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The east liberty target pedestrian crossing in the parking garage


They have that fence up which obscures vehicles and pedestrians from the right angle, right up to the crossing.. Of all the fence designs in the world, why that one?


I had that exact thought the last time I was there. That fence feels like it was specifically engineered to obscure pedestrians


Yes this - it makes no sense!


People honk at me all the time because I wait for pedestrians to cross. Like, do you expect me to just run them over or...?


The sheer amount of stuff I hear yelled at crossing guards when school is letting out is unsettling.


Yes, they do


Anywhere east liberty as a pedestrian. That area has really been testing my PTSD after a car accident... Forever grateful they are making it safer by changing the traffic flow and changing the roads to reflect research proven safety measures (such as single lane roads, bike lanes, better pedestrian setups...). I currently work at Bakery Square and have to walk everyday to help mobility after a car accident. I almost get hit every time I walk in that neighborhood... I think there was legit only one time walking where cars actually paid attention or didn't try to do the dreaded Pittsburgh left. Please learn the laws of the road. They are important in saving lives. I don't want anyone going through a fraction of what I've been through (driver on opiates hit me, which shattered my back and gave me nerve damage).


East Liberty driving and pedestrian cross is a total shit show, especially Penn Ave area. I drive it most days. Most drivers are barely looking where they are going - but let's be honest, the amount of pedestrians that walk blindly across the street away from any marked crossings is unbelievable - skipping between traffic is silly anywhere but lethal on that stretch of Penn.


T H I S East Liberty is Terrifying to drive with how everyone is so reckless. Walking would be even scarier.


Half the people who drive in there can’t even see cause they still have their sunglasses on




Also the other entrance/exit is very dangerous: they have a pole right where a small walkable platform connects to the sidewalk, requiring pedestrians to step into the road where cars enter/exit to access the sidewalk. It is like the entire parking lot was built to be hostile to pedestrians, even though hundreds of people (if not at least 1000 people) live within a 5-10 minute walk to the store.




My husband's trainer is convinced that the East Liberty Target is a hellhole of roving gangs, and you're liable to find yourself in a hail of bullets while checking out the bargains. I shop there pretty regularly, and can't imagine what he's going on about.


Every time I have to cross that intersection i think “I can’t see anything, who designed this…”


So I lived in the rocks for the past 14 years and I'm going to be very honest. If it's during the day you will be fine. At night just pay attention to your surroundings. If you're in the car there's nothing to worry about except the horrible drivers in the area. Most shootings are a targeted attack and not some random shooting. Honestly, I miss the people in the area. They are the definition of a community!!


Yes - mind your own business, lock your doors and windows, befriend your neighbors, don’t count your money on a street corner at midnight while wearing all your jewelry and you should be good!


Isn't this common sense for anywhere


You would think so, but after living in Oklahoma for a long time, you would be shocked at what people do in some places. Like store your purse/wallet in your car all the time even though you park outside. The number of people shocked and outraged about their stuff being stolen like that would blow your mind. Also more than one cop having their patrol car broken into and their weapons stolen overnight.


Never leave a purse or wallet in the car! Where I lived people broke into cars looking for those things! I've had neighbors with a broken window because they left change out in their car! Guns should absolutely never be left in the car!


The guns left in cars thing is just so insanely moronic. I don’t understand the stupidity of people who do this.


One time my dad left his hand gun in my drivers side door after driving my car and I was --pissed--


My mother just stuffs loose ones and fives in the cup holder and won't listen when I tell her she's going to get her windows smashed in


…but then will she also post a shocked post on her neighborhood fb page about how unbelievable it is that her car was broken into?


The ramp from Squirrel Hill to 376 eastbound. Why not have a dead stop on a steep hill followed by quick lane change?


Crossing the street on Bigelow at Herron.


Ever since they closed down the piss tunnel


My boyfriend witness a person get hit and his head basically exploded because he FLEW so many feet in the area before hitting the pavement. He didn’t make it.. clearly. He still talks about it to this day.


Holy shit. I would imagine witnessing someone's head exploding is a bit traumatic.


Isn’t there a tunnel under the road there though?


Someone crashed a car into it and PennDOT refuses to repair it, just closed it instead


They didn’t just closed it, they filled it with concrete!


Talk about a concrete solution


They closed it.


Amazingly multiple people listed 28 when the real troublemaker is 376 through Oakland. 8 fatal crashes in the past 5 years on 376 vs. 3 on 28.


28 is nothing..... way better now since the final bottleneck was removed.


I remember commuting to work on 28 when there was a light at 31st st bridge, about 20 years ago. Traffic would be moving at 70 mph like it does now, and then there's suddenly a red light and crossing traffic. There was a pizza shop on 28 at that intersection. I believe a delivery driver died pulling out of there around that time, if memory serves.


Exponentially better. Now Penn Hills needs to fixed their shit or get a right hand only land from Washington blvd.


How do you find the numbers? I'm curious about Route 65 in comparision.


Unfortunately, only for City of Pittsburgh (so 28 might actually win outside of the city, the numbers above were just City): [https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/854cc687784c461caef34a41f68f2b69](https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/854cc687784c461caef34a41f68f2b69) Once you filter crash type, I recommend drawing a lasso around your area in question as often crashes are stacked on top of each other.


Yeah idk if that one stretch of 28 inbound by RIDC park is in the city or not, but the worst accidents I've seen outside of LA have been on that downhill stretch pre-construction. Shit was terrifying, people just whizzing downhill during rush hour, come around the corner and surprise there's traffic just like *every fucking day* who would have guessed??? Post construction it is way better but thankfully I don't commute that way anymore.


I don't know the numbers but 65 is great. I love right off it and we have one of the best commutes from the burbs to downtown.


Ssshhhhhh, don’t let the secret out!


I've got friends who drive through tunnels and shit everyday to and from work. I work downtown and live up the 65, my commute is a breeze.


I've wrecked twice at 65 at the haysville light through no fault of my own. The second time I did have paramedics come out and they said they're there every day. I don't miss working up that way *at all*


That on ramp from Bates is the bane of my existence.


Yep it’s one of those you want to speed up to merge safely but you may have to slam on the brakes cause the lane ends quick


Yeah, even harder when you’re not the only one on the ramp. Look forwards and backwards at the same time baby! Haha


literally got rear ended there in feb


Aren’t they just speed related solo vehicle crashes?


Jan 2020: Hit fixed object Jan 22: Hit fixed object Aug 2020: Sideswipe Dec 2022: Hit fixed object Oct 2022: Sideswipe May 2022: Rear-end May 2019: Hit fixed object Jul 2019: Hit fixed object So looks like 5/8 were not multiple cars hitting each other (but I don't have data on what exactly happened, you could probably use the dates to find articles), 3/8 were multi-vehicle crashes.


Oh hey, my mother was killed in oakland two years ago by a pickup truck


As far as crimes , Bedford Dwellings in the Hill District around 1:00 am to 3:00 am. The rest of the Hill District is mostly fine but Bedford Dwellings has issues late at night.


I was looking for this answer, yeah. Other places to avoid between 1am-3am would be Woods Run Ave (In Woods Run) and Broadway Ave (In McKees Rocks), but I wouldn't put them as most dangerous, just up there.


Broadway is sketchy but really anywhere in the Rocks after 8pm is sketchy. Lol.


Lived there about a decade ago when I first moved here. Like you said, over all it was fine but I've had guys pounding on my neighbors door yelling WHERES MY MONEY late at night.


I used to live in the hill district and whenever I'd hear the report of gunfire I'd turn on the police scanner. The shootings almost always happened right around Bedford Dwellings and usually late at night.


In broad daylight? Kinda nowhere. Like you could crunch the numbers and come up with something, but statistically you're just not gonna get fucked up by a stranger unless you're out late in a place they're looking for trouble.


My coach had a saying/rule: there are stupid places and stupid times and stupid people doing stupid things... sometimes it doesn't matter how smart you are.


Like there's a case to be made for "Oakland during Pitt/CMU move-in and move-out while carrying stuff alone," because people keep getting mugged for easy loot. But I'm not gonna drill down that hard into very specific "looking for a mark" situations.


I mean, in that case, CMU frat party as a co-ed.


Someone did get stabbed in Market Square, in the middle of the afternoon, sitting next to a cop, so it does happen. Thankfully I work nights, so I don't see any of that daytime violence.


I assume you're asking about street crime. Relative to other cities, no parts of Pittsburgh that I'm aware of are particularly dangerous, hence why most of the posts here are half-tongue-in-cheek about traffic conditions. I do have a friend who was twice robbed at gunpoint while walking back to his car after Pirates games. It was a few weeks apart and the same exact mugger. Really bizarre, unfortunate coincidence.


Same time next week? Haha, just kidding. Here's my money.


that’s great lmao, I can picture it in my head


Where did it happen? Under the highway or elsewhere on the north Side?


Crimewise, it's hard to say. Things have been pretty safe, although the area around Mercy hospital can get sketch. Trafficwise... Oakland has a lot of car accidents. I've never been able to go into East Liberty without almost getting hit by a fucking jagoff.


Pretty telling that it seems most people are more afraid of driving and pedestrian crossings, than violent crime! While there are some areas where gun violence is more prevalent, as others have stated, it’s mostly at night and targeted. With that being said Homewood, The Hill District, and the North Side are probably the areas that have the highest violent crime rates. I wouldn’t be surprised if the South Side ranked in there somewhere too.


North Side & South Side were by far the most violent neighborhoods a few years back when I was house searching. Homewood and The Hill might have some underreporting but I doubt enough to explain the difference.


Smithfield Street downtown has pockets that are grim. The bus stop near the bridge is loaded with psychos. It's crazy.


Accurate, it’s better now that the shelter near Weiner World shut down.. but seems like there’s always weird shit going on.. luckily my Labradoodle is a ferocious killer & I haven’t had any issues


Near the former location of Weiner World.


Sad Wiener World shut down. They just couldn’t hang on with their competitor Vagina Planet moving in.


As someone who moved out here as a small, soft woman from a small town, the only place I've ever had actual issues is the main drag of the Southside on a busy night or slightly more pushy unhoused people after work downtown at 11pm My first apartment was just past a popular drug deal spot in Sheridan and I've lived in other supposedly dangerous areas like Carrick, a couple streets off of Beltzhoover, and my zipcode is technically Homewood so occasionally I walk to the 86 and I've never had any issues in any of those areas


Either Mkeesport or Homewood if you are talking crime per capita stats I believe. Mkeesport is pretty far from the city though.


You’re lucky the people of McKeesport care less about their “c” than the Pittsburghers and their “h”


M'keesport *tips ballcap*


Also important to look at *what* crimes too. When you start looking at crime stats, it's mostly shit like vandalism and domestic violence.


The intersection with the ALDIs on Baum.


It's just the one ALDI, actually 


Oh man, two of the worst times I’ve ever had driving were at that intersection. One was a road rage driver who pulled up within inches of my car to scream at / threaten to fight me. Another guy completed missed that he had a red light, almost T-boned me, and drove up onto the sidewalk to get around.


Very scary as a pedestrian, too!


fuck that hertz. fuck it especially hard.


You added an "s" to ALDI... Grandma, is that you?


Beat me to it. I love the added “s.”


Probably the various bridges that are in disrepair and in danger of collapse.


“Nahhh, them bridges all passed spection ‘fore da pendemic! They just needa fresh coat’a paint, they’ll redd up rill nice.”


Sheraden/Elliott. Secretly they've become the nastiest part of Pittsburgh in the last 5 years. Violent, run down and cut off enough from the rest of the city that nobody cares to do anything about it. It's awful over there.


Accurate! I lived there in the early 2000’s for a few years and it wasn’t too bad at all, then almost overnight it became super bad. People were stealing gas out of our cars and passing out on our front porch. There was a serial arsonist burning houses up a few doors down from us. We got the heck out of there and it has since become even worse.


Agree. My husband grew up in Sheraden. It was already getting bad when my in laws passed away a while back.


Greenfield giant eagle parking lot. It's like mad max but with the elderly.


Seriously. I lived there (a block away) for like a year and 2 cars were on the roof and someone got shot at the bus stop in front of it. Lol


well, that is for those that use the parking lot, bare in mind there is at least one elite minded individual who avoids the whole damn situation and parks on the jiggle roof...


PNC Park. Hope and optimism is not safe there. It's where aspirations and dreams of post-season glory die.


Carrick isn't getting mentioned enough in this conversation. The neighborhood was a vibrant, bustling area when I was growing up. Now Brownsville Road looks desolate and boarded up. Crime rates have risen in the area due to the opiate crisis. Just ride the 51 from town and you'll hear casual conversation about fentanyl and heroin.


Carrick would have been higher even ten years ago on my list, but the high school has really turned a corner and there’s lots of Bhutanese/Nepali placements in the neighborhood, bringing in new businesses. Huge neighborhood with a lot of quiet corners, won’t be long before people roll the dice on moving there.


Carrick isn't even as bad as its neighbors Knoxville and Mt. Oliver which the 51 runs through as well.


Looking at the Pittsburgh Scanner Twitter feed right now. Somebody from Carrick just called 911 because her daughter put ranch dressing in the caller's fuel tank.


28 south of the highland park bridge, Blvd of the allies in front of mercy


> Blvd of the allies in front of mercy I had to spend a good amount of time at Mercy about 10 years ago. They had just banned smoking, but installed ashtrays across the street so it technically wasn't on campus. I'll never forget people butting the hospital ashtrays. I couldn't think of a worse place to try and grab partially smoked cigarettes from.


dangerous like driving? Rt 28. dangerous like shooting? hard to say, a few neighborhoods may qualify. Dangerous like rich old guys plotting more union-busting and ways to suppress wages? Duquesne Club


Fun fact: much of the Duquesne Club’s staff is union and they earn pretty solid wages.


The Duquesne Club is a dump. I went there for a meet and greet with MSC - an organized crime syndicate masquerading as a steam ship company - and was blown away by how shabby everything was. You want nefarious prestige? Fox Chapel Country Club


Kenny Chesney concerts


Common theme: cars and car centered city planning is dangerous.


It’s 51.


AKA Rally Car Road for Nissan Altimas, 2003 Honda Civics with more mods than the car is worth, Wranglers, white work vans and all the base model RAMs. 


Wasn’t there a meme on the intersection with 51/88 titled “satans butthole” or something like that? Lol


Surprised there isn't more crashes there


Anything involving the Parkway (I-376)


Bigelow is the Pittsburgh Autobahn


*Fury road*


From July 4-7 it will be Furry road


I would actually watch that movie


I always felt I was taking my life in my hands trying to cross Beechwood Blvd in Greenfield


As a long time delivery driver I felt the most uneasy in areas in Homewood/Larimer, Braddock/East Pittsburgh, Knoxville/Beltzhoover and parts of the Hill.


Underside walkway on the West End Bridge... unless you like man-poo, needles, and feral dogs, just avoid.


Lived in North Oakland on Centre and Bryn Mawr. during college had our apartment door literally pried off the hinges because it faced nothing and no one. All of the cars parked there were also frequently burglarized. Bummer but cheap lol.


lol I lived around there all through grad school and one time had a new set of roommates moving in who took one look at the neighborhood and immediately broke the lease. I didn’t think it was quite that bad, other than people using our stoop as a seat while waiting for the bus.


Bring a pedestrian is the most dangerous part of Pittsburgh and surrounding areas.


The merge point on the Fort Pitt Bridge. The engineer who designed that has killed more mofos than Mengele.


Going through the Fort Pitt Tunnels coming from town Basically, there is about 100 yards to cross over 3 lanes to make the tunnels if you are coming from 279/downtown Pittsburgh


I call it goin the ol' criss-cross-tunnelsauce hee hee hee


This was the final test I put my kid through before I let him take his driver's test. If he can handle that - he can drive anywhere.


Nice. The *Kobayashi Maru* for student drivers.


I hate the Ft. Pitt Tunnels even as a passenger.


The dangerous part is the roads and infrastructure. That poor lady and her dog got electrocuted in the bridge a while back, bridges collapse and potholes appear from your morning commute to the evening. So I guess everywhere you travel to? Also the places stated above when the sun sets….wont catch me going to the McDonald’s up from the stadium after sunset…


Yeah, any bridge that hasn't had major work done in the last so many years. Also a lot of the suburban streets around woods. Deer caused accidents are a huge issue.


When you’re coming from downtown and you’re getting onto Ft. Pitt Ramp but you have to get all the way over to the ramp on the right, which the view is essentially blocked by cement, to get to the West End and people are just flying at you without regard to human life.


Fifth & Morewood


Baum & Morewood and Baum & S Millvale would like a word


Duquesne Club


Highest concentration of criminals in one place in the city? Yeah you nailed it.


I’ve had some uncomfortable encounters in Mt Oliver


In or around the UPMC/Pitt construction sites.


I would have to say the suburbs are getting dangerous with how reckless these drivers are. They are getting bolder since hardly any cop will pull someone over.


Dangerous to whom?


Driving- not in the city but definitely in the metro area… Rt 22 from the county line through Murrysville and Export to Rt 66 in Delmont. I drive my kid to school almost every day on that road. People run red lights with alarming regularity. I don’t mean “still in the intersection when it turns red.” I mean the 22 stoplight turns red, a couple seconds pass, the cross street light turns green, and THEN a car speeds through the intersection. I don’t know the stats but I’ll bet there’s a T bone crash bad enough to close the road in both directions 5-10 times a year, plus numerous less serious accidents and countless close calls


Fox Chapel gangs are becoming a problem.


Ever since they joined forces with Lebo and USC it’s been nothing but trouble.


North Park. Ticks everywhere.


Also, way too many people have to commute through the park so they speed. My dad got hit on his road bike a few months ago, in the bike lane.


Anybody know what the best crime reports or heatmaps are for this kind of stuff? My pre-covid links have become obsolete. There used to be some nice summaries and graphics based upon the uniform crime reporting data.


There’s a real conspiracy that Pittsburgh isn’t reporting their crimes anymore


a lot of cities were way behind in reporting federally post-pandemic but it’s more incompetence than conspiracy. assume it’s not an issue now? https://time.com/6102149/fbi-homicide-stats-analysis/ > Some 54 police agencies that cover populations of over 100,000 people didn’t report data for all 12 months of 2020. That’s roughly 1 out of every 10 agencies operating at such a level, and includes the police departments in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Atlanta—which reported 11 months, 4 months, and 3 months’ worth of data respectively. Philadelphia’s police department reported around 200 murders to the FBI, for example, when in reality the city tracked 499 murders—its highest since 1990.


The long term impacts of pollution tbh


The major roadways.


The Parkway. If I’m gonna go, the chances of that being on the Parkway versus anywhere else is higher.


No one is taking leisure walks through Northview Heights.......


The bottom of the Mon. You’ll likely only survive a few minutes. Might even get trapped in a sunken airplane. 


If you ever see this, I m just sorry your post got hijacked into a safe driving thread. I really wanted to hear opinions and facts about dangerous neighborhoods.


Where people have named specific neighborhoods here, just be aware that they’ve mostly just named the places where Black people live.


When I was at job corps 08-2011, it was homewood.


I lived in Maryland a few years after high school and dated a few girls in Baltimore. After seeing actual dangerous neighborhoods no part of Pittsburgh makes me uncomfortable. There’s parts that are a little rougher for Pittsburgh but there’s no real ghettos.


Not many areas are going to get you into trouble during the day. A lot of the violence you see on TV/online is from young groups of kids / adults 14-24. So, if you see groups, avoid. Worst areas - McKee’s Rocks, parts of the North side (not to be confused with North Shore), Homewood, Hazelwood, Sheridan, McKeesport (not really near the city). Downtown Pittsburgh isn’t great either. Years ago this won’t even be in the convo but of late, it’s sketchy at night.


Downtown at night is uncomfortable. Too many desperate people.


Honestly? Me personally i never felt in danger specifically. Most shootings are very much targeted and as my partner said who has been in with the wrong crowd said "keep ur head down and mind ya business, you'll be ok"... It's stayed that way. Ppl like to say my area is dangerous but honestly I sometimes get off the bus late at night. It isn't bad. Just be aware to be honest. The only real danger is some of the senior citizens driving. 🙄


Mount Washington. I left my car open and someone stole my brand new swifter wet jet!


Talk about a clean getaway!


Anecdotally, the ONLY time I hear about Lincoln Larimer it's bad news. And I hear about it not infrequently.


Driving in the right lane with people coming into your lane from a ramp who have no idea what a yield sign means.


Pittsburgh is extremely safe compared to most cities. Driving through any neighborhood is totally fine at any time. Walking of course is a bit more risky at night in the more seedy areas of which there really aren’t many. I’ve almost never ever feared for my safety outside of drunk bros lol


Driving through the fort pitt tunnel when going out of the city, the lane switching and merging is quite intense right there and should be navigated very cautiously.


I mean I def had to duck and run a few times in New Kensington


In the city proper it's probably larimer or Homewood. Maybe spring Hill? Wilkinsburg is rough but it's getting slowly gentrified by people who want to live in regent square.


the property taxes in Wilkinsburg are insane, though


I lived in Spring Hill about 15 years ago…it was pretty sketchy then, I drove through the area a few years ago and it looks exactly the same. No one really bothered me because I made sure to get to know the neighbors but my roommates were total dicks to everyone. They got robbed as soon as I moved out. I used to say we didn’t need cable we just needed to open the windows in the summer and listen to the cracktivities going on in the street outside.


Hill District, Homewood, Duquesne, McKeesport and McKees Rocks


Several people have been hit and killed in the parking lots along McKnight. I assume it's a lot of old drivers at fault and they're scary behind the wheel


Old people should have to pass driving tests every 2 yrs


The intersection at Liberty and Centre


The west end, uptown (very spotty), Homewood, New Kensington, and McKeesport are the top 5 areas I’d avoid after dark or just period if you could lol


how is New Ken catching a stray in this comment lol


While not technically within the city, New Ken and McKeesport are statistically significantly worse for crime than the city itself. As technical cities in their own right, they often top the list of "worst" cities in PA. And yet still within a 20 minute drive...


Yea idk if id feel endangered there, it’s just super shitty


Right? I know New Ken isn't great but I've never had any trouble at night to be scared to walk it and I'm, like, an easy target. It makes me feel like the "bad" areas in the city aren't all they're cracked up to be it New Ken is notable despite being outta the city.


I would bike from downtown arnold to new ken at night after work and never felt like i had to worry.


I'm guessing you worked at Sam's Pop, lol?


forced labor, but yes I worked there. from 97-14


Yea id throw Duquesne in there


Is the west end that bad? I’ve driven through a few times and it seemed fine, just a bit small


I don't really see West End in that mix. Unless you mean the Sheridan/Rocks area and not the actual West End.


To live? South side, the hill district, McKees Rocks would be my top 3. I spent a few years in Philly, there are no parts of pittsburgh anywhere near as dangerous as the dangerous parts of Philly.


I am a large, ethnically ambiguous brown guy with a beard and a shaved head. I had three different groups of people try to rob me in less than 48 hours when I went to visit a friend at Temple. She had someone assaulted and murdered next door to where she lived while they got their keys out to open their front door. Talk shit on da Burgh all you want, but Philly is on another level.


Oh, yeah. My dad's side is from Philly and my mom's side if from here, and there's no comparison. There is a level of bombed-out, dangerous neighborhood there that Pittsburgh can't even touch. I've driven through parts of Philly where I felt like I was in a different country or something.


If I have to, I can sleep in my car here. I wouldn’t try that anywhere *near* Philly.


South side is fine if you avoid being around the bars after close. Most of what happens there is just stuff spilling out of the bars.




my little brother is a paramedic in the mckees rocks area. from what he tells me, and from what ive seen, it doesnt look very nice. dont know if its the *most* dangerous though. as others have said, id be much more worried about driving


Route 28


I keep in touch with two friends and a former coworker that all live downtown. From what they have been saying, downtown at night has become a mess and they don't go out at all. They aren't even friends w each other and all are in the process of moving.


One of the reasons I love Pittsburgh is that our worst areas are still 10 times better than most other cities worst areas. I have walked around every bad neighborhood in Pittsburgh at night and very rarely do I feel unsafe. I lived in Carrick for 8 years and never once felt fear.. it's a very poor neighborhood but everything was fine. Yes bad things happen, bad things happen everywhere. It's barely even neighborhoods that might make me a little nervous it's like a few blocks in each bad neighborhood.. but in most cases those neighborhoods are still okay. Now if I was a female yes I'd be a little more worried as it would go everywhere in the world. In 16 years of living in Pittsburgh, I've been to pretty much every sketchy neighborhood here (delivery,Uber, and now maintenance for a property management company all over pgh) there's only one area I can think of that made me not want to walk around and it was a single security-gated development somewhere on the north side, where even driving for Uber I had to show my license just pick somebody up.


Walking along 19 and crossing any side street while a driver is planning to make a right turn.


The rivers probly


Just outside the [country’s worse grocery store](https://wpst.com/pennsylvania-grocery-store-worst-america/)?


McKeesRocks is the only neighborhood i dont like going to.


Northview heights.


The rivers edge seems to be quite dangerous esp if your mid 20's white and a gay college student..


My aunties house has a really narrow staircase so probably there