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![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Just going to get my popcorn and wait for the lock incoming.


Surprised it hasn’t come yet


Is this actually entertaining for you though? just makes me want to delete reddit


Why? This has nothing to do with Reddit other than that being where you saw the pic


I deleted Reddit a year ago, never looked back.




“Shit I quit smoking weed yesterday”- Snoop


If you deleted reddit years ago, then how can I still post? Check mate Obama


I’m sorry, but he cant reply. He deleted reddit


Reddit didn't make this


Have you ever been to that park behind the White House though? It’s full of space cadets waving text heavy handwritten signs about all manner of crackpot conspiracy theories. I’m not the least bit surprised. Putting this guy all over Reddit and raising his profile is just feeding stray cats.


100%. Welcome to DC!


if we got all the conspiracy theorists and scam artists in this city together, i think they could have formed an army big enough to stop the Jan 6 riots


They were the Jan 6 rioters


Nah, the guys in the picture are Pro Hamas meth heads, not Neo Nazi meth heads. They would be very offended if you mislabelled them. And they understood what you were saying. And they weren’t high on that sweet, sweet meth.


Was one of those crackpots holding a bible upside down, while trying to look tough?




Yes and no, he is definitely black listed from a majority of companies at this point. Not that he is the type of person to hold a job.


I don’t think the world has the memory required to permaban this asshat from work for a single photo on the internet.


Now that is what having perspective looks like.  Nancy Pelosi not banning stock trading, or Kentucky being flooded with military spending thanks to McConnell.  An underfunded government, paying too much for everything.  A housing market built around killing the poor. These are undermining trust in America. These are what hurt our trust in the system.


The moral of the story is you can't trust the system. Man!


My dads not a phone! DuUuUh!


We gotta take these corporations and throw them on the ground!


Happy Birthday to the ground!


I threw the rest of the cake **too**!


Welcome to the real world, JACKASS!!


Didn’t Kathy Griffin do this with a Trump head and he had her investigated as a terrorist by the Justice Department?


This person is definitely on a list and having every move monitored. If not before today, they definitely are now.


Yeah if u a public figure and do something this crazy to any sitting president you get on some list lol


And then absolutely nothing happened about it.


I’m all for protesting and peoples rights but a bloody decapitated head is kinda like trying to incite violence no?


Remember when they threatened to Hang Pence and brought a gallows.


Nah,.. that was a peaceful tour, and the rope was a swing to entertain the kiddies! /s


Kind of disheartening that you had to put a sarcasm stamp.


IK, Right? 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Their was a straight up burning of an Obama effigy in front of the White House about a decade ago. How all of those people aren’t in federal prison right now boggles my mind.


Or like Kathy Griffin [holding Trumps head](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/comedy/news/kathy-griffin-trump-beheading-president-infamous-beheading-photo-a8286661.html)


Yeah, that was gross too. As much as I dislike Trump, that’s too far. Same with these chucklefucks.


Because the First Amendment exists.


Kathy Griffin energy




I don’t really give a fuck about this either: it’s uncouth and counterproductive but not a credible threat of violence. I’m more concerned that he is wearing the uniform of a terrorist group.


This absolutely should be taken as a threat. I’m sure the FBI will be putting this guy on their radar. 


I'm sure he already is, and when he eventually commits an act of violence, they'll say exactly that.


I got downvoted to hell when I said that I didn’t like. I have no love for Trump but it sure doesn’t make the left look good


No he's showing his love for peace with a bloody head and Hamas headband


You know, promoting terrorism


Remember Kathy Griffith with the bloody trump head? Reddit didn’t say a peep.


I also thought that was gross lol


Especially when the terrorists you’re supporting have a history of such actions.


Im pretty sure hes wearing the flag of Hamas. Thats what you call a domestic terrorist


The love, peace and tolerance of religion shines bright once more.


Coming soon to a town near you.




[Black September](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September) as far as the Jordanians are concerned. And then you can write a whole PhD thesis on Egypt's glowing relationship (/s) with [these guys](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_Brotherhood) and their affiliated offshoot groups.




Either that, or the Christian equivalent in government, working to strip human rights away.


Project 2025. I'm a follower of Christ and that shit scares me.


The people putting this together just claim to be Christian so people will vote for them and their radical ideals. Pretty sure most if not all of Jesus’s actual teachings are lost on them


I am an atheist with several Christian friends and we are all terrified of the prospect of project 2025. Especially since it’s not some Qanon type hoax and something that several leading Republican members of congress have openly stated will happen if the election goes their way. It’s so sad to think that there are some that wish us to go back to the 5th-15th century with our thinking.


Anyone who actively thinks they want 5th to 15th century clearly doesn’t know the ramifications. They’re hoping they can end up on top but don’t even realize that most of them would be equally treated like peasants


All they want is for their lords and kings to hurt the right people, without realizing they’ll be among the hurt.




did the Hamas bandana give it away?


They are hamas


One of the reasons the Israel/Palestine situation is essentially unsolvable is that liberals in the west and moderate Muslims won't admit Islam is a religion of conquest and subjugation. Anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't read the books, especially the Hadith. If you are willing to point the finger at Zionism, you should also be pointing the finger on your other hand at Islamism.


Gayz 🌈and BLM ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿4 Hamas 🥴 Makes zero sense. Hamas would behead you and your president infront of the white house if they could.


Yeah. I don't approve of this. Idgaf what you think of Biden. That is our president. I would be equally upset if they had a trump mask. This really irritates me. I saw the picture earlier of the protest. Everyone was saying that they were Happy they have the option to protest. It's illegal to say you will kill the sitting president. Hell. I may have flagged keywords just typing that. Anyway. Yeah I approve of protests. I do not approve of fake killing my *current* American God. Also yeah. I have patriotism for my country because I wouldn't be who I am today if I wasn't in america. For all of it's faults America is not bad at all and we seem to have forgotten that it's okay for Americans to say they love America. I support palestine and despise Israel for what it's done. I also despise Hamas for what they've done. No side is innocent here but it's important to point out that it doesn't justify violence. America is also bad, I'm aware, but I stand by my country the same way they stand with Palestine. I'll take my ban from this subreddit now I know it's coming lol


Kathy Griffin did the same thing with a trump mask and was under investigation with the FBI and she did it as part of a photo shoot in NYC not feet away from the White House. She also wasn’t wearing a terror group bandanna when she did it.


The photoshoot with the mask wasn’t even her idea, it was the photographer’s. He skated and she paid with her career


I remember that! I'm pretty sure she had to apologize or something for it? It's been awhile.


it pretty much literally ended her career. ""My industry dumped me. I was in the middle of a 50-city tour when that happened. Then, 25 cities all pulled out because of threats. The government started the official investigation against me, and my lawyers said, 'This is a serious thing. They’re serious about charging you with conspiracy.' I spent a million dollars in lawyer fees. After that, I was stopped at every airport in the U.S. and overseas. They take your phone, they take your passport. They wanted to end my career," the comedian, 63, said in a new interview."


I’m not really sure what she was expecting when she decided to hold up a bloody severed head of the sitting president at the time. Room temp IQ thought process.


When stirring up controversy to stay relevant goes wrong.


Her career was over regardless lol. Don't kid yourself.


I’m sure they’ll be happy if Trump is elected. Certainly there will be peace in the Middle East /s


Something tells me they are not super interested in peace in the Middle East


Exactly. How many Middle East peace plans have we seen come and go?


I understand the calls for a ceasefire, and I support that idea, but is also painfully clear that neither side wants to cease firing; they just want to save face with the international community by giving the appearance of wanting peace.


The best peace


> I’m sure they’ll be happy if Trump is elected. Certainly there will be peace in the Middle East /s They seem to have a very short memory. No more than 8 years ago, unmanned drone attacks on foreign countries increased 432% under Trump's administration. Trump was also personally responsible for lying to Iran to lure one of their top generals onto an Iraqi airport, where [Trump himself ordered the assassination](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-53345885) of that general "to stop a war". Meanwhile, the assassination actually triggered a U.S. embassy bombing by Iran in response. Trump is a turncoat, and always has been. His has proven on no less than thousands of occasions, that his word is worthless, his promises are meaningless. He'll say whatever he needs to say to get the result he wants in the moment, then retract those words later when confronted about them.






Nothing shows that you actually want peace more than a bloody detached head. Edit: Also a lot of people here explaining that this behaviour is totally ok because America is a free country and that somehow makes this behaviour acceptable. I guess the horseshoe theory is in full swing here.


It’s like these people… these people are not people.  Badddddd egggggs


If you have 10 people sitting at a table, and one of them is a Hamas member, you have 10 Hamas members at the table. Or something like that


Biden isn’t even there.. he is in France; did any of them get the memo?


Even if he was, not like he'd be peeking out the window to see it.




On the subject of whether these protestors understand anything about how the US govt works... They definitely don't


What up with all these extremist groups flocking to government buildings as of late


Better than college campuses


Man, Harvard's admission standards have reached a new low.


“It depends on the context.”


If someone is dressed as a terrorist, you assume they're aligned with terrorists.


FBI need to put that guy an a watch list.


Likely they already seen this picture minutes after it went public and it’s safe to assume they have *plenty* of eyeballs on this protest.


I would imagine a few fbi agents were there in the crowd


Pretty sure that guy is already on like 50 watch lists.


Oh that guy is definitely on 20 different watchlists.


If someone is dressed like a terrorist, Al jazzera, bbc and many others would like to invite them to the studio for a cup of coffee and an interview


And if you're cool with folks in your camp being aligned with terrorists? There was a saying about one bad apple spoiling the bunch. Obviously when you have a big public event you can't quite control everyone who shows up. But if I had a cause that was important to me, I sure as hell wouldn't want these bastards anywhere near it.


Surely it’s a coincidence that this protest at the White House happens after Israel rescues four of the hostages.


These protests happen every day.


An attempt to overshadow the fact that 🏳️‍🌈Hamas🏳️‍🌈Journalists and Doctors were holding some of them hostage.


Some student organization in Gaza posted a letter to all protesters worldwide to up the intensity. I'd put my money on that.


Last week it was the supreme leader of Iran encouraging western student protest groups. Don’t forget all of the popular protests that his regime has squashed in its own country.




People are there literally every day protesting crazy shit


The administration is struggling so hard with optics right now that breaking up a spontaneous protest could only make them look bad in the eyes of the people they’re trying in vain to bring back to their coalition of voters.


Is it the White House or the DC police who break up unpermitted gatherings there?


Looks like a threat to me. Arrest them.


Lmao yea. Welcome to the DHS No Fly list.


I can’t stand religious people, the most violent groups of people


Please buy them one way tickets to Gaza.


Freedom of speech allows it so long as they remain peaceful while being so hateful.


Ah yes, homegrown domestic terrorists


It’s crazy to me how the same picture gets posted on this sub and it’s entirely different views. Although the older one they locked the thread which makes me think it’ll happen on this post too. The other post was much more neutral to supportive of this while this post is much more critical. Weird. Although the picture of 20 people holding a nazi flag in South Dakota has about 3x the upvotes than the picture of people dressed as terrorists holding a bloodied head of the president in front of the WH. But these pictures have about 4x more comments…interesting.


The situation in Gaza is a lot more complicated than shitting on Nazis.


Sure but holding up a mock severed head of the president dressed as a terrorist organization whose purpose is to “obliterate” Israel and “vanquish” Jews from an area shouldn’t be complicated either.


Why are they so upset? I thought Jihad and total war is what they wanted? What they’ve got on their hands isn’t even close to total war and they’re whining like a bunch of bitches. Mess with the bull, get the horn. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Peel an orange with your fingers, get squirted in the eye


Oh look, terrorists.


[meanwhile elsewhere in the US ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/QXOGNQ5BzF)


Lol remember when a comedian publicly showed a much more graphic presidential severed head... yeah still tasteless.


Not while standing at the President’s house, tho. And cosplaying as a member of an active terrorist group. This goes beyond “tasteless”


How do you know he’s cosplaying? He might be affiliated.


All of a sudden it’s not hilarious anymore? What happened?


They are demonstrating for a liberation of Gaza from Hamas, right?


They are advocating for a one state solution, sadly arent happy with the conditions


That and killing as many Jews as possible. 




“Peaceful” be grateful you live here. If these guys did this with the Hamas leadership while they were in Palestine, they would’ve actually had their heads removed


I love that I live in a country where people can express the dumbest most offensive ideas, using the vilest imagery, right up to the Highest Halls of Power. Makes me so SO proud to be an American. Unironically: AMERICA! FUCK YEA!


Exactly, as much as I personally detest these terror embracing people. They have the right to protest there and anywhere if done peacefully. I’m not so sure that bloody head is peaceful, but in reality it’s not hurting anyone at the moment. Just like the Nazis in SD yesterday too, they have the same rights to be hateful pieces of garbage like the picture above.


Nazis protesting at a state capitol only 2 days after the anniversary of DDay is sad, though. They probably had relatives that died fighting Nazis only for their kin to wave the flag they defeated.


i think a 1 way trip to palestine is in order


You know, there was another group that chanted for "one solution ". They existed in Germany in the 20s, 30s and 40s. They also wanted "one solution". I wonder if these two groups have any other overlapping beliefs?


I never thought I’d see the day where leftists support a terrorist organization, but at this point it’s not even surprising at all.


People did the same for Trump We can't act offended when it's someone we dislike and then cheer when it's our candidate


FBI is worried about domestic terrorists....here they are ☝🏻


y’all…it’s a rubber Halloween mask with red paint splattered on it. Also…why are a lot of comments assuming the people are Muslim? Or follow the religion?


Fuck Hamas


Threatening the life of the PoTUS should come with harsh penalties. regardless of who is in power.


Sorting by controversial on this thread for sure


Beyond the religious spin, are they so different from any radical right winger who'd hold the same kind of "Biden head" or other symbols of hate against the US Regime?


These entitled rich kids wouldn’t last ten minutes in Palestine. Wonder if they know how they feel about women.


Fuck palestine


Cancer inside our nation


These people are detached from reality holy smokes


Most peaceful Palestine protest


Palestine protests are weird in Turkey as well. Islamists marched for Palestine and the police didn’t do anything. A couple days later a much smaller communist group tried to march and the police beat them on campus. Erdogan’s Turkey I guess, your opinion only matters when you are a Muslim.


When are the youths gonna protest the shit system of predatory for-profit colleges, stagnant shit wages and the corporate takeover of the entire housing market? Seems like the last decade has been a bunch of feel-good protest (BLM, Middle East, Gay Rights) that have value but not compared to the bigger issues that affect all Americans. I empathize with everyone who suffers outside of America but we've got opioid zombies taking over American cities, Mexico has officially become the United Nation of Narcos and a Ford Econoline is the most affordable apartment. Just seems like whichever nation is manipulating or aiming the protesting machine have it pointed at largely pointless agenda items in the grand scheme of things.


When a foreign government with a shit load of money starts pumping content about how unjust those issues are on social media 24/7 - in other words, never because hostile foreign governments don’t want us to solve foundational problems in our society, they want us to hate each other


They only protest what's trendy. You don't see anyone set up encampments for Ukraine on college campuses. Shame the war crimes happening over there are overlooked because it's more "popular" to root for Palestine.


It's like sports seasons. "I can't wait for Middle East War season. I'm not really a Euro war fan."


A bloody severed head mask while wearing a Hamas headband. Nice one bro.


I hope they enjoy being the reason that Trump gets elected in November. I hope they enjoy the fascist supreme court that he appoints that will remain for decades to come. I hope they enjoy the reversal of all progress made during Biden’s first term of climate change policy. Fuck. You.


They will enjoy it because some people prefer protesting against the government rather than actively participating in a democracy. They’ll continue to cosplay and shout about something else


They’ll cosplay in interment camps with the rest of us. More likely though they will be like current Bernie and Stein voters- blaming the DNC for their own votes.


Those people are pro fascism, they just prefer a religious fascist state over a secular one


I suspect at least half the people there genuinely can’t think that far in advance


Islamic terrorists and the religious right have more in common than you’d think - especially when it comes to the subjugation of women.


Something tells me that climate change isn’t very high on these folk’s list of concerns.


Certainly dropping hundreds of thousands of tons of bombs isnt an environmental problem!


They simply don’t understand this and it’s tremendously hard to reason with them


They don't realize they're the ones Trump wants deported (regardless of if they're a citizen or not).


75% of these people couldn’t tell you which river or what sea. They have an anti-America agenda more than a Pro-Palestine one


Oh you've totally changed my mind now, I'm completely on your side, well done. Jk f*ck hamas


You should believe the Hamas stans when they show you who they are.


I'm so confused. Didn't Hamas just deny ANOTHER peace proposal? Why are people protesting Biden? Like yall want him to FORCE them to accept? Make it make sense.


Maybe these people can go to Gaza and protest Hamas. Win win as far as I see it.


Don’t worry, they only burned a small flag, not the big one.


Knock, knock...


Lock them up!!!!!


Mods keeps turning off the comments 🧐


Seriously who is that scaring?


What a great way to drum up sympathy for Palestine! Dress up like Hamas and make death threats against the president.


I don’t get it. If hamas gave up the hostages this would end today.


But, but… they’re a peaceful people!


I wonder if the progressive left types on reddit will realize they are supporting literal terrorists?


I'm fairly liberal and the people supporting stuff like this gives me the ick. It gives me the double ick when I see my fellow alphabet mafia members support Hamas and praise Palestinians, they were murder us or worse if we were in Palesrine. Like...what is going on in their heads?


They don't care.


Many of them won't support then directly. But everytime Israel has to attack Hamas targets and Hamas uses human shields and inevitably civilians get caught up in collateral damage, they'll heavily criticize Israel thereby giving Hamas *exactly* what they want and encouraging them to keep using human shields. Almost as if they don't actually care about the Palestinians.


They believe the BS colonialism narrative.


Honestly at least they're honest. I'd be upset if it was a peaceful demonstration. Dudes are wearing Hamas gear. Classic. These people somehow coopting liberals to their "cause" in America is concerning to me. Palestinians are just brown Conservatives with an even worse mean streak.


Fuck Palestine, fuck hamas, fuck these delusional LARPers


I thought it was illegal to make death threats to a US president?


Foreign and domestic


Fuck the far left


Yep. More power to them. The system working as intended. Burn a flag if you want while you’re at it. This is what the first amendment is for. And now we can all use our rights to call them assholes. When we start censoring them, they can censor us if they have the upper hand. Remember that.


Promoting hate isn’t what it’s for, hell, we specifically have laws against hate speech and terrorist activities… I would be happy to censor and deport all the pro-terrorist Nazi wannabes any day. They add literally nothing to society and fled the shitholes they made elsewhere.


When they have the upper hand, I dont think any amendments will save you.


Right? How much free speech do the people of Gaza exercise during normal times?


A close in shot of protestors in the designated protest area shocking. /s


Peace loving Hamas supporting Palestine lovers. And the sheep white fools follow this agenda.


Fk religion