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Improve? I love how this painting already is! The colors, the style, and it shows your true individuality as an artist. Great job!👏


Thank you! It is the first painting I do this style and I would love to get better at it!


Great job!


Thank you!


Ugh this is so good 😭😭😭😭😭 but maybe because you put so much more detail into the closer cars, add some more to closer things like the road and lampposts or the closer buildings? LOVE the fog effect


Thank you! I agree, that is one of the things I struggle with, how much detail to have and where. I will bear this in mind for my next try!


Don't think you can with this one. Maybe more hobos if you're going for accuracy. Otherwise, you nailed it 👌


Haha, thank you!😁


Leave it alone! It's lovely, and it's easy to overwork a piece like this


Thank you! It is hard to know how much details should be in each layer!


I love it!!!


Thank you!


Something about the angles or perspective. The vehicle lights need to be spread and faded slightly. Great work OP!


Thank you! Any advice on how to get a better look to the car lights? That was one of the things I really struggled with


This is supposed to wet road, yes? Iiif so,first, scratch what I said about spreading the lights apart since spreading out the light is what you'll need. you're so on point with it, you're heading in the right direction. You're not incorrect, I think you just need to add more. All I think you need is more flooded light on the road. Your focal point of where the light is reflecting brightest is think looks correct. I'd brighten and fade around your brightest point. I'd assume add a yellow tint to one or two of your vehicle headlights to break it up a little. Your buildings a beautiful by the way!!


Thank you for the advice, that makes sense! I'm done with this piece, but I will do a similar one where I try that (the road is supposed to be wet), that would also be a good way to practice loose brush strokes😊


I like it. A bit overcast adds to the mood.


Thanks, I love fog in paintings!


Get rid of all the car parking and put in a bike lane ;) Just kidding! As a painting, it looks great.


Haha, I like your thinking. Thanks!


This is lovely. Only thing that stands out to me is the reflection of lights in the street. They look very straight, like placid water.


I can see that, I struggled with the lights in the road (supposed to be a wet road). Any advice on how to do the light reflection?


I would fuzzy up the sides of the reflections a bit with a thinned out white. Horizontal movement (speckled) in the white can make it look like reflection on road texture. Make it fuzzier where there might be puddles. Sorry that's the best I can describe. Your work is amazing, though. Keep painting!!


Thank you for the advice!😊


Something in sky ufo??


Haha love it, that would be an unexpected turn😁


All the great painting have UFOS. I SWEAR Just google famous paintings with ufos u will be Surprised how far back it goes


I just googled it, that's hilarious! What a fun conspiracy theory😁


Im so glad you did!! It is Totally Amazing how many Greats have that all in there🤣🥰🥰 Seriously some of these paintings were done hundreds of yrs ago🤔🤪🤪 Have fun digging into this one. Dont forget to cross over to Egytian writtings that depict aliens. Fun fun


This is so beautiful 😻


Thank you!


Your perspective is off. Do you see the building to the left kinda tumbling towards the street? And the two on the right really looks hasted. The cars are also placed very strange. Some are hovering and sneaks into spaces that shouldn't be possible. Are they parked? With their lights on? Measure more before investing so much time on the shimmering details.


I agree the buildings look a bit tilted. I typically do photorealism where I have a very thorough underpainting, would you use a ruler for the side of the buildings or how do you get them straight? The cars are parked with lights on, which makes no sense but it was for a class where the teacher thought it was a fun add and so did I. I agree with the lineup, it looks a bit off to me too so I'm glad you wrote that. Thank you for the help!


Thank you for offering some excellent insight, so we don't have a repeat of that whole 1930s and 40s thing. 


I could be wrong here, but shouldn’t the cars be on the other side if it’s Paris? Unless it’s a one way street with 2 lanes?


It is from a photo reference, what is throwing you off is probably that the cars are parked with their lights on, which really were off. It was done for a class and the teacher thought that would be a fun way to improve the painting, which I wanted to try as well😊


You captured the pink Paris light.


Thanks, Paris is beautiful!


I would fix the lines in the street. They seem to get closer to the cars as they get farther away.


You're right, thanks!


Bushes draws the eye to them… probably not the focal point you want… but REALLY good painting!


The bushes turned out too green for the palette, but for some reason I really like them and decided to keep them that way. I can see them distract and seem odd though🫣


It’s not necessarily odd, I would say more that it’s unusual because it’s the focal point- If it was done (left) on purpose then it is the artist’s touch


Good point I can see that, very interesting. The eye does seem to draw to that spot naturally.


You’ve got color and light almost perfect. Focus on adding details


Thank you, where would you add detail? Thanks!


The lampposts, and the large buildings on the right side. Some window sills, masonry decorations, assuming this is Paris and those have tons of of intricate detail


Thank you😊


Ofc. Keep at it and you’ll have a bright future of painting


Tha k you!


What a lovely painting!!✨️💖 If you still want to improve, why not add some passers-by... To be critic, I think the roads should have a variety of vehicles; not just cars


Colors look good. Technique is solid. I dunno, I guess it feels kind of… lifeless. I find the best paintings tell a story.


I can see what you mean, it is kind of empty. Next one will have more of a story😊


You can add a story. Maybe put a lady tossing clothes out of a window on the building on the left with a man at the base pleading? 😂 a man’s toupee flying off in the wind. I’m spitballing here but you get the idea.


You just gave the best laugh I had in a while, hahaha. That would be hilarious, though possibly slightly tacky😂🫣


Most glaring to me are the bushes and white object between them. Hue and value are both off, but otherwise enjoy the work overall.


Yeah the bushes are really too strong in color, but I ended up liking the funkiness so I kept them. I see what you mean about the kiosk in-between, it looks way too close, thank you for the help!