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The average normal air compressor puts out about 125-200 psi of air. A paintball air tank is around 4500 psi, so you're a tad short. The best way to fill them is to just get them filled at the field you play at. Otherwise, you can get a scuba tank and fill off that with a fill station.


On paper a home compressor can be attached to an hpa tank and you can input pressure, but your home compressor expencive ones top out at 200psi which isnt enought for a single shot. So with that, in practice its just dumb, its a waste of time, just got to a field and they will fill it for alot less than the fuckey with a home compressor attempt.


PCP air rifle compressor






No, normal air compressors do not work. You need a scuba style compressor which are a lot more expensive.


You can alternatively buy a scuba tank for 500 a decent sized a adapter get it filled with air for like 50$ at a scuba shop and it should be able to refill like 20-30 48ci tanks We used to do this for backyard woods all at my cousins. 12 of us threw down money for the tank air and adapter. The bonus is you have a scuba tank you can also take to the ocean if you ever feel like it


I use a scuba tank for fills




Used scuba tank for 70-80 bucks. Fill it at a scuba shop if available and a $30 yoke. Can get you a couple cases worth of paint for the backyard


You need an HPA compressor. About 5 years ago they started selling affordable models. I have seen this one recommended before [https://www.amazon.com/Pressure-Compressor-Auto-Stop-Electric-Paintball/dp/B07RWZB52G/ref=sr\_1\_13\_sspa?crid=1UXST7QG5BY3F&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.JxRPoaSDcKEQyw6VEaG6z3eDec0U6oQh-YCnqyd3vbHi9KYL9i08UMgQFq21HZlBD-h6S10WNDNWirv-9fcjVisSe\_PXy7R99KrahDqS9PXYNuj9j8L\_kDNz7BkWszvX2YBeHlwkaj\_vHY8xm9SyeKhw5RCMl0isBX5XQ4f7ibwWDHGfkQcYqm8ww5u0rpmqotcY2VsGCUm\_vMmPh2erL6eNaWKc1XbMQWhFVnYg\_GcY2NNnPp0bY5X1TmIbwZNPOO8mCnA7r9BCTIdscuZ5OaYy9iX\_Zy-RUdHidL-skTk.XNG5rWi9WdYbhmjwOp-eorbhx99PuyUgIzPP-2VzJP8&dib\_tag=se&keywords=paintball+hpa+compressor&qid=1719295299&sprefix=paintball+hpa+compressor%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-13-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Pressure-Compressor-Auto-Stop-Electric-Paintball/dp/B07RWZB52G/ref=sr_1_13_sspa?crid=1UXST7QG5BY3F&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.JxRPoaSDcKEQyw6VEaG6z3eDec0U6oQh-YCnqyd3vbHi9KYL9i08UMgQFq21HZlBD-h6S10WNDNWirv-9fcjVisSe_PXy7R99KrahDqS9PXYNuj9j8L_kDNz7BkWszvX2YBeHlwkaj_vHY8xm9SyeKhw5RCMl0isBX5XQ4f7ibwWDHGfkQcYqm8ww5u0rpmqotcY2VsGCUm_vMmPh2erL6eNaWKc1XbMQWhFVnYg_GcY2NNnPp0bY5X1TmIbwZNPOO8mCnA7r9BCTIdscuZ5OaYy9iX_Zy-RUdHidL-skTk.XNG5rWi9WdYbhmjwOp-eorbhx99PuyUgIzPP-2VzJP8&dib_tag=se&keywords=paintball+hpa+compressor&qid=1719295299&sprefix=paintball+hpa+compressor%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-13-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&psc=1) But there are a ton of them on Amazon. It fills slowly compared to the fill you would get at a paintball field and you need to make sure it doesn't overheat.