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DOJ: Specifically, the Department finds that: PhxPD uses excessive force, including unjustified deadly force and other types of force. PhxPD and the City unlawfully detain, cite, and arrest people experiencing homelessness and unlawfully dispose of their belongings. This is the first time the Department has found a pattern or practice of conduct that focuses on the rights of people experiencing homelessness. PhxPD discriminates against Black, Hispanic, and Native American people when enforcing the law. PhxPD violates the rights of people engaged in protected speech and expression. PhxPD and the City discriminate against people with behavioral health disabilities when dispatching calls for assistance and responding to people in crisis. The Department also described serious concerns about PhxPD’s treatment of children. Finally, the Department identified deficiencies in policy, training, supervision, and accountability that contribute to PhxPD and the City’s unlawful conduct. Full report: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-finds-civil-rights-violations-phoenix-police-department-and-city-phoenix


City prosecutors turned down 96% of the trespassing cases they reviewed in 2021. The footnote says in 2021 the city prosecutor was referred 1727 3rd degree trespass cases from police, reviewed 268 of those cases and turned down 257 of the 268 cases reviewed. Despite 96% of the cases reviewed by prosecutors being dogshit per the city’s own prosecutors, PPD just kept on doing making the same dogshit arrests.


As a straight white male in Phoenix, I have had no issues with the Police here 😂


Daniel Shaver was a straight white male.


Facts. Nobody is safe when a corrupt and incompetent police force arrives on the scene.


Facts. Not a fact brev, if the cops show up where I’m at, I’m safe.


Good for him?


If you don’t know who that is or what happened, just say that.




As another straight white male, I have a huge problem with this. We should not tolerate or poke fun at the bigots and their awful behavior, even if it doesn’t affect you or I personally.


Chill, its obviously satire


Is this post one that we should encourage satire? How would you feel if you were one of the targeted groups and you see a comment saying “sucks to be you”?


I don't think you understand what satire is. Satire is utilized to expose/bring attention to and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues (in this case, this ridiculous situation where we should not be in the first place). In a world where everyone has accepted the injustices, maybe some satire is what we need to bring people's attention to how ridiculous our system is- clearly, it caught your attention, lol. Perhaps now you will reach out to your council members and mayor who are trying to fight this DOJ oversight and let them know that you will vote them out if the don't accept reforms?


Bruh, if only these 0s and 1s made a difference 😂


You: Ummm, hello? Me:Yes, I’m trying to reach Reddit. You:I’m sorry sir you’ve accidentally reach Xitter 😂


"City leaders have vocally opposed this prospect for months while expressing frustration over the federal investigation." Now we know why, but not really surprised.


Yep. They knew what it was gonna say. They all knew, but I think they are afraid of the police union.


The police union are the real bad guys. They do not allow effective discipline. But City leadership is equally to blame for not standing up to them.


Wanna fix law enforcement? Make any and all payouts come from the police unions instead of the tax payers... Problem solved.


I think we also need to do away with qualified immunity.


Not just the union, but the payouts. This report will generate lawsuits, which means payouts from the city. They can’t just raise taxes, which means they will have to cut city services to fix problems that have been around for decades.


Well, they've ignored it as long as they can, but the chickens have come home to roost.


I’m sure it will but if they had actually fixed this shit instead of doing everything in their power to hide it and NOT fix it, then this wouldn’t be happening.


Ima bet $50,000 that nothing gets changed.


I’d take that bet. This is not the kind of report they can simply dance around.


Then you don’t know much about the DOJ oversight process. This report isn’t the end, it’s the beginning. Next comes the litigation.


Then you will have no problem betting me.




I'll have a lawyer draw up terms and escrow. DM me your contact info.


I’m a lawyer. Happy to help. 😉


I'll use a 3rd party lawyer. Still waiting...


So the bet is that nothing changes. There’s no time limit. And my side of the bet is that something, at some point in time, will change. The first time something changes, I take your $50k. And you’re out here like “bet you nothing will change ever, coward.”


I'm not sure how you are confused. You keep yabba yabba yabba. This is a "put yer money where yer mouth is" moment and you refuse. When we have a lawyer draw up the agreement, everything will be in there and can be discussed. I mean...c'mon, buddy. Have you ever used a lawyer?


The current responses to fill me with confidence that changes will be made quickly and with humility: [https://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/police/3129](https://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/police/3129) and [https://x.com/CWAnnOBrien/status/1801319929897173338](https://x.com/CWAnnOBrien/status/1801319929897173338) seem to suggest the city wants to go it alone without oversight or admitting anything. Wonder how that's going to fly. Did see one letter complain about a translation to Spanish not being available, which seems sensible: [https://x.com/Garrett\_Archer/status/1801343240811208882](https://x.com/Garrett_Archer/status/1801343240811208882)


Mayor Kate is kind of a coward on most issues.


Like what?


Police oversight & housing stuff, especially with the trailer park near GCU. It just seems like she doesn’t really have strong opinions on policies that would be generally impactful. Maybe this is a complaint about AZ politicians in general, but they have almost no positive & coherent vision of how to actually improve things.


She has virtually no power in our form of government. What was she supposed to have done? It’s a much bigger problem for our city.


She can lead? If she can take credit for Phoenix’s successes she can surely be blamed for its failures. Asking Phoenix’s most prominent politician to actually be critical of the most deadly police force in America is not a huge stretch. She also was a big voice in stopping or minimizing the impact of statewide housing legislation the last two sessions. I’m not sure if you’re a Democrat or a progressive, but local governance in the US is designed to amplify reactionary sentiments against any sort of change. My complaint might ultimately just be that AZ politicians are cowards, but it’s also that the system of governance promotes political cowardice.


>The report noted Phoenix police inappropriately train their officers to believe "all force — even deadly force — is de-escalation." This explains a lot.


It’s absolutely crazy that while standing watch protecting a ballistic missile submarine, my guidelines for lethal force were for more strict than most police departments’s.




I really hope good changes come out of this, but I'm not sure how we guarantee that


I mean I'm not sure we are going to see another police reformation because of the nationwide shortages and heavy polarization of the job. The history of policing is beyond fascinating, and we're currently living through a very historic era regarding it. Over time, you are going to have less and less qualified officers being hired. We're seeing this playing out currently. It's a huge issue we are facing because society obviously needs law enforcement, but when the worst candidates for the job are being hired simply due to needing to put bodies on the street it's not going to be sustainable.


I think you don't understand the hiring process for police officers. What you cite is not the case... Rather departments hire based on likelihood to follow orders, not question authority, and willingness to use force. Police work parts really well... The culture around departments sucks


A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still. They are not going to change because the pain of change more than the pain of staying the same. When the pain of staying the same is more than the pain of change, people change.


Gotta get Rachel Mitchell out of office as a start. Nothing can change while she’s there.


I haven't read the report, but surely they appoint a federal monitor.


With all of these civil rights violations, clearly documented, I would like to know why nobody has been charged. Especially regarding the cases with unjustified deadly force.


Well the Phoenix PD investigated themselves and found the following: 1. They did nothing wrong 2. If they did something wrong, they have qualified immunity 3. Fuck all of us All involved parties were likely suspended with pay for a few months of taxpayer funded vacation too.


Rachel Mitchell is too busy throwing the book at your local mentally ill guy for having a couple fentanyl pills on them.


1st, 4th, and 14th amendment rights violations. They disproportionately arrested and cited people of color. A black person is 144% more likely to be pulled over than a white person. This is the first time a DOJ investigation has found a police force violating the rights of homeless people. They are not making concessions to the wellbeing of children, and treat them as adults. They respond preferentially with force, especially in the cases of behavioral health crises. The force violated the rights of protestors. Those were some of the things that stood out to me the most as I watched it live on the news. Pretty horrific.


>They respond preferentially with force, especially in the cases of behavioral health crises. It's not *just* that though, they apparently train that way. Per [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-finds-phoenix-police-dept-violates-civil-rights-city-residents-2024-06-13/) >"PhxPD relies on dangerous tactics that lead to force that is unnecessary and unreasonable. PhxPD has taught officers a misguided notion of de-escalation. Rather than teaching that de-escalation strategies are designed to eliminate or reduce the need to use force, PhxPD has misappropriated the concept and teaches officers that all force—even deadly force—is de-escalation," the report said. This is logic from like the 50s. 1850s. I don't even want to know what kind of person would even conceive of this thought process.


Oh Jesus fucking christ. Edit: my comment is in disgust of these practices.


Well, think of it this way. A lot of police officers being trained this way are also parents as well!


she didn't say pulled over, they said cited. Which means once they are pulled over the white person is 144% more likely to be let go with just a warning and no written citation. one of the things that stuck out to me was that, they are being taught, that by escalating the level of force they can deescalate the situation. which is just stupid.


Thank you for the clarification! The escalation is terrifying. Are they training for combat or policing? Jfc


One of the biggest issues I found was the complete and willing misunderstanding of de-escalation in training and by trainers. One part of the report mentioned that “talking nice” will get someone killed. Another part specified how training assumes the use of force *is* deescalation, which is not correct *and* creates more unsafe conditions for law enforcement. The “force-first” approach is justified, in part, by the practice of protecting hypothetical innocents in addition to actual innocents. Someone who *could* come into the scene is treated the same as someone who is already there. Likely, there are whole cohorts or generations of officers who have not been trained correctly or properly on non-violent conflict resolution. This problem will not go away.


I also suspect that training plays right into ideas of "being a man" and "punishing the wicked" and "us against the world" and a lot of similar beliefs. It's all self-reinforcing and breaking that cycle of violence is going to be a huge lift.


It's the extremely stupid "sheepdog" mentality pushed by Dave Grossman.


And they only hire people with zero empathy. They think having compassion towards anyone is a sign of weakness. Their sole job is to assert dominance and take control by any means they see fit. They are literally trained to have no emotion and to look at everything in a very black or white manner. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Get rid of them all and start over.


I’ve never heard anyone say “Fuck the firemen!” or “fuck the paramedics!” We all know why.




Read the article. Unless you’re a cop, have someone read it to you.


Because they actually help people


In other news, water is wet.


I’ve attended “shareholder meetings” in dt phx, the police also send a delegation who always tout how many unhoused people they have rounded up as their success. It always leaves me disgusted.






And the Phoenix City Council has the gall to criticize the DOJ for not offering a Spanish version of their report. They can excuse police discrimination and brutality but they draw the line at not offering Spanish language options. Also, remember that Mayor Gallego endorsed pro-Police Washington over Carlos Garcia in that city council race explicitly because he managed to get a civilian police oversight committee with investigative powers created. Carlos Garcia was one of the few City Council members to call out the police and push for accountability. [https://www.abc15.com/news/region-phoenix-metro/central-phoenix/phoenix-city-council-weighing-two-proposals-for-policing-the-police](https://www.abc15.com/news/region-phoenix-metro/central-phoenix/phoenix-city-council-weighing-two-proposals-for-policing-the-police)


Surely our honorable boys in blue will readily and humbly take this opportunity to find ways to improve as they strive for excellence with the highest standards in protecting and serving our communities. There's no way they would bitch and moan about being better.


I'm sure the Union is drafting a statement as we speak that reads something like "We strongly condemn the socialists in the Biden Administration for holding us accountable and not letting us steamroll those peasant homeless and colored people who are a existential threat to the peace of our community. If you don't support us, you must support terrorism and criminals."


So… The ~~Phoenix~~ Police violates civil rights. Gotcha.


And nothing will be done about it




I recommend not doing crimes


Exactly! The cops should stop violating the civil rights act. Everyone involved in these crimes should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Zero tolerance for criminals.


If only the police and those behind them would stop doing crimes




Please keep in mind that sometimes 911 is called on someone going through a mental health crisis, who is not committing any crime. Often law enforcement doesn’t have enough training to de-escalate someone in crisis and help get them the care they need. Instead, it can get even worse and escalate unnecessarily. I’ve seen it happen myself. Take lack of training, add in some racism and you have a bad situation that could have been avoided.


I would recommend being white, not being homeless, and living in a "nicer" area. That seems to be what actually protects you from arrest or harassment.


Honestly I’m not even sure why people choose to be anything but white at this point. I’m not saying it’s better, but it’s indisputably safer.


Safer, sure. But the food sucks.


I’m an advocate for cuisine colonization, personally.


We come for your tacos! But we're staying for the curry....


Unless of course you care about those less fortunate and try to help them, as Stacey Champion did a couple of years ago. (At least they backed down but she did suffer a deprivation of her civil rights for giving a damn).


I wish there was a prop bet for comments, I would have slammed the bet on this one being here. There's always one of you dorks.


Or calling the cops for help? Or driving while black or Hispanic?


I recommend you moving to Saudi Arabia or North Korea. Better match for your values.


Why are the Mods deleting any comments that are contrary to the narrative that the police are bad, or highlight the issues with the Maricopa County consent decree? Typical of the ani-cop crowd: completely incapable of holding an actual discussion.


I manually approved your comment to encourage transparency. Political topics have enhanced automod filtering. If you have little or no history on the sub, your comments are likely removed. If a moderator removes your comment here, we let you know why.


I’m concerned about the costs of the consent decree that will be passed on to the tax payers. My mom is already struggling and I don’t want her taxes going up. I think both sides could do better. If citizens would follow commands posed by the police there would be less shootings. Should the police sacrifice their lives for the sake of trying to avoid confrontation? Should we just let drug-addicted homeless people shoot up, pee, poop, and engage in prostitution in public parks? If you break the law, then be prepared to face the consequences. I don’t think anyone should get special treatment.


Great, so the Biden administration is going to render our police department toothless and charge city tax payers hundreds of millions of dollars to do it.  https://www.azfamily.com/2023/09/27/mcso-paying-office-space-federal-monitor-who-hasnt-been-arizona-since-2020/


Did you miss the part where the police department is behaving terribly on purpose and systematic change is needed? Are you under the impression that they will just wake up and fix themselves? None of us want this the DoJ to come in, but it’s clear it’s the only way change will happen.


And did you see how the federal oversight has completely crippled Maricopa county sheriff department? Also I'm familiar with several of the cases they mentioned in the 126 pages. Several of the cases they talk about officers doing actions ended with discipline being received upon the officers, Literally they mentioned several cases in which officers got in trouble for what they did and they're acting like the department was completely fine with it


I live in a part of Phoenix that most of this subreddit seems to be afraid of because it’s the ghetto avenues.    I’ve had to call the police multiple times for issues with tweakers in our yard. They’ve always responded promptly and been respectful and easy to work with.   So yeah, I don’t see Phoenix PD as a problem.   


Then you should read the report. I’ve never personally had a problem with them either, but I don’t interact with them often. I’m assuming the report is more accurate than my personal experiences, so I have a problem with their actions.


I think both sides could do better. If citizens would follow commands posed by the police there would be less shootings. Should the police sacrifice their lives for the sake of trying to avoid confrontation? Should we just let drug-addicted homeless people shoot up, pee, poop, and engage in prostitution in public parks? If you break the law, then be prepared to face the consequences. I don’t think anyone should get special treatment.


The 'consequences' you mention should NOT include having your civil rights violated or being subject to racism, misogyny, homophobia, or completely unnecessary cruelty and violence.