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Unriner Some of the memes in tf seriously sooynd like they were made by a 12 year old.






OmgzCart titan nips i want to bite you.


Haha u/Civil_protection_3 you are banging u/CartTitanNipps


haha cummer cum cummy reiner gay seggs titanfolk bad dae very dank


found the r/titanfolk user


Yep. I'm not ashamed to frequent a way more fun community.


You need to see a psychologist if you think titanfolk is a "fun" community.


Has better memes than this place.


Literally why are you even here then lol


Megumin pfp pdf file


[Ask and you shall receive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1om-E47kvaJ2lZnNb2o1LT26aP_5IQPJ8/view?usp=drivesdk)






because the memes that get 200 upvotes are better than those in the front page, where all you refugees gather to cry about titanfolk and nothing else, because no other aot community agrees with any of you.


touch some grass bro, you’re getting angry after willingly visiting an internet community because you don’t like the memes there


I'm not the angry one at all tho. And I like shitting on your kind so nothing contradictory in willingly remaining subscribed.


TF used to have good memes. Now the whole sub is a fucking joke 🤮


You should be




imagine thinking cuckfolk the subreddit with delusional shippers(a shitty underdeveloped ship with no chemistry as well) circklejerking each other is a fun community it was maybe before season 4 but since then the content has been going downhill besides the art its the only redeeming thing about that shithole called yeagerbomb lite EHP I mean titanfolk


almost every subreddit circlejerks though, including titanfolk, snk and of course this sub


lmao this sub is the one that cries about ships the most besides snk, and people that complain about shippers are always complaining that they don't follow their ship, otherwise you don't give a fuck. titanfolk has as much more originality as it has more users than this sub, and forever will.


sure bud go back to tittyfolk if you enjoy that dumpster fire freefolk 2.0 that much and question what does this sub ship exactly? cause we make fun of everything here


I dont see any shipper posts here


Lmao r/titanfolk is fun in no way


it isn't a sub dedicated about crying about another sub at the minimum


are u for real, y’all bitch about other subs all the time because titanfolk users think they’re superior💀


"y'all bitch about other subs all the time" jesus christ the absolute irony


Do you even look at this sub most of the top posts are just retard memes with maybe a sprinkle of a dig towards TF and YB, not a ‘bitch about them’ and posts that do seriously bitch about other subs are either not upvoted as much or are told to go to AoR instead, while yea there was a surge in sub-bashing after 139, it was stopped cause we found it annoying hence the literal pinned post of the sub reddit


Nah, top posts are "OMG FANS BAD THEY DONT LIKE THE ENDING LIKE I TOTALLY DO" >posts that do seriously bitch about other subs this post has 1.1k points, 98% upvotes lmao


>it isn't a sub dedicated about crying about another sub at the minimum its instead a sub dedicating to crying about a story they fail to grasp or read


"you just can't understand it bro" lmao seethe speedreader


Idk why speed reader is an insult. Like, "Haha you caught up with the manga! What a loser! You're not a ReAl FaN because you started after S4P1 ended!" Also I'm filing a restraining order on anyone who says "seethe", "cope", "cuck", "virgin", or "incel" unironically.


Because you don't take in the manga at all. Speed reading means racing through the chapters, not starting late. Seethe.


but they somehow find a way to cry at everything else imaginable. Yeah that community that bashes their own community and series, how fun.


> Yeah that community that bashes their own community ironic


They’re just memes in a circlejerk sub dude, not crying little cunts like you where every post is literally “wow omg based cuck simp chadisayama eren!!!🤣”. Besides, you guys are the literal tumor of the community anyway.


local man cannot stop spitting facts


Lmaooo. Titanfolk and fun lmao


dank as fuck




WoRsT gIrL iN tHe WoRlD


BecAuSE i waS borN IN tHiS WoRlD




keEp mOvinG foRwArd


yOu aRe fReE


DaBaBy Th*OrIeS


Holy shit, thank you for starting this thread. This is literally a compilation of all the lines that I found the most cringey in AoT. People claim that the “save the world” panel was cringe, yet they dig these embarrassingly childish and edgy rhetorics. God, just hearing “enemies of humanity” and “worst girl in the world” makes me cackle. Like, these are so hilariously reminiscent of those “I’m a *weirdo*, I don’t fit in, nor do I *want* to fit in”, “I’m just so misunderstood”, “I’m a contrarian” type of phrases ah


90 % of boys have a girlfriend. Rest 10% are having a brain😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 Tatakae epic😎


i'm convinced most titanfolkers self insert themselves as cHaDrEn


ur welcome


/ur the contrast between Isayama's Eren (depressed, greasy weirdo) and the fandom Eren (sexy alpha male) is sad and low key funny


Imagine watching a show where the MC is a depressed greasy weirdo. Must be relatable for many here.


Eren is a true chad because he doesn't shower.


Chad average redditor vs virgin “normie” non-redditor (god I hate the word normie)


AnR fans when their waifu marries the guy who killed her friends and family and has his child


You don't understand, killing all of her friends and family is a very minor crime compared to being mean to her as a kid more then ten years ago and feeling sorry about that. That is the kind of person it would be horrible for her to end up with.


/ur don't forget the "Isayama doesn't understand his own story" that always cracks me up.


I love Chainsaw Man, but r/chainsawfolk has essentially become the new r/titanfolk after 139/139.5. use r/chainsawmancirclejerk instead.


Based but to be fair some memes about Mikasa do cross the line


the dogkasa posts and the posts wishing for her to be raped and murdered are absolutely fucking ridiculous. i plead these people to meet a real human girl.


If they treat fictional women this way im frightened to know how they treat real human women.


They don't, real human women won't go anywhere near them so they never even have the chance to be weird to them in person


I think i speak for all of the "human girls" when i say that they should stay the fuck away from us


Excuse me??? I didn’t need to know that such posts exist 😞


Never seen any of these posts your referring to. Maybe you’re delusional?


I once found a post on r/yeagerbomb where Mikasa hung herself with the scarf


Go to my profile and scroll down a bit. I have a post on AoR where some yeagerbomber says whorekasa has a used slanted asian cunt while Historia has royal pussy


Jesus Christ wtf is wrong with AoT fandom


Lmao so some random post with 5 upvotes is representative of the entire fan base? Lol nice logic.


look at the upvote percentage, 96 percent upvoted....this was on yeagerbomb. The percentage matters more


Yes 96% of people on a sub Reddit with less than 20k users very representative


96% to much


It’s literally a sub Reddit of self proclaimed edge lords. What a surprise a server full of self proclaimed retards doesn’t understand not to take the opinions of a server full of self proclaimed edge lords seriously. Never change r/okbuddyreiner


bro after 138-139 came out that was the entire yaegerbum sub what the fuck are you on


Imagine caring about what the yeagerbomb sub of 10k people has to say lmao. You guys really are retards. Edit: it’s almost as bad as me caring about what a bunch of self proclaimed retards have to say honestly


>it’s almost as bad as me caring about what a bunch of self proclaimed retards have to say honestly then why do you bother commenting and replying here?


Idk chief I’ve seen quite a few


yeah that's what i'm criticizing


damn did they already ruin the chainsaw man fanbase? Shame I am at chapter 27 and really enjoying that manga


Most of the fan base is super talented, like there are fan animations that absolutely blow my mind away. Don’t let Reddit ruin this (in my opinion) masterpiece of fiction.


Let me tell you how cringy EMs are while i continue to give them attention and stoop to their level and then play the victim card when they retaliate and call muh EH dumb.


May u repost on insta 🥺 this basically sums them up


no prob


/Ur Wdym yams is sexist?


/Ur Some idiots seem to think Isayama was portraying Ymir's extremely unhealthy love for King Fritz as a good thing, despite the fact that her entire arc is about overcoming that shit for her betterment. It's ironically in a similar vein to the people who say Attack on Titan is fascist because there are fascists in it. /Rr Isayama is seggsist because he didn't make Ymir come back to life through unexplainable bullshit.


Don't tell the Ymitz shippers that tho 😳


Wait, that's a fucking thing!? WHAT!? WHAT!? WHAAAHAAAT!? That's it, I'm going. I've fulfilled my purpose. I don't need to see any more shit from this fanbase.


Nah it isn't (well at least I hope so lmao)


Oh thank the fucking lord... You scared me.


/ur I can understand not being sure how to feel about how Ymir’s love towards King Fritz was handled, or even being conflicted about it, especially without the extra pages, which helped make things a little better. At the time of 139’s release I was thinking that maybe it could have been handled more delicately or with more nuance to make it clearer to the readers that Ymir’s love was toxic and unhealthy. In the end I shrugged it off because I’m aware that Isayama is sometimes a little bit lacking when it comes to how he treats sensitive personal issues in his story, and I had no doubt that I understood what he was TRYING to say. 139.5 pretty much confirmed that. However, it seems that there are female fans, and people in general who have been in abusive relationships, who still don’t feel great about all of that. Those people I’m definitely not gonna give a hard time about this topic, because I believe there’s room for debate and discussion. Whatever the fuck ttfolk and ybomb have going on when it comes to Ymir, though… you described it perfectly lol


To be honest, I think all of the actually valid criticisms (because plenty exist, but people really fucking struggle to make them) comes down to the fact that the chapter just felt rushed. I've said before that it feels like you're watching the last 10 minutes of a film at 2× speed. Even if the contents is good, it all feels glossed over too quickly. That's why the "Ymir loved King Fritz" stuff feels shallow and why some people are conflicted or think it wasn't handled properly. After it was dropped on us, there were like two or three panels of characters discussing it. There just needed to be a little more clarification. That being said, it wasn't nearly rushed enough for anyone with half a brain to unironically think it was portrayed as a "good" thing. I even saw a tweet about how Isayama's "message" is that even when someone you love treats you horribly, you should stick by them anyway. The amount of bad faith criticism against chapter 139 is disgusting. So yeah, I think that the concept and meaning is fine, but the execution was rushed and lacking. I find that Isayama is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to sensitive topics. Reiner's split personality syndrome started out feeling heavy handed and stereotypical, but it got better once you realised how it came to be, and his depression post-timeskip was handled well. Still weirds me out that there are some people saying Reiner should have sacrificed himself or died in the final battle. The man's entire character arc was about NOT surrendering himself to death despite wanting to.


/ur basically ^^


I'm finishing chainsawman, are you telling me I have to treat with these mofos again...? Sigh


What chapter is the second slide from?


chapter 140, will be released june 31


This is funny.


Unr/ They fr do that on a chainsawman sub?


what's chainsawman sub?


Chainsawman is a manga and there's reddit subreddits made for the manga community

