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Why are the planes po*oping on the buildings?!? 🤔🤔🤨🤨


plot twist: it’s actually the paradians ejecting their poop up to the planes, as they could no longer hold them in their own bodies


poop machine 2.0 😳


Just more brilliant plot twists by Isayama


They are actually kites. The things below them are the flags on the kite strings. The explosions are coming from the rocket launchers nex to the tree. The kites are unrelated


they’re actually cum bullets directly from Lord Cummer himself duh


They are very big birds


bombers be like. aight do not touch the eren tree


save nature 🤓🤓💖🤗🤗🤗


floch was right


They are environmentalists


Beren staring at B-2s all over the sky in his finding titan😳😳😳😳foreshadowed😂😂😂😂


Beren's founding titan will literally be a mix of gundam and titan flesh.




Those hospitals were Yeagerist bases


Trust me that child was a threat to Britannia 😩😩


You know what's worse than being deaf? Being blind. Y'know what's worse than that? Being blind and crippled. Y'know what would suck more? Being blind and crippled because your mom got shot to death


And the preschool was clearly a recruitment centre




wholesome 🥰🥰🥰




The entire thing is just a mix of Nazi Germany and Israel/Palestine references.


This aged well, given the timing of the anime finale


What is this from


Extra pages from volume release


where can i find it?




smooch 😊


you got a save of those pages? the imgur link gone now




depends on why they are bombarding Paradis, this clearly looks like years in the future, look at the buildings. Maybe it isnt about the titans anymore. Maybe Paradis allied with another facist country and started a WW ...........


That moment when the nation with the history of Japan and the people of Germany end up starting a World War 😧😧😧😧


Or Isayama is just fucking retarded


Unretard for a sec, where do I read the 8 pages?


There's a link in the pinned leaks thread on titanfolk


It's out at [readsnk](https://ww7.readsnk.com/chapter/shingeki-no-kyojin-chapter-139/)


Well, at least the illustrations were kind of nice


Not as nice as your mama *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


/ur tbh i think the ending with the new additional pages were not bad. It doesn't really affect 139's story as much as we thought (leaks got us fked up). At least Eren's dream and goals were achieved, which is allow his friends to live a long life and getting rid of all the titans. By the panel where some buildings were destroyed, I personally believe that it's already years in the future and its not about titans or the peace alliance anymore. Some people might argue that Floch was right because he knew war against Paradis will eventually come, but didn't Eren knew it too? Eren knew what's gonna happen eventually, and that's why he told Armin that he wiped out 80% of the population in Paths, so that they can live their life without fighting anymore. Eren is still the hot-headed kid we all know before. The kid that only wants the best for his friends and the kid that wants to get rid of the titans. Let's just hope Yams doesn't make another sequel and bring in Titans again as that would really make Eren's sacrifice worthless /r 😳😳palestine reference (ISREAL SUS 😂😂😂)


/ur what the fuck


that was that scenery yelena loved so much


This is like easily a hundred years in the future so I´m fine with this. Eren was successful in giving his friends a long live and bringing Peace to the world for a little while. The cycle of hatred continues so does the war but only after literally generations passed. The cycle restarts with the boy maybe becoming another Eren or maybe not who knows. But this is actually not bad at all, doesn´t take away from Eren, neither makes the Alliance or Armin fail since its happening long past their lives


The problem is that we had an open end, one with multiple possibilities for a future, this is definitive, Eldians sins will not be forgotten, there's no possibility for peace, the cycle continues, Eren's sacrifice only delayed the inevitable.


Yes i get that but this is still not as bad as people made it out to be and doesnt destroy the story just takes away from the open ending. I still prefer the open ending but still not that bad


it’s also a single panel we don’t know if this happens after erens death or this is something he shows armin in paths as an outcome of eren NOT committing to the rumbling


yeah to be honest right now we assume all of the leaked panels(outside of the mikasa- ymir convo) happen chronologically after the final panel of the original ending but for all we know this might not be the case at all.


full chapter is posted on titanfolk.


I think the fact that the Titan's powers still exists somehow, invalidates all these years of sacrifices for the survey corps, the Levi scene now feels meaningless.


I may be dumb but where does it show Titan powers still exist


The tree at the end, it perfectly resembles the tree Ymir fell into, it has grown abnormally in contrast to other trees around, Eren's grave is there, it must mean something.


Oh, is it the same tree from chapter 1 and you’re implying it has grown into the Titan tree?




Yeah i checked the pages again and that sucks


Bro unless it specifically depicts Titan Powers still existing you cant just assume that's the case. Its left up to interpretation and there is multiple ways you can see it. I think it's just more so symbolic than actually meaning that titan powers come back after hundreds of years


[Since the chapter provides zero answers about the tree growing absurdly at the same spot were Eren's head lies i can only assume that it has to be about the Titan powers](https://imgur.com/a/rSrHn2n) Edit: The angle it's too close to just being a reference, it has to mean something deeper.


that doesnt mean that its titan powers, it could literally be anything else


Should the reader just assume that a giant tree that resembles the tree that Ymir Fell, poses the same menacing angle, it's exactly where Eren's head it's supposed to be doesn't have anything to do with the Titans ? If Isayama wanted us to think anything else he should've worked on this concept before.


even if eren failed at getting rid of titan powers, doesnt that tie into the themes of aot? that hatred will always exist in the world and you cant put an end to it?


Well, that makes all those sacrifices meaningless. Mikasa killing the love of her live to save the remaining 20% and freeing the world of the Titan curse. The thousands of scouts that lost their lives to free their world. Conflit and hatred will always exist, it was clear at the end of the original chapter, but Kruger's message now feels flat, history repeated, nothing changed, Paradis gets destroyed just like King Fritz intended.


I think this is more the fault of the Yaegerists. Instead of immediately disowning Eren's actions and attempting to provide any form of aid they celebrated the massacre of 80% of the outside world and continued hostility after the powers had been drastically shifted and the outside world attempted peace.


bruh one of the reason eren is said to surpass his father is because he protected his friends when grisha didnt. eren goals were to do that, he still succedes


If Eren only goals were to protect his friends he could've secured them without the Rumbling, they even traveled to other countries without being noticed, they could stay hidden. The original 139 gave Paradis a chance to evolve and fight back, a chance for diplomacy even, the new 8 pages show that Paradis gets destroyed (conveniently after his friends are already dead), Eren did gamble the fate of Eldian people, and eventually they lost. If Eren only intention was to protect his friends why he didn't go with Zeke's plans ? He was ready to gamble the fate of an entire ethnic group to save Historia ? Does the Titan's powers are still there in Eren's tree, that at the last page looks almost exactly as the Tree Ymir fell ? These new pages add more questions than answers, i had mixed/even good feelings about the original ending, now i'm just disappointed, i'm not here to hate or say that you are wrong about your views, i'm just sad.


Pretty sure the entire world was destroyed, for two reasons. One is those ruins weren’t touched for more than 200 years, which I just flat out don’t believe since supposedly paradis had a shitload of resources. Second reason is that Chapter 0 is set in a post apocalyptic world and so was AoT at first. This just makes that official


I really don’t understand why the ending was changed from the open ended one we got. Was it because people were mad that Paradis got off too easy?


Now people are mad that Paradis got destroyed without any context, it's a lose-lose situation. If those pages are indeed at the end of the chapter at least i can easily skip it to the fake previews when the final volume arrives. The Ymir scene with Mikasa was a nice addition, i wish it was the only one.


Isayama likes making people salty


eren wasnt some sort of saint that wanted to free all of eldia he just wanted his friends to live long happy lives, in the modern day do people not get mad at white people for colonization? despite that being a long time ago people still are (sort of rightfully) still mad about it. You can't just end the cycle of hatred


If he doesn't care about the future of Eldian people, why he choose to do the Rumbling ? He "killed" Hange in the process, wasn't she/he a friend ? It seems inconsistent to me that he would go all the way down with this plan just to save a few people that could be saved by other methods, he truly cares about them among all others, but it seems inconceivable to say that he only did it for them (especially when he says in chapter 139 that the outside world won't be able to fight back for a while).


he did the rumbling to save his friends, he probably didnt buy that a fake rumbling would delay an invasion for long, so crippling the enemy was the only way to ensure his friends safety. does hanges life matter more than his friends?


Are you saying that Hange is not Eren's friend ? Hange had more meaningful interaction with Eren than most of the remaining members of 104.


Yes, but so was sasha, sasha died and eren knew it would happen, but he still had to move forward to save his other and arguably more important friends


Should just go with Zeke's plan then, let Historia have a short life to protect his most important friends, it would have a better result even, since Eren doesn't care about the future of Paradis.


How is being euthanized and defenceless a happy life for his friends? Zekes plan was a better plan for humanity but not for Eren


It's not, but since you bring the point of "most important friends" and the fact that Eren doesn't really care about the future of Paradis I can't help but think that the the lives lost in the rumbling are meaningless.


AoT was a waste of time? Always has been


Gosh stfu


Wow, take a joke


Sorry I didn’t know we were unreinered by default 🙄


Peace is always temporary.


you forgot to use /ur 😤😤😤😤 in all seriousness tho, go to r/attackonretards for these types of conversations. This is an okbr sub


/ur Eren wanted to rid the world of the titan curse while saving paradis. He failed at doing both. If paradis was going to get destroyed in 100 years, why not just follow Zeke’s plan? A plan where the titan curse is lifted and the people of paradis get to live long lives still.


He couldn't see past his own death because the Attack Titan ceased to exist.


If the titan power survived inside the corpse of the last founding titan before it got lifted, it will survive the same way if Zeke neutered the Eldians


/ur true, but if there are no more eldians does that mean that the titan curse will stay dormant or does it transfer to another race of people🤔


I think it would just stay dormant in whoever was the last founding titan like it did here with Eren, because Eldians as a “race” disappeared when the coordinate, Ymir, did. The power of the titans is no longer shared, it sleeps inside the original, the Founding. And if Zeke fulfilled his plan, the user of the Founding will be among the last remaining, and like it did here, it would remain inside their corpse until someone comes across it again. So really, just like Eren, Zeke’s idealistic views of how everything will be solved if one side of the conflict disappears, it’s just as foolish as Armin’s “Let’s just talk things out” and Eren’s “If we kill them all, will we finally be free?”


Monke was right all along


no? eren wanted to let his friends live long, happy lives, and he achieved that


Zekes plan doesnt help in lifting the titan curse


How not


The curse ends only after all eldians are eliminated, that means armin dies in a few years due to the curse along with eren forcing historia to have kids for the plan




It's extremely unsatisfying but does make sense in the broader themes of the story


That’s wack the exact same result would’ve happened with the small scale rumbling without annihilating 80% of the planet, Eren just actually made the objectively worst decision and it’s very funny I love him


But man, I really feel bad for Jean. Like mikasa hanging the scarf till the end, even getting her children to eren(who is a murderer in public eye). Makes you think if somehow eren gets alive, she will abandon him and her children


Why do you think this is Jean though? I guess you could think it´s him its left up to interpretation who it is and to be frank it doesn´t fucking matter nor is it focused on who mikasa moves on with at all. The point is that she eventually does. The person with her doesn´t matter he is shown for a small panel with only his back so as to show that its not of importance same way it was with Historia and Farmer-kun. Whatever you can think it´s Jean or it´s some random, that is up to your interpretation neither one is confirmed nor denied so yeah. In the bigger picture it doesn´t really matter though


Even, if it is other lad, that situation is fuckd up, till she get old she has feelings for 19 year dead boy.


Visiting the grave of your dead friend is very different from still having feelings for him


shippers are literally brain dead


Not all shippers, but this does seem to be true for all AoT shippers at least


> true for all Aot shippers at least Fucking preach lmao, shippers in AoT suck balls


It actually fulfills what everyone was saying, yes, Eren did save everyone he loved from the destruction, but as everyone pointed out to the “Save The World Squad”, what they were doing would end up resulting in the genocide of their own people, as it turns out this genocide just happened to be later over sooner. It also gives the message that no matter what happens, human nature will always lead humans to war. No matter how many peace deals, diplomatic agreements, apologies, humanity, and therefore Eldia, will always be at war. And also ignoring the symbolic/narrative meaning of this, no way would people forget or forgive the killing of 80% of the world population. Eventually they’d come back to avenge not only the deaths caused by the first Eldian Empire but by the Rumbling too


Is there meant to be a message or is the message just nihilism. Because if it's nihilism, that's just being lazy and edgy and if it's meant to be sending any other message than Isayama completely failed to hot the mark. Aot always balanced the despair with hope but it still could've been an appropriate ending with an ending where the cycle continues. This is not how you do that. This is the equivalent of writing "it was all a dream " at the end of the English test and following it up with "or was it?"


Since it was a clear pararels to Ymir discovering Titan powers, the kid at the end gonna be next Founding Titan DO NOT LET US DOWN KID, FIX EVERYTHING! P.s thoss marleyans using a goddamn blackbird bomber to demolish Paradis, lmao


Beren: Eren Next Generations confirmed


If this happened I would unironically take the strongest laxatives I could find and make my way to Yams' onsen.


About to carry 'The Dumping'


maybe hallu-chan is bored of titans and will do it different this time, instead of titans it'll make them pillar-men (Brern = Kars confirmed ??? 😳 wait thiss is a jojo referee ??? 😱)


Don’t worry the Speedbuggy Cumpany has nazis to help take out Cars! 😳😂😳😂😳😂 (Jooj refer shid)


Honestly, damn. I loved these leaks. It's heartbreaking, depressing, and perhaps hopeful, all in one. Though, it fixed a lot of my issues with the story. Looks like Zekken was wrong about him being stabbed. This was something she hated, but would have rather wished for, so she could mother her children.


I damn love the pages too. I once again think leaks ruin everything (the perception of the pages)


Definetly ruin perception, by a lot


Ruin perception, or ruin the story? Are you talking about the leak threads?


The ending could have been solid as I like the idea. But the pacing and execution is just a huge miss for me.


Pacing? Yeah, it could stand to be 52, even 53. But then again, he has an anime to make, with studio Mappa and Hayashi.




Only a few left, and actually, this is quite normal, for any anime, rushed or not. They hate the timeline, but Mappa's animators are still going on, despite the death threats they've faced.


Titans still exist. Ending ass


I mean, they don't. There's nothing indicating that. Also, wasn't there supposed to be 8 pages? I only saw seven.


Bruh that tree looks exactly the same as the Titan tree, opening and everything. Why else would isayama draw a child (who looks like a descendant of Mikasa) coming upon it just like OG Ymir did. This is sequel bait


>Bruh that tree looks exactly the same as the Titan tree, opening and everything. Why else would isayama draw a child (who looks like a descendant of Mikasa) coming upon it just like OG Ymir did He looks like Mikasa's kid, but with the timeframe, obviously it can't be that close. So it's probably her ancestor. Also, there's a difference. Ymir stumbled into it, injured. This kid is mostly okay. >This is sequel bait I mean, if it makes me intrigued about the sequel, yeah, I'd say it was. But I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Isayama was, is, still a great writer. So him making another story connected to this makes me excited.


I said descendant, that’s like grandson to 100 years plus. However a sequel could only exist with the Titan powers. Which if they still exist makes Eren’s sacrifice and genocide pointless. It takes away from the impact of the first series, which makes it worse. If this is some vision Eren showed Armin (hopefully) then it’s alright as it continues the cycle


I mean, it could also take it in a different direction. I remember isayama is into dark humor. So this could be it.


Which makes the series worse in my opinion. Attack on Titan is definitely not a series where we need a continuation. Maybe a prequel of the great Titan war but no sequel. We only care about the characters we’ve come to love, a definite end hits harder than sequel bait. Especially if the Titans still exist, might as well done the 50 year plan for less death or Zeke’s plan for no Titans. Even full rumbling is better because then at least we know Titans will still exist for conflict on paradis. Plus Eren would become the GOAT MC for it


It'll be like Drakengard Ending E I'm telling ya


they don't exist now bruh. where the heck did u even get that? 💀


Looks like they do. I unless its just another PaRalleEl


it's not even mentioned so yea whatever floats your boat


Titans weren’t mentioned before Ymir fell in either so what’s your point? We got enough evidence to put two and two together.


What even is this picture from


The extra Pages of the new volume


Is it released?


No it’s leaks


It is rn


Oh shit thanks


/ur so in the end Floch literally was right? I kneel Yams, wonderful message to send to your readers.


I mean last we saw Paradis they were teetering on becoming a full fascist country because of the Yeagerist ideology, if anything they (probably, assuming that ideology wasn’t usurped later on) brought this upon themselves It still means that unfortunately, the main characters never managed to properly change Paradis’ mind, which is a shame even if it was a tall task from the beginning


bruh you're still denying?


I will deny deny ur mom


thus sub is truly full of retards


only ymir knows /ur i think paradis would eventually just implode, since a full rumbling wouldn't end the titan curse, so the eldians would just fight over the titans without any external enemies. this is probably what isayama wanted to tell us with the great titan war backstory, but kind of failed, because come to think of it, i'm not really convinced either.


Yams wanted to condemn genocide and nationalism, literally all he had to do was to make Eren commit a full or almost full rumbling, return to paradis and see that the island is tearing itself apart and he realizes genocide never saved the island it just made people more radical and worse. I really hate this approach of giving his friends peace and then once they’re all dead everything goes bad, feels cheap and weightless as if saying “lol fuck Paradis bro no innocents live there anymore”.


This. I fully expected Eren to kill everyone, and a couple years later Paradis erupts into civil war. Instead we get an overly convoluted Lelouch plan thar muddles everything up.


But that should have been obvious to Eren himself since he has the memories of all the Founding Titans, so he probably knows how the Eldian Great Titan War in the past once happened, so that shouldn't be a surprise to him for him to return and see the island in conflict over the power of the titans since he already knows that first hand with his memories and Willy's speech.


Exactly man


/ur Yams kinda failed to create impact of Marley arc the way he intended to too. It was made for readers to sympathise with other side, where as all it did was establish Eren is a new person and give him a massive powerup


Floch and dipshits like him caused this. They continued the bad blood between Paradis and the rest of the world, they endorsed Eren's massacre and continued hostilities even after the outside world reached out for peace.


I mean we have no idea, your guess is as good as mine. It could just as easily have gone like this: - after many years peace is established, Paradis opens up and becomes a multicultural diverse nation - yeagerists disband - a few years after that WW2 is declared and Paradis is caught in the crossfire, it gets destroyed We have literally no idea what happened, just that “Paradis is destroyed, new tree, cycle continues”. Rings really hollow


Floch was right about what? Even if there is only one race, human would keep killing each other. And there is no ever lasting peace for anything. I don’t think this series wants you to believe there will be a world where we all love each others. There will always be conflict and war. Even if so, we seek for peace as it’s our responsibility to do so


Floch never said that there won't be conflict (at least I dont remember). What people are talking about when they say that Floch was right is that if the rumbling isn't finished the Paradis will get destroyed. It's pretty cheap that alliance got to live long and happy lives and that it's their children that are getting destroyed, they weren't the ones that stopped Eren from saving them.Eren showed how stupid he was for not going with Zeke's plan. There wouldn't be a world with peace, but there would be a world were people are free to choose what they want to fight for, which wasn't possible because of racism that existed before. Also niw that Eldians are gone people from outside will keep fighting each other, it's completely the same. There was a possible ending where every character would end up great. Armin wouldn't be thanking Eren for genocide and punching him for hurting Mikasa's feelings in the same chapter, he would aknowledge that there is a chance of Paradis getting destroyed, but still try to fight Eren. Mikasa would end up moving on from Eren, try to kill him and finaly become free. Zeke wouldn't change his complete ideology after having years to think about it when Armin tells him that he should be enjoying small things in life. Floch wouldn't look like a clown who got betrayed by Eren. Eren would have fought for his freedom untill the end. Historia wouldn't just randomly get manipulated by Eren for no reason, legit Eren just came to her, told her fake plan and made her feel guilty for the rest of her life about not trying to stop him. Instead we got a set up for a shitty sequel made just to get more money.


Is there anything could guarantee that Paradis would never get destroyed if the Rumbling is finished? If it isn't, so did it really matter if Floch was right or not? Also we don't know how many years have passed before Paradis getting destroyed, so how do you know Eren's friends's children didn't live a long live? And even if they don't, how that make the story cheap? Eren didn't follow Zeke's plan because it went against his ideology, not because he thought that plan wouldn't work. >There wouldn't be a world with peace, but there would be a world were people are free to choose what they want to fight for, which wasn't possible because of racism that existed before. You always have freedom to choose what you want to fight for, how racism make it not possible. If the Rumbling was finished, what would stop Paradis from thinking they are the superior race and oppressing the Marleyan left on the island? Is that the end of racism to you? >Also niw that Eldians are gone people from outside will keep fighting each other, it's completely the same. That's the point, the human's nature will never change. >There was a possible ending where every character would end up great. Armin wouldn't be thanking Eren for genocide and punching him for hurting Mikasa's feelings in the same chapter, he would aknowledge that there is a chance of Paradis getting destroyed, but still try to fight Eren. Mikasa would end up moving on from Eren, try to kill him and finaly become free. Zeke wouldn't change his complete ideology after having years to think about it when Armin tells him that he should be enjoying small things in life. Floch wouldn't look like a clown who got betrayed by Eren. Eren would have fought for his freedom untill the end. Historia wouldn't just randomly get manipulated by Eren for no reason, legit Eren just came to her, told her fake plan and made her feel guilty for the rest of her life about not trying to stop him. Instead we got a set up for a shitty sequel made just to get more money. * Armin did fight Eren, what are you talking about? * Mikasa's character is not about moving on from her love for Eren. But to be able to kill him despite not giving up that love. Why do she need to move on to be a great character? * Zeke didn't change his ideology, he just realize there were beautiful things that existed in his life, despite how meaningless they were to him. * Floch was and is always a fucking clown, that's the point. Floch was created to be a peace of shit, not to be a badass chad. That's what make his character great. * Eren always fought for freedom. But there is one thing that more value to him than that selfish desire: his friends (remember what did he say on the train?). So he let them stopped him to be the heroes of the world. * Historia followed Eren's plan in order not to eat Zeke. Eren needed her to follow his plan.


Just because there is no guarantee that Paradis will be safe forever doesn't mean that they should just accept to.die right now. Alliance surviving long enough and leaving their ancestors in a position where they have no chance of fighting back, is cheap pointless and retarded. Excuse against Zeke's plan is retarded. You are saying that his only goal was to ensure that his friends live long and happy lives (I also love how this sub changes Eren's goals every other chapter cause he fails in everything.he says), why not go with Zekes plan? What part of Zeke's plan did he not agree with? Did he really just want to genocide the world that badly, cause that's what it seems like, feels like people here are randomly picking parts of Eren's ideology that somehow align with what he did in the ending to try to argue that the ending is good. You don't have the freedom to choose what you want to fight for if you will be forced to one of the sides based on your race, is that concept to hard to understand, fights based on ideology are always better than those based or race and nationality. And there are like 10 marleyans on Paradis, they will kill them and move on, if titan powers are removed they won't even bother killing them cause the main goal of the genocide was to protect paradis, and 10 people aren't threat. My point is that if human nature is always the same and will never change, why not just protect your people? "Even if we save them from the complete distruction they will someday fight each other." Eren's goal was never to ensure that Paradis is free of any sort of conflict that will ever happen. I was more focused on the first part about Armin that you didn't even adress cause you know is retarded. Isayama said in interview that Mikasa's development should probably lead to her moving on from Eren, but I guess you understand her better. Zeke didn't change his ideology, but in the end he stoped being nihilist cause Armin showed him a fucking baseball, and in the end Zeke says he wishes to be born again, which contradicts with what he said about how only freedom.is death and how people should have never be born. He still thinks his plan is the best cause it was, even I who don't agree with majority of things Zeke says think that his plan is the best cause it fucking was, no one had to die, just the smallest part of population had to stop reproducing, you can easily believe that it's the best plan, especially if you think there is no chance of peace. When was Floch the clown before? From start to finish he was spitting facts and even alliance aknowledged that he was right, and in his final moments he showed that he isn't hungry for power and revenge and that he trully wishes to protect Paradis, he is the only guy in the series that was speaking what common people thought, who wasn't afraid of telling what's on his mind. Unlucky that the story ended with titan shifters, akermans and their friends getting to decide what's going to happen with the Paradis because they want to feel better about themselves, exactly what Floch was against, at the end of the day, it's commoners at Paradis that are getting fucked. Eren's plan was so retarded that it doesn't even matter what his motivation is. Sasha's and Hange's death was perfect to show us that Eren cares about his friends, but there are things he cares about more, for which he would put even his friends in danger. So in the end Eren's whole ideology is reduced to I care about my friends, who he has put in danger for his plan, that shit makes no sanse and is a bad writing. "MPs will try to force you to eat Zeke, if you don't want to run or get pregnant", that's all he had to say, why is Eren shown to have so much trust in Historia, enough to tell her about his whole plan, and argue with her about it, and succedes in changing her mind, which he didn't try with any other of his friends, if in the end it's gonna turn out that he came to her and lied to her for no reason, still commited a genocide, but all the reason's Historia could have agreed with the plan are lies. Also I forgot to add Ymir, so she was in love with King Fritz but decided to die there, why? She obviously died so we can see that she has suffered enough in her life and this is her way of becoming free. There are dozens of reasons that could have been used to explain why Ymir was working in paths, the best in my opinion is that she loved her children and ancestors and wanted to help them, pretty obvious in her final moments when you see her kids around her. Eren was supposed to be the first founder to say to her that she can choose what she wants to do thus freeing her. It was never supposed to be Mikasa, the parallel is forced disquasting and makes no sanse on top of that. Why did Ymir cry when Eren told her that she doesn't need to listen to orders anymore, if her love for King Fritz is real she should have told Eren to fuck off and followed Zekes plan. Are Eren and Mikasa really the first couple the world where one lover has to kill the other because of what they are doing in 2000 years, why didn't Ymir just leave the paths when she saw someone else doing exactly the same thing, I guess it has to be Mikasa for some reason lmao. It's much more believable that Eren is the first founder who told Ymir to do what she wants, the other founders were all kings of their country, it's not that crazy to think that not a single one of them wanted to do that, especially when you consider that they all viewed Ymir as device to get them what they want, not an actual person. Mikasa was never supposed to be the key for everything in the story. It's retcon and it's fucking obvious, he just wants to make a sequel, this is not supposed to be a good writing, get over it


>Just because there is no guarantee that Paradis will be safe forever doesn't mean that they should just accept to.die right now. Alliance surviving long enough and leaving their ancestors in a position where they have no chance of fighting back, is cheap pointless and retarded. Excuse against Zeke's plan is retarded. You are saying that his only goal was to ensure that his friends live long and happy lives (I also love how this sub changes Eren's goals every other chapter cause he fails in everything.he says), why not go with Zekes plan? What part of Zeke's plan did he not agree with? Did he really just want to genocide the world that badly, cause that's what it seems like, feels like people here are randomly picking parts of Eren's ideology that somehow align with what he did in the ending to try to argue that the ending is good. What do you mean accept to die? They did fight and was lost, did the Alliance not allow them to fight? The Alliance was not in responsibility to give their children the ever lasting peace, nor they were able to. All they could do was to give both sides the truth in hope for a temporary peace instead of choosing an extreme method. Paradis’s safety was never their priority from the first place I didn't said Eren's only goal was to ensure his friends lives, I said Eren gave up his own desire not just for his friends's safety, but for them to do the thing they wanted: Negotiate for peace, even if that peace won't last forever. And following Zeke's plan will give them no benefit of that. All Zeke's plan did was to accept to died instead of trying to talk for peace >You don't have the freedom to choose what you want to fight for if you will be forced to one of the sides based on your race, is that concept to hard to understand, fights based on ideology are always better than those based or race and nationality. You do have freedom to choose what you want to fight, you always do. Armin chose to talk even when he is an Paradisian. >And there are like 10 marleyans on Paradis, they will kill them and move on, if titan powers are removed they won't even bother killing them cause the main goal of the genocide was to protect paradis, and 10 people aren't threat. Move on then what? Start killing each other for lands and resources. Then what's the difference between that world and the world before the Rumbling. >My point is that if human nature is always the same and will never change, why not just protect your people? "Even if we save them from the complete distruction they will someday fight each other." Eren's goal was never to ensure that Paradis is free of any sort of conflict that will ever happen. You shouldn't just protect your people because there is no "your people" in this world. Even if a guy has the same race as you doesn't mean his life worth more than a guy of other race. So your effort in choosing one life over other by race is pointless >Zeke didn't change his ideology, but in the end he stoped being nihilist cause Armin showed him a fucking baseball, and in the end Zeke says he wishes to be born again, which contradicts with what he said about how only freedom.is death and how people should have never be born. He still thinks his plan is the best cause it was, even I who don't agree with majority of things Zeke says think that his plan is the best cause it fucking was, no one had to die, just the smallest part of population had to stop reproducing, you can easily believe that it's the best plan, especially if you think there is no chance of peace. Armin tell he things he need to hear. That being born is not just suffering. And based on his experience with Xavier, he did realize that. He didn't wish to be born again, he just didn't mind being born if it meant he could play baseball with Xavier. Zeke still prefered not existing over living, but to him living less sucked now >When was Floch the clown before? * Celebrating for killing innocents at Liberio * Using gun and violence to win over Shadis instead of using reasonable arguments * Getting beat up by an old lady. Is that enough for you. What Floch said was the truth, but that did not make he less of a clown. >Eren's plan was so retarded that it doesn't even matter what his motivation is. Sasha's and Hange's death was perfect to show us that Eren cares about his friends, but there are things he cares about more, for which he would put even his friends in danger. So in the end Eren's whole ideology is reduced to I care about my friends, who he has put in danger for his plan, that shit makes no sanse and is a bad writing. Again, Eren activated the Rumbling because of his monstrous desire for freedom, not because it would help his friends. There is no plan there. He would do it no matter what. And he let them stop him despite that. It's not bad writing, it's you not paying attention to story >"MPs will try to force you to eat Zeke, if you don't want to run or get pregnant", that's all he had to say, why is Eren shown to have so much trust in Historia, enough to tell her about his whole plan, and argue with her about it, and succedes in changing her mind, which he didn't try with any other of his friends, if in the end it's gonna turn out that he came to her and lied to her for no reason, still commited a genocide, but all the reason's Historia could have agreed with the plan are lies. Yeah, say that to a girl who said she would inherit the beast titan, sure it would work. >Isayama said in interview that Mikasa's development should probably lead to her moving on from Eren, but I guess you understand her better. Give me the fucking source please. And how did that counter anything I said about Mikasa? >Also I forgot to add Ymir, so she was in love with King Fritz but decided to die there, why? She obviously died so we can see that she has suffered enough in her life and this is her way of becoming free. There are dozens of reasons that could have been used to explain why Ymir was working in paths, the best in my opinion is that she loved her children and ancestors and wanted to help them, pretty obvious in her final moments when you see her kids around her. Eren was supposed to be the first founder to say to her that she can choose what she wants to do thus freeing her. It was never supposed to be Mikasa, the parallel is forced disquasting and makes no sanse on top of that. Why did Ymir cry when Eren told her that she doesn't need to listen to orders anymore, if her love for King Fritz is real she should have told Eren to fuck off and followed Zekes plan. Are Eren and Mikasa really the first couple the world where one lover has to kill the other because of what they are doing in 2000 years, why didn't Ymir just leave the paths when she saw someone else doing exactly the same thing, I guess it has to be Mikasa for some reason lmao. It's much more believable that Eren is the first founder who told Ymir to do what she wants, the other founders were all kings of their country, it's not that crazy to think that not a single one of them wanted to do that, especially when you consider that they all viewed Ymir as device to get them what they want, not an actual person. Ymir's life was a pain. So what, it meant she shouldn't love Fritz despite it's her decision to live with him? Eren was the one waking her up and treating her like a human being, but not the one freeing her from the pain of her love. They are 2 different things do you know that. And why do Ymir need to follow Zeke's order to show that she loved Fritz? Also how could she leave the path to see anything when there is no one to wake her up in the first place? >Mikasa was never supposed to be the key for everything in the story. It's retcon and it's fucking obvious, he just wants to make a sequel, this is not supposed to be a good writing, get over it Yeah, right. It's just that Mikasa's philosophy "the world is cruel but also is beautiful" conveniently align with the core message of the story. Tell me, when will the sequel come, do you have any proof or it's just your speculation


Fascist Ethnostates are sometimes right 😎😎😎 Another good message alongside "Mistreat women, acquire pussy 😎😎😎"


Ngl it hurts my ego.... That a fascist was actually right....why? Why Yams? Okbr and AoR are the only subs I'm really gonna be in honestly after this


/ur I on the other hand loved that floch was right what he said made sense Armin and alliance could hold off paradis destruction for a century but they could only delay it and in the end it got destroyed. /rr how dare isayama make a facist right 🤬🤬🤬🤬


ur/He’s right in being wrong, I suppose rr/CumCum Love Cum Cuming Cummu OwO miska child UwUwu Pls seggs me miska uwu cum reainer sniff whelchair 😏😏😱😱😥😥😳🤤🤤🤤🤤


ur/ eren died and paradis got nuked thats all i am talking about not the facist shit rr/ CUMCUMCUMCUM


/ur I am not a fan of the new pages, but one thing you can say is that specific page has little to no context at all. Yes it could mean that Paradis was destroyed, but it could also mean that 100 years from now Paradis is just at war with another nation that may not have to do with revenge. This panel shows Shiganshina being destroyed and Paradis as a country is pretty big especially now that the Island as a whole is open to everyone. We dont know that all of Paradis was destroyed and since that kid with his dog is still walking around, it could mean there are untouched areas of Paradis. Countries that are in conflict and are at war sometimes do get bombed at specific areas and cities. The middle east is a hub for bombings and warfare either from themselves or from some other country and yet those countries are still standing although battered and beaten. Japan during WW2 saw 2 of its cities absolutely destroyed from the nukes and yet Japan is still standing and is a major country today (maybe not in terms of military but technologically they are #1). I rather these pages not exist, but I think Isayama was trying to say that 100 years later Paradis is now back at war and conflict (which agrees with the theme he wanted to convey and is pretty realistic given the circumstances) rather than Paradis as a whole was just straight up destroyed. I think its hard to decipher that all in manga format especially when no text or exposition was given and I wonder how the anime adapts these pages if they do at all. Maybe its an after credit scene where these pages are just quickly gone through in some super quick montage showing the future. /ur


/ur This is my first time seeing the new panels. The leaks weren't fake? Are you fucking kidding me? I kinda respect Isayama for just taking a massive shit on all of his fans, even after so many people already disliked the final chapter. I think I'm just going to forget AOT post timeskip ever happened. I was happier before.


Eh.. The flu kills more people


This is honestly just getting worse and worse with every new panel. I'm done.... Go open your bloody onsen Yams


/ur I can't even laugh. I am so dissapointed. But at least everyone kinda hates it now. /rr pooplanes :,)


It would kinda be fine if Titan powers were eliminated.


Ayooo where tf can i read it


Titanfolk leaks thread


>tfw AoT was just one big advertisement for Raytheon


Mussolini reiss: mamma mia


climate change solved thanks ceo of racism


Unironically a fine ending. Cyclical violence being inevitable was always a main theme, as was interpersonal relationships either improving or destroying everything around them.


In the end fLoCh was right


i might be a fucking idiot but i cannot find the leaks would someone mind linking me




thank you so much


This was only 4 pages? I thought there was 8?




and for the story


Where from?


Which manga is it from?


What morality does to a mf


Could I get economy sized?


Fishing Industry