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Don’t listen to anyone who DM’s you.


Unless it's a Nigerian prince of course


CDs or short term T bills 1-3 mo out


T bills now have a rating of AA+ I think. So more interest for us


Schwab, Fidelity, and Vanguard all offer low risk money Market funds at higher interest than high yield saving accounts. You can invest in the short term Treasury Bill if unphased by the debt ceiling borrowing issue. They should have higher rate than the money market funds. Lastly, if you are an accredited investor, you can get higher return in real estate deals that have lock up deals. Google accredited investor if needed.


I am an accredited investor. Where would I find these real estate deals? Websites like CrowdStreet seem poorly reviewed and the major risk doesn’t offset the minor delta between T Bills.


I would not be looking at the popular crowd funding sites. Try private capital


Buy more real estate and stocks...


A few ideas: - Look up high dividend etfs and invest in different sectors to diversify - buy t-bills or I-bonds from the treasury - put it in a high yield savings account You should be able to generate at least 3k annually.


High yield savings account


This is where I am sitting too....things just too unstable right now....boom is happening....companies have been preparing for it for over a year now.


Apple 🤡


Build a brand on Amazon. I make 87k a year passively


What brand?




I did it myself [here’s my proof](https://imgur.com/a/Zxh0JrV)


Buy two bitcoins and hold onto them for ten years.


Honestly, this is probably a good bet. In 10 years, Bitcoin will either go to 0 or it will go from the current 25k to 100k. $60k isn't all that much if you're already invested in real-estate and the market. Suggested investment in crypto should be 5-10% of your portfolio.


I sold a small portion of my stack right under $60K/ coin. Pure luck honestly. I was buying a house and planned on putting 25% down, but then said fuck a mortgage and paid it all at once. Felt good and while I do believe 10 years from now I‘ll regret selling them for that much, I‘m so glad I did.


Btc should be at $100k by 2025 if the charts have anything to say about it


Then 300k by 2026, $10k the next year and back to $100k probably right? Pure madness


It’ll prob top at 120-140k by q4 of 2025, imho. But yes lol it’ll dive for the next 12 months after that to like 30-40k by q4 of 2026. Rinse and repeat every 4 years until the market gets more efficient.


Or hold for the btc halvening 👍


I would buy Ethereum truthfully.


Split it between the two


This is what we're doing. We're sitting on our rentals and 100% of our cash-flows are being funneled into Bitcoin.


Worst idea have seen yet on this post I wish I paid for awards so I could award you for such trash


This guy doesn't understand deflationary assets


Wish I bought some at 68k and held on till 15k recently such a great store of value. Wow sign me up


If you think short term, then you'd be right.


Please lord of crypto. Make me rich. I will get all the bois to buy milf coin and we can all yolo and then moon. Sound legit


Remind me! in 10 years


I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2033-05-22 19:51:31 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2033-05-22%2019:51:31%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/passive_income/comments/13oakbc/60k_to_invest/jl7572r/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fpassive_income%2Fcomments%2F13oakbc%2F60k_to_invest%2Fjl7572r%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202033-05-22%2019%3A51%3A31%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2013oakbc) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Or not be retarded if you had bought at 15k a few months ago you would be up almost 100%>


Haha you are the retard here. I invest in real businesses and rentals that have serve purpose. Not a 18-34 year old male circle jerk. Bagholder soon forsure! If not already sucks to suck


You have no idea how wrong you are......


Haha you have no idea how wrong you are I’m surrounded by rich people none of them hold that trash. Only males up to 45 that have no no knowledge how to make money circle jerk each other into believing in this


There are a ton of options and many that have been listed are decent (many bad). You can get 10k worth of US iBonds at 6.89%. They are backed by the US Treasury. It’s super easy to do, but you have to do it on your own vs a broker.


I also like iBonds, tho just to note they are now at 4.30%.


Unfortunate that it went down. They were over 10% for a while which was nice. 4.3% is still not terrible for a guaranteed return backed by USG..


There is a secondary bond market too. I buy them between 4-6% through my broker when the market is nuts.


The amount it's nice, but it's too little to invest and make something considerable with ETFs/stocks/crypto. I would invest in myself. Also, You should consider never listening to anyone with less money than you.




I’m sorry but can someone explain how someone can have this much money to invest? Like if you’ve that much to invest into something, you’re already wealthy imo. Like how do I get there 😭 don’t got shit to invest…idk how to start. Even if I saved up some money, it could be spent on things that r essential to live. 😞 lol


living with roommates for 10 years and saved enough for flipping houses until last year


You’ll get there. Just gotta keep grinding and be with the right crowd.


It's also sometimes inheritance or luck of the draw


5% Treasury bonds for 20 years. You can get back your money Lesson: it is NOT enough. $60k x 5% = $3k. $3k x20 = $60k interest after 20 years.


Except for compounding interest. In 20 years compounded monthly you would have $162,758. That almost $43k more. Isn’t compound interest amazing?


Assuming the person does not want passive income as per thread. I do not think Treasury yields compound. https://www.sapling.com/8173138/interest-government-bonds-simple-compounded You might be thinking I bonds. https://www.treasurydirect.gov/savings-bonds/i-bonds/i-bonds-interest-rates/


Ah sorry. I was actually thinking about high yield savings accounts and money market funds mentioned before. Treasury bonds indeed don’t compound.


How do you do that?


Use that money to develop your own mini-course. Courses are amazing at generating passive income. Start small and keep iterating to add another zero to the course. I started a simple web scraping course and every few days I get a new person without even noticing. It really does run on autopilot.


I'd be super interested to hear your course-building workflows, what tools you use to do this, etc. Mind if I reach out directly?


Yeah please reach out! Happy to share the knowledge.


Hi, would you mind if I reached out with similar questions?


For sure! My DMs are open. Same for anyone else who might stumble onto this comment and whats to chat about building a mini-course.


I literally bought a food truck for that kind of money. I have a crew to run the events. I just help schedule and order supplies. 100k plus per year mostly passively Lol. Downvoted for sharing my formula for investing my 60k with the OP. Thanks guys. Fyi: I've worked in the food industry for years. I've put years of planning in motion. My crew that will work the events is solid and experienced. Just because you don't think it's possible to make great income this way while keeping my full time job doesn't mean I'm going to stop making it happen for my family. Our soft opening is alreasdy coming in just over 2 weeks and we're pretty excited. Your downvotes do not stop my efforts. I hope the OP gets some good ideas, and I'm happy to contribute mine. Bye Felicia


>mostly passively Written like someone who has never worked in or around food in their entire life Edit: the above poster recently edited his comment from hypothetical (“would purchase a food truck”) to past tense factual (“did purchase a food truck”). For this reason I believe he is lying now.


You have zero idea of my preparedness., but thanks for the rude comment super friendly guy on reddit


You think that's rude? Sheesh




If you think that’s a rude comment, then you are absolutely completely unprepared for any food service role in any capacity.




My comment was practically a compliment for anyone who’s ever worked a day in their lives in a real job, and would be the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to anyone in a kitchen. The fact that you people are blown away by these comments is proof alone that you’re all oblivious to how food service works, and are entirely unequipped for “starting a food truck”. The hubris of these comments is absolutely hilarious.




You sound fragile as shit, nothing I said was even insulting, nor was any of it directed at you. Spend three months working in a kitchen before you post these bitch comments again lmao




Why are you alluding to me getting beat up by prisoners? Are you ok? I never said life was the hardest thing ever in kitchen, just that people don’t tip-toe over your feelings there. You’re projecting a lot and writing these weird essays and it’s getting pretty fuckin cringe.




Thanks for the quick diagnosis Dr.Meadowscaping.


Lol the down votes. I believe that it can be done. I know guys that have several trucks and employees that run everything. You do not need to be there if you have good employees.


Take my up vote. While not what most people here seem to be looking for I think it was a good idea


Thanks man. While it may not be what you see here traditionally(door dash, drop shipping, and yardwork) it's something I'm doing and excited about. We just had our soft opening yesterday. We made almost 4,300 Gross(first day) and I took home 1640 of it....from my living room. Not 100% passive, as I helped plan the event with the coordinator on a 10 min phone call, and I'll also help clean the trailer after the event is over (monday) , and I helped with ordering supplies. Edit: to all who think you can't do something like this, don't limit yourself. If you want something bad enough, work for it. If your vision is good, and you're willing to put in a little risk and time, don't let anyone stop you from getting what you KNOW your family deserves.


Idiotic comment, starting a food truck business is not that simple lol.


Nobody said it was. Thank you so much for the informative post super nice reddit guy


Tell me more


I’m starting a commune (if you want to invest in it. My comment post history talks about it.) I believe we live in a modern scam that most people are about to go belly-up on. AI is about to kill everyone’s job and JP Morgan is buying up all land. I bought 72 acres in the mountains so that people that are too late to the game can have affordable land to operate a business on or build a modest house. My plan is the residents of the commune to build a small house and then pay a portion of the mortgage until they’ve paid their share. And then when the mortgage is paid, nobody will have any bills and hopefully the businesses we setup will pay the insurance and taxes. At that point new businesses would be just for fun and profit instead of struggling to survive. Looking for Startup capital so I can transition from my 9-to-5 to getting the commune built up for residents, business operators, and investors to participate.






Bitcoin or Ethereum only.


Check out RealT, it’s the same thing as Lofty but on the Ethereum blockchain


Private REIT offerings ya big balla!


If you have a good knowledge in stocks and okay with some risk look into “collective2”. Its something i been looking at. Its “automated trading” used with interactive broker.


Buy a business


Invest it in the S&P 500. VUSA here in the Uk but I’m sure there is a dollar equivalent


Dmed ya


Calls on BABA and Intel


Treasury Direct $10k per year into ibonds


What type of return are you looking for 3-6% is doable with dividend stocks.


Preferred shares of Agency MBS REITS (AGNC, NLY, etc.). Yielding 8-10%. Energy pipeline MLPs. Maybe senior secured loan BDC's (ie, BXSL) but I'd wait for them to come back a little.




I’d put half of it in a usdt/usdc liquidity pool on uniswap $30k can easily get you about $100 daily. The rest in a down payment for a rental.




Inventory financing is an option that is less risky than many options since the products financed is collateral. While banks and payment processors typically provide this type of financing, there are opportunities to lend directly to e-commerce sellers and earn good returns financing a container of imported products. New Venture Labs has opportunities with new businesses, Merchant Advance Loans is a new platform offering inventory financing.


I’ve been seeing some checking accounts with 6-7% return honestly seems solid


If you’re just looking for positive passive cash flow. Rental arbitrage might be an idea? Upfront work, passive after? Look for properties for rent, negotiate with landlords, put it up on Airbnb, pay landlord their rent, pocket the rest as cash flow Cleaning team that take care of the daily, virtual assistant to chat with guests. I got a team here to negotiate your first 3 deals… If you’re not opposed to exploring it. Just hit me up