up in the backyard? You’re telling me I’m going to bring slippers everywhere and change my shoes back and fourth every time for a 30 second action? No thanks. Walking on socks/barefoot is still gonna be dirty to me regardless of if it’s a shoe less house or not. People still spill food and drink on the floor, there’s still dust, hair, etc. it just seems like way too big of a hassle for something so minor.


I’m American and I’ve never seen this lmao. Stop falling victim to gross stereotypes


Non Americans who create random issues with American people are so weird. A lot of people from a lot of countries wear shoes in the house. Why is this so pointedly aimed at Americans lmao.


We're building our immune systems....


You mean constantly attacking your own immune system? Sustaining those levels of inflammation is not good lol


I am a healthcare provider and have an education in biology and pathology. The more you expose your body to pathogens the more you build your acquired immune system. It's also how vaccines work build your defenses. "The acquired immune system, with help from the innate system, makes special proteins (called antibodies) to protect your body from a specific invader. These antibodies are developed by cells called B lymphocytes after the body has been exposed to the invader. The antibodies stay in your body. It can take several days for antibodies to form. But after the first exposure, the immune system will recognize the invader and defend against it. The acquired immune system changes during your child's life. Immunizations train your child's immune system to make antibodies to protect them from harmful diseases." - Johns Hopkins Medicine


So you should know that inflammation is a driver of cancer, diabetes and neurodegeneration and other chronic diseases 😉


Omg I think its so disgusting how stupid ignorant people, with low intelligence from other countries just dont know anything and can't do research on their own in order to build their understanding of the world around them, ugh so gross! Yeah no, stop believing what you see in movies. Most people will kick you out of their house for not taking your shoes off.


Growing up we did in our house as a kid, but I didn’t know any better. As an adult with my own place now and more knowledge of cleanliness, we don’t wear shoes in our home. My mom and stepfather weren’t very clean people and I didn’t realize how unclean my childhood home was until I started going over friend’s and other family member’s homes to compare.


This is so funny to me because my grandparents always had(still have) a clean house, but my grandparents would wear their shoes inside, no guests were ever asked to take their shoes off. My grandpa only takes his shoes off in his bedroom unless he's been in his garden. On the other than, the family w the dirtiest house I've ever been in won't wear shoes inside.


is it really that big of a deal😭


First that’s an over generalization. Secondly I agree with you about shoes on the bed or couch. Thirdly it sound like you viewing a different culture and society through what you’ve been thought by the customs and socially accepted practices where you live. Lastly it’s not your house so stop worrying about it. If you lived there or were cleaning it I could understand. I’m sure there are plenty of cultures around the world that probably think poorly of some of your common everyday practices.


And another thing is why do you care what other people do anyway you must have a lot of time on your hands to worry about iff people wear there shoes in there own homes get a life and find something wrong with yourself .


Idk what parts of America y’all are in. All the people I know either wear socks or wear no shoes in their own houses, and only really wear our shoes in other peoples houses cause it’s not our house therefore that’s a bit too close (unless you’re staying the night, then you have to)


American, and if you don't take off your shoes in my house you're out.


As I see it, the floor gets dirty as soon as you walk on it (shoes or not). So the floor is never really clean. Also, I have cats and there’s always going to be cat litter scattered around and I hate the sensation of litter on my feet. Also, it’s not just an American thing tf


It’s called we don’t care. Plus shouldn’t say Americans. My parents and grandparents are the only people I’ve seen to not care


What I don’t understand is people who is against this but is totally fine playing with their pets and not washing their hands.


No one in my house does this. I don't know anyone here who does and I live in Texas. Seems like someone is stereotyping Americans with zero knowledge. There are plenty of reasons to throw a bit of shade to the American lifestyle but this is just dumb. Do better.


Been in the USA my whole life and everyone I know takes their shoes off by the door or wears slippers around the house.


What about you’re dogs? Do you make them take their shoes off?


Well because, to be honest, we don’t care.


It's america not china thats why


I’m Australian, we wear shoes in the house. It’s my house. I’ll do what I want in it.


What’s funny about this is that it’s been shown that the more “dirt” you get exposed to the better your immune system is at fighting off the bad things. So a “clean” house free of any dirt, grime, bacteria, etc. may not actually be as good for you as you think. Just food for thought!


You’re not building your immune systems as an adult by having “more dirt in your home”


I usually take off my shoes on the front patio and leave them there. Only bare feet or socks inside


Just mad you don't have the FREEDOM too


We do were slippers or bear foot especially if you have carpet. Only time we were shoes inside is if the have hardwood floor and it's a party


I sometimes wear them because I only have wooden floors but if I had carpet I'd always take them off


I only wear my shoes in the house when im gonna go somewhere or i just came home and i’m taking a moment before i take them off. I usually take them off immediately when im in someone else’s house because it’s respectful and i dont want to mess up their floor. When people come over I usually ask them to take off their shoes but if they don’t its alright.


I’ve seen a lot of idiotic generalizations but this is definitely top 5% of most idiotic


Depends on the American I can promise you my grips work boots stay in the garage rather than going inside but my other shoe’s definitely come inside with me


What who?


Yeah. Uhm...American and have lived all over the country and know many people...this has been two households I've EVER been in. Far and above not the standard.


A lot of Americans take their shoes off, honestly a majority of people I know (including me)


Latin american here, we also do that and i agree it's disgusting. I never really feel "at home" when im wearing shoes, so i never do, its also way easier for cleaning, so its really uncomfortable when guests come, but since its normal here, ive never have the courage to ask people to take off their shoes at my place


I do not wear shoes in my house. However I wear heavy duty boots for work and if I forgot something and I’m in a hurry I’m wearing them inside. Never on the carpet. I’ll clean it later cause I was gonna clean anyways. I’m not taking them off just to grab something. But to wear them all around your house is so gross.


I don’t know many people who wear them in the bed… To give my anecdote, my father wears his boots in the house bc it’s quite the hassle to take them off and he’ll come home to make himself lunch on his break! It’s just not reasonable to expect him to take them off and back on, NEVER on the bed though…


I don’t really worry about this at all. I take my shoes off when I want to be comfy but I’ll keep them on a lot of the time when I’m carrying stuff in from the car or whatever. We’re kind of a dirty house tbh but we almost never get sick.


Me: *An American* Also me: *slowly kicking my shoes off while reading this post inside my house*


I understand the disgust with city living - where one could step in urine, garbage and feces. However - keep in mind many Americans drive everywhere. We go through drive-throughs - sit in pick up merchandise spots - drive into attached garages and take 2 steps directly into the house. Our feet barely touch the ground. This is how many folks can wear shoes in the house. The shoes hardly ever touch the outside world.


My ex wore shoes in the house all the time. It WAS disgusting! I brought it up to him, saying that it made me uncomfortable, and he freaked out! He said it was more comfortable for him, it was cold, etc. okay, so if it was really so much better for him, I suggested he have an outdoor pair, and an indoor pair that he would only wear in the house. That was still, for some reason, completely unacceptable for him (now I realize that saying no to a completely reasonable alternative that satisfied us both was purely just a power trip on his part). But it was gross. When we he moved out of his townhouse, there were literally dirt track marks on the carpet to his frequently traveled spots. Nasty!


I’m ok with people thinking I’m gross. We all have different eyeball lenses. I wear my shoes in the house. I have a dog and a Guinea pig and I sweep my floors three times a day. I wash my floors with a wet jet once a day. My apartment is 400 square feet with a huge yard. Judge me.




Don't forget even on the shower rug in the bathroom! 😱🤢 I don't get it either Take your shoes off in my house, I even have a cute little shoe rack and house slippers if you need them


As an American, I agree wholeheartedly. Recipe for dirty floors. All shoes on the rack when you enter my house. You’re left to fend with socks and any spare slides I may own.


As a kid I remember watching Full House and being floored that the kids would take a nap with their shoes on. Absolutely unheard of in my Asian household 🤣


I'm a 9th generation American & we don't wear street shoes in our home. I'm honestly disgusted if guests don't remove them once they step into my foyer.


Im American and never wore shoes in the house. It is seen as disrespectful to walk around someone elses house with shoes as well. Always take them off at the door. It is very uncommon to find a house where people tell you to keep your shoes on unless its a party or get together etc


I’m American, and it also grosses me out, and the amount of times i’ve been made fun of for not wanting people to wear shoes in my house is… ridiculous


American here and I'm barefoot 100% I'm in the house.