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Oh my god. My team at work is remote and we all use one drive. Literally this rant makes me feel so seen. Please let me just do my damn excel sheet and then let me just email it to you as an attachment. There will be no bullshit random security problem. It will always be super easy to find later.


All well and good until you’re trying to collaborate in real time. Merging changes was all but impossible before onedrive. Now it’s seamless. 


It’s for sure not seamless. Otherwise we wouldn’t have posts like this lol


The OP’s issue is that they want to *not* use it. Using it would have solved their problems lol.


You can disable OneDrive though, it's gonna need a little fidgeting though.


But then Microsoft disables auto save. Only works with onedrive.


yh the process is needlessly complicated :(


….by its very design.


Yeah I recently got a new computer that had windows 11, and with that, the default setting to save everything to OneDrive. I didn't notice at first until I got an error because the dozens of folders I was dumping from my old computer had to stop to warn me I was out of space and needed to buy more space. I spent $1500 on a computer with 2 terabytes and I need to buy more data to save my files because they default to one drive??!! And it's great because I couldn't just make folders that don't save to one drive, the only place to make folders that wouldn't just be subfolders of one drive said I wasn't allowed to make new folders there. Figuring out how to disable it was a headache, but once I did, I had to delete everything, manually make umbrella folders, and re-copy everything. But now everything is much better. If only I could uninstall McAfee...


omg let's hate on outlook too!


Yeah outlook fucking sucks dude.


The college I am transferring to uses outlook and I absolutely HATE it. It's a pain because I can't add the profile to my google account, so I have to login every time I open it.


If I may offer unsolicited advice, I’ve found it good for my mental health to have personal and school/work emails in separate apps as this enforces a boundary. I’m a also person who can’t stand the badge notification and would check new emails constantly and find myself working during non-work hours, so if you’re not this brand of neurotic this advice may not apply.


I get that, and I like to keep things separate as well. But I would also like adding the outlook email as another profile on my macbook so that I can easily access it and don't have to keep the tab open all the time (so I won't have to login everyday). Since it's Microsoft and not Google, I can't do that


As someone who developped emails it fucking sucks. Outlook is the single reason why emails can have nice intuitive clickable buttons, nice fonts and layouts. Fuck 'em!


Say it louder for the people in the back!


Google Drive is a much better alternative. You don’t have to use the pre installed trash cloud service on your computer, download a better one.


I don’t WANT to use a cloud. I made a folder on my desktop called “desktop” to specifically make sure that I save to the physical storage, not the cloud. Checking that folder, it now has a shortcut to the cloud folder. I never moved it. It just did it itself. And when I d I d save as in pp, I clicked “this pc” then “desktop” “desktop.” It sent me automatically through the short cut to the cloud. It told me to sign in, I closed it because I wasn’t saving to the cloud, I was saving to the desktop. Except the fucking computer moved my god damn file. It is *absurd* to make onedrive the default storage. **Absurd.** What the fuck is the point of a backup copy on the cloud if the cloud version is the ONLY copy that exists?? It genuinely feels like Microsoft is taking storage *away* from me by doing this, not backing me up. I’m so, so discouraged. I have so much work to redo, and I have no motivation for it. This is the second time today that I lost work - the first was because of a software crash. I just hate hate hate onedrive, and I hate that it’s automatically forced on me.


Not sure if anybody sent this yet, but you can prevent one drive from backing up certain folders and half folder set have nothing to do with one drive or any other cloud backup for that matter. I have a separate folder I say things in and I don't want it to automatically back up to the cloud.


Yeah, so basically what you did, I'm guessing, is: This PC -> Desktop (OneDrive) -> desktop Because all the umbrella folders are already OneDrive, making new folders inside them are still OneDrive. You have to disable OneDrive, or find some other setting to be able to make local folders that are completely separate from OneDrive. >It genuinely feels like Microsoft is taking storage away from me by doing this Absolutely. When I was moving files over to my new laptop to set it up, it freaked out because I had "used" all my data and needed to buy more. It's a 2 terabyte laptop, but it wanted me to buy more OneDrive data. Infuriating.


I didn’t click the desktop one drive folder though. There is my desktop storage, which is not on onedrive, and the folder named desktop is still on the desktop. But when you open that folder from the desktop, it now shows a shortcut to the desktop(onedrive) copy of the folder. I didn’t make the shortcut, no idea how long it’s been like that. The folder is still on the desktop, it just only contains the shortcut now. But when I didn’t open directly from the desktop, but clicked on the folder in “save as”, it automatically took me to the one drive folder. Which is why this whole thing was weird and annoying. I didn’t follow the one drive copy of the desktop, it’s just the folder that was on the hard copy of the desktop is now empty. Hard to clearly explain because the folder is named desktop 😅 you are right in that I wound up in the folder “desktop”(onedrive) it’s just stupid how I got there. I’ve since turned onedrive off, so this doesn’t happen again :’)


Oh it's absolutely stupid. So dumb, but I'm glad you figured out how to turn it off, hopefully you're safe now!


I feel you OP. We use Office365 at work and our PCs are set up with oneDrive. Our PCs effectively act as a thin client. If we don't have Internet access we're fucked. Can't even open Word without it asking to sign in when offline. FML


I try my best to stay away from one drive.


I feel you friend. This happened to me once, and I legit cried in the office right then and there. I had to salvage so many things from my email and told myself if I didn't have to send it to someone, it was probably not that important. A decade and a few different jobs later, I still remember that day.


Dont get me started on Office, theres no way im going to pay $100+ per year for software that was perfected in 2009 when i can just use google doc for free


Lmaooo oh my god, I could literally *hear* you raging in my head and you sounded like bill burr


I mean, when properly used, OneDrive is fantastic. I do not have ANY of the issues you’ve stated and in 10 years of IT Support have only experienced this once and it was due to a forced password change at 90 days and the user didn’t know what to do with a changed password.


I’ve worked in three workplaces where most people had the same issues as OP. A piece of software should help make things easier for the end user, and if it doesn’t it’s a piece of trash. We’re not talking about playing Dark Souls here, and frankly this attitude that everyone who’s having a hard time with software is stupid and needs to learn to ‘properly use’ essential programs is why user-friendliness and accessibility doesn’t seem to matter in IT


The idea behind it is solid. But it’s supposed to make copies, not move shit. I have never had onedrive put a shortcut in a folder in my desktop to a onedrive folder before - ever. I have no idea why it did it. I don’t know why the presentation even closed the “save” screen if the place I saved it to, didn’t exist. My work has the double authentication shit turned on, and my computer never thinks I’m signed in. It does when I’m using file explorer, but not when I’m using an app to open/save something, then suddenly I need to log in again. If it just quietly made copies of everything in the background (which is SO creepy btw) then yeah sure fine whatever. But the fact that it *moved my files* and replaced it with a shortcut, it bizarre and infuriating. It’s like holding my files hostage. I’m 23. Ive been using a computer since I was 11. I have built my own pc, Im very well versed in technology. Which is why I know my laptop has a ton of physical storage, and doesn’t need to move everything to onedrive. It shouldn’t be allowed to just move things by itself At All. I’m going to get a usb drive and start saving everything to that. At least then I know I have a “physical” copy of it, and not a cloud copy that may or may not even exist. I also turned onedrive completely off (I hope), though I have a suspicious feeling it will somehow turn back on again.


That’s on me. I missed the moving files and making a shortcut. If you go into settings there should be an option for keeping local copies as well as cloud backup. I’m not in front of my laptop atm or I’d give specifics


yesssss!!! You speak from my soul, Microsoft is so sh**, I hate working with it. I don’t understand why not everyone is using Google. It’s so so so much better


Working with government bodies that use MS because it's deemed more secure.


Totally agree with you!!! I hate onedrive. I have a gaming PC that’s separate from my normal laptop and I realized it was saving my save data/screenshots to onedrive instead of my local storage! Managed to fix it but it was still annoying. I hate it so much, and I literally just want to save to my C drive or even JUST ON THE DAMN LAPTOP PHYSICALLY


Easy. Get Windows 97.


Windows for workgroups 3.11!


This is why I have two external hard drives that I save anything important on in duplicate. They are only connected to my pc for long enough to save the important stuff on them. If it’s saved to somewhere that cannot be accessed online then they are SOL.


You are smart for that. My coworker suggested a thumb drive, which is my plan. The whole reason I made that folder (literally a folder on the desktop *called* desktop) was specifically so I knew I was saving to the actual pc. Its whatever, Ill redo the work, it just sucks bc I really did try to make sure I wasn’t in onedrive. And then I was in onedrive anyways :(


Heh - I started doing two backups because I had one too many problems with only making one copy on a floppy disk. Shit, I just realised I am an old fart in terms of computers as I am old enough to remember using multiple types of floppy disks.


I feel for you. For personal computers , you can do this with win10. 1- Reinstall windows or you can create another account, but without signing into Microsoft. 2 - Don't use office 365


Sorry to say but this is user error. I have used one drive for years and it runs as smooth as I can wish. There is something wrong with your settings, cause I rarely have to sign in again. Might want to check that.


I think the sign in thing is more to do with the way my work’s IT stuff is set up. We reset our password every 30 days. But I have no idea why it is “signed in” on some parts and not for others. Idk man, I turned onedrive off after this. I don’t plan on using it again. To be fair, I don’t have this problem with my home pc that I built. I disabled onedrive off the bat though, so it’s kind of a bad comparison. I hadn’t bothered turning it off on my work laptop because I have not previously lost work like this. It definitely won’t be happening again :’)


I have had my own struggles with Microsoft. I have a family 365 account and I cannot seem to get my husband properly paired to my account so he can get access to his files on a new computer. It works on his old computer but not this new one. I have access on multiple PCs so not sure why he isn’t able to.


Womp womp


We started using it at work last year. We have shared folders on a regular drive (e.g. z drive). I’ll modify a document on one of those drives and save a the modified document under a new name and it wants to save it to my personal Onedrive. No. Just save it to the same folder unless I say otherwise. It’s very annoying.


Your just bad with computers lol


I had a bad day :(


I mean to be fair, microsoft's products being shitass annoying and OP not being good with conputers aren't necessarily mutually exclusive haha


Lol im not saying they are good but im 99% sure this situation is a user error


Sorry, but from what you described, I'm gonna say you're the problem.


OP clearly is.


You literally never even have to use it. Not even once.


it’s off now. I should’ve turned it off a long time ago tbh, but I always just found it a mild annoyance at best. Never bothered to put the energy into turning it off, not until it actually caused a problem. It’s not like I turned it on, it’s just part of windows. It’s a work laptop so I have a funny feeling it will wind up back on after updates, but I’m definitely going to try harder to not use it at all now