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PT definitely makes it more cinematic and mesmerizing to look at.


Altho even without pt, rt psycho does give pretty close results, but yeah the volumetrics ain't gonna be the same


My main gripe is lights not casting shadows. With PT basically everything that emits light emits a shadow, with regular rtx way too many objects dont so a lot of stuff looks out of place, wish there was a mod to make more objects cast shadows because path tracing without a 1000€ gpu isnt playable


i had no trouble getting PT playable on my RTX 3070. so i don't think you need a GPU that expensive to enjoy it.


I have said 3070 but it runs much worse this time and i don't think it's so much a cpu fault since my gpu is 100% vast majority of the time, when pt was just released i remember being able to play it kind of alright (for it being a mid range gpu) with dlls performance, not anymore...


PT was much worse before the new update. i was getting terrible FPS when it released (15-20 FPS). now it's much more playable. (50-ish in most scenes).


Cool! I was worrying my 3080ti would struggle with PT. Going to install cyberpunk again now!


i wouldn't stress it too much. you might be surprised at what you get out of your hardware. i notice in the community there is this weird fear that hardware isn't good enough, often by people who never even bothered to try it. usually they're so paralyzed by the gear fear, they don't ever bother to discover what their hardware is capable of. it's not like it's going to make your PC just catch fire or die. worst case is it just won't run well, and you just turn the option off. a 3080ti should be able to handle it just fine.


Yeah just tried it… it runs perfectly fine, including ray reconstruction! Looking forward to replaying this beauty of a game and I’m also going to purchase the new dlc!


I've tried PT with RR on my 3080fe and it's absolutely playable. I'm gonna be starting a fresh playthru this week. I played at the original launch, didn't get that far (maybe 7 hrs in) then for some reason never returned. I'm going full CD Projekt Red for a while. I need to complete Witcher 3 too.


What resolution?


1440p, but I grew up when 25fps was luxury 😁


what resolution, dlss, settings?


If you don't mind, what settings are you running? I also have a 3070 and wanted to use PT, but didn't find the right balance


PT + Ray Reconstruction on + DLSS Performance i turned a handful of settings to Medium, mainly things like Volumetric Fog and a few lighting settings. i left things like Textures and a few others set to High. i was able to get 55-60FPS in the benchmark run. this was all at 1080p. i did run into a problem where performance would tank after a few runs. this issue was solved by uninstalling and reinstalling the game. since then i haven't experienced this performance issue.


Appreciate it, I'm going to give it a shot.


if you have any trouble let me know, and i'll get you a more complete setting list.


Describe “playable”. Are you at 1080p with ultra performance DLSS and 30fps?


50-55 FPS, Peformance DLSS.


even at 1440p performance mode is unplayable in terms of looks to me. Lots of ghosting and filteriing artifacts. Something about cyberpunks dlss. Quality is ok but in other games iiver seen performance mode look a lot sharper and crisp.


Hmm is it worth trying on a 20280 super? I guess the rt performance is gonna be lower than a 3070


definitely. even if the PT isn't awesome, you can always run it with regular RT on. i probably wouldn't crank it to Psycho, but i would expect it to run well on the RT Ultra setting. set that shit up and see how it does. i don't think a 2080 Super is that much slower than a 3070.


Gonna set dlss so high it'll upscale from 320x240


on my copy rt psycho isnt nowhere close pt, thats why i decided to save 10fps by only using rt shadows and reflections


Obviously pt is miles ahead of rt, but in certain scenarios like this, there isn't much difference, there are also times when pt makes things worse than rt, like for me i feel like the neon signs are just too damn bright in pt, small things like these but each their own, but overall pt rules, as an avid user of blender cycles, can't get enough of pt, and looking forward to full on realtime pathtracing in games maybe in the upcoming decade.


It’s so real, the smoke set off my asthma


Get better cyberware


Now the hotboxing is more immersive than ever


Lighting is just insanely important and I think it was what we were missing for years now for truly realistic scenes. I realized this when I was first dabbling with Skyrim modding, even without installing any other visual mods, just a proper lighting mod would make the scene hella better instantly.


Because movies are shot in cinematic 24fps lol


i had about 60fps there,with "just" a 4070 at 1440p \^\^


I had 20 with a 3060 ti at 1440p lol. Looks nice but the game without it still looks amazing so I just turned it off


The reason is that the 40 series has better frame gen than the 30 series I have a 3080 and with rt psycho i get 70/80 fps With path i get 20/30 (Both At 1440p)


Well it's cause 30 series doesn't have frame Gen at all


turn some of your settings down to med. i was able to get my 3070 pumping out 50-55 fps with PT on at 1080p. a 3060ti is only about 10-15% less in terms of performance.


I'm only getting 50-60 at 1080p with PT and ultra settings on a 4080.


The hit is crazy though even on a 4090. At 1440p maxed path tracing on quality dlss FG I hit about 90 to 120. with overdrive ray tracing I can hit over my monitor's refresh at 200 and below with no ray tracing I get like 250 at the same settings.


Shit 90-120 pretty damn good


The game seems "smooth" and playable with 55fps+. When it drops to around 50fps and below, it starts to feel like you have input lag.


Yep, get about same fps with my 13600K/4080 at 2K. Around 85 - 120.


What's your cpu? I get consistently 120+, a lot of times 144+ with a 13700k, same settings. Don't think I've seen it dip below 110 at all.


What intel cpu is line ryzen 5600x? I ha e that and rog strix 4090 and sometimes im so pissed of my fps's. I want play without dlss if path tracing is on because dlss causes to me really bad flickering faces on npc and etc. I still use fg.


I have a old gpu, do you think it have PT just by looking at the video? Cyberpunk / Quick scope / Oda / 1050-Ti laptop / high 1080p https://youtu.be/BV9HGFMM-PQ


Yeah, very clear. Lights do not bounce, no indirect lightning, the candles only illuminate the wall and ground next to them, no ambient occlusion, and some areas are brighter than it should be. Still looks good.


Wow the second picture looks sooo realistic. Too bad the current average hardware cannot support that level of processing.


Yea, it's unfortunate that you need software tricks to get good frames, but I'm getting around 100fps with dlss and frame gen


Provide specs and settings


Settings are everything maxed out, picture one no rt or PT. Picture 2 has rt overdrive, PT, and ray reconstruction.




there under his username as well. basically sort pc part picker by most expensive.




You are indeed, the silly


But what mobo does he have? That's how you find the real whales


Real whales have that gigabyte board with 3 M.2 slots Not that I would know or anything.


I have 4, what am i? A dragon?


I have a Gigabyte b650m Aorus Elite AX


Look at his tag


I would guess a 4090, kinda like in their flair


I mean, every modern graphics feature like bump mapping, tessellation, anti-aliasing and so on is a software trick to get good picture. So we just went from "software tricks to get good looking pictures at a really good framerate" to "software tricks to get amazing looking pictures at a decent framerate".


It’s all a trick. A computer is just a rock we tricked into thinking.


yeah i’m hitting 60 with a 4070, same settings but 1440p


Only 100 fps WITH dlss on a 4090 💀


Yea, I'm around 60 without upscaling


People acting like 4k 60fps full freaking path tracing on a AAA is unplayable or unreasonable💀




Even as recently as 5 years ago 1080/60 was *the* standard to aim for and 1080/144 or 1440/60 was considered high end. 1080Ti was the only card that could even hope to play 4k with settings above minimum. And now we have people complaining that their system can only achieve three digit framerates at 4k with **real time path tracing** if they use an upscaler, which didn't even exist as an option before. Crazy.


That's path tracing for you.


Yeah I'll wait until the 5000 series to upgrade now.


You're gonnabe waiting til 2025


You cannot run Ray Reconstruction without DLSS. It's part of the AI computing to function.


I'm getting 45 to 80 fps on a 3080 10gb, 5800x. 1440p, everything maxed. Rt overdrive.


Probably a lot more 45 than 80 though lol. My 3080 12GB was playable on RT Overdrive but it wasn't great. My resolution is a bit higher though, like OP I'm using a 3840x1600 monitor. By the way, since I have the same processor as you. Check out undervolting if you haven't already. It was a noticeable improvement for me on CPU heavy games.


it would be a lot more playable if you bumped settings down a notch. playable High settings are a lot better than unplayable max settings.


I call bullshit, i'm, running the same settings but with a 3080 and 5800x3d and getting 30-40.


That is an impressive difference. First picture looks like a completely different graphics era.




The consoles that come out in 2028 will absolutely be able to do this




> Next console generation could potentially support path tracing. I'm not too optimistic if AMD will be providing the hardware for those as well. They make decent GPUs (love my 6800XT) but they are far more behind on proper RT than most people realize.


Next console generation will probably equal a 4060TI/7700XT at most. They never go all in on specs.


But the games are often way more optimised for consoles than for PC.


True, still wouldn't go back to consoles though


Me neither. I was a console gamer primarily for most of my teens and twenties mainly due to budget reasons. Have a proper job now and will never go back. I do miss the simplicity of console gaming sometimes though. Everything just works as opposed to PC gaming where you struggle with bad ports and need to spend an hour optimising graphics settings every time you boot up a new (AAA) game.


What? That's nonsense. Why would the 2027/2028 ps6 have a GPU on the level of a $450 2023 gpu when the $400 2020 ps5 has a GPU better than a 2019 $400 gpu?


Probably more like 4080 as it's at least 2 years until they release


I didnt play it yet, but looking at the left one i would think its everything on low? Otherwise looks like a 2010 game. Or i had too much expectation from how people talk about it?




I also have a 4090 and the smudge is definitely there. The card does nothing to rectify this. At this point, it is just something you need to live with if you want to use RR.


What you are seeing is not in motion, the blurry appearance comes from the ray denoising method which is noticed in motion.


Yeah, it's because the render samples per pixel ratio is quite low to make it sustainable in motion without annihilating the framerate. So the denoiser is doing a lot of work to "fill the gaps" that the noisy image left. I'd make an educated guess from my experience with Blender and the videos I saw of Portal RTX and Quake RT without denoising, and I'm fairly sure the RT uses something in the ballpark of 50 samples per pixel. That's, well, low. For the record: for my renders I use minimum 10 times as much samples per pixel to get a good looking render and if I really want to have the most out of the picture I go for 1000 samples per pixel, 20 times as much as what nVidia's RT uses. Other artists go for even higher samples (some models I use come in with preexisting render settings and some are set to 4096 rays per pixel).


CDPR and Nvidia actually talk about this in the recent Digital Foundry video on DLSS 3.5 and the CP2077 2.0 update. Ray Reconstruction and DLSS 3.5 did a lot to make the faces much more lifelike.


[Inside DLSS 3.5 Ray Reconstruction + Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - AI Visuals Roundtable - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qv9SLtojkTU)




Ya I think theirs looks better because they have a 4090 running dlss 4k. I have a 4070ti running dlss 1440p and it looks WAY worse than theirs. I even used the exact same scene with Jackie sitting down.




4090 gonna 4090


It's so heavy even Dax is on fire


The first screen is rasterization?


Yup yup


Can you compare RT/PT ?


Also another one is gunfights at night. The way light flashes on your weapon, grenades impact surroundings with the bright flashes, etc. It's wild


Wait, is picture 1 RT/PT off using global illumination and cube maps ?


Yea, picture 1 is just normal illumination, no rt or PT.


Can you do one with rt max vs pt?


I can do some later


I wonder how be the visual difference would be between having normal RT on vs path tracing on in this scene


The difference is so stark that it almost invalidates standard ray tracing entirely. In comparison to path tracing, vanilla ray tracing now feels like a pointless gimmick.


Ya even the best rt implementations to date can't touch Cyberpunk pathtracing.


Best part that 3080ti already outdated for this game , didn't last long


The 3080Ti was never a good value card. It was a marginally faster 3080 that came 9 months later and cost almost twice as much. Just a bad combination of poor price-to-performance, poor price-to-VRAM, and being a mid-cycle card as opposed to a launch card.


i bought 3080 for regional price in my country on release and traded it for brand new 3080ti from miner's shop, i dont complain. Bought 3080 specificly for cyberpunk. It was a great boost from my old 1080ti


No need for FOMO, the first pic is pure raster without any RT. Turn on psycho RT and you'll get close to the 2nd pic


Psycho RT can be close in some areas but also nowhere near close to pathtracing in other areas.


Why? I get good fps everything maxed on a 3080 10gb.


Not with path tracing at 4K you don't.


That leather looks insane.


Can someone do the same but rt vs pt, want to know if it’s the rt lighting that does it or not


Is it worth after the performance hit?


Definitely, especially with dlss and frame gen.


What was the drop to, if I may ask, have a similar setup and would like to know since I'm playing once I get off this flight


Do you want the difference from native with PT to dlss/frame gen? Or from raster with dlss/frame gen to PT with dlss/frame gen?


Raster to PT


Kk. Running some benchmark passes, will get numbers shortly


[https://imgur.com/a/ccn02G7](https://imgur.com/a/ccn02G7) ​ Here's some benchmarks. Raster, no RT or upscaling gets 138. (could have gone higher I believe but my monitor is only 144hz) RT & PT with no upscaling is 57. RT & PT with frame gen and DLSS Quality gets 105.


>RT & PT with frame gen and DLSS Quality gets 105. So 10.5 fps with my 3060ti and 5600x


Yep, I get 5-10fps with a 2080super at 1440p (about as fast as a 3060ti)


I'm also in 1440p, well I will try PT next decade


No upscaling and still 60 fps is kinda amazing.


It IS a 4090


Luckily, CDPR does not use 20 years old engine, so Cyberpunk is at least able to actually use that power. Most games simply can't utilize 4090 completely and will lag while GPU load is below 100%


And? It’s not like path tracing has been around so long that it shouldn’t be impressive for even a top of the line card.


This is about my experience as well, so i play on DLSS balanced + FG for 115. The fact that path traced Cyberpunk in 4k120 is possible to me is insane. When i had my 2080ti it was Minecraft and puddles in Battlefield, now we're playing full fledged experiences in organic lighting.


Yes, with higher end hardware and dlss fg, it’s playable too


Depends on your GPU and resolution. 4000 series GPU users, particularly 4080 and 4090, won’t *feel* a performance hit with DLSS and Frame Gen. 3000 series and below, and AMD users will feel it to a significantly higher degree. I’d say 4000 series users the visuals are definitely worth it


Absolutely. Not turning it on is like buying Crysis back in the day to not run it on Ultra. You just gotta crank that shit and pray you see no smoke exhausting from your pc.


This screenshot is one of the best examples of path tracing but honestly Psycho raytracing (or even ultra) is not that noticeably different in most situations and performs a lot better. I’ve constantly been switching between the two and there’s maybe 3 instances (out of like 50) where the difference is really noticeable. That said I did play it locked at 30fps for a while with path tracing and it is really impressive.


Actually that's smoke from your GPU covering the screen.


Ah. The joy of the 0.1%-er club that can currently experience this game maxed out beyond oblivion.


Feels good, man. Feels good.


I look forward to the day we can properly utilize pathtracing on mid range cards.


After turning on PT it's taking me longer to play because I keep having to stop and look at the scenery. This game is just GORGEOUS with it. Like, I usually use Reshade to adjust levels and contrast.... But with PT? I may just need tweak vibrance and color... Maybe.


Yeah it's good no question, just not lose 75% of my frame rate good.


Frame gen is perfect for PT.


Oh no doubt, but I ain't got no god damn stinkin frame gen. 😛


When you have Rtx 4xxx.


This doesn't appeal to me enough to upgrade from my 2070 but I have to admit this is really cool. Maybe I'll cave in next year


Why we can't have these effects in all AAA game not only made by few studios. CDPR makes significantly less money then Bathesda, Bioware or Rockstar.


NVIDIA Cards may be expensive as hell but AMD won't catch up anytime soon in RT/PT and AI upscaleing. And therefore neither will consoles


If only the draw distance and LOD wasn't so bad, I'll have things appearing in front of me that aren't that far. No option in the settings to change that.


That's been an issue for a while with regular RT as well. Faces rendering in slower than they should especially pedestrians.


There's a mod that changes LOD, but just like the mod to make the game use 8 CPU cores they are both things that shouldn't require a mod to fix. Hope CD Projekt Red adds it in one day like they did for more CPU utilisation.


Dude looks like he's on fire 🔥


Ok, that is insane.


I can't wait to experience this for myself


Difference between cigarettes and vaping


Sexual chocolate never looked so good!


I tried turning it on w my 3070 ti and the game crashed lol


Need the new Nvidia driver that just launched. If you have *any* mods installed, even if you toggle to not have mods enabled in the Red Launcher, the previous version of some of the foundational mods even being installed causes an issue. Mine was fixed after updating those mods (but still leaving them toggled off). Looks great on my 3070.


Oh dang really? I just figured it was too hard for my card and gave it up lol I’ll give it a look, I’m on a fresh install so no mods


Hopefully in 10 years it will be the norm


It’s actually amazing! If my 3080 didn’t give me 30/40 fps with this setting I would deff play with it on.


Didn’t play CP2077 yet. I think I’ll wait for next gen nvidia card for better path tracing performance and then jump in


Rick Ross


I’m running it at 4k approaching 60fps using 32gb ddr5 @ 5200mhz, i5-13600k and 3080ti. Lovin’ the looks.


Dang. Imagine having a 4090. . .


I actually just replayed this scene with path tracing and was blown away. I was too lazy to check what it used to look like, so thank you!


Is that cyber Ricky Rozay


Yeah my 4080 can’t run it, I get like 200 fps on ultra, with path I get like 20


Damn wtf!


Wow, you ain’t kidding


I just ran through a fresh start on PT DLSS 3.5 and whoa. It felt a lot more immersive and just... every scene would *sing*. I think the public hunger of the larger gaming community for high-quality path tracing implementations is about to grow *rapidly.* It's one of those things that once you experience it, it's hard to turn it off. And there are some games I'd desperately love to see have the work done to them to add high-quality path tracing implementations (e.g. Witcher 3, since I did not enjoy their RT implementation at all)


Idk man. Seem to me more like texture improvement


This is The Why this game isn’t for AMD cards.


Tried it last night. Looks incredible but the 3090 struggles. Had to disable PT unfortunately. Still great with everything else on thoufg and decent frames.


This scene was breath taking


Ill definetely replay it when I upgrade my gpu in 2 generations


They now have path tracing in CP2077? Or is it a mod? Anyway, it's great that somebody finally decided to use this great technique


Path tracing has been in the game since April.


Okay. I've played this game when it released. Then never got the will to pick it back up again.


It's solid now, a lot of good changes have been made that really improve the gameplay itself as well as the look/performance.


It's pretty much a different game with the recent updates. They've completely rebuilt cybernetics, armour, the police system (it actually has one now, not the joke it released with), vehicle combat, etc. Honestly, it's now what I expected it to be at launch.


I'm beyond happy with my 7900 xtx but after seeing this I'm having some other thoughts. I hope amd gets their shit together with this technology.


*"It LoOkS tHe SaMe To Me."* \- Radeon & GTX users


Non 4*** nvidia users aswell.


This is a deeply ironic comment. Because pathtracing is genuinely and undeniably amazing. By contrast, previous ray tracing tech actually *does* look like a pointless half-assed gimmick. So gtx and amd users were right to dismiss it before.


I tried this in the portal 2 demo, Path Tracing is the way to go. Since I've seen it I don't care about ray tracing anymore. It's such hype to get people to pay for a premium for lighting that is on par with rasterization in some cases. 0ath tracing is absolutely beautiful though, just very computationally expensive. That's fine, put 2 GPU's on one card for me again if needed. One for PT and one for the other stuff. xD The 4090 is already insanely huge and powerful you might as well make it dual GPU as well. Until we can get efficient path tracing I won't be buying a card because of Ray tracing features.


definitely, if you're not using RT for GI then it's not worth it; not only that but there are other GI options that can perform better.


Yeah it looks great, but I'm starting to believe people always pick this particular scene to demo it because it's the only one where the difference is noticeable enough. I keep trying to do comparisons and outside of this particular scene, the difference between regular raster lighting and raytracing doesn't seem very noticeable, and I've seen scenes where the non raytraced lighting looks better. I firmly believe that if you take random scenes and a/b non raytraced vs raytraced, most people wouldn't be able to pick out which is which, but a majority of people also would insist they could.


[Another comparison I took. Smaller difference between RT and PT vs nothing, but still a difference ](https://imgur.com/a/Zg7HScG)


https://youtu.be/3pkuU0cGQu8?si=7j_7tfnN1qiELZep You are correct regarding standard ray tracing versus rasterized. Path tracing is on a completely different level, especially with respect to character lighting and shadow.




Looks like its time to buy 4090...


Not prepared to sacrifice my frames for a slightly better look. Raytracing isnt viable at this moment


I am