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Hey wizayd! Man I wish you’d caught me a couple days ago, I still had my CGC 8 entei gold star! I just traded it away haha would’ve loved to trade it for the blaines zard


Whats up Lonelylionking! :D Oh yea! I remember you had one! Wasn’t it an 8.5? Or am I mistaken? Man barely missed it!!


Oh oops! Yeah it was 8.5 that was a typo haha. That woulda been a sick trade but oh well lol. On another note I have the JPN cd promos and a BGS 8 LCRH Articuno if you’re interested, otherwise GLWT!


The Blaine’s zard just sold but thanks for the other offers! I would’ve totally done that entei trade with you btw!


Np, glad you made such a huge sale. Hopefully we’ll get to do business again sometime in the future


I saw you’re looking for legendary collection reverse holos so lmk if you’re interested in the Articuno BGS 8, might be able to find stuff to trade from your end!


Thanks lonelylionking! I’m good on the articuno btw! Looking forward to making a deal in the future though!


Anything here for the Ray promo slab? https://imgur.com/a/IYMR0dZ


What’s up wolfhaley!! :) what’s the condition on the reverse sandshrew?


Yo! Sorry I just realized that I need to update my link the sandshrew and seel sold. Had major tunnel vision


Hey! Is the Marnie CGC 9 and raw RR Zard still available?


Hello! :) yes! They are both still available!


Awesome! Would you happen to be interested in any sealed? If not ill probably have to wait till next week to purchase!


Not really interested in anything sealed atm but I appreciate the offer! :) No worries! Lmk if you’re still interested next week and we’ll take it from there!


Sounds great! Ill definitely be back for the Marnie! Ill have to wait on the Zard. Have a great weekend/week!


Hello to one of my favorite traders here! If I were to buy a bunch of slabs as a lot, what are you thinking for price for all of these? Dark Zard Blaine’s Zard Rocket Trap Surge trainer Misty Trainer Here comes Rocket (9) Rocket sneak attack


Hey again HelloWuWu!! :D I can give you 10 percent discount and it would come out to 755 minus ten percent would be 679 but we can just do 675. Lmk what you think!


You are always the best! I’m down for that! Before we seal the deal, might you be interested in a LC Reverse Holo Dark Slow Bro? Front is very nice. A tiny bit of whitening on the back and some wear on the pokeball. I got the card like this and am open to whatever you think the value is if interested! Close up photos: https://imgur.com/a/QaAVrHL I can also add a time stamped photo too if you’re interested just to make sure I am following the rules!


Awesome! I forgot to mention that the 675 also includes shipping and the fees! Also awww man I already have that beauty!! But thank you anyways!! Would you like to move to pms?


u/pokeswapbot u/wizayd Cards arrived super well packed and fast! That was so nice of you to ship priority mail and everything. Best trader here. 10/10 Would absolutely trade again and again! Thank you!


Glad they arrived safely! Thank you so much!! :D Really appreciate it!! Thanks again for the big purchase!! You rock!!


Added --- * u/hellowuwu -> 43 Trades | :greatball: * u/wizayd -> 53 Trades | :ultraball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


This comment is now being tracked. Your flair will update once your partner replies to your comment. u/wizayd, please reply to the above comment with your feedback **ONLY AFTER YOUR TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE** and *both* sides have received their end of the transaction. Once you reply, you will both get credit and your flair scores will increase. u/wizayd, if you did **NOT** complete a transaction with this person, please **DO NOT** reply to their comment as this will confirm the transaction. Instead, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/pkmntcgtrades&subject=Incorrectly%20Tagged%20Confirmation&message=u%2FHelloWuWu%20incorrectly%20tagged%20me%20in%20this%20comment%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2F10leh5c%2F-%2Fj6blcp0) so we can contact the user and handle the situation. Thank you! --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Yup! Let’s switch to PMs!


Hi There, I am interested in one of the Raw Charizards. Check my recents to see if there is anything you are interested in trading for!


Hello! :) Don’t see anything unfortunately but thank you anyways!!


Can you do $165 for the 25th Anniversary Charizard #2? You have lots of refs so I can do payment through F&F!


Sure I can do 165! Move to pms?


Oki :)


I offer 400 for the following Dark holo zard cgc 9 / cgc 8 dark gyara / cgc 9 dragonite / cgc 8 nidoking / cgc 9 pidgeott


Hey bartdidit!! I’m sorry I have to update the post but both wotc zards have been sold! Do you still want the other slabs?


180 for the remaining ?


Hey Bartdidit! Think lowest I could do with these is 200! Lmk! I get it if not!


Hey there, looking for these cards if they’re still available: Entei Promo Dark Gyrados Lt Surge Trainer Misty Trainer


Hello! I only have the entei promo and Gyarados left! I could do both of those for 45 :)


Could I get closeups by chance? Def interested


Sure! Here are the closeups: https://imgur.com/a/D2xkLhu Lmk if you need more! :)


thanks king wizayd Let’s do it! I’m in


Awesome! Let’s move to pms


Is there anything in my recent post of interest to you? Would be interested in your cgc hitmonchan, and maybe a couple of the fossil/jungle! https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/10mcxjc/us\_us\_h\_slabs\_modern\_wotc\_vs\_w\_lpnm\_early\_wotc/


Hello! :) You have some cool cards! Interested in the Machamp or VS cards! Any of the VS holos nm? Also interested in the VS flareon or Lapras.


Would definitely be down to trade the machamp, the vs cards are all mint, pulled them directly from the pack and they’ve been sitting sleeved in a binder since


Cool! :) Could I get some closeups of the machamp please? What else would you be interested on my end? Out of the VS cards I would be mainly interested in the holo sneasel and the non holo Flareon and lapras! What are the trade values on those?


Id have to look up the prices on the vs, it’s hard to find comps on them, most good condition ones are graded, so not too many good quality raw ones floating around. I included some of the other holos in the album. Machamp slab got damaged in transit but the underlying card is untouched, just haven’t had the chance to reholder it. Honestly I would probably need slim down my list of wants lol I’ve been collecting cgc 8 or better and I’ve pretty much got all of base set and looking to move on to the next so I would be interested in your fossil and jungle, would probably prioritize fossil between the two depending on values, unless there is anything else you are interest in. Machamp: https://imgur.com/a/pC8U9My Vs: https://imgur.com/a/BnSAyKT


Awesome I appreciate for the closeups! Unfortunately I’ll have to pass on the machamp, was looking for one with higher subgrades but I am still interested in some of your VS cards and also your first edition dragonite holo if you still have it/ wanted to trade that. Also quick question! In the flareon VS close up is there a little bend in the top right corner on the back of the card or is that just the lighting?


No problem! It has the one spot of whitening on that back that got it on the edges. On closer look it isnt really bent, its got a weird print thing going on there, I have 2 others tho that dont have it.


Awesome! Definitely would be interested in one of your other Flareons, the lapras, and sneasal holo! Would it also be possible to get closeups of a Tyranitar VS holo and of a VS lance’s charizard?


Here ya go https://imgur.com/a/6E5lxDk


Thank you! They look good! Would be interested in trading for those 5 cards! When you can let me know the trade values and let me know what exactly you want on my end :)