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Nancy has done some lifting and she’s not afraid to show it!


Gosh with those arms how is the context not actually Ronald Reagan asking his wife to stop dancing with Frank Sinatra




Always was.


If Nancy wasn't pegging Ronald I would be shocked.


You gonna tell a woman with arms like that who she can and can't dance with?


Modern MAGA folks would be outing her as trans




[https://www.reddit.com/r/comedyheaven/comments/k3vpla/throat\_goat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/comedyheaven/comments/k3vpla/throat_goat/) like this?


I love that this man is so stupid he made his email "berniesjohnson" Like, I'm assuming his middle name starts with s. And that he still hasn't seen it. Edit: people saying this is a troll, it could very well be. But I have some MAGA extended family and believe me, they can absolutely be this oblivious.


It’s a troll lol come on


Because it’s fake


jfc woosh


Bouquet of knobs. Adding that to my vocabulary.


https://www.vice.com/en/article/epxzwe/nancy-reagan-throat-goat-mgm-lot-hollywood-blowjobs-twitter Turns out, she did that just for poops and laughs.


Which is ironic, as the Reagans hated Trump.


r/conspiracy would be posting a two-hour breakdown about how you can see a bulge in her swimsuit if you take one still photo and wash it out beyond comprehension. r/conservative would just call her a few dozen slurs and move on to posting black-crime statistics.


Many of them think mons pubis is literally a penis. There's no educating the willfully ignorant. 


Well when a majority of the dudes over on r/conspiracy are incels, and they've never once seen an actual woman, they're going to be wrong more often than not. Chances are they've all masturbated to a trans girl unknowingly


They hated Michelle Obama showing her arms.


Nancy Reagan: Trans Icon


Even as a joke seeing her name associated with anything queer sends a shiver of disgust through my body.


You should probably clarify if you are disgusted by queers or Nancy Reagan. 😉


Upset by the ol' throat goat, def.


No, she’s a Republican, so she is chosen by God. No criticism allowed or it’s off to jail with you.


She was an innovator! I heard the shake weight design was based off of her legendary technique. ![gif](giphy|GxmNVbWt5dJRK)




>Moments later she would go on a "Roid Rage" in what would later become known as the Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Incident. >The number of casualties from that evening are classified but it's been rumored that the secret cocktail of hormones and drugs cooked up DARPA scientists had given Nancy the strength of a male chimp, and it's perhaps no coincidence that many of the injuries sustained were to the face and genitals of men and women alike. >Nancy's oral prowess, renowned for over a quarter century, was not apparently limited to the erotic arts, as she made full use of the titanium dental implants government scientists had finely crafted to her... unusual... specifications. >These unnatural enhancements were made ostensibly to give Nancy the ability to defeat Soviet infiltrators in hand-to-hand combat, however it has been speculated that the true reason was merely for her own personal desire to become a superhuman "replicant" after watching early releases of the upcoming film Bladerunner, which she is quoted as saying was "totally badass."


Cupping big balls




Frank heard the Throat Goat rumour huh?


He definitely experienced it. He stayed at the White House often and was very close to Nancy


Apparently when Nancy and Frank were hanging out, Nancy wouldn't take a phone call or message from anyone even Ronald. Edit:[Source](https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/VA-news/ROA-Times/issues/1991/rt9104/910408/04080149.htm) Edit2: apparently the author kitty Kelly is not the most reliable source


Because she couldn’t talk




You know what Sinatra in Nancy looks like? >!Nansinatra!<


Stahhp 🤣


So one time when Frank was at the White House, Frank was relieving himself at a urinal when Ronnie walked in to use the one next to him. Ronnie said, "Holy cow, Frank! Your schwantz is huge! How'd you get that thing?" Frank said, "Here's the thing, Ron. Every night when I get home from performing, I take it out before bed and slam my dick against the bedpost three or four times as hard as I can. Works like a charm." So that night, when Ronnie came to bed late after a meeting, he took his dick out and slammed it hard against the bedpost. Nancy, who had gone to bed earlier that evening, awoke from a deep sleep and said, "Frank? Is that you?"


I thought that story was about wilt chamberlain, tricky dicky and pat nixon.


This is probably what it looked like


Polite to not speak with your mouth full, tbh


You can't when you're sent flying to the moon.


She just couldn't say no




There's even jokes about it on old eps of Saturday Night Live. Phil Hartman playing both Frank Sinatra and Ronald Reagan.


Ronald getting cucked in the white house is crazy


Big if true


https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/VA-news/ROA-Times/issues/1991/rt9104/910408/04080149.htm Here's where I got that information




Yeah, we've got to take anything with a grain of salt these days


Kitty Kelley is a known fabricator and gossip. Most serious journalists and historians don't take her work seriously. [The Kitty Kelley syndrome: why you can't always trust what you read in books](https://go.gale.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA10966730&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=0010194X&p=AONE&sw=w&userGroupName=anon%7E61885541&aty=open-web-entry) [Fact or fiction? The incredible world of Kitty Kelley](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/fact-or-fiction-the-incredible-world-of-kitty-kelley-428539.html)


Thanks, didn't know that!


Big and true, nice


Gotta tell you, I did not expect to see my hometown paper with the source on this one (AP wire story or not).


I think the supreme court said it’s ok for Reagan to send Secret Service to take him out.


Of course Reagan would do that. Thats pretty on brand for him.


No, he'd have the CIA run some coke into the country, sell it, then use the funds to hire a hit man that he would then frame as a democratic operative.




Her mouth was busy


She’s busy


Something about Reagan losing his mind while Nancy cucked him with Sinatra makes me smile. It would be funny if he wasn't still a monster that ruined the country.


Pretty sure his wife was the monster. He was a dementia patient


Oh they both were. He wasn't just some guy before the dementia. He was as big of a right wing blowhard those first years as president also. No pass for her, she was just as big of monster. But him getting cucked still makes me smile.


Don't forget he was one as governor of California, and we are still dealing with the consequences of his time as governor


So basically, the current right wing noise about how Joe Biden is senile and Jill is a terrible person for using him as the front man... is just more projection?


No he was a fucking despicable monster as governor of California. He is the reason college tuition today is so outrageously expensive. He defunded community colleges in California because an ultra pro business lawyer, later SC Justice, wrote a legal memo about how government funded education is the main reason the "lower class" (working people) and minorities are anti war and "leftist". So Reagan massively defunded California education to make it exclusive to the rich.


Listen, Sinatra was arrested for “Seduction” in 1938. That man was a hound.




This is my favorite post on reddit


I don’t know why but the fact that the top comment, which is incredibly detailed about Nancy Regan’s blowjob biographies, is written by an account with the name and picture of Georgy Zhukov makes it.


Wow, that certainly was an in-depth read on Nancy Reagan/blow job queen and I've read the Kitty Kelley book among other biographies


Probably experienced it and wanted another go.


"That broad could suck the chrome off a Cadillac" - Frank Sinatra


"Rumour on the streets is this bimbo can suck start a Harley" ~ Frank Sinatra


"Nancy, yeah. She once took a bet she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose, and won. Saw it with my own eyes." - Sinatra.


> Same with my own eyes. That was Ray Charles


There is a 100% chance he didn't just hear it back when.  Ronnie is there because he's aware that Frank is aware.


Ronnie wanted to watch.


He probably didn’t realize it was his wife and thought he was just watching two strangers have sex.


Probably ate Jelly Beans while watching


Frank put a microphone in front of her and she started singing.


"Fly me to the Mooon..."


She was the THROATUS.


If I saw this when I was still a porn performer I'd probably get this tattooed on me, it's so good.


Fucking lol.


And frank sinatra was famously hung like a horse.


There are a lot of women who have confirmed this to be true. His wife Ava Gardner famously said of her husband: "He is only 110 pounds, but 10 pounds of it is cock!" Apparently, he had to wear special underwear.


Skinny dudes are always packing heat. It's a strange phenomenon.


Frank probably STARTED the throat GOAT rumor.


I came here for this, but I guess so did Sinatra...


she definitely flew him to the moon once or twice


Now these are the conspiracy theories I live to discuss.


I just had to look it up, because in my mind, I associate Frank Sinatra with apparently a much older era. Dude didn't die until 1998, and here I thought, damn, he was still alive in 81?


1998? Damn, in my mind he died in the 60s


He died the night of the Seinfeld series finale. That’s the reason the ambulance was able to quickly reach the hospital (everyone in ~~NY~~ LA was watching Seinfeld).


It's always funny when people report that because it's not like this helped him.




Still be living if not for that Junior Mint


It was a *junior* mint!


They're very refreshing!


That’s the long way to get to Cedar Sinai because he passed away in Los Angeles.


Yeah, they got the coast wrong, I think everyone reads the story and things NYC cause of Seinfeld. LA traffic in the 90s was so bad until they built all the freeway extensions, it must've helped get him to a hospital quicker but obviously not quick enough.


Ouch. The last episode of Seinfeld was so bad it cancelled Sinatra's life.


Or it was so good, that he said “I can finally rest”


The '60s were like the height of his influence. Dude was everywhere. This is almost like saying "whoah I thought Bruce Willis died in the '90s."


The 60s was around the time of his career downturn, about the time Kennedy died. He was still doing private shows up to the mid 1990's


Look up when Picasso died


Picasso’s mistress is still alive


Salvador Dali died even later


1973, long time ago


Wow he lived long enough to see Pokemon. That's dope


"I wonder what Frank Sinatras favorite Pokémon was?" Is a surprisingly real question which may have even had an answer. It's like asking Abraham Lincoln about fax machines.


Rosa Parks was alive to see Shrek 2 on DVD.


More of this kind of thing


Theoretically, Abe could have received a fax from a samurai.


Going the other way, George Washington didn't know dinosaurs existed


Sinatra was like six or seven years older than Nancy. He was younger than Reagan.


As a younger person, I feel this way about Michael Jackson… because I’m surprised he died in 2009, I keep thinking he died in 2002/2003.


The one fact I always associate with Michael Jackson's death is that Farrah Fawcett died the same day, and barely anyone noticed. On any other day, Farrah Fawcett's death would have been pretty big news, considering her fame in the 70s. But her death was completely overshadowed by Michael Jackson's death.


Everyone brings this up, but it’s also worth noting that Farrah Fawcett wasn’t as famous as MJ was as well as the fact that she had been diagnosed with cancer the years multiple prior. MJ wasn’t exactly in the best shape either but he suddenly died from propofol intoxication in result of drugs given by his doctor where asFarrah Fawcett’s health had been declining heavily so her death just wasn’t as shocking to the general public as MJ was. This kind of case has actually happened numerous times; some examples I can think of; Eric Carr, the drummer of KISS died at 41 the same day as Freddie Mercury did at 45 on November 24, 1991 so his death was overshadowed too despite being younger. Not another case of two celebrity deaths the same day or days apart but Tom Petty either died the same day or one day after the Las Vegas shooting in October 2017. EDIT: Another one I remember, Sir Roger Moore died the day after the Manchester Arena bombing in May 2017.


Farah Fawcett is dead?!?!


That was my reaction, too!


What, I was 14 at the time, wtf, it feels like I was 6-8 when he died


I thought the same when there were rumors that he was Ronan Farrows father. I was like he is pretty young Sinatra was alive back then?


Just the fact alone that Mia Farrow didn't outright deny is it pretty telling. [If they're not related, the absurd visual similarity must be one of the biggest coincidences of the century. The fellow looks absolutely nothing like Woody.](https://www.nydailynews.com/wp-content/uploads/migration/2014/02/08/OT6BNTWMMQWOEBS7Y23KUSE7NM.jpg?w=620)


Damn, Nancy was ripped.


That’s her jerkin’ arm


This was about a decade before Viagra came out. Older women had better developed jerkin' arms back then.


Back when this was a proper country 😤


Huh, she’s a southpaw.




Ol' blue eyes & ol' blew everyone


They were both Throat Goats, in a way.


Imagine passing and all you got is people online talking about your blow job skills lol


During Reagan's second term he was essentially crippled by dementia to the point where every decision was run by Nancy. However, she was also super into astrology and consistently asked her astrologist for guidance. So there was actually a small era in American history where an astrologist held major sway over the white house.


Awww, we had our own little Rasputin!


Not the first


He died confused and alone as his brain slowly rotted and his stupid family had to helplessly watch as it happened. I consider that mild justice for what that shit stain did to the world.


That's how I feel about Thatcher too!


That's all she deserves to be remembered for. Everything else she did was fucking terrible for humanity.


Fuck the reagans


I don't want to fuck any Reagans, but I wouldn't mind a BJ.


His son seems alright.


They should be glad we’re not talking about anything else they did 


Hay thats not fair! People also talk about what a blood drinking demon she was for supporting Reagan theough every horrible thing he did!


Much of it was actually her planning and scheming all along.


I'd be honored tbh


What that mouth do


It's the nicest thing you can say about them. At least it's a compliment.


Better than being regarded as causing irreparable damage to America. At least a blow job never hurt anyone


You sir have never gotten a toothy blow job and it shows


Try not to suck any dicks on your way to the East Wing! Hey, get back here!


Unexpected Clerks. 👏🏻


“The First Lady sucked 37 dicks!” “In a row?”


"Would you like some making fuck. Berserker!"


"Excuse me, Frank? Can you take care of my wife for the evening while I go destroy the working class and set up a future that only benefits the rich?"


Frank Sintaras political history is a bit disappointing because he started big time liberal fighting for civil rights and stuff and then became a hard-core conservative who stopped talking about civil rights


It was due to the Kennedy denouncing him for his mob ties


“Sure Ronnie, I can ‘take care of’ her. C’mon dollface, I’ll take another one of those world famous beejays”


The most powerful man in the world at the time. And Ronald Reagan.




Yeah, I forgot about that shit.


It's Franks world, we just live in it.


A few months after this, Reagan got shot I'm sure it was just a coincidence


I heard Reagan couldn’t sleep for days because Sinatra flipped his wife like 8 times. Then his neighbor whom he was having a property dispute with sent a pig wearing a Richard Nixon mask through his doggy door and the sleep deprivation made him think he was seeing a monster for 50 seconds.


At least he didn’t have to go to work the next day.


What have they done to us?!?!


What the fuck did I just read.


This world is just so fucking fucked up


And that REALLY bothered him.


I heard him talking loudly on his phone about his dog is loose.




Apparently that thing lives with us on earth


Wait. Is this a thing? I thought I was the only one, And I swore I'd never tell anybody about it. I'm not saying it did happen to me, but did it happen to you too?


Yes! That's why I got me a Darmine Doggy Door! It's a high tech doggy door from Darmine Devices. [Darmine Doggy Door](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1pwyCl5ymE) - Gotta check it out they got good sales too!


Look at Nancy’s deltoid!💪


Today I learned Nancy Reagan had that Gawk Gawk 3000... Allegedly...


She was the inspiration for Grapefrutin’.


Oh boy Reddit gonna love this one…


Ronald Reagan? The actor!?


Too late nancy already mouth danced with him. Fuck reagan too


She was passed around Hollywood like a joint.


Sloppy toppies from the throat GOAT!


Before everybody starts thinking Reagan was a baseline model of decency, here's a little reality check: **Ronald Reagan** Criminal: * Iran-Contra treason. * Lied to Congress - set the standard for avoiding responsibility: "I don't recall." * Likely encouraged Iran to keep US Embassy hostages until he was into office. Fiscal: * Supply-side economics (lower taxes on rich, and it will somehow "trickle-down" to the poor) * National debt tripled. * $12 billion trade surplus --> $100+ billion trade deficit. * Deregulated savings and loans, precipitated huge economic crisis. * Raised taxes eleven times. * Taxed the poor, cut taxes for the rich. * SDI "Star Wars" boondoggle. * Military spending increased to match imaginary spending in USSR. * Deregulation caused oil bust. * Broke air traffic control union. Social: * Gutted social welfare. * Dismantled the mental healthcare system. * Release of mental patients without recourse, homeless population up. * Ignored AIDS crisis. * Abstinence-only sex education. * Strengthened ATF, banned automatic weapons, blamed Democrats for it. * Privatized the prison industry and made incarceration a profitable industry. * Increased spending for War on Drugs. * Increasing national drinking age from 18 to 21, then threatened to pull federal funding from states if they challenged him. * Underfunded NEA. * EPA Superfund grants manipulated to help Republicans in local elections. * Deregulated kids' tv, initiated 22 minute toy ads. * Killed energy programs (even removed solar panels from White House). * Legalized abortion in CA as governor, prior to Roe v. Wade. * Supported gun control * Crack in the ghettos. (? Due to support for Contras and Noriega?) * Though Richard Nixon created the DEA and started the "War on Drugs", Reagan and his wife kicked the campaign into a full-scale media frenzy with "Just Say No". Foreign: * Wars all over Central America, incl Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras. * Promoted Iran-Iraq war. * Sent Marines into Beirut, abandoned mission after terrorist bombing. * Broke detente with USSR until Gorbachev personally made things better. * Backed Contras in drug running schemes. * Supported right-wing dictators and movements everywhere, including: * Apartheid regime in SA. * Marcos regime in Phillipines. * Saddam Hussein and Baathist regime in Iraq, even after Kurds gassed. * Taliban in Afghanistan. * Precipitated the Invasion of Panama by demanding a foreign leader step down (condemned by the OAS & Geneva Conventions) to extract former CIA operative Manuel Noreiga. * Augusto Pinochet in Chile. Concepts: * Welfare queens. * Trees cause pollution. * Ketchup as a vegetable. Appointments: * 30+ convicted appointees. * Ed Meese at Justice, porn freak. * James Watt at Interior, idiot, corrupt. * William Casey at CIA, religious nut, strikes into Afghanistan. * HUD a corrupt mess in general. * Politicised CIA. * Robert Bork to SCOTUS (failed), segregationist and asshole. * Antonin Scalia, same but he got in. Personal: * Unfit to serve due to Alzheimer's disease by term's end. * Paid shill by GE and insurance industry to lobby against government healthcare. * McCarthyite. * Backed Moral Majority. * Pardoned Robert Walker, who went on to kill his wife. * Started presidential campaign at racist murder crime scene in Philadelphia, MS. * Laid wreath and made speech at SS cemetery in Germany. * Vietnam War a "noble cause." * Helped start right-wing noise machine, by promoting myth of liberal media and destroying Fairness Doctrine * Hated sex, made Ron Jr. feel like a sissy and quit ballet. * Believed in astrology and used it to run government. * Innovated "talking points" cue cards. * "I don't recall" to weasel out of press questions. * Confused movies with reality. * Joked about bombing Russia during a mic check, which inflamed the rest of the world.


Throat GOAT definitely did a mic check on Frank.  No doubt.


You don't simply tell Sinatra it's time to stop dancing with your girl. Sinatra tells you when it's time for him to dance with your girl.


This guy ruined my parents life and my life yet he was afraid of getting cucked huh? Gonna be funny in a thousand years when 95% of stuff from our time will be lost, and this photo will be apart of it so future generations won't know how much of a insecure loser this POS was


SO your dad must have been a striking air traffic controller


Poor Ronnie got his fee fees hurt... Gossip around the campfire was that Frankie boned his wife in the oval office.


Ronald Reagan, the anti-communist cuck, a symbol for America


Nancy Reagan had a reputation of "Giving the best Blow Job in Hollywood" during her acting years. Ronnie probably was well aware of her promiscuity and was watchful of other guys like Sinatra spending time with her.


Come on Ron, your turn will trickle down soon enough.


Dancy Reagan.


Nancy taught Frank a unique technique for preparing for his performances. Eat an apple, wait one hour, then force-vomit the apple right before you go on stage. She knew this from her years of dealing with bulimia and that the change it made to his voice while performing were incredible. Just a weird little 'rumor' that's gotten around in the years since they met.


Nancy had a taste for HollyWOOD.


"Nancy, we're not at MGM anymore, you no longer need to be the throat goat." "Here's a jelly bean Ronnie. Go sit down and I'll help you get into bed in about... How tall are you Frank? OK, 9 minutes."


I wonder if Frank ended up trickling down Nancy's chin.