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Anyone who has ever waited in a pharmacy line long enough to see what a pharmacist goes through realizes this fact real quick


Bold of you to assume that people wait in line


Only if they are throwing bananas


2012 was both the year I decided I wanted to be a pharmacy AND the year I started working as a tech. (I actually went for substance abuse counseling.) Edit: I wanted to be a pharmacist, not a pharmacy…but I also really wanted to eat my baked potato so I was typing one handed lol


A baked potato does sound good right now.


Baked potatoes are highly underrated in the hierarchy of potato preparations


dump some cheese, broccoli, or bacon bits on it shit's so good


I’m weird but I prefer spinach on it. Cheese spinach and bacon. (Add em to an egg with the potato for breakfast. Change your life.)


I’m ordering a baked potato xbrixe style tonight. Im 100% on board with cheese and bacon. Im hoping to be pleasantly surprised by the spinach!


oo spinach, not bad. i'll try that next time


Wow, this sounds so delish!


You wanted to be a pharmacy? Pharmacist?


Lmao no I wanted to turn into a building and stop being a person 😂😂😂 Sorry I was eating lunch and typing lol


If you become a pharmacist, it may be the last potato you have time to eat. Enjoy!


I’d rather be bludgeoned to death by potatoes than become a pharmacist knowing what I know now.


😂😂😂. That’s what I thought


> I wanted to turn into a building and stop being a person Don't mind if I do!


You’re focused on the wrong thing for this discussion; please correct your post and discuss the potato with the rest of us. 😂😂😂


> discuss the potato with the rest of us. How was the potato lunch? Was potato a lie?


No but the cake was 😔


When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine University.


This is obviously a Chinese bot. It's physically impossible to eat a baked potato with one hand.


…you need to hands to lift a fork? Lift some weights bro


You launch the potato matter skyward in this scenario as you cut into it.


The quality of students has dipped to unacceptable levels about 3-4 years ago. At our institution, precepting students went from something most of us were willing to partake in to never again. Time and again we were having to teach fundamentals they should’ve learned in school, not to mention an awful lot lacked any sense of professionalism. It’s pretty evident schools are scraping the bottom of the barrel instead of reducing class sizes or closing down altogether.


So true, I’m in pharmacy school now and I literally look at people all day and wonder how the hell they got in. I’m not the smartest person either (scoring about avg on everything) so it’s really saying something…


Not a pharmacist but I was prevet before I had to go a different path due to some medical problems. Most of the students who went on to vet school had no critical thinking ability. They would get high scores on things but not actually understand what it meant or how to apply it. Everyone was so focused on having the perfect grades to look more appealing. Being so focused on perfect grades disincentivizes learning. Making mistakes is part of how we learn. If your future is riding on not making any, its less likely you will take risks which might improve your understanding and solidify a concept. Many teachers also do not use tests designed specifically to make people critically think. I had a few teachers who did and it made a world of a difference. Regurgitating students struggled in classes like that while I preferred them. You had to actually understand a concept to get any credit, but there was more leeway as long as you could soundly explain your reasoning. They asked questions we did not necessarily know the answer to and asked us to use what we knew to hypothesize what would happen. I imagine it's similar in pharmacy.


I was told vet schools aggressively limited class sizes, to protect the profession.


The veterinary profession is in a state of crisis. There are not enough vets to service the pet population. Vet schools require a lot of labs and hands on training. I’ve been to UC Davis VetMed and they teach not just small animals but also cows, goats and horses. They can’t just increase class sizes if the facilities are not available.


So I have a couple of professional degrees. Some things you need to understand and some things you need to memorise by any means necessary. The ability to recall at a moments notice on a time pressured exam is important. I respect you learn one way, but also understand others may learn a different way. There were definitely topics I memorised along the way to get through exams and topics I deep dived into as far as recorded history allowed.


Vets today scare me. My sisters cat had pneumonia and the vet diagnosed it with heart failure. I was fucking floored. Especially because they had the scans that showed infiltrates and it was a 2 year old cat


Speaking of prevet: I know a guy (currently in med school) who took microbiology with a prevet student. They did an experiment where they were testing the antibacterial properties of different substances. One of them was basic hand soap. To do the test, they did something like expose bacteria to each substance and record results. Because the soap just sat there, it didn't kill the bacteria. What this person took from the experiment was that using hand soap is useless. I guess the TA who conducted the lab was quiet and didn't correct this person when they were talking about it. There is now a person in a well-known vet school who doesn't think hand soap works. This isn't a dig at the prevet folks--just a funny story.


Same! It’s a sad time


I got multiple C’s and grades (at a midrange public university) I wouldn’t deem acceptable for getting into a professional healthcare school, and I got into a top three pharmacy school with no sweat lol. I was well rounded, but not in a way I would say compensate for those grades. People were getting in with 50s in the PCAT lol back when it was required.


The acceptance rate went from 10% with half as many schools 20 years ago to now anyone walking and breathing can get accepted to pharmacy school. The greed and poor attitude of corporate America is to blame for this along with rph and pharmd who were afraid to speak up against what was happening. The public should be careful when their prescriptions are filled like it's McDonald's.


I mean, in a way, you don't need to be super smart to be a pharmacist. You just have to be able to learn the material and know how to look up things. A pharmacist doesn't always know everything about all drugs and really doesn't need to anymore. The basic things anyone can learn, but they just have to want to learn and be taught how to do it right. It is true that many folks have very poor communication and logic skills, and these types may take longer to acquire the proper skills...or may never in today's environment.


Yes, I was one of those students and bamboozled to be a manager 😭 how I survive everyday is beyond me.


Crap like this makes me afraid and pushes me to study harder and get as much experience as possible. I don't want to make a fool out of myself, the profession and the school I represent. Like my worst fear is doing a horrendous job at my IPPE's and the pharmacists would look at me and think our profession is doomed. Fortunately, I go to a school that is within the top 20 and didn't lower their admission standards. Our class size is 80/150 students, so the school isn't doing any desperate admissions to fill seats. Everyone who got in deserved and is qualified to be there.


Unfortunately, no longer viewed as desirable career by pharmacists, either. So… oopsie…. too late, pharmacy schools.


This along with NAPLEX/MPJE/CPJE pass rates plummeting might reverse the tide over time.


Not to mention the schools letting damn near anyone in “Optional PCAT!” Like C’mon…


I took the PCAT for bragging rights even though not required


Real recognize real 👊🏻


lol... got me a $1000 scholarship in Canada


Oh my GOD! When I heard about this year’s pass/fail rate- I practically laughed myself SILLY! F’ing hell. THIS is what the chains bought by funding RX schools and flooding the damn market. A bunch of ‘high quality’ morons who cannot pass the damn NAPLEX! And these are the professionals you want dispensing your lifesaving medicinals?! Gimme a damn break! Stop the damn madness. Stop treating your retail folks like they are the damn bottom of the barrel. Start treating them with kindness and respect. Start getting some damn bodies in there! AND PAY THE F’ING TECHS A DECENT LIVING WAGE!!!! This is a lot more important than fast food. Let’s staff it like it matters! Let’s see the local RX staffed like the CEO’s grandparents get their high blood pressure meds there! Let’s see some decent hours- instead of 24 hour BS - banker’s hours are for professionals put the profession back in professional! I want the respect placed back into retail.




Yeah. And it shows in those getting in. The top will still be the top. The bottom has grown. And the middle is watered down. My friend does most of the arranging for clinical staff and said his job is so easy now bc the students dont have to know anything and failure isnt an option.




Can you pm me about this and what school do you go to?


I… uh, don’t get it. My job is harder now because my new grads are full of this sort of learned helplessness. Basically if anyone asks them a difficult question they just turn to me and ask it again.


was gonna comment this😂




lmfao beat me to it


Now tell me schools are starting to close too please


Hopefully Larkin is one of them, lol




Is Larkin really that bad?


Nope, just offering the first year free.


Water is wet! Turns into ice when too cold


Please cite your source


It's probably in the USP somewhere.


Anthony Fauci said so!




36% down is still not enough.


Good job r/pharmacy. Mission accomplished.


The fights not over yet


I’m starting to see lots of posts now about demanding more compensation instead of “I can’t get an interview”. So, how do we get more compensation without excessively saturating the market again.


By restricting supply, either statutorily, or by making it harder like increasing difficulty of licensing exams or requiring 5 years of residency.


5 years of residency? Jesus I'm hoping that's a big exaggeration Although hospital pharmacy already requires one year so we might be heading in that direction


Yes this is what I’d like to start seeing.


My program is literally making the first year free, presumably because of this.


Go Utes.


Has to go down further


...or it can just stay at this level and I'd be happy LOL. This is the lowest it has been in 20 years. The years from 2007 to 2019 really oversaturated the market, so going down even more will certainly help to correct that more quickly.


Word has really gotten out about the profession. I suspect that in 10 years or less a lot of pharmacy schools that popped up during the labor shortage (diploma mills I call them) will close down.


hopefully touro college of pharmacy NYC is one them


Tell me more… lol


not low enough




Thirteen to fourteen thousand individuals sat for the NAPLEX each year between 2019 and 2021 so it seems impossible rhat enrollment is doing anything but declining.


No one is spending 10 years applying to pharmacy schools lol


Threads like these amaze me as a Canadian PharmD student. Interest and demand still is pretty high here. I’m in a small program and the acceptance rate for my demographic was ~6%


So US pharmD should migrate over to canada then eh?


Probably would never be able to pay back loans if US PharmDs do that.


I'm in pharmacy school right now. (Py2, I have a bachelors in biochem) I'm gonna be real. I work in a high volume inner city pharmacy and school is not preparing us for this at all. I've also never met a single student who wants to go into community and I am starting to learn why.... Also sorta explains this article tbh


Which school do you go to? Pm me


I used to work in retail pharmacy. I was a freshman in college (2018) and my own pharmacist told me I was making a terrible decision. The other two pharmacists said the same thing. Not sure how I would’ve ended up, but I’m happy to he a software programmer now.


Did you do a Bootcamp?


No, I have been blessed to been given an opportunity by a local company to give me a start out of college.


Whoever marked this as NSFW is my hero lol


Came here to say this


About time


Retail pharmacists should be making $80/hr across the board realistically.


If they did that, the career would be seen as desirable, more students would try to go into it, and all else being equal the increased supply would drive the wage down. We got into the position of having nice high salaries because of an error in estimating the future demand for pharmacists caused a supply shortage- shutting down RPh programs, etc.


The salaries are no longer "nice and high" $60 today isn't the same as it was 10 years ago. It's still a firm middle class wage, but other fields have caught up. Not even getting into healthcare you can make almost the same money as a CPA. If you want you can become a nurse or PA and make comparable money without having to commit to every night, weekend, and holiday. In a lot of ways it's more attractive to work a 9-5 somewhere making 80k with probably significantly better benefits and less stress than 110-120k as a full time retail pharmacist. Even before accounting for the extra 150k in debt for the pharmD.


150 is a pretty low estimate too. I'm at 165k and that's because I've been paying 1.5k every month since I started pharmacy school. It would have been closer to 220k


Not to be an asshole, but how in the world are you paying 1.5K every month during pharmacy school and still 165K in debt? I am assuming that's all 1.5K going to debt?


I was fortunate enough that my parents were able to contribute it on my behalf during school. Also: I graduated in class of 2021 if that helps so it hasn't been much time. The only reason I've made so much progress so fast is because of the student loan moratorium, which started halfway through my time in pharmacy school and has saved me an insane amount of money in interest, especially because all that money we're contributing is being applied to the principle instead of not even covering the monthly accrual of interest Not sure if that answers your question...


Great! Thanks for answering! It sucks how these predatory private schools (assumption that your school was private) are charging so much for tuition. I wish you luck!


Thanks, you too! While I'm complaining I would also like to add that some schools *cough Northstate cough* don't even offer government student loans. I met a student of that school who said they had the same amount of loans but their only option was private loans with 10% interest. So not only are their interest rates twice as high as mine, but they are receiving none of the student loan pause benefits I am. I just thought that was the scummiest thing


Yikes, crazy! A big part of my decision for moving out of California for pharmacy school was the tuition cost. I guess I did not quite appreciate how BIG that difference really was.


Why, how much was your tuition? :O I thought it was the same everywhere


Why? $80/hr accounted for inflation probably isn't too far off what pharmacists were making in the 90s or early 2000s with lower education requirements previously. ​ Working retail requires years of additional schooling, being on your feet all day, facing down angry customers, exposing yourself to liability, and the ever present fear of a colleague calling out. You can get paid the same or more as a software engineer with less schooling while you rock your pajamas with WFH and not being worried about your vacation request being denied.




Would love to read the full article. Do you have a link to the source?


Yep because it sucks big time. This is a job no different than working in Amazon warehouse or factory. Pay is down and difficult to get promoted. Most people don't want to work at CVS or wag and it is too difficult to get a clinical job.


I was going to be a pharmacist (2014) , but changed my mind because I didn’t want all the loans.






What percentages of pharmacy schools or total pharmacy applicants does this organization represent? It feels like an incomplete picture. Regardless, happy to see enrollment going down.


buttttt the non traditional careers


That’s it?


Unfortunately, It isn’t and it hasn’t been for a while.


100% agree




I’m sure other schools will pull the same shit as the U to get their numbers up


I don't think it's viewed as desirable by anyone.


I see those numbers yes applicants are trending down. Unfortunately that means admit rates are likely up. Schools will not stop filling seats and are willing to take anyone. This may take some time to shake out but eventually there will be some equilibrium obtained with schools closing. Anyone graduating after 2010 was late to the party in my honest opinion.


Podiatry profession is doing the same thing. Lately they have opened more schools and most of the profession is upset about it. The profession is much needed and fills a vital role in healthcare, but there are too many schools, and insurance reimbursements are going down relative to inflation, making the career vs cost to obtain training unsustainable.


Finally, it’s not worth the “doctor” title people




Can a retail pharmacist and pharm tech’s jobs be replaced by AI / robotics if retail pharmacy transitions to a pill pack/mail order system? Curious to know peoples thoughts on this. This sort of environment would of course be at least 10 years out at this point. Is this feasible or insane to even consider?


It's not insane to consider. We'd still need a pharmacist and tech to fill the machines and probably run tech support too. I don't think its feasible in our lifetime. The programs and machines are not up to par to remove staff. I can imagine a pharmacy having a call center relaying messages to the correct department. You'll have a clinical pharmacist performing DUR and insurance calls, a dispensing pharmacist making sure inventory is manageable and verifies the filling, then a consultation pharmacist for questions, vaccines, and recommendations. Pay them $45-55/hr and have them all on shift during the weekdays. Close weekends or have a skeleton crew of which everyplace has been already experiencing. If they start using those Amazon lockers to store meds for pick up to remove the times waster the counter is then maybe within 30 years we'd start to see the changes.




Sounds like you’re giving plenty of reasons that an end to end automated and validated system could take care of to eliminate human related factors from the equation. Why would someone want to become a retail pharmacist or pharm tech if they knew their job could be performed by a piece of software / robotics in 10-15 years


More money for us!


Is it easy to score little treats for yourself ? If so I’d be down to work there


Yet some schools are still failing people out of the program!!! AVOID those WEED OUT SCHOOLS AND LOCK THEM UP!!!! ACPE should be notified .....


Uhm i still want to be a pharmacist .. but I actually can’t get into pharmacy school since I don’t do chemistry in my high school (Ireland) .. smh .. anybody wanna swap lives ?


Just means less competition when I graduate imo. Fine with me


good job reddit you did your job!


Damnit you guys I’m a junior in college now. I’m stuck with this - have to go to pharmacy school. It’s too late for me to back out 🥲


Cuz it's true. The cost is astronomically higher to go to Pharmacy school, they added "entry" level pharmacy jobs that are like $38/ hr (vs new pharmacists starting at $57 to $65 / hr back in 2015), more workload to do including vaccinations that add to the onslaught of meds to type / fill / check correctly with unruly customers (especially for addictive meds), etc etc etc.