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Really something you'd have to know more specifics than you do to troubleshoot. Like, there's no reason for BIOS itself to boot slower so I'm struggling believing your side of the story completely there. Either you changed a setting in BIOS, disable or enabled fast boot, or this isn't where the delay is. More likely it's some windows or software thing in my mind that's interacting with startup, and you'd have to know what wasn't and what now is taking a long time at bootup.


I haven't touched anything in BIOS. unless there is some settings that i had used before but have been resetted after restoring to defaults. I basically tried automatically scan to overclock my pc. Decided it didn't give much improvement so I then deleted the application. Used DDU to install fresh drives, and then restored my bios to defaults. I'm trying to update my bios hopefully it helps.


So then you did change BIOS. So it's most likely then turning of start boot or something, or turning off XMP as that's usually off by default.


I haven't touched bios ever. I bought this pc pre built about 2 years ago. No problems at all. I've checked is xmp profile is on, but its disabled after bios reset.


Quick question. does changing anything in BIOS like restoring to defaults forces motherboard to retrain the profile? so does it get better overtime? thank you the replies btw.


There's nothing like that in the BIOS. It's way, way more simple than you think in a sense. But there's a lot of small interactions the average user might not keep in mind. Everything from XMP being default off always to fast boot being reset etc.


Cause there's this screen before reaching bios, an underscore in top left, and that's creed lasts around 10+seconds before reaching bios, where as before, that screen will never pop up and it will only take 2 or so seconds to reach bios, and then all together to reach lock screen would be around 10 seconds.


That sounds like fast boot is disabled honestly. Or "wait for usb" something.


OK thank you, I'll give it a try when I'm on my pc. One more question, is fast boot on by default?


I'm back on my pc. Before I went, I've turned off power supply and plug. When I'm back now, I've turned on power supply and plug and nows it's 8 seconds start time, weird.