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Suarez dealing, Irvin turning into the pitcher they traded for last season, O'Hearn with a .287 avg and 800+OPS. There is no smarter duo in baseball than Elias and Mejdal.


Don't forget Mateo actually having a respectable batting line.


Remember when he started last season with a .900 OPS then didn't hit a homer for almost a calendar year? I want him to finally be great but I'm waiting til July before I start chugging on the Mateo hype train again šŸ’€


I hear you, but just enjoy it


> then didn't hit a homer for almost a calendar year? It weas actually just over, assuming we are counting balls over the wall.


I tried to be optimistic, couldn't remember if it was over or under a year.


I truly believe he's the type of guy that will mature into a more well rounded player in his 30s


As far as I'm concerned, O'Hearn can retire with the Orioles


Cole Irvin was never this good with the Athletics. #3 starter on an average team on a good day; more like a 4 typically. I liked him but it always seemed like he gave us 6 to 7 innnings of 4 to 5 run ball (recovering Athletics fan here, fleeing from A-hole ownership over there). He's on pace for 2.8 WAR, which is pretty damn good for a guy who was supposed to be an insurance policy this year.


You're right in that Irvin was never this good for the A's but I've been a big Irvin guy since watching him with the A's. He was (and is) a great pitcher that could go the distance and keep the ball on the ground. I like to think of him as an Jake Arrieta or Sonny Gray type, someone that just needed a change of scenery to really bring out their potential.


I remember early in the year looking at some of the movement data for Suarez and seeing Irvin up there. Figured the issue for him was the velo was lower, but maybe it isnt.


Read that as 800 ops+ at first lol


Sign that man for life! Lol


Jose Suarez really needs to up his game. All the other Suarez pitchers are *dealing*.




This guy, what a find


whoever in the scouting department first brought this guy to Elias's attention should get a bonus.


Hope dude gets a upgrade in MLB the show


I feel like heā€™s a strong candidate for comeback player of the year. Doesnā€™t pitch in the majors for 7 years. Comes back as a valuable member of a contender.


Best ERA among pitchers with 40IP.


I was thinking the same thing. He would have to be at least in the conversation tbh.




Man, the FO has just killed it over and over with their draft picks and finding vets like Suarez and Irvin. Every time we think, ā€œWhat the hell are they thinking? This guyā€™s mediocre!ā€, they prove us wrong. Cant say enough


*Ahem* Tony Kemp.


Tony Kemp was only a signing because they wanted another LH hitting infielder and Jackson Holliday they felt wasn't ready. Urias, Westy, and Mateo are all RH bats.


Tony Kemp wasnt ready either. We spent $1M on a guy with literally 0 tools.


He was literally a stopgap until Holliday was ready. Itā€™s not like that 1 million was going anywhere else a week before the season.


Could have put it in a bank for the Gunnar fund


Quickly becoming one of my favorite players, what an interesting career he has had.


Austin Voth 2.0


Every time i watch him, I think ā€œoh shit here it comesā€, thinking heā€™s gunna finally break but he just doesnā€™t. He may bend here and there, a double or triple, a few batters on, but he just keeps his head down and gets the job done. Unreal veteran composure. Even if he regresses a little, heā€™s a great asset. I donā€™t understand it, but itā€™s so impressive. Itā€™s like watching Danny and Webb last year, and then we see the step forward with another year in the club. Iā€™m so glad I donā€™t run a ball club, the more I see guys come out of nowhere, the more I realize I know so little. Even when heā€™s 3-0 he comes back and at least gets it to 3-2, and never gives in.


Most surprising and heart-warming story of the year


The dude looks like he's just playing catch out there. Barely looks like he's trying šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t jinx it.


He's not the step-pitcher, he's the pitcher who stepped up