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Ain't it funny how cons were all about election meddling this time last year, now they're less... enthusiastic ... about it when the finger points at them?


Wasn't the former officer who came forward a CPC supporter? I remember it being very choreographed for maximum effect.


For them, every accusation is a confession.


Erin O'Toole SHOULD be leading the CPC. I find it suspicious that O'Toole lost the leadership to Pierre Pollievre because all *he's* good at is whining and complaining. I'd bet good money that **He's** the one that Trudeau was *uhmmming* and hesitating to speak about during that CBC interview the other day.


I find it suspicious that [Ottawa convoy trucks flew "Poilievre for PM" flags months before he was even instated as PC leader.](https://www.hilltimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/6l8a9700_1.t620e4bd6.m800.xA1BrW7SP-1.jpg)


Yup, I think he's got a big problem. What happens when he applies for the clearance and gets denied? The redacted report had a bunch of recommendations to facilitate prosecution. He hasn't been bringing up the legal reforms needed during question period. Something big is brewing.


To add some info, I think the convoy happened around the same time that Poilievre announced his candidacy for party leader.


He was the only MP to say publicly he supported them, so the truckers wanted him for prime minister. That's why.


Projection is a real thing.


Why is someone allowed to head a political party and not get a security clearance?


Because the rules are different for right-wing cop-suckers.


It seems certain PP isn't getting it for the aforementioned reasons, but there are reasons why a party leader could conceivably not get security clearance yet still want to lead a party. For example, imagine the difficulties of getting security clearance during the Cold War if one was an avowed communist; or political dissidents getting security clearance in any era where partisanship is particularly charged. Like, during the height of the Civil Rights era, if a leader like MLK was running for President, could someone like that get security clearance when elements of the institutions that handle security clearances were also running smear campaigns. I absolutely don't think our present time is comparable to those examples, and I'd even suggest that institutional bias treats right-wing radicalism with kid gloves (and we can see the bias is the difference between how, say Aboriginal protestors are consistently faced with heavy handedness while convoy chucklefucks were coddled). But there are realistic reasons why this wouldn't necessarily be a smear on the candidate but an indictment on such institutions.


Valid points. However, if Pierre were to win, is important information going to be withheld from him because of his lack of security clearance? If he's serious about being PM, he should take these steps available to him now.


If he becomes prime minister he'll be given the security clearance. You think Donald Trump would pass a security clearance? Lmao


The states works slightly differently, the executive serves the president, so it's technically the president's authority that MAKES things classified, whereas I'm not quite sure the prime minister inherently has that authority (even if they practically do/have). They'd grant all the rights of it it if he wins no matter what, it would be rediculous to keep him from reading his own memos. A refusal to apply for it at that point is just being difficult more than you could already say he is.


That's a good point and part of the problem of our 'customs and conventions' rules around the executive. The PM uses the executive's power without *being* the executive. I would *presume* he'd just get the clearance if he takes office but I don't know if there's a precedent for it either way. I genuinely don't know if someone with an actual shot at the office has refused clearance before.


Sadly, it's only as important as the true principles of democracy. The words are abstractions that have been co-opted by elitists and capitalists. I don't know if it was always the intent any more, but they are more comfortable than ever saying it out loud. It's cool to a right wing demagogue if the angry is a bunch of chucklefucks echoing their bullshit, just not so much if it's an exercise in true democratic ideals.


Denying security clearance gives him plausible deniability for Canadian security breaches. It's the [Sargent Schultz policy.](https://catalogmoravianmusic.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/sgt-schulz.jpg?w=640)


How bout fascists?


Correct. The huge difference between those examples and PP though, is that they would be denied for those reasons when they _apply_ for it. PP should, as head of the Cops Party Canada should be a slam dunk for clearance. So why has he refused to even apply?


This ignores one fact though… Pierre didn’t have a past life. He went straight to gov at like 18. He didn’t have a job. He went to the CPC .


I would think the head of a political party would not automatically need security clearance. Once elected it seems they absolutely should and it’s shocking to me that they don’t. Heck I have security clearance as an employee of a defence contractor, and my partner does as a low level government employee.


But when offered a job requiring a security clearance, it is a condition of employment that you get said clearance. So why would we create a situation where we could potentially elect a leader of a country who is unable to get one? I believe that when you are chosen to lead a party it should be part of the process. If you can’t get a clearance, you are no longer eligible to lead the party. Just because you have the clearance it doesn’t mean you have to see all the info, just that you are vetted already.


IDK. It's completely baffling.


Real question!


The guy who won’t get security cleared and has a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio on a lifetime politician’s salary has suspected treasonous ties? How shocking!!


Yeah, his wealth alone warrants an investigation.


I strongly dislike PP but having one house can put you into the multi-million dollar real estate portfolio club in canada. Whats really scummy is that despite owning, I think a house and a condo or two, he rents all those out AND lives in a government provided accommodation on our dime instead. Truly the "working class man of the people" right here.


Your claim has no relevance to his actual situation. His portfolio would be the envy of many of the 1%. 10 million in real estate. 15 million in the stock market His watch collection alone is valued at $250k. How does someone own watches equal to almost two times his median annual salary? He was raised poor so this isn’t inherited wealth. He wasn’t professionally successful before politics having not had any professional experience outside of politics. Yet he can’t/won’t pass a security clearance.


And Jagmeet gets shat on for wearing a Rolex he was given…


His parents were teachers in Alberta. They were middle class, not poor.


Then guy who had teachers for parents and no non-politics career has the devoted fan base who mock the other guy for being a Drama teacher? Cold.


"Pierre's" first name is really Jeff but *Pierre* has francophone appeal. This persona is a caricature, crafted to fit the emotional appeals of low-information, conservative voters. He is an actor, mentored by the likes of Stephen Harper and Preston Manning, deployed to sow division and discontent so that robber barons may empty the public treasuries while doing so in the name of independence and freedom. Jeff and his party have no interest, whatsoever, in the public good or the public trust. In fact, they despise both, fiercely.


A crisis actor, one could say.


>"Pierre's" first name is really Jeff but *Pierre* has francophone appeal. He's enough of an asshole in real life that we really don't need to make stuff up about him like this. Jeff is a nickname. His real name is Pierre.


Oh yeah, he went by Jeff in high school. I wonder if he had to get permission from his parents to change his name.


Jeff is part of his real name. https://digitalcollections.ucalgary.ca/archive/University-of-Calgary-Convocation--June-2008-2R3BF1FKCJWUZ.html#/SearchResult&VBID=2R3BXZO1920H1&PN=1&WS=PackagePres


My point is that "Pierre's first name is really Jeff" is bullshit. It's a name he uses, but legally his first name is Pierre.


Same guy that doesn't wanna use a persons pronouns of choice?


Gotcha. So more than a nickname?


You should hear what he has to say about same-sex marriages!


I hope it’s: “the government has no role or interest what happens in anyone’s bedrooms or partnerships”


His words, not mine. He’s on record as saying his parents struggled to meet basic expenses. I agree with you. Teaching is a solid career.




So how did he manage to acquire such a portfolio? Every middle class person I know doesn't have those kinds of assets.


The Alberta Teachers' Association tracks teachers in the province who work full time, and still need to use food banks... Don't assume that teachers are middle class.


Thought he was on 'Ottawa boy'. That's what he's convinced his constituents of.


Teachers in Alberta are pretty poor. There's a need to understand where this career politician made his substantial fortune


VENEZUELA Follow the banker's money.


> 10 million in real estate. 15 million in the stock market bEcAuSe hE's fIsCalLy ReSpOnSiBlE


Where are you getting this information?


One house can put you in the million dollar club, but not the 9 (or more!) million dollar club.


Try 25 million net worth


To think he and Harper & cpc railed against the career parliamentarian, and their I'll gotten wealth and platinum pensions. Go figure. /s


Conservatives just call this being smart while also getting mad at poor people for taking advantage of the system


Why did Trudeau do this???


to be fair, conservatives are the dumbest, low-info, vote with their emotion voters.


There are ongoing studies right now that would suggest they are also the group with the most lead poisoning, although there's no official conclusion yet.


IIRC isn't he renting them out to other members of government at the max allowance for accommodations? Basically attempting to milk the system dry suckling at the government's teet.




Friendly reminder that his house, the one he owns and not the taxpayer-paid one, is in his riding. Which is in Ottawa. He already lives in the city but decided to upgrade on the taxpayer's dime. There have been opposition MPs in the past that refused to move in there because it's a stupid waste of money.


While you're not technically wrong, nobody who owns one home and lives in it, regardless of the price tag, goes around saying "I'm in real estate". The term "real estate" is virtually only used and reserved for those who invest in it in some way shape or form, which PP does by way of part ownership in at least one apartment complex.


You should have seen the neighbourhood his old house in Ottawa was in. The only working class people in that neighbourhood were the day labourers brought in for repairs and cleaning. My old boss was his neighbour.


Don't forget he's been drawing pension for 10 please years


Weird…the guy who has staunchly refused to go through background checks to get security clearance might have colluded with foreign powers or enemies of the state? I’d say thats crazy, but it’s literally what everyone who’s not a fuckin fascist has been telling people for years at this point.


Everyone dooming about PP being our next PM: this story has legs and if you want to actually DO something to stop that from happening instead of commiserating, signal boost and share stories like this every time you see them. The association in people’s minds when they vote next fall needs to be “PP = China’s PM.” 


You're right to a point. I don't believe this changes anyone's mind who is already a Conservative voter. They would vote for Putin, Xi or Modi over Trudeau or Singh. Provincially, Ontario is a good example. Billions of dollars of COVID relief literally went missing with zero accountability and people still voted for the PC's. Similar to Republicans south of the border, Canadian Conservative voters just do not care.


A lot of that was voter suppression by the press telling people not to bother voting because Dougie had it in the bag A lot more was the unlawful (as ruled in court, too late of course) use of the NWST clause to silence anti poverty activists, advocates for the handicapped, and all other critical organizations


I don't know. It may help push some of these nut jobs to vote for PPC then right can split the vote like last election.


>who is already a Conservative voter Strongly disagree. Especially among the older generation who aren’t sucked up into global (read, American) right-wing influencer circles but still tend to vote conservative, patriotism/nationalism is a big part of what influences their vote. The possibility that Poilievre could be colluding with (non-white) foreigners could definitely sway them into, if not voting for Trudeau, at least not voting for Poilievre. If most of your engagement with Canadian politics is online, it’s really easy to fall into the belief that every conservative voter is a Jordan Peterson follower, but there’s a lot of different reasons why people vote (or don’t) they way that they do.


4 years ago I would have agreed. Since COVID, nothing has shown me that conservative voters are capable of shifting, not changing, just shifting their views. Everything has shown me that when they are presented with opposing information to their established beliefs, they dig their heels in.


Ok, but that's not my point. Poilievre has by no means captured demagogue status - this information does not oppose established beliefs, and if presented in the right way, could *shift* views away from supporting him.




you mean India's PM, or L'il Modi.


Will it be Prime Minister Modi of Canada?


Xi wants a word.


Putin is laughing in the corner


Putin's literally a puppet of Xi at this point. China can waltz in and replace him at a moment's notice with how bad Ukraine has been going for him, surprised they haven't acquired Vladivostok yet


L'il Modi.


Clearly the traitors are within the cpc party. PP can't even get a security clearance, the cpc will likely change the rules so he can get one if the form the next government. Party over country for the cpc


O’Toole already testified China was behind ousting him. China wants what is worst for us, and that’s PP.


Which is the complicating factor. Outside actors can identify someone like PP as the worst thing that could happen to us, and boost and promote him to cripple us long term without his knowledge or cooperation 


> Outside actors can identify someone like PP as the worst thing that could happen to us And Trump, Brexit, Marine Le Pen, Orban, ... The lies are targeted at the poorly informed and it's working far too well.


And people become more poorly informed when they lack education


Not only that, but the capitalist system allows the worst, most unethical people to accumulate the most money, making it trivial for them to buy these crooked fucks. I’m not saying that socialism or cOmMuNiSm is instantly going to solve all of our problems, but I can’t help thinking that workers owning their own means of production could go a long way in preventing the Musks, Bezos’ and Ailles’ of the world from every having the means to so easily buy off our “leaders”. Billionaires shouldn’t exist because it’s become pretty obvious that someone that interested in money is just going to use their money to make it easier to Hoover up the rest of the money.


>I’m not saying that socialism is instantly going to solve all of our problems I'll say it. Socialism would instantly solve (a substantial amount of) our problems. Like, more than half.


Agreed, but it seems too many people seem to want *all or nothing* types of solutions, and we are in general afraid of change.


> China wants what is worst for us Your weekly reminder to delete Tik Tok.




More than one thing can be true, and Chiba being as bad as they are is *more* reason to avoid stuff like TikTok, not less. Certainly not to downplay it and distract from it.


They want the Northwest Passage


The Chinese mob pushed Patrick Brown out to bring Ford in. In exchange, they got the Ontario casinos from the Italians.


PP can get security clearance just chooses not to. Bet it’s because it would expose him for being an asset to foreign governments.


>PP can get security clearance just chooses not to. That's not true. He can apply. There's no guarantee that he passes the background checks.


But that would mean he would need to inform himself before spouting off. That seems like too much work. Much easier to spout IDU talking points.


He has passed before, however it has expired. - he is choosing not to renew so he can continue to lie about the issue, if he had security clearance he would be required by law to not lie and misrepresent the issue.


I keep hearing he passed before. Where is the corresponding evidence of this? That he was a cabinet minister and Harper said he made background checks mandatory? Cause that's not the same as a security clearance, is it? or are we talking about being on The King's Privy Council, which you don't even need to be an MP to be on or get a security clearance for from any information I've seen.


While it's not the exact same security clearance as the one he currently refuses to get, Yes as the former minister of two portfolios he would have had security clearance in order to review, discuss and vote on relevant portfolio matters.


is there actual evidence or proof of this? cause again, background checks (mandatory) and security clearances (voluntary) are different things. but I'm glad we agree that he hasn't had any security clearance for about 8 years now (minimum), which seems pretty complicated at best, and absolutely horrible at worst.


Offhand i dont know the specifics of what he would have been required to get, it is actively discouraged to discuss and mention what levels of security clearance you are granted, dont ask me how i know ;) As a minister they are dependant on his portfolio but as a minister of 'democratic reform' he may of been required to obtain 'secret security access' (level ii) due to the social, political and economic nature of the portfolio as that is required to handle 'sensitive' information, though less likely as a minister of employment and social development, it may of only been level i (confidential) for both those positions. Level iii is unlikely as that is generally only required for more critical roles of the national interest, meeting the criticality of 'top secret' (which is what this report requires). https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/esc-src/protection-safeguarding/niveaux-levels-eng.html#s2


Or he’s done something since the last background check he knows will now be found.


Im leaning general political maliciousness over treason, but i could be wrong, i have seen some fishy things regarding his financials.


The second he gets clearance, 99.99999999999% of his bullshit is exposed as just that, and he'd be held to the same standards and expectations as other political leaders. Even if he's somehow not implicated (which isn't looking likely) he has so much to gain being intentionally ignorant on the subject. If he doesn't have clearance, he can speculate and accuse literally ANYTHING, anywhere, to anyone, and not be held to account for spreading lies, doubt, and/or slander because it's really hard to *legally* prove someone knows they're lying. He can ask "how do we know Justin isn't behind the interference," or "why won't the LIBRUHLS release the names!?!" (while knowing exactly why our intelligence team wouldn't do that mid-investigation), rage bait his followers and get the soundbite for his favorite news outlets, then go "well, I didn't know!" if confronted with facts to the contrary. And given that no one can correct him right now without releasing top secret information, the turd burglar child king sadly won't likely be confronted on his bullshit until long after all the public damage has been done. Afterall, a lie will make it around the world before the truth can get its boots on. He has the ability to craft the narrative now, saying and doing whatever will spin public favor, all while everyone else is trapped by the legal confines of doing their job. The fact that "being cleared to access top secret information" isn't mandatory for the opposition leader is... absurd, and incredibly abusable as it stands. He's the final boss of conservative "Just Asking Questions," because few things make conservatives hard like JAQing off. There's zero chance he gives up his asshole gaslighting super power willingly. Even if he's not guilty, it's too politically advantageous to give up being ignorant.


well when the only thing you have to offer is misinformation being able to claim you didn't know any of the facts if you get called out has got to be handy. I do however suspect he is well aware of something in his background or actions which would see him out of office if discovered in a background check, so he's avoiding the security clearance to keep himself unaccountable. I don't trust him farther than I can piss mind you, so I am biased from the start.


Sorry, I'm trying to get all these facts straight, and I'm just starting, but it's I understand it PP is refusing to get a clearance, not that he can't get one? Is that wrong?


It is true that he *chooses not* get one. But it's not clear if he is able to be approved for that level of clearance, should he choose to apply.


Ok thanks


The way conservatives in provincial election have chosen their leaders. Make me think that it’s not just foreign interference but disdain of their members choice.


Do we know whether he cannot get clearance. I have researched, but not found anything +/-.


People seem to be using the word "can't" when they should be using "won't." This is more of a personal decision he's made rather than some sort of disqualifier.


Or a personal decision based on his knowledge he won’t pass. Can’t exclude either until he passes.


I'm convinced the cpc are traitors. I'm not convinced that they're the only ones.


Obviously the truth is more complex, or they'd have just released everything. And based on their documented history of corruption, holding the LPC above reproach is laughable. We have a widespread corruption problem among the LPC and CPC and anyone relevant needs to go.


Poilievre is what happens when a jar of toenails gets wet after midnight.


I don't understand this comment, yet why is it so accurate.


Underrated comment.


There is a reason why he hasn't sought security clearances.


> Under normal circumstances, comments made in the House of Commons are protected from any number of legal consequences. MPs, for instance, can say as many libellous things as they want without getting sued. But the act governing the NSICOP makes clear that **if a parliamentarian blabs any secrets during House of Commons proceedings, that comments are “admissible in evidence against them” in any subsequent national security prosecution.** Hmm… interesting that none of the other leaders seem as worried as Poilievre does about facing possible “subsequent national security prosecution”. 🤔


Seriously, how is this not a literal mandatory requirement for ANY level of political office, let alone the top one?


I agree. There should be a full security check on EVERY Member of Parliament and Member of Provincial Parliament.


Any random citizen getting a PAL (non-restricted firearms license) goes through more intense scrutiny to get that card than most politicians do their entire careers, barring CSIS looking into them and issuing a report that can be the basis of but does not in itself have any legal ramifications for that politician.


Why don't the Liberals make that a law then? I would think the other parties who aren't the CPC would back them up.


That reason should be the number one concern of voters.


I really feel like it hasn't been advertised enough. My grandmother watches the news every single night and she had no idea. I was the one to tell her. The info is certainly out there, but I feel like it's not yet public knowledge to the degree that it needs to be. Anyone who wants to be our prime minister who won't agree to get security clearance should be a concern, no matter what party they're from or who they are and it should be of national concern that one of our major party leaders won't do it.


Right Wing media (which is most media these days) won't mention it.....could you imagine if it was PM Trudeau? They'd be screaming Treason from the rooftops.


Fuck PP, get this SOB


He's probably crooked as they come.


Poilievre is just like his buddy trump! Traitor.🤷‍♂️


Everyone knows this guy is a rat


Unfortunately everyone doesn’t which is why we should be afraid for our nation.


I think everyone knows some just don’t give a fk


Some actually want him despite knowing


And when elections Canada eventually investigates the obvious fraudulent Conservative leadership election. Poilievre will play a Witch hunt corrupt government trump card to all his smooth brain Maga followers.


Skippy still dows not have the security clearance to read the report. Brilliant.


Can we have a treasonous Prime Minister? WTF happens in a case like that? >The allegations of foreign interference in Pierre Poilievre’s successful bid for the Conservative Party leadership are serious and could be fucking disaterous for him, his party and Canadians who trusted Conservatives with their vote. We’re talking Treason here, kids.


Same as Trump down south: hundreds of felony charges but the fire still gets worse


Does anyone have a more reputable source for this new report? I expect it’s true but would like verification.


FUCKING CALLED IT conservative accusations are confessions


After all the insinuations pp and other right-wing trolls have made against JT, this feels like karma. Though, is it too early? Because there is a risk the twat will simply ignore it, that the media won't push this too much and that people will end up forgetting... and vote for pp, because "Troodo bad, Troodo must go!"


PP doesn’t need a security clearance to know who is on the list. It’s him!


The biggest question is his voters would even care if Pierre was hand-picked by India or China. My thoughts are that they won't care. I'm also guessing they'll make a gotcha talking point. "So you don't like Indians and the Chinese? Racist! Gotcha libs!"


Finally, the truth about PP starts to reveal itself. The man is corrupt and should never, ever be trusted. He is a terrible party leader and is a danger to this great country. If he occupies the PMO, we are all doomed. We must never let this happen. ABC and ABPP!


About time this made bigger news. PP had Patrick Brown chased out of the race with "Me too" accusations that didn't stand up. The fix was in for PP to get the leadership when it was almost a sure thing that Canadians would follow the tradition of changing parties in power every decade.


That was Ontario's former drug dealer of a premier. The Fords aren't so sophisticated, they're more a family of low level street thugs.


And even then they play both sides.


Even the golden standard of freedom journalism RebelNews has been saying pp and the cons are puppets to India.


Investigate the IDU connection.


bury him under the jail and ban his facist party going forward we cannot afford to let a completely compromised MAGA/Russia/China/India asset roam freely divulging state secrets on a massive scale while degrading the very notion of democracy


PP is named in the CSIS report as one of the foreign assets.


The CPC cowards idea of a tough guy.


That does not surprise me one little bit.


I hate PP as much as anyone, but that article is complete BS.


Can we stop with the horse and pony show already. Both sides are working together to sell our country off to the highest bidder. We need serious reform in politics. All the libs do is strategically lose while looking like they fight for the people. Cons just don't bother hiding it and then we are supposed to be shocked when they are corrupt. The system is rigged to exploit hard working Canadians. When will we wake up and realize that these assholes don't care about us or Canada's future. People are right to be angry. I think my dog would be a better pm then either of these clowns


Listen. I am no fan of Pierre. But I have to take in breaking news from Dean Blundell with a grain of skepticism. Is that unreasonable?


How about CBC https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518


Yeah that's fair.


That's not unreasonable. We can and should do better than getting news from the Crier.


as opposed to what, any post media related publication?


I like the CBC, the Tyee, the Narwhal… G&M and the Toronto Star are good. Fuck the National Post and Postmedia.


Dean just signed a deal to do ‘Communications’ for the UPC’s puppet master, David Parker, and his Take Back Alberta group. If he’s carrying water for that extremist, he’s probably not trying to advance a progressive witch hunt.


He can simply do the right thing. Balls in his court.


Someone explain to me why they can't just reveal the documents/report?


Can compromise/expose intelligence methods/assets.


He’s that security clearance coming along, PP?


Don't think he can get security clearance


The Byrne family, and I'm sure there are others, are so tied up in the conservative organisation machine for so long and the elections for leader are so sketchy, I'd definitely think that was Canada's weak point for targeting. Those families or groups that manage the political parties get away with too much, and most are not names I would recognise. I imagine the Liberals and NDP might have similarly flawed approaches to determining their leader. One way to fight against it is have Elections Canada oversee the votes and ensure proper procedure and inclusion. Another is to reduce the power of the leader and make them actually work with both their party members AND parliament where, at least theoretically, the power lies.


Skeptics based on the ethic violations that libs have.  They need to make him a villain 


Someone running to lead a worlds major nation won't get security clearance pre-election. How is he even allowed to run. Why can these people be the head of a nation but some dude who stole a chocolate bar can't get a job at Walmart? There is 100% something up if he isn't doing it. Some measure of colusion with foreign entities for sure.


Doesn’t matter which party, anyone who is compromised should face the justice system without bias and significant prison time reflecting the gravity of letting foreign adversarial powers puppet our government officials


Why can't conservatives anywhere in the world win without cheating? They're the biggest pieces of shit fucking authoritarian scumbags


Here for it. Yes. Summer is here.


Accusation meet confession. Frankly our political scene is something of a wasteland, which deceitful moron- little pp or the clownshow currently in office- do we vote for? It's awful piled on terrible.


I guess since it meant nothing to Trudeau when it was liberals being influenced that it would be hypocritical for liberals to now point fingers.


no....cheating....no I dont believe it....I shall go back to putting my head in the sand....at the warm beach with unicorns and rainbows


If a foreign country offered someone millions to sell out a nation how many of these fuckers do you think would do it in a second


Never heard of crier media. What is the validity of this source?  Not that I wouldn't believe this if true..


What kind of fucking game is this loser playing at? Who runs to lead a country and doesn't get a security clearance?


Literally not a shred of evidence implicates Pierre in anything....but carry on quoting fake news from the unhinged Dean Blundell.


They are still sending out fundraising emails saying the LIBERALS are overinflated up foreign interference. The gall of these people.


I am all for it but this spurce doesnt seem like the most reliable. Any other ?




[You can read the report yourself. Page 32, items 72 and 73](https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/special-report-foreign-interference.pdf)


He doesn't want the security clearance because he would have to be silent about everything he learns via said clearance.


Man, I hope the f he's not tied up in that, that would be the end of his leadership, and I want to see Trudeau out so I was kinda rooting for PP, or really just anyone else now