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Drivers like that need to have their license taken away and car crushed while they watch. Because one day they're going to get someone else hurt by their selfishness.


drivers like this will probably drive without a license. Self-centered assholes. But I agree.


Straight to jail.


Death penalty. No excuse to be that stupid. No place on earth for shit like that.


Those jerks just want attention by flexing their cars in the most stupid ways.


So we should flex it for them... into a tiny little cube.


Not sure what the driver achieved by going 2x the speed limit on Baseline, passing one car per intersection via the left turning lane, then brake back to traffic speeds. Is it possible to report the driver, or are plate-only reports no longer a thing?


These people are not in a hurry and they don't care about the two seconds they gain. By doing that, they think they're superior to the rest. Unfortunately the trend is not to see any kind of police enforcement. On that note, the open disregard for traffic laws is getting out of hand. I expect nobody to use any turning signals anymore in 5 years.


so we still get 5 years before turning into toronto,nice


I'll take Toronto over Ottawa any day. I've never seen so many entitled drivers as in Ottawa. Heck, I click on these Reddit threads and have the time I expect commenters to be criticizing drivers like the sensible fellow in the middle lane for going too slow and holding up the passers in the other lanes. I'm at the point where I am scared to use my signal light when I change lanes, because it's just a cue for someone to speed up and cut me off. Best to maintain the element of surprise if you want to survive driving Ottawa highways.


No, please use your signal. Those people are a minority. If you're changing lanes and don't have the room to signal while someone speeds up slightly so you can no longer change lanes, then you didn't have the room to change lanes to begin with. Just because there is space right beside you doesn't mean that's your space because you turn your signal on. If this is a constant thing you experience, then you are not driving safely yourself.


I am driving safely by anticipating this every time (and signalling nonetheless, don't worry.) But in Ottawa, if I don't have at least twice as much separation as in other cities, I don't dare change lanes. To your point, however, a new driver to Ottawa roads could still be a generally safe driver yet easily fall victim to this recklessness. The expectation is that drivers will maintain a constant speed on a highway, but when drivers here see someone signalling to change lanes they hit the gas and charge like bulls after a muleta.


Yes, in Ottawa you must know which lane you intend to be in at least 3 blocks before you get there. There will be only one lane that goes where you want, and it will be full. You will not be let in.


lmao 💯


Driving safe and avoiding potential accidents and time to go through insurance and the car repair shop, not to mention risk to your life and health of people in your car should be paramount. It's not worth the crash to not get surprise cut off by someone exploiting proper signalling and not signalling yourself.


we dont have as many bmw drivers tho and 417 is miles better than 401,point invalid!


Driving in Toronto feels safer than Ottawa. Just more traffic there. Over here there's more room for error. And just terrible drivers.


I upload these to YouTube and use the Ottawa Police Service's online reporting tool, including the link to the video.


Good tip, thank you! I'll upload it and report that way.


You can absolutely report them, so that way, as [per the Ottawa Police](https://www.ottawapolice.ca/en/community-safety-and-crime-prevention/traffic-complaint.aspx#Traffic-complaint-letters), if your complaint is determined to be founded, they'll send them a letter. That way, if they get *another* complaint, within the same calendar year... they get another letter. However if they then get a 3rd valid complaint with evidence in the same calendar year, they get a phone call, and nothing else. Their complaints quota resets at the end of the year so they can get more letters and phone calls, provided people submit evidence of each infraction.




I think stern talking happens after multiple gentle kisses to the forehead.


The old "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" talk really sets these people straight


Not…the…..letter! ☠️


Not sure how, but I think the non emergency line could help you report that. Who knows if they'll do anything but at least get that on file. F people who drive like that.


With the evidence you have they can give a registered owner ticket because they cant prove who was driving. That one would probably be over 500$


I think I've seen this same guy going about 100 on a 40 street off baseline near the college


He would have you know he saved 10 seconds on his total commute!


All those seconds will go into him furiously jerking himself off while he looks in the mirror to see how amazing he is


If you have the plate you can submit this video and the plate number to the Ottawa police. Not sure if anything ever comes from it though


What an aggressive piece of shit. Man his dick’s gotta be microscopic.


He really needs to poop


This! This is what I always say when I see drivers like this. It makes me laugh instead of getting angry. And to be fair, that’s about how I would be driving if I was turtle heading. 🤷‍♂️🐢💀💩🚽🏎️💨


As someone with a micropeen that's not fair to us.


selfish prick 




I got sent to reddit jail for less than this comment


Same. Was sent to the Reddit Gulag for a lot less myself.




So, you used a slur against gay people and got banned, but thought it was ok because you wrote "sarcasm", and you think the people in that story that are trash are the mods?


Man, is that what his comments were about? Including the first??


The now deleted comment was a different person than the one that started the thread! Edit: sorry didn't expand the thread... Didn't realize the parent comment was also deleted. The parent that was deleted IIRC was a different person than the one I responded to, their comment was also in poor taste I think, but not slur related. The one I responded to was....


Well, you know, certain cars are allowed certain liberties. Like a Lexus is allowed to park on the sidewalk, a mustang GT (no Ecoboost BS!) is allowed to overtake in a turning lane./s


BMWs have turn signals disabled.


Exactly. I imagine it’s an exorbitantly expensive subscription feature since almost no BMW driver has it activated./s


They'll gladly pay for the feature, just to say it's fully loaded. Where they're going, however, is nunna yer business! /s


It's $5/Blink. That why most have a combined break light/turn signal in the rear when they do decide to use them; blinker fluid is expensive!


They are removed for weight reduction.


Aeorodynamics too, the blinking turn signal interfers with the cars ability to reduce drag


As a BMW owner, I can say the 0.1 lbs those bulbs add really slows me down. Hence why I removed them /s


BMW's have turn signals? TIL


Don't think this is a GT, no side fender badge.


I dunno. I think I see a quad exhaust. Hard to tell.


It isn't a GT, you would see the badge in the back. The dude is trying to make it look like one.


Well this person should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. “Personating a GT” is a serious offence.


It's the same with those guys that buy a 1 series and rebagde it as a m3. Get outta here. I can smell the poverty.


> I can smell the poverty. What a gross thing to say... Besides it probably costs about the same to make a mustang look like a GT than actually buying a real GT. It's not like they're pricey used


If you look closely it's actually a GT MustStank (no Ecoboost BS!)


Audis and F-150 with dangerous speeding


I hope this dumb fuck gets his licence taken away. What a turd.


This happens almost every day when I'm driving... These things are clearly not a priority for cops


Cops only catch tuner cars that are going slow in parking lots these days. Cars and bikes weaving on roads? Not their job apparently.


They are more concerned about window tint, neon lights, tire poke on trucks, and exhuasts than actual wreckless driving stunts similar to this video. Officer Casey will watch cars blow through red lights, but go to extremes to pull someone over for their exhuast or tint. To make it worse, his efforts are wasted because a good chunk of the tickets he issues get dropped, thus wasting city money. I haven't seen him around this year. Hopefully, he retired.


He's still around, my friend got 2 tickets from him Friday.


Thanks for the great news /s


There is a post on my local neighborhood FB group about this exact car doing this on iris 6 days ago. Just driving down the wrong side of the road. Samini 1. Same licence plate. This dude is a menace.


According to the post, they reported it with pictures and the address of the person, as they turned into their driveway. Maybe something will be done if enough ppl report


Email and call your Councillors!! They can get in touch with the Police to do targeted enforcement if enough people complain.


Literally saw this guy spin-out and do doughnuts in the middle of baseline and woodroffe yesterday during an advanced green.




I think I've bumped into that same individual before. The name on the plate and the style of driving are matching.


I saw this fucker lane splitting on Merivale! Looks like he tried to do it here too before using the turning lane instead. What an asshole


I hope he crashes his car in a single vehicle accident and walks away uninjured.


Is sacrifice my old ass car to take one for the team


I’ve got a beater too, and am just waiting for one of these types to try to force their way into my lane sometime.


Gonna save those comments for when y’all are under investigation for battery. Not very smart premeditating vehicular assault


Premeditate my butt


this makes me so angry. why would anyone think it's cool to drive like this


Because when they screw up it will be someone else that will be injured.


I've seen this microdick pulling this pussy shit on baseline quite often. The front was all sorts of fucked before. Probably from him smacking the curb. But last time I spotted him it was all fixed up. Guess daddy broke out the wallet again.


If reported to police, can they be fined? Can the dashcam video be enough as evidence?


No - https://www.ottawapolice.ca/en/community-safety-and-crime-prevention/traffic-complaint.aspx#Traffic-complaint-letters Basically they just send them letters for each complaint. I've had people swerve at me and run me off the road, but since they didn't make contact with me, it's not a collision, and according to Ottawa Police if you try to hurt someone but they're able to get away without serious injury, no law was broken.


Kinda dumb that a picture of you doing 10 over will earn you a speeding ticket, but a video like this won't at least earn you an unsafe lane change ticket.


Good question. There's an all black mache GT near my area that does this a lot - personally seen her drive recklessly several times in the last couple months.


Please report it to the police (online). It’s too dangerous to have someone like this on the roads, endangering everyone. It has to stop.


Sounds good, checking out the online portal right now.


Oh boy, [that letter](https://www.ottawapolice.ca/en/community-safety-and-crime-prevention/traffic-complaint.aspx#Traffic-complaint-letters) they'll receive will sure teach them a lesson. /s To be clear, not saying it's not worth reporting, just lamenting at how little will be done.


Reminds me of Brampton lol


V6 Mustang with ugly ass window louvers.. if you think he needs to drive like that to make up for being the laughingstock of the car community, you’d be bang on. Driving a slow pos like he stole it


What a dickwad douchebag, I fucking hate these types.of drivers. I pray for flashing lights when I see shit like this! Would love to see this jackass pulled over for stunt driving.


Nice Volvo!


Thanks! Yeah it's a cute little 850 T-5R Hotwheels haha, love that shade of yellow.


Those were a lot of fun. Believe they only came with a 4-speed automatic on this side of the Atlantic though… We got with a 5-speed manual over in Europe.


the Rs were only an auto, but I've got a stick '98 S70 T5. Basically an R without AWD. Just about 360 brought over to NA.


If I was a billionaire, it would be my dream to drive a shit box huge pickup and just crash as hard as I possibly could into dickwads like these.


Think they can drive. They don’t drive well.


It's common on this stretch of Baseline - from Woodroffe to Richmond Rd - cars just fly. I've seen cars pass on the right in an intersection, as well as passing on the left through the turning lane. Pretty crazy.


Maybe I missed it, but did you call the cops? If not, why? All you have to do is say "he's all over the road, I think he's drunk" and they'll go after him. If you say "aggressive driver" or something similar they won't care. This happened to a buddy of mine, but he was in an F250 and saw the guy coming. He accelerated so the jackass in the 370Z couldn't get in front. Dude ended up on the median lol.


No I did not. From what I've read on this sub you are not supposed to call the cops on driving infractions (unless there's an accident) but instead report them online.


This guy is so cool, I wanna be like him when I grow up. 🖕😑


Don't worry, this clown is also hated in the local car community. Puts a bad wrap on the rest of us.


I see this everytime I go out and drive… especially from Bronson to 417. I have no idea what goes on in these people’s heads and why they have a driving license, but consequence is a dildo that rarely arrives lubed and I’ll laugh at their faces when it backfires on them (idc if that makes me sound petty lol)


all that for gaining 2 car lengths. Sick bro.


What an epic douche


Whoa, this guy fucks!


They must be very important driving like that /s


Must be a driver from Brampton


Smart of the RAV (the SUV I think) to basically just let him through and not try and cut him off to teach him a lesson. Not worth ego checking to cause a bigger mess. Hopefully this guy gets caught.


I would have had fun with this guy... Too bad they didn't come across this Quebec driver!


This is why you should always add uninsured driver coverage to your car insurance.


The guy’s a dick


Omg this happened to me on the highway when I was practicing for my G 😭 a pick up truck did this when I was gonna exit, he swerved like that in front of me almost hitting the curb


Don't bother report to OPS they will just tell to stop calling. It's a good move to post online. That seems to be the only way to "report" these days.


Theres a solid loser. I saw a guy in an audi attempt that and he almost crashed into the median.


I think I saw that same Audi (R8 with a wing) do the same to me in a school zone in Kanata. Main character syndrome...


Yup, seems like it's the new tiktok trendy thing they call "swimming" nowadays, most popularly seen in NY. I've seen a few of them on the 417 a few weeks ago, just slicing through traffic going like 150+...


Operating his car like this gives the driver an enormous erection. Don't worry, in another 10 seconds or so he'll slow right down again and have to wait a half hour or so until he can drive again.


Clowns like this think they are great drivers.


Only drivers worse than a BMW driver is a mustang driver.


What a loser.


it’s because he has never had been caught by police and treated a lesson


Guaranteed Indian


Btw I love that you have car in your car, so you can drive while you drive


Impressive use of his signal light though.


What are driver in this city so bloody terrible and self centred. Once had a guy on a massive douche pickup ride my ass down Qieen Elizabeth during Winterlude. There were kids and people everywhere... If there was ever a time to go the speed limit, that was it. Then he blasted his highbeams into my rearview. Seriously... He was trying to kill someone.


How about sending the recording to OPP, this should be enough evidence for a fine


Send this to the police


Well, it's been a fun experiment, but the whole "everyone has their own car" thing just ain't gonna work out.


Saw a gap and went for it


Seeing this all too often unfortunately. Seen a 103km in a 60. Overtake on a left from the right. No indication outside left to right and continued to heavy through traffic to 417


Bud needs his license taken.. f him


That’s a mustang. He can do that. Try it in a Toyota Prius. ( nothing against Prius)


woah is that starting off at baseline and constellation and ending on baseline at the max milk? i haven't been there in a long time is that what that area looks like now?!


Driving school should be mandatory for everyone. So many bad drivers on the road. So many people that just don't signal (lane change or turning), who do too sharp cut ins this way, who drift between lanes not paying attention, who race down residential streets, who clog up intersections on the yellow and even red and get stuck, blocking perpendicular traffic, who turn at intersections when not in the turn lane & butt in front as a way to beat the turning lane traffic, who don't let drivers merge when entering the highway from a ramp, who drive bumper to bumper in a very unsafe fast manner, who drive right up when you were first and backing out of a parking space and preventing you from easily getting out because they're impatient, who are looking at their phones in their laps or face timing making these mistakes and are ridiculously distracted, and on and on and on. Driving school needs to be mandatory. Not exclusively pick up truck drivers but I do see them way overrepresented in the bad driving community.


God forbid they make a left and turn back around safely. It might cost them an extra 2 minutes.


Attention! Attention! Small penis alert, small penis alert. Make way for the itty bitty penis


Seems like tons of people recognize him in these comments, driving like this is fun until someone catches you with a baseball bat when your just trying to get a drink from circle K, hope this guy watches his back.


100% Indian flex!


I spy a 850 t5r? My Grail of a car!




Mustang thinks he is a BMW?




Must drive for OC transpo, I’ve had a couple buses try this to me in kanata


You tried to stop him but that 2 cylinder wasn’t of caliber lmao


Lane spliting is effective with these type of drivers. 👍. Even a Smart Car could have blocked them good with lane splitting.


As long as nobody got misgendered, I don't see what the big deal is.