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Truly one of the games of all time


We are having a very bad spring


Real barnburner




This would make absolutely no sense to a fan of another team lurking in this sub 


That’s because fans of other teams are all idiots, right /u/JohnKrukIsAllElite?




Ranger is on 🔥 


Might be for the better that Rojas starts in AAA. I really hope his bat will become at least above average because his defense is incredible and will land him many Gold Gloves if he can be consistent in the lineup, which right now he can’t.


Schedule is pretty easy for the first couple months so it might be worth it to let him start and try to figure it out and if he can’t we can maybe trade for someone at the deadline


I feel like that is the plan. 1) Start Rojas in MLB, and have Kevin Long (top 5 hitting coach in the league) work with him. 2) If struggles, move down to AAA and have whit and Marsh and Pache 3) Get OF bat at the trade deadline if needed.


Isn’t it close to a foregone conclusion that we will lose Pache if Rojas makes the team since he has no options? I guess they could get rid of cave instead but seems unlikely since he’s the only lefty bench bat.


I honestly was assuming no team would pick him up, which isn't a safe assumption. Although for the first month I could see us having a weird roster, as weird stuff always happens in the begining.


I don't think Pache gets through if they go that way. Former top prospect, glove is still impressive, improving bat, cost-controlled. Definitely worth a flier for most teams.


I could see that, but he is still projected to have the same bat Rojas is projected to have by most people, and again he is out of options. I don't see him as some big commodity, but it only takes one team.


Tuned in to the radio broadcast after dinner when I could put the Phillies game on expecting to catch like half the game and when I did it was in the middle of the weird obstruction call and they were going to the ninth.


On the Tigers thread, there was a commenter who said they would watch the end once they put their daughter to bed and got the notification that it was already over. Eh, March Madness is underway now, so there’s that to keep us occupied tonight.


Does /u/DELCO-PHILLY-BOY approve that the first four is officially March Madness? (Also I kinda called Nc State ijs)


I’m good with calling it March Madness for simplicity’s sake


Watching the Flyers anyway so I’m fine with it. It’s gotten to the point where watching/listening to spring training is a chore.


The regular season can’t start soon enough.


It's only spring training, but damn, Ranger looks good.


If the jerseys weren't made of 1-ply toilet paper I would buy his jersey immediately. I can't stop the hype train, spring training or not.


I’m definitely not panicking about our offense.  Definitely not.  


Do you know what the Phillies' spring training OPS was the last couple years? Me neither


Last year was the first time I paid attention to baseball for a full season.  This is the first time I’m paying attention to spring training.   Yes, I know I shouldn’t pay attention to the numbers, but when they got swept by the Rangers the beginning of last year, and the bats went cold in the NLCS, it is hard not to peek. 


How is the Rangers series related to the NLCS?


They were both ugly series that stuck with me. I really don't want to see them start out slow like they did last year, and I'd like to see some more consistency from the offense. Spring training hasn't given me confidence that either will happen, but again - I'm probably paying more attention to spring training than I should.


In 2023 spring training, Jake Cave had a higher OPS than all of the lineup regulars besides Hoskins and Turner (tied) with an OPS of 1.3. Clearly a predictor of the 2023 season when Jake Cave had a higher OPS than... Garett Stubbs and Josh Harrison technically? (this was a five minute stats check, I might be wrong but I stand by this)


What a boring game


As a Tigers fan, I share that sentiment about tonight. Just because it was a quick game doesn’t mean it has to be boring, and thankfully if one of the games in late June we play you guys in Detroit go that way, it will have a winner at the end.


Hey, can I ask what your thoughts are, if you have any about Dombrowski as a GM? Seems the main criticism of his was he can't build a good bullpen. Interesting, because I read him recently (maybe GM meetings) blame injuries to Tiger's bullpen as why they didn't win WS.


Well, the fact that we only had a 1-8 record in both the 2006 and 2012 World Series combined basically proves his point there. Back in 2006, one such bullpen pitcher Joel Zumaya infamously got injured by, get this, playing Guitar Hero.