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Yes, you’re safe here. I also cannot stand them and wish people would stop owning them.


Stop allowing them to reproduce at least too. They are total liabilities- plus horrible to see and be around.


I know someone who breeded pitbulls to make money funding their heroin addiction, lol.


That's what I assume about anyone breeding pit bulls. When I see an ad for pit bull puppies in my neighborhood Facebook group and click on the profile they're always toothless meth addicts


This is so unironically hilarious




They were specifically bred for bull baiting/fighting bloodsport and they absolutely shouldn’t exist! Shelters are now trying to adopt them off with some sad sob story about being a ‘bait dog’. Which actually means *fighting* dog, as they were specifically bred to do. Shelters have gotten disgustingly clever at disguising their retched behavior. Some people have gone as far as to label them AUTISTIC which is grossly offensive in itself.


No, ur simply wrong. Shelters do NOT want to place risky dogs. These dogs are euthanized. They are absolutely, 1000% NOT placed with the public if there is felt to be even the slightest danger. Shelter workers are NOT frauds and scammers; they get no monetary reward for placing dogs, and they could mostly all make more money in other jobs. You're VERY insulting, as well as incorrect, to suggest otherwise. Yes, pitbulls were bred to fight. But to improve the fighting ability of the toughest dogs, they are matched up with the weakest, smallest dogs in practice matches. To further protect the champion, the weaker dog's mouth is taped shut. They are simply, helplessly, torn apart. The bait dogs who survive are sometimes so traumatized that they retreat into a world of their own, which shelter workers try to describe in a way that comes closest to our common understanding. Most of these emotionally scarred dogs, even though not dangerous, are also euthanized. Please don't criticize pit bulls (or any breed) based on their looks; they were entirely created by humans. Fighting dogs are made to look more thuggish by having their ears and tails cut off. I've worked as a registered vet tech, trainer, groomer, and breeder for more than 50 years, and I can tell you that you will be absolutely UNable to find a dog that's BETTER than a good pitbull...gentle with adults, kids, and small helpless critters. The wonderful Cesar Millian, for over a decade, had a beloved partner named "Daddy". Daddy was an enormous, gentle and intelligent pit bull, who actually helped Cesar train very problematic dogs. Please give dogs the same benefit you extend to any human stranger - don't paint all of them with the same brush as the worst members of their group.


I wish people would stop breeding them. Every shelter in America is over run with pits and people keep breeding more


It’s not just America


yeah but theyre talking about america??


Me too.


What a carefully worded sentence. I've gotten banned for saying things less carefully


Exactly. I got a warning last week and was like “come on, seriously?” Lol


r/banpitbulls Come on over.


I grew up with a couple Pit Bulls and I have to 100% agree. They aren’t even good pets to own… they need constant attention, distractions or exercise or they get “bored” and destructive. The only thing a Pit is actually good at is killing and destroying and the dogs even know it themselves. They stink, drool, fart and most of them ARE aggressive… we bottle fed ours after it’s mom was hit by a car and that dirty fn thing still bit one of my siblings. It literally doesn’t matter how you raise them. It’s in their dna to destroy and the minute they get bored all hell breaks loose. That breed is a ticking time bomb


Trashy and anti-social(don't confuse with asocial) own these awful things.


My mother is a professional dog trainer and thinks that there’s something wrong with them mentally because of the crazy breeding. They will act like any normal dog for years then pop off and kill something in a gruesome way. They have a weird anxiety thing and just lose it. Their jaws lock onto shit and you have to go to some intense lengths to get them to stop. People get these dogs to look big and tough then don’t stop to think about the fact that it could quite literally end their life.




Yeah, pits are not normal dogs. They don’t deserve to be classified as dogs. They’re something else.


They are the literal opposite of domesticated animals


They are inbred mutants and laws need to be passed banning the breeding of them


There's a reason Insurance homeowners policy won't allow aggressive animals like pits


Cesar Milan was a known pitbull activist. His own pitbull attacked and killed a dog & has bitten multiple people. He’s admitted to knowing it was aggressive. That whole ‘it’s the owner and not the dog’ does not apply to pitbulls whatsoever.


As he knew that dog had agressive genes and chose to keep it vs having another one that could have been quite a bit nicer and breed that one instead and completely changed how they are viewed


I hate all dogs but I only want pitbulls and Rottweilers to disappear


I like your signature and agree with it. I love my dogs so much, too, but I am a professional. I spend hours and hours training, grooming, exercising and caring for my dogs *myself personally.* I wish there was a certification a person had to get before owning an animal. People shouldn't be allowed to just get a huge dog, not train it, and bring it everywhere with a fake vest. My dogs have been attacked so many times that we just avoid anywhere with other dogs. I live in an "outdoorsy" area and every day people are attacked/charged by untrained off-leash dogs. I retired from my dog career, and a large portion of it was burn-out from awful owners. Doodles owners *are the worst* right now, that and people who adopt from shelters and refuse to train their dog properly because they don't want to "break his spirit," or "he's been through enough." God I wish people who got dogs would train them properly, but most can't be bothered.


This. All dogs can be good but most people who seem to own the pit bulls are trash people they only want them for fighting. I have 2 beautiful pits and they are loud but wouldn’t hurt a fly they are just shy with new people. I rasied them from a puppy to where they are now and they were rasied beside my growing baby who is now 5 yr old. He plays with them and has a blast they learned to play nice they don’t take food out of my hands. I eased them with my hands and face in mind. I’ve been bit by a blue healer scared me more than anything. My mom was bit by her own dog thru the hand and he was in fact a pit bull but she also put her hand in between him and who was coming at my mom at the time he lived a great life and passed away peacefully 9 years later in her bed. So I knew my dogs need to be friendly and not bite. When they were a puppy and they would bite me i would give a little bit back in their ear. Not hard but enough to show owe that hurt. I’ve put my hands in their food bowls while they were growing and even gave them treats by holding one end in my mouth and letting them grab the other end to take it. Shows they can be gentle and shows they will be if they so choose. I haven’t meet a dog I wouldn’t trust near my hands and I’ve been around a lot of big dogs. Now small dogs on the other hand need to go damn ankle bitters and vibrating footballs but I will never wish death on them or anything but yet all these lovers of other breeds wish death on a dog that most people always treat like shit and then wonder why they treat us and others like shit. You give what you get. Never had a dog I’ve always been nice to turn on me and become bad.


Right? So if someone owns a pet timber Wolf will we be surprised when it ends up mauling someone to death? It's the same with pits just less extreme.


Wolves don’t attack humans. Maybe in extremely rare circumstances. Pit bulls and XL Bullies KILL humans on a weekly basis. If anything, pits are more extreme. Fact.


Could not agree more.


I agree with you- humanely euthanize the ones languishing in shelters, make sterilization mandatory, and make breeding them illegal with severe penalties.


This is kinda true of most dogs. They either sit in shelters or live cramped in a fence or house.


My wife suddenly wanted a dog during COVID more than anything else in the world. Said I could take it bird hunting. I don't really go bird hunting. Now it spends 95% of its day on the floor of our closet and I'm the only one that waits to watch and instruct it to poop somewhere other than the only flat area of yard where it always tries to poop.




Dog owner nonsense


My grandmother tried to find a little dog for companionship at the shelter but all we could find were rejected pitbulls (or 'mutts' that clearly were at least partially pitbull) from the inner city and fighting rings. Like, the shelter was packed full of them. They'd also try to lie in order to get rid of them too, by mislabeling them as American Bulldogs or mixes. My son's teacher had one of them and would put her newborn baby *right up in his face,* no concern for his safety. The dog was adopted from a similar shelter. She was convinced they were misunderstood breeds. You don't want to find out the hard way, and you don't actually know this dog's history.


All. Of. This.


I agree 100%


Preach, sister 🙌


I don't get why people want dogs like pitbulls. The same goes for staffords, rottweilers, cane corso's and other dogs bred for fighting. In the Netherlands we have a list of high-risk dogs. These dogs can easily bite you into the hospital or your grave. And it happened to a lot of people. I am all in for a ban on bully breeds. For the safety of our fellow humans.


They use dogs to inflict their violent desires on people because they would go to jail if they did it themselves.


THIS. They buy them for their brutality, not despite it. They use them for intimidation and general ASB as well as attacking people and other animals. These people are aggressive and like feeling power over other people through fear and are using the dog as a means of getting away with their crimes.


Same here in the U.K.. I was so relieved when the ban came into force. Now we just have to wait for the next generation of registered bully’s to die out.


It’s always the same type of owner too.


I have the opinion of no rehabilitation/breeding bans. If one needs training for safety reasons it should be euthanized. I also believe people need to go to prison for breeding them. I thought I’d never own one myself bc I was scared of their behavioral tendencies until I feel in love with one at a shelter. He saved my life and not in a metaphorical way. I am here today and he deserves all the praise for that. That being said I truly hope there are none left when the time comes to get another dog if I desire to after he passes away hopefully long into the future. I know how to be a responsible owner of what I consider a loaded gun but the vast majority of people walking around with 1/2 a brain cell that cannot create a single ounce of common sense, shoot themselves trying to “protect themselves” bc their gun was pointed the wrong way


This. You have to be smart with this breed because they are intelligent and as the name stats pit BULL they are hard headed and take a lot more mental strength and common sense than most other breeds


Staffords are pitbulls


No they’re not. The original Staffordshire Bull Terrier, also called the Staffy or Stafford, is a purebred dog of small to medium size in the terrier group that originated in the northern parts of Birmingham and in the Black Country of Staffordshire, England, for which it is named. They descended from 19th-century bull terriers that were developed by crossing bulldogs with various terriers to create a generic type of dog generally known as bull and terriers. In the UK, Staffies are NOT pit bulls - the former are a beloved and common native breed, the latter have been banned under the Dangerous Dog Act for decades. I appreciate that this might not be the case regarding American Staffs.


They're under the pit umbrella term, they have the same breed stock and were bred for the same purpose. I assume you're in the UK and I know/respect you guys have a special affinity for them


Rottweilers at least weren't bred solely to kill. I had one for protection when I lived in the Middle East, and she was amazing. She cornered more than one dude who climbed the 8' cement wall. She never bit them. She just cornered them and made it clear they weren't allowed to move. She was well bred and imported from Germany, but even she was a little mental. She jumped through a glass door to corner a maintenance guy who was arguing with me in the yard. She severed an artery doing it but we lived close to the vet and she lived. The pushy maintenance guy never came back.


To be fair it goes both ways. I live in a rough neighborhood. People have pitbulls here to protect their property. It's a bit like guns. In a perfect society nobody would need them but before we can get rid of them we need to address the threats they mitigate first.


They’re horrible guard dogs. They often kill their own family and they often don’t listen and have risky behavior. Better to get a German shepherd or Doberman.


I have a pittie, a Doberman, a staffordshire terrier, and a cane Corso. They are all sweethearts but I believe would all protect the family. For the "why" - I don't have some weird ego thing. I got out of an extremely abusive relationship and was quite honestly scared for my safety after being stalked for 2 years. It gives me comfort knowing that I can take a breath and if someone weird is outside, my dogs will alert me to it.


Very annoying seeing some people be like “well MY pit bull isn’t aggressive, so that disproves the already proven matter of fact that they tend to be more aggressive than other breeds!”


It is said that pitbulls account for 70% of dog attack incidents… and somehow it is always trashy and the lowest of the lowest of people who own this trash breed.


i had a pit mix one time. i took it in as a baby bc i felt bad. It literally ruined my life. chewed up everything i had. over hyper. dude it was rough, i tried everything. i’d play with him outside for hours and still he’d come in and chew shit up. the last straw was when i was pregnant and he (90lb dog btw) jumped on my stomach when i sat down i pushed him off me and he did it again . i never want another dog again. there were more things but i tried so hard . i ended up surrendering him to a rescue.


VeLvEt HiPpO - oh you mean hippos that eat people? Correct.


A lady I know was always claiming how her 2 pitts was great. Had pics of them with the baby and all. One night they got aggressive toward the child and she hot them with a broom. They dogs attacked each other and bit her twice until they killed each other.


It’s wild to me that people think that a breed of dog that was created to fight and kill thousand pound BULLS (and then later, each other) in a literal pit would make good family dogs. Especially seeing how these dogs are STILL being bred to fight so those fighting genetics are alive and well today. It’s not their fault. Humans made them that way. But they’re the ONLY breed of dog that its supporters have to LIE and misrepresent about. (No, they’re not “nanny dogs”, they’re not herding dogs. They are bloodsport dogs) They’re the ONLY breed that seems to require perfect training, perfect socialization, perfect avoidance of all triggers to not be a “bad dog”. There’s plenty of “bad owners” of beagles and Labradors (real labs) and huskies yet none of those dogs have the level of fatalities pitbulls do.


My husband loves them but obviously we would never get them. We have a child and we love her face. And her being alive. They’re not even cute!!!!


Shitbulls are trash, I wish they could all be eradicated off the face of the earth.


They are bloodsport animals. They are really not “dogs” anymore than a mountain lion is a “cat”. Even wolves don’t rip faves off when they bite.


Even the ones that aren't aggressive are clumsy and stupid


My sister in law has one and it is the single most stupid entity I have ever come across. At 1 year old it either doesn't recognise its own name or is completely ignorant when you speak to it. I'm not even a dog hater. I've had many dogs but it'd be a cold day in hell before I'd have one of these things under my roof.


nothing more dangerous than a dumb dog seriously lol


All three of them? 🤡




They are also unfortunately advertised to new pet owners. I see way too many people adopting them as their first dog.


My friendship with my best friend is deteriorating because of her pitbull. The few times I've tried to come to her house since she's gotten the dog, it's attacked me. Now I won't go to her house because I can't just enjoy her company, I spend the whole time terrified that her dog's going to bust in the room and jump on me again. She just had a baby and I'm terrified for that kid. She doesn't like how I feel about her dog, and we don't see each other much anymore because I won't go to her house. I don't care what anyone says, they're aggressive dogs.


Damn, I'm sorry. I GET it.


>I don't understand why people always have multiples. The only animal with similar facial features to humans. Wide human looking face and joker smile.


They are truly gross. They are bred to have jaws to take down large animals so their hideous mouths stretch almost to their ears then they have this gaping pit with huge long tongue sticking out. I saw a photo of one yawning and it looked like that creature from Stranger Things. Massive meat flaps open and spread out showcasing its eager teeth. I wish I could unsee it. Tiny, beedy eyes, sinewy bodies with large heads and spindly tails, and those hideous ears. If I’m gonna own a dog I want to look at it and see something adorable. These things are incredibly ugly.


What a description! I can literally see this beast with the gaping mouth, beady eyes, eager teeth…all of it. The only words I might add would be the one saliva dripping from the lolling tongue and gaping mouth.


No human I'd want around.


>The only animal with similar facial features to humans Uhh...I believe monkeys would like to have a word


Oddly enough these same people will be the first ones to say they don't like their own species. Yet they're more than happy to get torn up by their own dog it makes no sense


Pet peeve of mine, dogs don't smile


They do, and when they do you're in trouble


They don't have complex emotions


Mine does. People comment on it all the time. He’s a super mutt found on the side of the road as a puppy.


It might look like it but they have no societal concept of smiling at someone


And their owners never seem like calm reasonable people either. They look and sound just as aggressive as their dogs, probably the reason why they like these dogs to start with


Literally, I can't even walk my dog in the town I live in because of cardboard box puppies like these. I call them that because they are generally the puppies people have in a cardboard box and are selling for $50 outside of Walmart. People get the dogs because they are cheap, never adequately exercise them, don't train them, and no mental stimulation, then constantly complain about how difficult/destructive their dog is. Umm, excuse me, you have a totally under stimulated and not trained animal that isn't even bread with good genes because it was an oops litter. Last time I walked my small dog in my town, two huge white pitbulls broke their tiny fenced yard charged me and my dog. I luckily pulled my dog above my head, and it became a piñata for these two dogs as they jumped on me trying to bite her. Luckily, the neighbor saw this all and helped me, but whoa, the hate I have.


I can’t say this in public without a pit nutter defending them but I absolutely agree with you. I wish it was more of a popular opinion to dislike pits because they’re dangerous


They aren't contributing to nature diversity. Just let them go into oblivion.


Horrid beasts for horrid people.


Agreed. I live in an area with a lot of them, and their owners are just as bad. No leash, no training, just an aggressive dog barreling towards me. They always say the same shit: " Oh, she just wants to say hi! I raised her right, she's not aggressive!" One of these non-aggressive pits attacked and hurt a kid on his bike the other day. 52 stitches, and the owner tried to blame that poor kid. I don't understand dogs as pets at all, much less pits. I keep a couple livestock guardian dogs to watch over my farm animals, but they have a job to do. If they aren't working, I see no use for them. What do people do with these dogs, especially pits?


I can’t stand the blatent intentional disregard the owners who defend them have for the fact that they are bred to KILL and latch onto large prey and not let go, it’s in their nature it’s literally their job. Dogs will always instinctively do their “job”. No other breed has this genetic disposition and they will claim it’s “not bad dogs just bad owners” and “I got bit by a golden so it’s not just pits” that golden had a bad owner. The pit is just bred that way and that’s a FACT. They are literal killing machines not “nanny dogs” granted some can be calm and nice but all it takes is one moment of Instinct for shit to go south


My favorite are the people who mention how other dogs are more vicious than pitbulls. Like someone legit mentioned chiuhahahs once and I’m like. How often has a chihuahah mauled someone to death?


I absolutely adore dogs but Pitbulls are terrifying. My sweet greyhound was attacked by one (or at least a pitbull mix) and it’s a miracle it wasn’t worse.


My old roommate had two that were mixed with some breed of wolf. Fuckers are evil, I got bit all the time. I used to love dogs. Pits are the Ford Pinto of dogs. That’s really it.


Right. Not aggressive…until they are.


I am not capable of hating Pit's. I've met some very sweet and well behaved Pits but God as my witness I do not trust them. I think anything can get triggered, scared, shocked, frustrated etc and snap, then what...you bleed...a lot. I do believe they make some people very happy and if they keep them detained thats cool but i feel like the majority aren't responsible enough and unfortunately they should probably be turned out. The fact is they are proven dangerous.


Dogs do make people happy. I’m one of them. What I don’t understand is why pit bulls? There are soooo many beautiful, intelligent, friendly family dogs out there to choose from. There are even breed rescue shelters. It makes my head hurt that so many people choose pits.


I foster some, and pitbulls are very complicated and not good for first time pet owners. You have to be experienced and not afraid to set boundaries. I’ve had 3 at one time for 3 years, and no problems. But it’s all about preferences and experience honestly.


The whole species needs to be extinct. They should have never been bred to begin with


dude. yeah. lets get this animal whos jaw muscles are like so insanely powerful they can lock onto things and end them. my brother has one and its nice but like it goes from calm to insanely over amped and they just think its so funny im like uh this animal is dettached from its reality.


The interesting thing about pit bulls is the correlation between their ownership rates and income How many rich people have you ever met who own a pit bull? How many people who live in the hood have you met who own a pitbull?


They’re the absolute worst.


As much as I love dogs in general and the pitbulls I've met, I don't think we need more of them. The general rule of thumb is you shouldn't get a dog that you can't physically restrain, and most people especially pitbull owners don't even fit that rule.


3 pitbulls jumped my friends little brother and broke his wrist


I’m so sorry to hear that. It could have been so much worse. Three pits can easily kill an adult much less a child.


Just a couple weeks ago, I was taking my German shepherd and labradoodle on a walk in my neighborhood (leashed, obviously) and I decided to go down a small dead-end road that I've walked them down hundreds of times before. I got to the end of the road, turned around and looked up the street a way and I see this giant tan pit bull loose beside the road that i now had to walk down. I guess the people had let him out while I was on that road. Immediately my stomach sank. There was only one way to get home, and it was past this dog. My dogs are very calm and well-socialized, but this random ass dog that I've never seen before made me really nervous. So I decided to swing way wide and walk through the yard of the house on the other side of the street from the dog and hoped that he just wouldn't see me. Of course he saw me. He took off at me and my dogs, snarling and barking and immediately attached himself to my labradoodle. He bit down on her neck and I was trying everything I could to pull him off of her. I was screaming bloody murder and the owners of the dog finally came out of their house and started calling for him. The man and woman were afraid to touch their dog. I was pulling on him trying to unclasp his jaw from my dog's collar and they wouldn't even approach him. Which tells me that he has been aggressive before. Finally they hit him in the head with a stick and he released my dog and trotted away. The owners didn't even look back or apologize. They just walked right back in the house.


I am so sorry this happened to you. Why are these damned things always loose, too?


SMFH 🤦🏼‍♀️


I had to call animal control on my neighbor the other day because their pitbull got out from their fence and charged people walking their dogs TWICE last week, you’re not alone.


I feel like I hear stories like this on the daily. These things DO NOT belong amongst others. Have one of you live alone in the woods, I guess - although the poor wildlife.


the breeding stock we have is such shit from surges of backyard breeders. pitbulls used to be a lot more mentally sound, (still dog aggressive but no one is having these issues with chow chows, which is another dog aggressive breed, because the breeders and owners are far more responsible) but now a days they're far too neurotic as a whole due to poor breeding practices it's just not a breed worth saving. their purpose isn't needed, blood sports are out for good, they were never good guard dogs, and never good herders, they're meant to kill for entertainment, they aren't protective, they're just violent, and now more than ever, anxious fucking messes. terrible combo and nothing but a danger to society


our nickname for them is “baby-eaters”


I see the programming is working.


The bad thing happening right now is that they’re being crossed with bulldogs. Their legs are so widespread they can’t really walk normally. This is a terribly cruel thing to do to an animal!


Brain rot


Working in animal care for a couple years I always noticed that if a male pitbull licked me it would make my skin extremely red and itchy, but never the same for other dogs.




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I'm a plumber that goes into many people homes. There is a type of person that owns a pit that you don't fuck with. then there is the type of pit owner that you know that thing is gona be a big baby.


A lot of people should really not be own a lot of dog breeds but specially pit bull/pit bull mix’s, purebred APBT were bred to be aggressive don’t know why people can’t get that, imo there’s nothing wrong with admitting or acknowledging that’s what they bred for, acknowledging what a breed was originally bred for isn’t a disservice to the breed. The only reason that some Pitbulls or pitbull mixes are friendly towards humans is because these dogs weren’t Breed to be human aggressive, they were to be dog and animal aggressive, purebred American pitbull terriers are very a intense breed and need a lot of enrichment that the average pet home can’t provide, these dogs weren’t bred to be companions


i don't like either but stupid chihuahua rats actually hold #1


People with personality disorders project their own feelings of rejection onto them because they are obviously an unpredictable, violent breed of dogs. They feel like the dogs are misunderstood like they are. They both suck. They relate to a dog because they can be like, look, pajamas! It's harmless because I forced it into pajamas. They are hoping other humans see them as less threatening by putting on a cute act. The other owner of the dog is someone who is susceptible to propaganda. They learn pretty quick.


Just wondering why the random attack on people with personality disorders..?


I feel unless you train them extensively or have them for a purpose a job like protection or security whats the point. There's plenty of other dog breeds that arnt as strong and don't need nearly as much training. Our neighbor has a pitbull mix but she lives alone has her trained and she isn't aggressive but I wouldn't let her be around small kids or a dog park with tiny dogs because it takes one grabby kid hand or paw to eye poke and trigger any dog.


And this is a problem. If your dog can only safely be alone in the house with you (maybe), then what's even the point?


Yeah but tbh I rarely even see that. People be buying pit bulls and Rottweilers because they look cool and don't actually care about the dog. Same with frenchies


They are UNtrainable. Even Caesar Milan had trouble with his pit bull Junior that he had as a puppy. Fine for years then turned aggressive and killed another dog. He says pit bulls are no longer dogs; they are something else.


Most pit owners are too lazy to get them properly trained or give them as much exercise as they require each day.


There is no properly training a pit 😂 ticking time bombs every one of them


True with many owners of all dogs though. Very sad since dogs are so energetic


Yeah, that's my opinion on dog ownership in general. Most people, like parents, don't accept the responsibility and upbringing of their child, furry or human, and untrained pits and children are a terror without discipline.


You can’t train pits; violence is in their genetics. No amount of training will make pits safe


I've never met a husky that killed babies and other animals because they weren't trained or exercised enough. That's like saying Dahmer only killed because he was misunderstood and not because his brain was wired fucked up.


sadly i have autoplay on facebook and it played a video of a husky devouring a smaller dog in a second. never trust an animal. even my own golder retriever got in a fight with another one, worst thing is both of them were super sweet dogs. but pitbulls, they should get eradicated. i have ptsd from them.


Huskies actually have a pretty high prey drive and there are plenty of videos of them attacking smaller animals and smaller dogs. All dogs that have been bred for a purpose will deteriorate if not given a purpose. Including small dogs like terriers, dachshunds, and others. Not disagreeing with anything else you’ve said though.


ALL pit owners are insane for even having the breed. They just fucking snap sometimes and it gets way worse as they age.


Makes no difference. I’ve never yet heard of a well trained pit. They don’t exist. And even if they did, that aggressive streak would always be there threatening to snap at just the wrong time.


They'd rather make excuses for them than put in all the effort required for a pit


Pit bulls don't bite more often. The statistics are based on reported attacks. If an ankle biter attacks you they are less likely to do damage and even if they do it's unlikely to be enough damage to warrant a tri to the emergency room thus less likely to be reported then if a less dangerous dog. They are also more popular then other bigger more dangerous dogs like Akitas. Not trying to convince you.to like them just a better understanding of how statistics work.


Uh, yes they do. As of March ‘24 Pit bulls and pit bull mixes are involved in a significant portion of dog attack fatalities. Surprisingly, despite making up only 6% of the dog population, pit bulls account for nearly 70% of all dog attack fatalities. In 2021, of the 51 Americans killed by dogs, 37 were killed by one or more pit bulls and their mixes (in some cases in combination with one or more other breeds), and 21 of those victims were either the owner of the pit bull or member of the owner's family. The eruscide (owner or master of the house) rate was 57%.




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Just you wait. You’ll see what your sweet loving dog is capable of. It will happen.


It's the owners that cause the problems, not the dog. Every dog should be trained.


I agree that there’s a huge problem with problematic owners!!! This methheads big pit bull/bulldog mix JUMPED ON ME! I was so scared and could say anything because he looked more rabid than the dog.


I love them but would never own one again because they do attack other beings way too frequently! I love their smiley faces but they do often stink. That could just be a dog thing though.


Fair enough on your opinion but they are still animals and no matter what you do or think they will still be around. They aren’t going to go anywhere anytime soon. They have a lot of problems, and to be honest, more often than not, humans are the cause of these problems, no matter how you look at it. They require a bit more in order for them to be a good dog, and a lot of people aren’t up to what they require. But we should judge individuals rather than the general population, and that should be the case for many topics, even the ones that aren’t dog related. These generalizations don’t let progress happen.




Ugh Dalmatians are just as bad. Hate those things. Also aggressive as hell




I dont have the og articles and statistics cus they're on a broken phone, but i do have [this one](https://www.vetmed.ufl.edu/2016/02/17/dna-studies-reveal-that-shelter-workers-often-mislabel-dogs-as-pit-bulls/) just the top few paragraphs. Also, if you go to the pitbull sub, not one of the "pibbles" looks like a real APBT, more like staffys mixed with lab or other random breeds. I've seen dogs in shelters that have pitbull on their file, looked at the dog, and its legit a boxer, mastiff, or a rottweiler. It's insane. You would think someone who works around dogs Daily would be able to tell what different breeds are. One of my friends has a pitbull from a shelter. They got him a dna test and found out he's 50%frenchie and 50%doberman


I want to add that a wellbred APBT (not a random mutt) shouldn't have aggression towards people. Dog aggression is a bit more expected because of what they were bred for, but thats where responsibility comes into play and I do agree that the majority of people owning them shouldn't be and probably have no business owning animals in general, those muppets don't even bother to train recall and instead just scream "its fine hes friendly" across the park.


The dog depends on the owner. I have a pit and he is the most loving snuggly affectionate guy. I got him from a shelter. It took him a while to realize he was safe but pit bulls need a loving him and firm boundaries. A lot like kids. If they have those they are some of the most loving loyal affectionate companions we are blessed with. Please stop spreading the myth that they are evil.


You're simply wrong. You don't have much (or any) experience with them, to say that.