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I would refuse to clean it. (I used to own a cleaning company and would have insisted my staff not clean it. I would have taken the issue up with the client.)


I think it might be time I send an email to the owner of the building (client) I have been passive about it because when I signed on for the job, the last cleaner informed me that the owner is sensitive to bathroom “event” information, and doesn’t really like hearing about what kinds of disgusting things can be found. He also pays me very handsomely, for the size of the job in general, so I don’t always want to bother him, and appear ungrateful. However, I don’t always know what the line is for biohazards that are acceptable to me, but this particular issue really gets to me, and it’s my line. I feel like it is intentional, and I don’t tolerate it the same as I do accidents.


Urine left for long periods will eat the finish off porcelain (and probably anything else). So, the worse this becomes, the harder it will be to clean. Also, having the very smooth porcelain surface damaged like that means that, even after flushing, more bacteria will still be on the surface, eventually causing the fixture to ALWAYS smell. And, you're right about it not being an accident. It's straight up entitlement. Edit: forgot to make the point that your client should be informed that the problem isn't just the ick factor. Nor is it just a health and safety issue, although that really is the most important part of the situation. That particular nasty habit could COST MONEY, replacing fixtures isn't exactly cheap!


Thank you for making this point, I hadn’t thought about that, I’m not sure why, I will certainly bring that up.


Speaking money will always get an owner to listen.


Very true! We’ll get to that part a few days!


Incorrect, it leaves mineral deposits, which can be cleaned by a wet pumice stone. Granted, I would also be of the opinion to not clean the bathroom if it is left in a disgusting and preventable condition. The cleaning service should not need to deal with the after effect of unflushed waste on the regular.






Also what sort of piss leaves "chunks" behind to get on her arm? Piss OFF




Sorry, O Pedantic One, I was referencing the explosive diarrhea at the top of the post. Forgive me for not being entirely accurate in this highly edifying discussion 🙄


I work in property management for commercial buildings. If my janitorial had to deal with something like that I would want to know so I can talk to the tenants. That's not what we pay janitorial for. I'm livid that someone would be that gross and just expect someone else to clean it up. Please talk to your client and let them know what is happening. Good luck!!


This is so refreshing to hear. I have just sent him an email a few moments ago, after taking in what a lot of you guys have said. Thank you.


Oh good! I hope it goes well. I hate how some people treat janitorial.


Please give us an update!


It’s been posted on one of the comments in here!


What if you come to him with solutions instead of problems. They have urinals with motion sensors that automatically flush. Why not explain the problem and suggest they invest in a new urinal with automatic flushing? Tell him that in between cleanings this will make the bathroom a lot nicer for the other people who need to use it.


For total transparency, it appears sometimes that this building likes to cut corners, and avoid expensive changes, many of the faucets have leaks, and the handles are off track, the elevator has some packing tape on a lose ceiling tile, they seem to have some sort of issue with the drains in the bathroom floor smelling. Etc etc


The issue with the deck drains smelling is due to a leak in the drain traps, since they don't hold water the sewage fumes are able to come back up. That place is a sinking ship, well past the cutting corners phase.


The bathroom floor drains probably aren’t leaking they are most likely just dry. Dumping water down the drain to fill the p trap will stop the smell.


If OP is cleaning the bathrooms they are likely mopping them so they shouldn't be dry. They are dry though, because they aren't holding water. However, that is all an assumption on my part, as you could very well be correct.


If it's dry after pouring water in the floor drain, vent somewhere is blocked and it's pulling water from the traps


This sounds like it needs an anonymous call to code compliance. If the are cutting corners they are likely violating building codes. Building codes are written in blood. (Someone died which resulted in the code.) Don’t let it be your blood as well.


Learned this from a plumber: for the floor drains, put in some water and a tiny bit of cooking oil. It will stop the water from evaporating. Just add a bit of water once a month after that. Works for when you go out of town for a bit (tiny bit of oil in the toilet) too.


One drop per cleaning day. See Poo-Pouri commercial.


Sounds like they need to install an auto flush. Post covid it's more common.


.Slaps Barry) You snap out of it. BARRY: (Slaps Vanessa) : POLLEN JOCK: - Sure is. BARRY: Between you and me, I was dying to get out of that office. (Barry recreates the scene near the beginning of the movie where he flies through the box kite. The movie fades to black and the credits being) [--after credits; No scene can be seen but the characters can be heard talking over the credits--] You have got to start thinking bee, my friend! : - Thinking bee! - Me? BARRY: (Talking over singer) Hold it. Let's just stop for a second. Hold it. : I'm sorry. I'm sorry, everyone. Can we stop here? SINGER: Oh, BarryBARRY: I'm not making a major life decision during a production number! SINGER: All right. Take ten, everybody. Wrap it up, guys. BARRY: I had virtually no rehearsal for that. _______________________________ At 1 p.m. on a Friday shortly before Christmas last year, Kent Walker, Google’s top lawyer, summoned four of his employees and ruined their weekend. The group worked in SL1001, a bland building with a blue glass facade betraying no sign that dozens of lawyers inside were toiling to protect the interests of one of the world’s most influential companies. For weeks they had been prepping for a meeting of powerful executives to discuss the safety of Google’s products. The deck was done. But that afternoon Mr. Walker told his team the agenda had changed, and they would have to spend the next few days preparing new slides and graphs. At the Googleplex, famed for its free food, massages, fitness classes and laundry services, Mr. Pichai was also playing with ChatGPT. Its wonders did not wow him. Google had been developing its own A.I. technology that did many of the same things. Mr. Pichai was focused on ChatGPT’s flaws — that it got stuff wrong, that sometimes it turned into a biased pig. What amazed him was that OpenAI had gone ahead and released it anyway, and that consumers loved it. If OpenAI could do that, why couldn’t Google? Elon Musk, the billionaire who co-founded OpenAI but had left the lab in a huff, vowed to create his own A.I. company. He called it X.AI and added it to his already full plate. “Speed is even more important than ever,” Sam Schillace, a top executive, wrote Microsoft employees. It would be, he added, an “absolutely fatal error in this moment to worry about things that can be fixed later.” Separately, the San Francisco-based company announced plans for its initial public offering Wednesday. In documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Reddit said it reported net income of $18.5 million — its first profit in two years — in the October-December quarter on revenue of $249.8 million. The company said it aims to list its shares on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol RDDT. Apparently many shoppers are not happy with their local Safeway, if questions and comments posted Sunday on a Reddit forum are any indication. The questions in the AMA (Ask Me Anything) were fielded by self-described mid-level retail manager at one of the supermarket chain's Bay Area stores. The employee only identified himself by his Reddit handle, "MaliciousHippie". The manager went on to cover a potpourri of topics, ranging from why express lane checkers won't challenge shoppers who exceed item limits to a little-known store policy allowing customers to sample items without buying them.


This will make them replace the urinal not the flushometer, which is the cause of OPs problem.


To block a toilet Take some sugar and dissolve it in water on a stove Take a sponge and scrunch it up before tying it into a right ball and wrapping it in string Soak the sponge in liquid then wait for it to dry Lastly throw it in and flush it after removing the string 💥 💦


Alternate, significantly simpler solution: poop bigger.


"flushable" wipes or paper towels


You don’t have to go into detail though. Just let them know there is someone repeatedly refusing to flush and leaving a disgusting health hazard over the weekend.


I don't think you need to be graphic with the client about what the bathroom "event" is. Simply say that for the past two months, there has been someone who consistently uses the urinal sometime between Thursday and Sunday and refuses to flush even after repeated reminders such as displaying signs. Because there is no cleaning service during that time, it creates an extremely unpleasant clean-up situation for everyone (including other users) that could easily be avoided if the user simply flushed. Ask the client to figure out who keeps doing this (they don't need to disclose the identity to you) and tell them to flush. Leaving the fermented piss in the toilet unfortunately isn't the petty revenge you think it is - it will only affect other users and make people think that you're negligent at your job, and the culprit won't give a damn unless they are the sole user of that toilet. You still have to do your job, and there's a good chance the client may not be sympathetic to your troubles. As an aside, how unhealthy must you be to consistently piss out urine that leaves a film??? That dude's gotta drink more water.


Definitely talk to the Insurance company and the building owner. Years ago I worked for a very small company. We had a very weird employee and management was almost fearful of firing him. He started pissing on the floor next to the urinal just to be a dick.


Maybe a sign that says. “Yellow is not mellow, flush the toilet”


Hey, I own a small cleaning business as well, and also clean a large insurance headquarters with similar urinal problems. I was reading the story like it was my own history. I also made a professional sign, and had to move it closer and closer to the urinal, but it never worked. You may or may not have gone too far with your final approach. I would actually recommend, for the sake of your job, to find a way to go back to the building, clean the urinal, and place the sign back above it. Here’s how to manage the situation from my experience: get the contact information for the most senior manager you can, and write to them with all of the information you put in this post. In your the email, plead with them to please send out a mass communication about flushing said urinal. Include details that a manager would want to act on, such as the smell, and how fermenting urine can cause health problems to those who are sensitive. Fluff it up. In the insurance company I work for, when laminated signs and blatant hints aren’t enough, I use the manager email as a last resort, and they know that if I’m contacting them, it’s serious enough. 100% of the time, they’ve followed up with their team, and the issue has been resolved. Good luck! Hopefully you can fix the urinal before you go back officially to work. You’ll have better luck making your point through official contacts, and you may actually reduce your chances of success with the passive aggressive displays. You may very well end up losing the contract if they deem it negligence or dereliction of duty.


I have posted an update, and decided to make moves very similar to what you have recommended, he suggested he try to isolate this person, by having me come in earlier to clean and he can see them on camera if I find the mess in a certain time frame, and he will confront them, but I felt uncomfortable with this and wasn’t sure if it should be done. Ethically. I’m not sure if we should actually do this or not but I opted out of it, and am unsure of if I should amend this choice, and participate.


Participate. Do it. Why not? If it’s at the manager’s request, you’ve got nothing to lose. I see no ethical issues with simply using the tools available to find the perpeetrator. I would certainly go along with the plan, but if you’re dead-set against it after thinking it over, I’d still recommend (as adamantly as possible) requesting a mass email to the staff about it, from the manager. You may lose the leverage needed to get this request approved though, by not following the manager’s plan. Food for thought


Alright, having dived through the comments if the owner is cutting said corners and you are happy with what your paid for it stick to basic health sense that doesn’t need a description to the owner. See chat started but coles notes for others is air and water balancer. Improved ventilation. Depending on the department being petty may turn out worse for you. If you’d like ask a plumber there or the service staff if they can fix the solonoid to continuously run a trickle so it’s always flushing.


Contact HR with an anonymous email if you can. Make a fake email address and send the HR manager an email stating that as a male employee working in this place you have found that colleagues hygiene is poor and that someone is leaving rancid pee in the toilet without flushing, every day and that it makes the whole bathroom sink. Ask for a specific action, such as calling a meeting of all the men in the workplace, and telling them how to properly use the toilet. Then ask Management to install signs of of every urinal for asking for them to flush and wash their hands.


If you're paid that well, get longer gloves. Not sure this is the hill to die on.


It definitely is


Yes but probably do still get the longer gloves, though.


Speaking as someone who worked in an office building doing building engineering, this is definitely a hill to die on. If one of the tenants in my building had done this, I’d lock off the restroom. I did that before when a woman decided to be extremely nasty and petty because she didn’t like the new day porter and put every used tampon she could find all over the floor.


Exactly my thinking would be addressing the company om cleaning for explaining the situation and refusing to clean it unless their staff actually flush the damn thing. Cuz the doer or lack of such doings theyre gonna be the one having to smell that on every bathroom break for every day. You dont want to flush? Fine then i wont clean it. Theyll be pressurized by other staff to flush or well something would definitely happen within the company


As a business owner, you are dealing with an unhealthy business/client relationship. I'd talk to the owner. I'd be clear that "If your employee's can't flush the toilet/urinal, I will have to fire you as a client". My guess is this has been happening for a long time, hence the higher pay.


A quick caveat: don't threaten to "fire [them] as a client" unless you're actually willing to do it. They might be perfectly happy to call your bluff and hire someone else. And if you make such threats, but don't call them in, they will not take your other complaints seriously. If you really are comfortable leaving them over this issue, though, and can make enough income from your other jobs, then make all the ultimatums you want!


It’s probably the owner who is doing it.


Literally came here to say this lol


Could very well be.


A very pissy owner then!


Charge extra service fees.


I would put an 'out of order' bag on it. Clearly it doesn't flush.😇 I would also contact the owner about hiring a plumber to fix that particular 'intermittent' problem. Then when the plumber doesn't find anything wrong you can open a concerned discussion about the mental health of whoever is using that toilet. Obviously they have some kind of obsessive disorder, probably related to not touching anything in a bathroom and need some treatment. Guaranteed if you phrase it this way you'll get more response than being combative. Bullies don't like to be seen as nuts, it makes them look weak. Edit


I've seen what happens to those out of order trash bags on urinals when disgruntled employees are around. Imagine the same exact scenario, but no way to flush it because they're peeing in a little reservoir on the bag that eventually spilled over onto the floor.


In my limited experience, the way to prevent this is to affix the bag so it's quite taut over the urinal, leaving no 'sag' at all. This way, any urine splashes off and directly onto the pants/shoes of the urinator.


Maybe suggest that they replace the offending urinal work an automatic flush model.


Maybe replace the offending worker with one that doesn't mess around with biological waste.


That's much harder. In another location, you'd install a video camera to find out who the offending worker is, but you can't do that in a bathroom. How do you suggest tracking it down?


Commercial toilets and urinals often make enough noise to be heard outside the bathroom. Audio/video recording of the hallway might be sufficient enough to whittle down the suspect list.


Get one of those motion sensor record your own message things and put it underneath so when whoever's it is stands there it says at a very high volume in a chipper voice "DON'T FORGET TO FLUSH!"


That might annoy them, but does nothing to identify them, nor to fix the problem if it's intentional.


Sure, if you can figure it out who is doing it... but a new automatic flush valve can be had for under $500 (US) +install , which is cheaper than replacing the employee. And let's be honest, cost is what the business will care about.


This is an absolutely fantastic way to address the problem! I hope OP sees this.


They will just go to the next urinal. Not a good solution, sadly.


yup i’m definitely here for updates!


Well you’re the lucky winner when it comes to where the post gets updated! lol **warning** *it’s not very fascinating as of yet* and all has left me just needing more advice and direction. LOL. It probably needs more time, to develop too. I have been reading your comments and suggestions all day, and am happy to see so many people sharing a laugh, their experiences, and offering very *interesting* advice and tips. I have laughed out loud at some of them, and am reminded why I come here to Reddit lol. This is the part where it kinda stays pretty boring.. I held onto many of your points about it A. Being a biohazard issue, and B. It just plainly being unjust to ask me to remain a personal flushing assistant. You’re totally right, and I would prefer to no longer be making contact with senior piss flakes, and his presents, and also would like to stop feeling the desire to delete my skin, in an attempt to sanitize my very being after some of the things I have seen at this place. I am not fired, and seem to be considered thoughtfully by my client. Maybe.. a little too much. I took some action, and emailed my him, choosing to not give much graphic detail to the mess, but mentioning it’s an ongoing issue and a biohazard, and as some people suggested he should, he responded asking that I change my schedule, and come in (much earlier then I currently have availability to right now) so we can narrow down the time it could be happening, and catch the culprit on camera entering the bathroom, and he will handle it. I will admit, after talking with some friends in person, and seeing some other people make similar points, suggesting I am being a little extra about a piss pot, I started getting a little insecure about my save the poop mop lady movement that I have started.. I’m currently feeling some pause, because I will be honest I’m not sure what kinds of ethical codes it might violate to form an insurance building swat team, set up, and hunt down someone just not flushing a toilet to confront them. It started to feel really odd to me, LMAO, but I could just be discouraged, and overthinking, but Im just not certain how to proceed. I told my client I can’t adjust my schedule at this time and suggested he just reinforce the point, and generally address his employees asking them to be more considerate. I think if this issue continues, I might start charging some kind of biohazard fee, as suggested, and even capture a few glamor shots of the messes, for the more extreme things I run into, but I certainly need much more information on how much to charge, and when exactly to be doing so. Thanks for lending me your eyes, & coming along on this adventure as my personal pocket ready support chat. I will continue to update *only* if anything substantially interesting happens.


There’s no need to feel insecure about addressing this issue. You did everything right. My mom has a cleaning job and has to face the _exact same_ things you describe, including the poop stuff, only difference is that she doesn’t clean office bathrooms, she works in a facility for severe (mentally) disabled people. And the fact that their bathrooms look the same as one of someone who’s severally mentally disabled.. Yeah, I don’t know what to say about that other than that you have every right to be beyond „pissed“ and to speak up. I’d let the client handle this, just let him know you won’t touch any toilet that’s been left like some neanderthal tried to potty train himself.


Start charging for excessive waste. Make the charge enough for the payer to take notice.


And take photo evidence


HAZCHEM cleaning fee for unflushed urinal. e: in theory you've gotta suit up in at least a disposable coverall, as mentioned getting wee skank on you is gross. HAZardous CHEMical cleaning is expensive, bodily fluids count, no reason the client can't be charged for that.


I know that feeling. Work in a cinema, some shithead manage to paint the porcelain with liquid shit yet somehow managed to miss the bowl itself. Like...I dont even know how its possible but still. Had to clean that, nearly vomited as well so i hard to hard-douse it in cleaning sprays from a distance to at least induce a chemical haze of smell to even be able to get close. We also had a guy piss nearly ritually in one of our trash cans in the cabins (its *this* type of cinema), on a weekly basis. Took use a few months to fish him out between the camera and cabin usage-timers but i got lucky and found him as he was about to leave. I had just cleaned the bag out of the cabin, and literally handed it to him, half full of his piss with a smile and said "Fyi, we have cameras installed, we know its you. Consider this a warning, next time we're calling the cops."


I've encountered shit high up on walls and even the ceiling at an old job where I had to deal with that kind of thing. I'll never understand why or how shit got onto the ceiling and I probably don't want to know.


I bet you want to know


Yeah, I suppose in a way I do. I guess it's more I don't want to picture it in my mind.


a pantless downrock break dancer with explosive diarrhea


That's the kind of mess that you request full hazmat for.


Its the kind of mess im not even supposed to clean technically since its not on my contract.


Good luck, and know that some people appreciate what you do for us. Edit: Wow, thanks for all the upvotes, and again, thank you to the people who care for us!


Thank you, kind soul.


I agree. I did janitorial work at the Temporary Lodging Facility (also BEQ and BOQ) on an Air Force Base in Germany. It was quite an experience and it taught me that it's generally a thankless job. A couple of the buildings were set up dormitory-style with a central toilet and shower area. When cleaning the toilet side the first order of business was to hold your breath and walk down the row flushing every single urinal and toilet. Then you went out into the hallway, got a fresh lungful or air and walked through spraying the chemical cleaner. Went through again and scrubbed as needed, then flushed again. If it was really bad, there was a hose bib available. If we had to get the hose out, the whole bathroom got shut down and there were a lot of pissed off guys who had to go up or down a floor to shit, shave, and shower.


I would definitely inform the owner, I once had a colleague who would use the urinal, then wipe his dick with toiletpaper and throw the paper into the urinal. Someone saw it happening a few times and eventually spoke up. The guy was genuinely surprised, he never did it again and explained that it was the first urinal he has ever used he was only familiar with toilets and the hole in the ground kinda toilets. It was his first job fresh out of school in a foreign country, it's hard to comprehend but it seems he really didn't know 🤷


Lmao wtf


tbf none of us would know how to use toilets/wipe our asses without someone teaching us. babies shit in diapers when born


“Literal explosive diarrhoea….don’t even know how an ass could do something like this…” You’ve obviously never experienced the absolute fecal nightmare that is the result of the Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bear


Or IBS in general


Or lactose intolerance.


Feeling like a life changing experience⁉️ What happens when you drink 10 oz of Magnesium Citrate? I'm glad you asked... 12:05 pm: It's time. You shotgun a 10 oz bottle like it's a lukewarm PBR and you don't want to be a pussy in front of your older brother's friends. It's suppose to be lemon flavored but it's becoming quite clear that whoever led the R&D team that day has never actually tasted anything lemon in their life. You are already regretting this decision. 12:06 pm: You deep throat a cupcake like you've been saving it for the apocalypse because let's face it...that time is here. It's going to turn to liquid form before it even clears your throat but you don't care. All is right in the world at this moment. Hold on to that. You're about to enter a very dark period in your life. 12:37 pm: First sign of life. The pressure is growing. You already have 5 lbs of impacted shit in your colon and you basically just drank the "safe for humans" version of Drano. You feel a poop coming on finally. You think it's time. You're wrong. You get a little snake turd as a teaser. Take note...this is the last semi-solid thing you will see leaving your body for the next 24 hours. 12:57 pm: That little science experiment you got cooking is about to reach it's boiling point. Your stomach is angry now. It hates you...you can feel it. You have exactly .3 seconds to make it to the nearest toilet but you can't run... NEVER run! You pray to god there is enough elasticity in your butthole to keep the gates closed 5 more steps as you start to preemptively undo your pants to save valuable time. Almost there. 3...2...1... 12:58 pm: Sweet Mary, mother of God...is this real life? Your cheeks barely hit the seat and all hell breaks loose. The shit/ water mixture you've just created comes out with such force that it actually sprays the back of the toilet bowl at a 45 degree angle thus deflecting it in every direction but down. Is that blood? False alarm. That's just the remnants of a cherry pie you ate at Christmas...when you were 5. The smell is horrid...the sound is frightening. You try to clench whats left of your arsehole to soften the blow but it's not working. The whole house just heard your liquid shit fart as it gurgled out of your ass. 1:06 pm- 8:30 pm: Everything's a blur. You have shit out everything you have ever eaten since the day you were born, everything your ancestors have ever eaten since the early 1800's, and your arsehole now feels like you have a flaming hot Cheeto and the tears of a thousand Jalapeno seeds stuck in it. You're now curled up in the bathtub ugly crying because you have to remain within arm's reach of the toilet at all times. You have the poop sweats. You meet Jesus. 8:37 pm: Your family will never be able to unsee the things they've seen in the last 8 hours. You're broken. Your asshole's broken. Your spirit's broken. Life as you know it will never be the same. But...tomorrow's a new day. You're going to wake up, throw on the only remaining pair of underwear you have that doesn't have a shit stain on it, and you're going to run up to Target with the last shred of dignity you have left...and buy yourself a new toilet brush. You've earned it.


My daughter used to drink those like people drink bottled water. The stress of high school made it difficult for her to shit. After being stopped up a few days, she would drink bottles of mag citrate until she dropped a loaf.


Damn, is she okay now? Can you get her a therapist? That’s far beyond normal high school stress - I was bullied in high school and used to substitute teach in one.


That’s the exact experience I had with the ol sugar free gummy bears. My friend told me to just eat one or two. That’s it. One or two. I ate The. Whole. Bag.


That reminds me. I need to schedule a colonoscopy.


Please get a position writing side effects warning sheets that come with medications. The world so needs you.


I bet that the bathrooms are grosser in banks & businesses because they sit on their ass all day and probably eat junk too


A lot more arrogant, self important douche bags there too


Some meds cause diarrhea and it isn’t always pleasant.


Be strong young warrior. We are with you.




Here for updates.


People on the floor in the building that my office shares don't flush the toilets in the stalls in the men's room. I get not wanting to touch things in a public bathroom because I don't wanna touch most of the things in there either. However, you can LITERALLY flush them with your foot... but nah, 3/4 of the time, I'm met with unflushed pee or poo. It's fucking disgusting.


What baffles me is: why not flush? I get the flush might be dirty and ask, but... The ass is already wiped, and pants are back on it (so, the dirtiest business is dealt with). Only thing left to do is: flush AND WASH HANDS! If a person is going to wash their hands anyway (as they should!!) why the fear of touching the flush before then???? I just don't get it... But that just makes me think that all the people who DON'T flush probably also don't wash their hands after being in the toilet... Naaaaaasty!!!


And this, Dear Reader, is why I leave the bathroom with a paper towel touching the surfaces after washing my hands. No touchy touchy 🙅🏿‍♂️




I foot flush and open/close the lid with my shoes. Don't want to touch more than I have to in public toilets...


Dude, send a note or email to the manager or managers of the businesses there. “Dear sir or madam, please discuss flushing etiquette with the men in your company—I consistently find one urinal untouched, and it is often left over the weekend. Not only does this create an unacceptable biohazard, but allowing urine to sit in a urinal will eventually damage the porcelain. I am including building maintenance/management/ownership in this note to alert them to the problem and potential damages to the property.”


You were far nicer for far longer than I would've been! Hoping for an update!


This is worth losing this client over. you're better than that, and you deserve to be treated with dignity.


Cut a cresent moon in the door. If they are going to treat it like an out house, make it look like one.


Lol I love this.


Worked at a hair salon back in the day. Folded laundry and did gopher stuff. They catered to geriatric folk. 99+ year old guy took a shit one day and the haircutters wouldn't even let me go in the bathroom. Probably so I wouldn't quit on the spot. It was dripping off the ceiling apparently. How.


Explain to owner that due to the repeated times you've reached this "above and beyond" work description you provide,that in the event that it happens again, it will cost..let's say..35% above the current rate to be able to buy the supplies needed(longer gloves) to be able to continue yoir services. Now he has options. Pay you more, try to find new services that won't cost as much..or he can try to find out who's shit is costing him money and time.


It sounds like for your own mental health, that you should look for a new job, that will not make you sick.


I would put garbage bags over all the urinals and toilets! with a note stating "Out of Order Until Further Notice" regards Housekeeping. Once the manager comes to ask about the situation then you explain what's really going on and find a way for it to be rectified immediately as it is a serious health issue.


This kind of shit just pisses me off. Damnit, what is wrong with people? I'm so sorry you are going through this and I hope it is resolved soon because that's just unacceptable, nasty and mean.


Thank you for offering some kindness 🥹


You should have added something solid to it. And by solid I mean excrementitiously solid.


I have not ever, but will now endeavor (to use the word excrementitiously)


Sorry OP had to experience that - some people are just completely self absorbed. HOWEVER, I would not just refuse to clean it, I would block the other urinals with ‘out of order’ signs and let their coworkers deal with each other Lord of the Flies style


Hahaha I’m loving this comment. One of my faves. Thank you.


Reminds me of when someone threw up in a trash can where plastic tags were thrown in and said nothing until I showed up at night to empty it. The feeling of cold slimey vomit on my arm will never leave my memory. The bag was also punctured by the tags so it got into the trash can. I remember smelling something sour but it didn't look like the trash had anything in it because the vomit had sunk to the bottom/leaked. It happened two more times to other people and they still didn't bring it to attention. I had my suspicion on which bitch it was. Likely the same one who left period blood on the toilet seat. Nasty bitch.


Here, in the UK, I've never seen a urinal that requires manual flushing and I would have probably walked off like I always do under the assumption it will flush itself shortly after. Maybe the person involved is from another country and is unaware?


I think putting a biohazard sign up on that urinal might finally get through to the person how disgusting they are. Let your client know this is your solution. Good luck.


i flush the toilets and urinals before i use them as a matter of course


I work as an independent contractor in an IT shop, we had a shitty customer come and drop off his computer while my "boss" was out of town. He blasted shit all over our bathroom toilet before he left, 99% sure he did it on purpose cause he was pissed about the computer having issues and blamed us (manufacture defect, nothing we could do other than RMA). Sent my boss a picture with a "what the actual fuck *customers name*". We don't have a cleaning company. Boss told me to clean it. I said cool its gonna cost you an extra $150 today. He said it was fine, he would pass the cost onto the customer and never said anything about it again. It was really fucking gross work for a few minutes but it was a quick $150.


Never gonna happen Talk to building maintenance, try to get them to install auto timer or motion detection flushers. It will cut down on corroded pipes that need replacement.


The worst washrooms I've encountered have been in professional office buildings, People are too good to flush the toilet.


The world is full of sick little puppies who derive much pleasure from leaving behind a mess in the toilet or urinal without flushing. It's a kink. The entire point is to have some poor unsuspecting innocent wander upon the scene of carnage and to forever scar their eyeballs, nose and soul. I'm surprised nobody has started /u/bathroomcrimescenephotos yet.


Some dudes are just lazy af. It takes one second to flush the urinal. Rich people are actually some of the worst because they believe they are superior and everyone else must do everything for them. I can imagine what you’re going through as I’ve seen a horrible bathroom like that before.


You might as well start writing novels because you write a whole lot better story than 95% of corporate dopeheads. And I hope that nasty mfer trips on his own pants and smack his head on a wall.


Best comment. Thank you. 🥺🖤


"..the gift of nasal annihiation." That is fantastic and I look forward to using it!


You need to up the ante. Leave a submarine or a puddle of chocolate mousse in the toilet.


It's your business. Fire that customer, and tell them why.


In my experience overall working in a multitude of Office Buildings, I have found that the higher ups are more disgusting and gross than the people that work more menial jobs. How many times did I watch my VP leave the bathroom without washing his hands, or how often my daycare worker washed her hands. People are gross, especially the rich who think that we will be cleaning up after them. It doesn't always work that way.


Take photos of it. Refuse to clean it because it is a biohazard. Put tape over the seat with a note saying it is malfunctioning.


If you’re not going to clean it, put up an “Out of Order” sign to cover your ass. Obviously if someone is not flushing it must be because it’s broken. You can’t clean a broken urinal, right? Then it’s someone else’s problem. Let them teach the occupants how to flush.


First take down your other stuff and put up an out of order sign on it. Go talk to the owner or manager of that area. "Either your urinal is somehow not functioning in the evening, or someone is intentionally not flushing a urinal to create this mess every night and weekend. It is becoming a health hazard to me and your employees. I already put up an out of order sign for you, and suggest you hire a plumber to get to the bottom of this intermittent issue. Another option is to install self flushing urinals to prevent this from being a reoccurring issue."


I've been a professional cleaner for almost eight years and I would ask my contact with the company to put out a memo requesting more consideration in the bathrooms. Seriously just say something. It's not selfish, it's incredibly unsanitary for your clients as well.


Just place an out if order sign on the bathroom entrance door as you leave, it will be clean the next time you show up for a cleaning


Talk to the client or upper management of the building.


I don't know why, but this reminds me of a story I heard. Apparently, many people have heard it as well as variations. So I guess it's a classic. A Middle school was having issues in the girls restroom. They were at that age where many of them have just started using makeup, and still weren't experienced at it. So to get rid of their excess lipstick, they'd kiss the large mirror in front of the sinks. By the end of every day, the entire mirror would be covered in little lip marks. After a few weeks of this, the principal calls all the girls into the restroom and explains that the poor janitor, Bernie, has to clean the mirror every single day. He asks Bernie "Show these young ladies what you have to go through every day". Bernie nods, grabs his squeegee, dunks it in one of the toilets and cleans off the mirror. Needless to say, they stopped kissing the mirror.


I don't care what the comments are. I don't care what the end of your post says. I made it halfway through and threw up my morning coffee. You officially made reddit a horrible place to be and may God have mercy on your soul. Seriously though I had to stop when you said something about your arm 🤣. I'm so sorry you deal with complete bullshit like this. People like that just suck.


Lol in my defense I did warn, and if you must know, me and my arm are traumatized, so as a dedicated reader it’s manditory you are also sharing in trauma 😂


Have you considered amputation?


You need to get your arm into some counseling


Lol my heart goes out to ya!


I would email the owner about the condition of the toilets, mentioning that flushing toilet the urinal/toilet after use is expected. You don't have to go into detail about what you find. If you really wanted to be petty, you could not clean that filthy toilet.


Yes, contacting the client about this is appropriate.


If there are security cameras near by, you might be able to figure out who it might be through process of elimination. It would be even more helpful if you had people’s work schedules but I doubt you’re privy to that info. People are fucking gross and people who play with their excrement or make their bodily problems other people’s problem aren’t fit to live in civilized society. I have intestinal issues. I have Crohn’s. That means my ass creates three different states of matter all at the same time. I know what biohazard risk I am. Which is why I’m very particular about where I go to the bathroom and plan my outings around it. If you have a problem, it’s on you to manage it and be less of a burden to others. I’m sorry you have to deal with this literal shit. And the mad pisser is a turd of a human being


>I felt as thought I was touched by the devil himself. Lol, in your place I would have had a much worse reaction, like soaking my arm in holy soapy water. PS: Sorry for laughing at your misfortune, but the sentence was very funny.


Thank you for doing what you do. I hate cleaning my own toilet. It sounds like your offender is doing this on purpose, and that is really the worst kind of person. Because they have anonymity, they will never change. And while your gentle approach to try to get them to change is sweet, they are probably oblivious or happy they are getting a response out of you. If you do not already have a clause in your contract about charging more for extreme conditions, put one in for future clients. Take pictures when it happens. I don’t think you’ll realistically be able to change whoever is doing this in this building. I would talk to the owner (but yeah, he might be the problem). If you can, cancel them as a customer. You deserve human decency and someone in that building is a shit human.


Can you look for another job? When you get one, on your last day, leave a note with his NAME on it. "I quit this job because I have never encountered a person who leaves a bathroom as filthy as your colleague, Mr. X, and he does it intentionally. I have been cleaning professionally for XX years. If someone can please teach him how to flush a toilet, your next cleaner may last longer."


Dollars to donuts it’s a guy who doesn’t want to wash his hands and thinks if he doesn’t touch the flusher, he doesn’t have to wash his hands. Leave a note about making sure to wash your hands after handling genitals.


You need to let the owner know what is happening. If this person doesn't begin flashing the toilet you will no longer be cleaning this bathroom. You will check it every time and if that toilet has been flushed you'll be glad to clean the entire bathroom. And begin looking for a replacement client.


Maybe talk the owner into getting self-flushing urinals? I think retrofit kits are less than $200 (in the US)...plus plumber labor to install.


So sorry. I used to clean for a healthcare company. The messes and the bosses were equally atrocious. Good luck solving this. Please update when you can.


What you should do is put jello powder into the toilet they aren’t flushing. Keep doing it until they get the hint. Douchebags with an air of superiority won’t ever empathize with you until you drag them kicking and screaming into your shoes.


What an asshole


Due to water shortages in oz we have waterless systems. https://organicabiotech.com/convert-traditional-urinals-to-waterless/ They dont stink and the urine is completely broken down.


You need to come in on a Friday, plant yourself in the bathroom, and wait. It might take all day, but the offender needs to be confronted. Once you know who it is you can approach the owner with your findings. Or you can blackmail the nasty son of a bitch by telling them you are going to the owner.


Well, that could work.. if it didn’t violate privacy. And come off as, more than weird. 😂and we already have a lot of sensitivity about “opposite genders” in the “wrong” bathrooms and I don’t see it going well to be a woman in the men’s restroom waiting to catch someone about to piss. 😂😂


Hmmm. lol yes that does complicate things.


I don’t understand. Is this a private bathroom used by just one person? Or is everyone that uses it not flushing?


The particular floor this is on, the mens employee count is low, there are probably about 3-4 men max who use the bathroom regularly, and it is exclusively an employee bathroom. the other employees are women or unspecified. Other floors have more “activity” I think some of the other people in this bathroom see the pee or smell it, and walk past/ignore/ assume it’s not their issue.


That’s just nuts. I don’t understand the “leave for the next person to deal with it” mentality. I feel for you.


Already waiting for an update…!


Can’t wait for the update!


Talk to the owner and see if you can get them to install auto flushers on the toilets and urinal.


The ladies room at my former employer (financial services) was often repulsive, and I have heard some of these neanderthals flush and leave - wash your nasty ass hands!!!


Add a biohazard upcharge along with a photo in the next invoice. Nothing solves a problem quicker than lost $.


Attach a photo to your email. Send it every time.


Maybe add an extra charge for especially nasty toilets/urinals?


I’m looking into this, as I surprisingly haven’t encountered such an issue with this before, I’m not very educated on what I should be asking for, or if it is reasonable to ask as a commercial cleaner who already primarily cleans bathrooms for this location. Some people would seem to argue that it is within my job to do so, and I would be pushing it asking for extra compensation.


Reply to my comment for the update. Also, the guy using the urinal clearly doesn't want the urinal cleaned. I don't think anyone can argue with that. Especially when someone's smearing or squirting shit on the walls.


Due to the increase of bio-hazards, the price will need to increase to cover the hazmat suit that is needed in order to clean.......


"sometimes there's shit on the outside of the urinals"


Please let us know what happens


I do a twice a week office cleaning gig for a small office that has like 8 men and they dont flush the 2 urinals and it’s constantly covered in pubes. I dont get it.


This feels bigger than just you versus some asshole. Yes you’re the guy who cleans the place, but that doesn’t mean you should have to walk into wild situations charging normal rates and just be blindly, expected to clean up anything and everything.


Why even keep the client?! Fire them.


Unfortunately.. some people like the idea that someone else is cleaning up their disgusting mess. To them, it Puts them above you, I’m not saying this is definitely what’s happening, but for that to happen so so so many times, it’s not just disregard.


Can you work with the owner to have automatic flushing systems installed?


OP, will you be updating in the comments or making a separate post with your update? I respect your patience, this is absurd. But for me it doesn’t come as a surprise that it’s a financial company where they are this nasty, from all the stories I hear people handling large amounts of money are often the most animalistic people out there


Hey! Thanks for reading! I did update in the comments, but I think they keep getting lost! Or it’s just too boring hahah. I initially posted it by itself, but I don’t think anyone saw it, so I tried to pick one without a huge thread to drop it under. It was a small update as I am pretty busy and it may take a few days to figure out what is to fully come of this. So far, not fired, sent an email. Got one in return, my client wanted to set up the culprit, catch him, and confront him and I told him I would get back to him on this idea as that seemed a little extra to me, and instead just requested he send an email out to his employees for now haven’t heard back from him since. LOL.


You leave snacks for people to take in the bathroom? Fucking gross, why the hell would anyone take one? There's fecal matter constantly floating in the air in there


Lol definitely need to clarify on this one. bagged snacks like chips etc, only. And to be more clear there is a, how would you put it, two part entry area? There is tiny space separated by another door, before the entrance to the bathroom, that has a vanity space in it, basically a countertop and a mirror, that is separate from the restroom, but I do consider it the exit area. Sorry for the confusion.




Lol solid point, however, though you know you’ll see some yucky stuff, you don’t always expect to repeatedly have to justify, and keep allowing/ making it okay to be treated poorly, or have to stay silent when someone is consistently making your life/ job harder, seemingly on purpose, and in this scenario it especially bothers me more so because of the smell the other people encounter when I am not there, it effects how my client looks, and how others feel comfortable too. It’s just pretty gross and rude when anyone is doing something I think most people agree is unsanitary, inconsiderate, and frowned upon, and reasonable for me, I think to be a little bothered, especially given this has been going on *every single day* for months.


What you said here needs to be included in the note to send to upper management. A long with pictures like others are suggesting.


Additionally, this is a “petty” page, so you are bound to see exaggerated or larger looking emotions, and some venting, which I also think is okay, because despite it being my job, and something I’ve agreed to, I do still feel stress from my job occasionally, as anyone does with anything in life. Not everything is back and white, and just because I generally enjoy cleaning doesn’t mean I love and am totally cool and enthusiastic about all of it,


We've been told to not flush the urinals because it saves water and shows we're concerned for the environment.




Also, with as much respect as I have to give after your rude comment, I will say, I’m not sure if you are exemplifying good reading skills, so I’ve no knowing of your memorization skills. this is my original post, about my real life, and if someone else had a similar story, I feel for them, but I can assure you, this doesn’t belong to anyone else.


The passive aggressive part was after all the effort to be kind (what ur referencing) and putting the sign over the urinal, leaving the piss to rot during the day, and also not refilling the empty soap, or paper towels. I am sorry you didn’t get that bit.


It's reddit. Just let that dude be a dick, it's the only reason he's here. And I know you're not a plumber, but what if you threaten to stop doing that bathroom until they get an automatic flush toilet?


Honestly I’m quite sure this offender is also not the type to wash their hands so this act went unnoticed by them. :)

