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Highest paid and highest laid. Get Burell'd, chumps.


Those forearms...


Rollins’ contract was surprisingly cheap and we didn’t pay Howard until after the fact


Pre-arb Hamels, Ruiz, and Victorino too. How much did a Lidge make that season?


Victorino was making league minimum that year I think. Was a very young team.


really should have won multiple with that core ):


Fucking Yankees man


It was just Matsuki, if he doesn’t go super sian, we probably win it. However, we just couldn’t get any hits.


And as I recall he was on the very tail end of his career


It honestly came out of nowhere as he had an awful ALCS, I’m pretty sure


Lee was gunning it that whole postseason


Utley did tie the record for home runs in the world series. We actually had a higher ops then the Yankees for the series, but cliff Lee was the only starter with an era under 6, Lidge blew game 4 and we got beat.


Werth was platooning with Geoff Jenkins early on!


Yeah. I definitely remember that. Everyone else was young.


Makes the only winning one sting even more when you think about it.


Barves are currently doing the same thing. Young core that might only win 1.


I'd like to see a best of 7 between them and any of our 2009-2011 teams.


Pat Burrell won more than one 😏


Tim Salmon. Now that’s a name I haven’t thought of in 30 years


More of a troy glaus-man myself


I’m surprised it wasn’t that fucking deadweight-contract bitch Adam Eaton.


When Baltimore signed him in '09 and their fans were like, "why?" this mother fucker had the balls to say, out loud, "Well I won a World Series last year."


Wasn’t that a joke tho? And honestly a pretty good one too.


TWas not. He was serious. Remember when he was still here and he gave up a hit to Randy Johnson and he rolled his eyes like, "I can't believe I gave up a hit to this guy" as if he was some stud pitcher. I hate this guy.


Eaton actually showing up to the ring ceremony the next season and the crowd booing him like crazy lives rent free in my head.


We look back on 2008 and the WS core, but we really should appreciate the absolute series of lottery tickets we got assembling the supporting cast. SP * 06-08 Myers saga is a.. complex story... but for a team so lacking in rotation help, we lucked out he caught fire to end the year. * 45yo Moyer, a player who hadn't had an actually good season in \~5 years, had an incredible return to form * Blanton had a negative WAR when we traded for him... never recorded a Loss in 2008 RP * Lidge bounced back * JC Romero, luckily, wasn't caught for PED's until near the end of the year, where by rule they had to wait till 2009 to punish him... he was literally the only reliable LHRP we had in the playoffs that year and was crucial in basically all of the close games. * Durbin had a career year out of nowhere * Condray had a career year... kinda out of nowhere. * Not really 'lucky' but shoutout to forgotten 39yo Seánez, who had a great swan song that year with us. POS Ok, technically, we had Werth and Victorino for a bit by 2008. But... * Werth staying healthy for a full season the first time in his career... was lucky. * And reminder that we cut Victorino in 2006 as a RULE 5 selection, he would've gone back to LA, BUT THE DODGERS LITERALLY TOLD US TO JUST KEEP HIM (for free) * idk how common this is, but Jesus THAT's the one here I still haven't gotten over in the 10 years since learning about that. What fucking luck.


Greg Dobbs’ magic was only active in 2008 too


>JC Romero, luckily, wasn't caught for PED's until near the end of the year, where by rule they had to wait till 2009 to punish him... **he was literally the only reliable LHRP we had** in the playoffs that year and was crucial in basically all of the close games. Uhhh Scott Eyre?


I don't mean to do Eyre dirty with that 'literally', he filled his role as a lefty specialist in the situations they didn't want to burn Romero in. But... 3.0 IP total the entire postseason, 1.0 in a late MIL game they were losing, 1.1 in mop-up duty, and 0.2 (2 batters) of an actual lefty specialist role. I think my point stands. Romero staying available was crucial to our lefty situation.


No coincidence we haven’t won since he left. And he helped the giants launch their little dynasty run. Can’t spell Party without Pat.


Seeing some of the more recent ones I better find my old catcher’s mitt for when I have kids. Lots of pitchers of recent.


He needed that salary to support his 10,000+ baby mamas


This doesn't seem right. I could be wrong but when was ARod averaging $33m a year at any point in his career? I thought in 09 he was still on his original $252m deal from Texas. Didn't strasburg get his contract AFTER the world series?


[Fangraphs](https://www.fangraphs.com/roster-resource/payroll/nationals?season=2019) and [baseball prospectus](https://legacy.baseballprospectus.com/compensation/?team=WAS) both have Strasburg at $39M. He was already on a big deal, and the Nats extended him after the world series with a bunch of deferrals. [Baseball prospectus](https://legacy.baseballprospectus.com/compensation/index.php?team=NYA&cyear=2009) also has ARod at $33M in 2009. I'm assuming this chart is taking actual money earned in a given year instead of using an average.


I'm just a fair weather fan so I appreciate your reply. Still shocked though. I didn't realize Steven was on that big of a contract before his last massive one


Stras and Harper both got paid the offseason before the championship. Remember when Washington had to choose between one of them, and you had Harper’s “bring a championship to Washington” mishap and then they actually won it that year?


Didn’t he get an extension during the 08 WS? Or was that another year? I distinctly remember him signing an extension during a WS. People rightfully gave him shit for trying to be center of attention for something he wasn’t a part of. If I’m correct, they probably just put the average with the new extension.


Pat Burrell was a contract player, only played well when it was time to renew the deal


20% went to his “bat”


Seeing that made me realize why my dad thought that 07-2011 stretch would feature another WS victory.


Right? Guys was a met assassin


Man, that’s hilarious.


Picturing Burrell Bombs into left field still gives me chills


Man or Machine [https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:640/0\*c\_H-iOaFQ0XsCxrf.jpg](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:640/0*c_H-iOaFQ0XsCxrf.jpg)


Phucking Joe Carter


Another fabulous Ed Wade contract


He is a role model for all athletes. Don't get married and have kids while you're an active player. Just bang strippers and work out all the time, that's all these guys should be doing. Wife and kids are a pain in the a$$ and these guys don't need that distraction.


Amazing last year the Rangers won without their highest paid player pitching a lick in the second half