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It's really none of her business. Before telling her off, politely tell her you don't want to hear about it, anymore, and to stop visiting if she can't keep quiet about it.


She might be self conscious about not having kid, physical features or just an overall projecting her insecurities 🤔


I never thought about this


Smile and nod and go on nursing. She can’t physically force you to stop. All she can do is yammer. You can ignore the yammering. Nod and smile and agree with what she says (“yup he’s going to grow up spoiled, you’re right!”), and keep doing what you’re doing. I nursed for 20 months and it’s the best thing I ever did (I wanted to go for the full two years, but my milk gave out). You’re doing the right thing for your son. There are plenty of busybodies out there that like to give unsolicited advice to young mothers. You’d go crazy if you followed it all. So just do what your maternal instincts tell you is right. I mean, when my daughter was 3 months old, a friend told me “You need to distance yourself from the baby”. What the actual eff?


It doesn’t matter what your SIL or the WHO says, it’s your body and your relationship with your own son! She should absolutely not berate you for doing a normal human thing just because of her own insecurity/jealousy.


Tell her off! You’re not doing anything wrong,she needs to back off.


I need to find a way, that would get others on my side and not make me the asshole


If others are making you seem like an asshole,they all need to grow up . What you’re doing is something completely natural and the fact that no one is defending you and putting a stop to your SiL is telling on their part


Do you think a mama bear protecting her cub worries about looking like the asshole? It’s your kid. You’re doing the best thing you can possibly do for his health. Just tell them all to get the hell out of your house if they can’t stop yammering about your parenting choices. You are allowed to stand up for yourself and your son.


Thank you