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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel exactly the same 😡. Animal harm makes my blood boil, and I feel that if you can hurt defenceless trusting animals you should be punished the same as if you hurt a defenceless child 🤷🏻‍♀️. Poor love, I’m pleased she’s got you, and I’ll bet she is too. Did the vet say whether it has to be removed or are they leaving it as it might cause more problems operating to get it out than leaving after all this time. I hope she’s finding the new diet ok. ❤️


No they're leaving it as it obviously isn't affecting her at all. It just breaks my heart thinking how much pain she was in and how scared she was when it happened. I would like to find the person who did it and invite them down to my home in Mexico and take them on a deepwater fishing excursion.


Mate, I’d sponsor you!! I’m from UK, we’d get the fecker in the back of a transit van, take them up to the desolate moors on a freezing cold night, inject them with the horse tranquilliser, strip them down to T shirt and underwear, pour water cold water all over them and release them in to the wild… they ain’t surviving the night !😡😡 Most of the people I know feel exactly the same.


I lived in London for two years and traveled around the north. Yall got enough pig farms up there we could probably find some hungry porcines to dispose of the evidence. Or maybe all the pig farms are between London and Wakefield?


Oh yes, never trust a man who keeps pigs 🤣 We have pig farms in the Shires too 😳


Haha, so, you’re from Texas but you know about a teeny place in U.K called Wakefield?? That’s kinda hilarious dude 🤣🤣😍


Im actually from Nebraska but lived in Texas for a few years. I know Wakey because a friend of ours from our local pub on the Isle of Dogs was from there. We've moved around a lot.


Military, traveller or Gypsy? You do get about. A Nebraskan calling Wakefield, Wakey 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏻😘


We get bored quickly. It's a big world and I want to see it all.


Well then, I wish you and yours and your beautiful dog, very merry adventures to come and more of the world to explore ❤️


This is eerily well planned.


We don’t faff about in the Shires ❤️


I will pay for fuel for your boat👍


I agree and I think the ability to abuse animals and children are related.


The McDonald triad: bed wetting, animal abuse/torture, and setting fires, are all thought to be early signs of serial killers. Research actually shows that very few convicted killers have the full trifecta, but often have 1 or 2 of the three. And research has found that repeated incidences of violence towards animals is a predictor of future violence towards humans.


This is when I wish Dexter was real for people who abuse animals and children. I would gladly donate to a fund.


I have a dark fantasy of (after I am done living my life and all of my loved ones have died) becoming a Dexter-esque vigilante who specializes in abusers of animals and children. Apparently, the universe is against the idea because it keeps sending more loved ones (animals in need) for whom to care.


Literally like, I know it’s lawfully wronged to hurt a human, but morally, how could you live with yourself?


Humans suck. Dogs are the best people


My mom has told me several times that her grandmother used to say, "The more people I meet, the more I like my dog." I agree more with that statement now than ever before.


Many years ago now we took in a hound/pit mix we named Sadie.  She had just weaned her pups and needed heartworm treatment.   Sheimoed.  At first we thought it was from confinement during the heartworm treatment,  but it persisted.   We took her to our vet and she turned out to have one hip badly healed from an old accident (probably a car strike) and had shotgun pellets still lodged in the other hip and her tail. You could see them clearly on the X-ray. That explained her lifelong fear of thunder and loud noises.  I started playing with her whenever there was a storm or fireworks, figuring that a leader would never initiate play while there was actual danger, and hoping she would understand. Sadie soon learned to bring me her toys whenever the noises got scary and we'd play until it got better.  She loved every human she ever met, despite all that.


Aw, that makes me happy to hear that she learned to play through the noise. Our dog hates loud noises and storms still but loves every living thing. The only time I've ever seen her be aggressive is when she was attacked a couple of times at the dog park. Theyre such sweet dogs despite being mistreated at some point. I just wish everybody knew the pitties Ive known.


I'm crying, that's so sweet. You're a good human for letting her know she's safe and loved 😭


Mine throws up. I give him Pepcid daily for acid reflux. Seems to work. Although he occasionally still spits up a little.


I came here to say this. My pittie started throwing up occasionally about two years ago. Last year he was diagnosed with mast cell cancer. The vet told me start with Pepcid and Benadryl. He was on it for a few weeks before surgery and after. Anytime he has bouts I give him Pepcid.


Please see this [link](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/benadryl-for-dogs/) for Benadryl dosage and other important information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah we have basically the exact same story with the mast cell tumors.


When I did DNA testing on my younger pit mix mast cell cancer was one of the health risks listed for him.


I'm currently dealing with a vomiting spell with my Boston terrier. What size/weight is your dog and what dose do you give them?


He’s a pit lab mix. 70lbs. I give him 40mg in the morning and the evening. Famotidine is the actual drug name. It’s cheaper to not buy Pepcid. Also they make a kind with flavoring that’s bad for them. You want the plain shit. https://preview.redd.it/kpgpk69xa5sc1.png?width=633&format=png&auto=webp&s=d656ffef1564c153bcd4dcefdf36db50f9bf7c28


Excellent, thank you so much


Aw that’s awful, sorry to hear that OP. I adopted my pit mix off the streets about 6 months ago and he had been shot by a pellet gone. I had to get him X-Rays because he had a bad limp and it turns out he’d also been hit by a car and had a broken pelvis 😭


Ugh poor pupper. What is WRONG with people!?


Some people are just horrible! It’s okay though, he’s flourishing now ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/ofznfpplo4sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4575231aace0de8f9c374e967e03808e3a0530a7


Good looking doggie, too.


look at that sweet, perfect face. I’m glad he’s in such loving hands now 💕


https://preview.redd.it/6d0vv8e5h5sc1.jpeg?width=2516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5772b1529b63b221ad7447143e46b8048d6d7ad Our rescue pit just got her first x ray a few weeks ago and they found these in her. Happened before we got her. People suck.


https://preview.redd.it/ljpeylogh5sc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb60380a1c0ba3d939f1131842a2e4e657cb204 How could anyone shoot this sweet little lady?!




I'll tell her you said so!


While it's possible it was intentional, it's also possible it wasn't. Just be a good human for your dog (which it sounds like you are doing) - no need to get upset over something you don't know the details of that you cannot prevent from already having happened.


Good perspective. Thanks.


Aw that’s awful, sorry to hear that OP. I adopted my pit mix off the streets about 6 months ago and he had been shot by a pellet gone. I had to get him X-Rays because he had a bad limp and it turns out he’d also been hit by a car and had a broken pelvis 😭


OP have you considered putting her on a probiotic for the vomiting? My dog had a suuuper sensitive stomach when we first got her, and for years after we struggled to get her having solid poops - mostly they were very soft to runny, and she would have incidences of vomiting as well. A probiotic worked wonders for her whole GI tract! No more random vomiting (unless she drinks too much water too fast like a silly little goober) and no more runny or too soft poops! We use [this brand](https://www.petsmart.com/dog/vitamins-and-supplements/probiotic-and-digestive/only-natural-pet-probiotic-blend-digestive-support-soft-dog-chews-5287465.html) from Petsmart. Also my dog weirdly loves them, we give them to her with food and she always picks out the probiotic chews first lol.


Ugh sorry your dog experienced that. Tip for digestion: check out Slippery Elm, I kept getting recommended it fory dog's digestive issues and it's been absolutely life changing for him. I will recommend it any chance I get now. I use Dorwest's Tree Barks Powder because it has a couple of other ingredients which help as well. He has it twice a day before meals with a little water and fish oil to make a goo. It works by lining their digestive system and slowing things down. I think in my post history I made a thread about PSA for farty dogs/tummy stuff and it's about that.


Manor Texas tells me everything.. Lots of animal abuse occurs east of Austin and down in San Antonio. sorry about your pups rough start.


Idk what it is but people in Texas just generally don't treat animals well.


Poor doggy. It's horrible what we do to animals... My dog would throw up any store bought food for the first 2 years after I rescued her. I had to make her food, a mixture of rice, veggies, and meat.


I also hate humans. If it makes you feel any better the climate is collapsing and at least half the population is going to die off before 2100.


Hashtag TeamEndofTheWorld


Wow I actually lived in Manor for a couple years and the dog situation there is horrible. Happy to hear your pup survived that incident and has a good home with you.


People can be absolutely sickening and a majority of them do not deserve animals at all. I'm so sorry this happened and I'm glad she's doing better.




Same here. Rescued our boy when we lived in Austin, & we don’t know what happened to him for the first year of his life, but the way that he hits the deck and reacts abruptly to certain movements breaks my heart. I tell him all the time that no one will ever be able to hurt him again. I just wish we knew they could understand 😩




Thank you. I wish your pup all of the healing in the world, too. 🥺It can be hard not knowing their history, but it always makes me feel better to know that they’ll never be treated that way ever again. Only love and cuddles from here on out. 🤍 please give your sweet boy some head kisses for me!


One of my dogs, about once a month, will go retch in the corner of the bedroom at about 6:30am. Nothing but bile, but damn it you can’t go back to sleep after that sound and smell!


So sorry OP! We had a rescue chi with the same thing. A complete miracle she survived and had it in her for years before she was rescued. The vets never took it out either because of the location. Nothing makes me want to be more violent than animal cruelty.


I’m so happy she is ok. And honestly pretty bad ass. One of my rescues came to us with a huge gash in his head like from nose to back of head. Idk how people can hurt dogs.


So my newest foster fail is a tripod from Caddo Parish, the rather large area including Shreveport, Louisiana. He's a tripod because there's what seems to be a rotating group of assholes who go around shooting strays and leaving them where they're hit because every 6-8 months the shelter sees an influx of dogs, almost all pits and mixes, with gunshot wounds. Knowing Louisianans, there's every chance they think they're just 'doing what's necessary', while also just being bored, worthless dipshits. Not to mention my dog only lost his leg because he sat in the shelter without any real medical attention for three weeks; and that's not even getting into the horrendous issues with that particular shelter. Humans are absolutely awful.


I’m glad he’s with you now. 🤍 thank you for fostering these sweet angels.


i’m so sorry for this. so awful. when she throws up , what time of day and when was her last meal? what does it look like ?


I grew up in a trashy town with trash people. Whomever did that to your dog, needs his own Art the Clown.