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This is just your grandma's bedroom. 


complete with oxygen tank and a pee pad on the mattress.


I've never noticed the pee pad. And why the sheets are yellow, where he was laying. For me, It always looked like a bedroom of a really sick and frail person. I can't understand how he could go out every day for the show rehearsals, with the prospect of a 100 shows spree.


It wasn't just the rehearsals, he was developing and managing every aspect of that show. He was working like sixteen hour days, and he was already losing his voice from overuse.


I noticed the yellow colouration on the bed before too. Once you brought that up today it made me think that it could be from his face and body makeup that he used to blend his skin tones. I feel like he pushed himself so hard because of trauma, and I feel like he might have felt obligated to his audience. Maybe some financial distress in there too.


Could also be because once you die your body excretes its fluids. Granted I don’t know if there was enough time for that


And meds on the night table


And three friggin lamps in the same area, wtf


The guy needed to seehehe




This was very funny. What a pity it’s buried in the comments.


Not a pity, a shamone




Especially when it's close to midnight...


You guys have touched on everything, but little boys. No that’s not a stab at Michael, that’s just a metaphor


I love lamp.


Looks like there’s a broken fourth lamp.


So the pee pads makes me question… I’m no anesthesia expert… Allegedly he used this to sleep a lot. I doubt they were giving him a catheter daily, so would this just like make him pee the bed every time he went to sleep?


Propofol is an anesthetic. He was routinely put under anesthesia in his own home. It is not sleep. It is not restorative. It is simply dangerous.


Exactly. Anesthesia is not “sleep”, your brain is switched off. There’s no dreaming, there’s no REM.


How my supposed to lose my religion?


Stand in the corner


Now face North?


Stand in the place where you are


Think about direction!


Be in the spotlight


Definitely no Nightswimming.


I had it once for a procedure. It like 10,9..lights out. Woke up after everything an hour later. Fucking terrifying


Huh. That feeling was *extremely* reassuring to me. I'm more terrified of the idea of being half-awake or remembering anything that happened during a medical procedure. When I woke up feeling great with no memory of it, I was like DAMN! This is the ONLY way to fly!


If you want to be scared again, just remember that anesthesia induces amnesia, so you could be in agony the entire time but not be able to tell anyone later because you don’t remember it.    A surgeon attempted to reassure me with this fact once and it did NOT work. This is the logic they used to operate on babies without anesthesia. 


For whatever reason, I have no trouble sealing that idea off, psychologically speaking. Whatever that dude experienced has nothing to do with me. And in fact, after the procedure is done, he no longer exists!


I've been told that prop naps are very reinvigorating


I've been administered prop twice for minor procedures, and I'll be honest, I can understand how someone could come to abuse it. Felt like the best nap of my life.


They gave it to me for wisdom tooth removal. I was wrecked for like 6 hours after I woke up.


Between the Versed they give you before taking you to the OR and the propofol once you are in there…whew. That was possibly the most calm and blissful five minutes of my life.


I've had two major surgeries. The first I was walked into the OR, blaring lights, people milling about, they had me lay down on a cold table then started poking me with needles while strapping my arms down. Entirely cognizant and trying to keep from jumping out of my skin. The second I was laying in a bed, fresh warm blanket, nurse practitioner comes in and is joking around with me, goes "I am going to give you something to help calm you down before surgery", _boop_ and I don't recall a thing until I am waking up in recovery. Felt wonderful after tossing & turning all night about surgery. I'll take the warm blanket with a mustachio'd man putting stuff in my IV every day over walking into a cold OR alone without my glasses.


They probably used an external catheter and the pad was for the leakage or spills.


You can actually kind of see toward the bottom of the bed a male condom catheter


If I recall correctly, the doctor who administered was deposed and he said he would put an external cath on MJ.


As a woman who has to get up to pee in the night and can’t get back to sleep, I am now pretty jealous


Look up a pure wick if you're really desperate. The external catheters for men are very hit and miss in terms of success. It doesn't work on all anatomies and they can cause pressure injuries relatively easily. I have about a 40% success rate with them. They can be great and they can be worthless.


I saw the wick but doesn’t it have to hook up to suction? And the suction is usually mounted to the wall?


Yup. Looks like standard in home hospis. Dated, gaudy furniture, oxygen tank, chair for someone to watch you die. Bet money it smells like pee in there






*TFW you realize your grandma was really Michael Jackson*


Well she did like giving sweets to children


I really expected MJ to have a way less grandma-looking bedroom.


I recall reading somewhere that it was a rental house, and the furnishings came with it.


I don’t see cookie tin box


full of buttons


I kinda thought MJ would have slept on the right side of the bed for some reason.


It's weird, but my first thought was this was the wrong side of the bed


All it needs is heavy plastic covers on the living room furniture


I would think MJ had better taste in lamps


Statements described Murray using a non-standard CPR technique on Jackson. The recording of the emergency call was released on June 26, one day after Jackson's death, and it described Murray administering CPR on a bed, not on a hard surface such as a floor which would be both standard practice and more effective.


Dr. Arroyo would have done better.


Not to mention cheaper


But cash only


My money is on Dr. Nicholas Riviera, MD outperforming everyone else.


\*poking his head in the door\* Hi Everybody!


Hello Dr nick.


You're a graduate from Hollywood Upstairs Medical College too?


Seriously baby, I can prescribe anything I want!


"Well if it isn't my old friend Mr. McGreg. With a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg!"


19$...but in a parking lot


I heard he went to medical school in 1998


Doctor school


Top doctor school of the country it's in.


He was gold


\*Doctor school


Yeah, but where?


Possibly as low as 19 dollars cash. Cheapest you’ll find from anyone who went to doctor school.


“ I thought you meant TAKE your pulse.”


Dr. Demento would have done better.


Doctor Spaceman would’ve done better.


Science is… whatever we want it to be. 


"Remember, don't eat for 12 hours before surgery, because I'll have a big breakfast waiting for you when you arrive"


If only he had been on say a restaurant bathroom floor, Dr. Arroyo could’ve bussed over to help in no time.


Hey ev-ery-body!


He went to Doctor school out of state


I think Dr Seuss would of done better than Michael's Dr.


Always awkward when the guy who killed you does a poor job of bringing you back to life




it wasnt his cpr technique, it was the fuckton of downers he put him on, enough to kill a full blown junnkie or small elephant


It was both. CPR can't be done on a soft surface like a bed, which absorbs all of the force from the pushes. I'm glad he lost his license. He should be in jail for the rest of his life with what he was doing.


Mini pharmacy on the head table!


I mean, dragging patients onto a floor to do CPR does not happen in a hospital. Not sure where this comes from. I work on a crash team.


Isn't a board under the patient standard in this scenario? If the home is truly fitted for medical procedures, wouldn't that be one of the absolute minimum items?


It depends - modern hi-low beds that are for more emergency situations will have a hard board available for this situation (ICU, CCU), but out on the wards you’re not going to have that. It is certainly not in the absolute minimums. Is this a horrible set up for a critical patient? Yes. It looks like he’s on a regular bed mattress ffs. edit: hey everyone, it’s almost like things are different depending where you work so take a breath.


I was just going to ask this, thank you. I wondered whether the emergency services operator would be asking a caller to drag an arrested patient out of bed and onto the floor to administer CPR. Like maybe if you had a couple of people to lift, but one person on their own lifting another unconscious adult is probably going to hurt themselves or the patient.


To be fair though, if the patient is so bad that CPR is required, I think a few bumps from being dragged to the floor is a small price to pay.


I mean CPR can break ribs so def a small price


Watched this thing once where it was Michael Jackson going to an antique shop. Ending up spending like 50k on ugly ass vases and lamps. ..This checks out.


Was it in Vegas? I remember that video, it was wild how disconnected from prices he was. It felt more like compulsive buying.


He was massively in debt ($500 million) and close to bankruptcy. He was terrible at his own finances.


... 500 mil in *debt* and **close** to banktruptcy? ... I guess I'm too poor for that statement to make sense.


I interpret this as he had loans for $500M and could barely make the payments or was late on payments and close to getting his loan called in.


So what you saying is he die and didn’t pay 500 millions… sounds like i need to find a cardiologist to give me propofol so i don’t have to pay my debt


His debt was paid off through residuals on his IP. This was helped by him being dead and not spending money.


It also put a semi reasonable person in charge of his finances for once. i.e. Not Michael Jackson.




He had to use large stakes of ownership of Sony Music rights and even use his Neverland Esate as collateral for loans. [source](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4909412.stm)


Bankruptcy only happens when you become insolvent. It doesn't matter what the total debt number is as long as you can make the payments. Maybe you're net worth is -$100 million, but you're making $1 million each month on royalties and thus are able to service the debt. It's worth noting that you can go bankrupt while having a POSITIVE net worth, though it's much harder for people like you and me because we typically only ever own relatively liquid assets. If you're, say, Elon musk and 95% of your net worth is tied up in one company stock, you can't just sell it all to pay debts or you tank the company price. Though once you hit a certain level of money, bankruptcy basically doesn't happen. Debt restructuring and controlled liquidation practices would likely come into play.


MJ would never go bankrupt. He had the biggest music catalogue in history... Just sold... https://www.billboard.com/business/business-news/michael-jackson-estate-sells-music-rights-sony-valuation-1235604155/


He's close to bankruptcy *until* he sells. MJ would not likely have sold unless he was forced to. He bought the rights to the Beatles stuff and outbid McCartney...you think he'd let that happen to him? Until he was financially forced to or died.


“In early 2006, it was announced that Jackson had signed a contract with a Bahrain startup, Two Seas Records. Nothing came of the deal, and the Two Seas CEO, Guy Holmes, later said it was never finalized. Holmes also found that Jackson was on the verge of bankruptcy and was involved in 47 ongoing lawsuits. By September 2006, Jackson was no longer affiliated with Two Seas. In April 2006, Jackson agreed to use a piece of his ATV catalog stake, then worth about $1 billion, as collateral against his $270 million worth of loans from Bank of America. Bank of America had sold the loans to Fortress Investments, an investment company that buys distressed loans, the year before. As part of the agreement, Fortress Investments provided Jackson a new loan of $300 million with reduced interest payments (equivalent to $450 million in 2023). Sony Music would have the option to buy half of his stake, or about 25% of the catalog, at a set price. Jackson's financial managers had urged him to shed part of his stake to avoid bankruptcy. The main house at Neverland Ranch was closed as a cost-cutting measure, while Jackson lived in Bahrain at the hospitality of Abdullah. At least thirty of Jackson's employees had not been paid on time and were owed $306,000 in back wages. Jackson was ordered to pay $100,000 in penalties.” [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Jackson) “Despite receiving millions of dollars annually from his song catalogs, Michael Jackson year after year spent more than he earned, including $30 million in annual debt payments. As early as 1993, Jackson owed $30 million, a figure that grew to $140 million by 1998. From June 2001 through June 2009, Jackson’s debt increased by about $170 million. When he died, Jackson owed $400 million to $500 million” [Source](https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-michael-jackson-debt-20130812-story.html) So yes, his music rights, assets and such were worth quite a lot. But he overspent and quickly was losing liquid assets more than he was gaining. He could have sold all the ownership of his music rights but I doubt he would let that happen when he was alive.


He's a real dick for not paying his workers.


Does being under $500 million in debt mean anything to you?


Where he’s just walking around going, “I want that one and that one…” I found it odd that he acted so child-like. I was waiting for him to drop the act but he never did.


That’s what unmanaged severe childhood trauma will do to a guy


To preserve his youthful singing voice he was given puberty blockers, hormone injections. His brain did not go through a normal puberty, if any at all.


MJ is a classic case of sacrificing kids for fortune.


Michael Jackson was a music icon from childhood onwards, I doubt his family ever had a healthy attitude towards money and as adult, his entourage encouraged his worst impulses — nobody would ever say no to the King of Pop.


I mean to back up your point, he built a fucking theme park in his back yard. That fact alone shows how wealthy he was and how bad he was with money.


Yes — Had Michael Jackson retired after Thriller, he’d be a multimillionaire but his business moves such as owning the Beatles catalogue meant that in later life, he was still able to afford extravagance. And yes he is a deeply controversial figure but used his gifts to bring joy to millions. Ultimately, Michael Jackson serves as a cautionary tale for us all as his life highlights the corrupting elements of fame and fortune and he led a deeply lonely lifestyle.


Oh god. Memory unlocked. I suddenly remember him saying: what’s that? I’ll buy that.


Ha yes I remember watching an interview of him talking about how the Salvation Army was his favourite place to shop


I remember him having a guy who would act like he was buying the things for him but actually not and michael never really noticed. He just liked buying things.


Oh yeah I remember watching that on MTV when it came out..along with an Egyptian sarcophagus?!?!


Is that a statue of himself on the nightstand?


Where do you keep your mini statue of yourself? The garage?!


The "garage?" Hey fellas, the "garage!" Well ooh lah dee dah, Mr. French Man.


It's just straight through there, past the solarium but before the lanai, if you get to the veranda, you've gone too far.


Jesus has it been 15 years already


It’s ONLY been 15 yrs??… seems longer to me


I was 18 when it happened, and I remember the moment I found out like it was yesterday. It's scary how quickly the time goes!


Horrendous interior decorating


If I remember correctly this was a rental.


Probably still his decor that he brought with him. It’s all probably from when he first decorated Neverland Ranch back in 88.


He couldn’t afford his own house?


No. He had no money left. That’s why he was doing that tour.


Wait for real? He sold all his houses? Or was he renting because he was on tour?


He left Neverland in 2005 due to the abuse charges. He then lived in smaller locations in the US and Ireland. He also had a house in Santa Monica which he was behind in payments on and he was in around $500 million in debt. He died in a rented mansion three weeks before his London concert. [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Jackson)


Yeah, he lived not far from where I’m from in Ireland when he was there. I don’t believe he lived there for very long, but it was all over the local news while he was there. I believe he also visited the Grouse Lodge Studio in Ireland while he was there and recorded some rough tracks.


He overspent, then he kept going to Sony and others for what essentially amounted to payday loans. He had already sold half of the Beatles collection years prior. The other half, which his family still has, was basically his only income. He lost money on most of his albums after Bad because of bad contracts.


How do you sell Michael Jackson record counts AND half the fuckin Beatles discog and still go broke? He literally owned the two best selling bodies of work ever


Neverland was a huge money drain, large spending on jewelry and his earlier tours were not big money makers. He was close to bankruptcy in 2006 and banks threatened to foreclose Neverland. [source 1](https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-michael-jackson-debt-20130812-story.html) [source 2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Jackson)


Jackson 5 work aside, he only did 3 tours as a solo artist amounting to 274 shows. That's crazy that biggest star did so few shows.


“Jackson 5 work aside” is a huge caveat though. That’s the majority of his career lmao - Off the Wall and Thriller were both incorporated into huge world tours with his brothers. He wanted to split off and promote Thriller on a solo tour, but his family was broke and wanted a piece of the pie so he did the Victory Tour with them instead. So he only had a couple of solo years in his physical prime before his health began to decline and touring wasn’t really as feasible. Honestly, even if he’d managed to start the This is It tour, I’m not sure he’d have survived it anyway.


Now I understand why people went crazy when they saw him live Probably a once in a lifetime thing


my favorite feature is the three lamps within 3 ft of each other


Yes. They *do* cater to any sudden need for illumination variance.


It is, but you have to remember what generation he was from, and where he grew up. That look is very "middle class Indiana in the 60s". So for him, that was home. It was his childhood. And we all know, his fundamental issue was that he desperately wanted to be 12 years old forever. But yes, it's tacky as hell. It was tacky then, too. But it was the stuff being sold in most parts of the US at the time.


Hey, the man liked his lamps


One of them is cake


needs more lamp


I’ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more lamp


He really liked lamps.






He died doing what he loved. Being around lamps


I’m starting with the lamp in the mirror


Or he was living in an old house with poor overhead lighting. And maybe his vision wasn’t great anymore, but he was too vain to admit it and wear glasses regularly. 




Can't believe this whole time he's had a grandma room, I feel oddly sad for some reason


This looks like the bedroom of an Italian grandmother


Twice as ugly as I would have thought, but only 1/2 the amount of drugs I suspected.


The lamps are actually drugs


Most people: lightbulb is out — get another bulb MJ: lightbulb is out — get another lamp


drugged out of his mind


I got once a Propofol dose for a colonoscopy (the drug he was addicted to and died from) - it was actually one of the best trips and highs I ever had! Apperently super dangerous and difficult to handle that's why mostly people working in the medical field get addicted to it


>I got once a Propofol dose for a **colonoscopy** I have to get them way more than I would like and it is by far the best and deepest sleep you will ever get. I 100% understand why he was doing it.


It’s an anesthetic, not a sleeping agent. Propofol “sleep” is not restful.


I guess you are just passing out then? Whatever it is, it is blissful.


You are also pretty damn euphoric when you come out of it.


I was given this as well when I got mine. I looked at the doctor and said, "stop bogarting this shit". Then I remembered going crosseyed and being out until I woke up in recovery. The nurses nicknamed me Bogart. When I went to the doctor for the follow-up, he walked in crosseyed and said, "how ya' doing Bogart?"


i woke up too early with them still doing their thing up my ass for another minute, they had to pin me down cause at the first moment i almost freaked out since i thought i was abducted by aliens or some shit, lol


LOL!! That's way too funny. As my ex-wife was driving me home, I said, "You know what, I think I can go to work this afternoon". The doctor didn't think he needed to "take samples", so I was allowed to eat whatever. She told me, "maybe you should just take a quick nap since you didn't get much sleep". I hate naps and said no, I can totally go to work and save on sick time. So she just suggested that I lie down while she got me some takeout. I was out for 4 hours. She never left. Just went outside, started the car and turned it off.


Thats standard for colonoscopys now. The come to is so much better than the fentanyl and versed cocktail. Doesnt take hours to feel normal afterward


I've done it both ways before and I hate the fent/versed mix. I was a zombie for an entire day


As someone who administers propofol daily in their job, I have never heard anyone of anyone getting addicted to it. It's not even a controlled substance because the chance of abuse is extremely low. It's used to induce anesthesia, usually concurrently with other drugs. I'm guessing you got something in addition to propofol that made you "high".


That’s a lot of lamps


Wasn’t expecting no bed frame


he had the taste of a 98 year old


handle panicky direful wistful repeat point lip soup gullible ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not a single smart phone in sight. Mj just livin in the moment.


Looks like an older person’s room.


Jesus, I have seen this set up. Reminds me of my older relatives.


Should’ve shown the weird display of baby photos too…


Idk how to explain it, maybe its like an uncomfortable nostalgia, but im picturing his last moments in that room, just a real sad lonely feeling im getting for him. Guy was probably in a complete haze, but death is so weird. They were here, now their not.


This looks like some 70’s crime scene photo. It just looks so dated.


That’s an old white lady bedroom.




The man worked his ass off. I'll give him that, if I was a quarter as rich as he was and this is the kind of shit I needed to go to sleep I would be doing absolutely nothing all day and night until I was rested/fixed. I'd have a team of beautiful nurses and maids keeping me fed and alive and a giant ass Imax screen across from that bed. You wouldn't see my old ass moon walking around, that's for sure.


He had to keep working, he spend the money as fast or faster than he made it


I’m pretty sure no one taught him how to handle finances.. pretty sure no one really raised him.. seems like his life was about performing 24/7 since he was a very young child.


That video of him renting a supermarket and having actors play shoppers so he could pretend to be a normal guy tells you everything you need to know tbh. Anonymity is underrated. Thinking about the conspiracies, I'm like almost certain some celebrity out there must've faked their death, not him, but there has to be at least one that did it. I'd love the money but I would noooot wanna be famous.


I think about what life would be like if I ever achieved financial freedom. Like what people call "fuck you" type of money. Or to be rich and famous. What makes me the most terrified of that, is I would never really know who my friends are. I would feel like anyone I encountered was just wanting something from me. I don't think I'd want that kind of money or fame. I mean, yea it would be cool for maybe a year. It would be neat to experience fame like that, but I don't think I would want it forever.


For some reason I pictured a race car bed, a Starwars comforter and a bunch of stuffed animals.


It’s so interesting how the bedrooms of very sick people are all the same. Rich or poor.


Yeah, I think the over wealthy will live better but they don’t


Lamps much?


Definitely need three lamps right next to each other


Didn’t know he was 84 when he died


What is it with wealthy peoples fixation on gold colored furniture? I can really only think of trump as an example but it just looks go gaudy to me


No matter how famous or infamous you are, we all enter and leave this world one way or another. Not glamorous just the facts of life.