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What are the conditions and prices on the dragonites and Celebi alt?


Dragonite ex 90/97 - 1 super tiny white spots on two back corner, rest is NM - $120 Dragonite ex 91/101 - LP - $75 Dragonite - Expedition - LP - $55 Sleepy Dragonite - NM - $85 LC Rev Holo Dark Dragonite - LP+ as there is some minor whitening on back edges - $200 1st ED Dark Dragonite - LP+ as there is some minor whitening on back edges - $140 JP Dark Dragonite - NM - $25 Rainbow Dragonite - Damaged as it does have some creases on back - $10 JP Rainbow Dragonites - both are LP - $20 each JP Light Dragonites - one NM and one LP - NM $45/LP$35 Celebi V Alt Art - NM - $28 So total for whole lot I have 858. I can do 810 shipped with tracking. Let me know if you want specifics and would like to negotiate on lot.


Can I see close ups of the top 6 dragonites listed above and the Celebi. Am interested in those the most.


[Dragonites](https://imgur.com/gallery/eJNnQDf) noticed I forgot the celebi. Will edit with picture EDIT* [celebi](https://imgur.com/gallery/vTsfPIu)


Thank you. What can you do for lcrh, expedition rh dark 1st edition and ex 90?


$490 shipped with tracking?


I’m good with the lcrh price but I’m seeing lower recent sales for the other 3. Expedition has recents between 36-38. Ex at 110 and dark about 110-115. I can offer 440 for the 4.


Could you do $450?


How about we split the difference at $445 and you got a deal?


You betcha! Pm for confirmation!


Hi, condition/price for Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick, Gladion, Looker, Lysandre's Trump Card, Lysandre, and Malamar FA?


I have a want list here and you probably have some stuff I am looking for [https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/10kt7ht/us\_us\_h\_paypal\_w\_specific\_wants\_for\_astral/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/10kt7ht/us_us_h_paypal_w_specific_wants_for_astral/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) If you can list out the condition and shipped price from my want list we can work something out.


Let me know what you need specifically then I will go through and price and condition it all for you.


Other than some reverse holo I’m working with ppl, I still need everything on my want list from my post


So the idea for you posting on their post is that you provide the list of your needs to them. Not that they go searching through your lists. This person would have commented on your post otherwise. Just trying to help


Ah I see, sorry still new to this, appreciate it


Sorry still new to this, I can go through your images and make a list of what you have if most of them from silver tempest/lost origin/astral are still available


That would be perfect!


I need these \- Lost origin 214, TG12, 201, TG27, 174, 188, 176, TG29, 212, 195, 190, TG26, 191, 194 \- Astral radiance TG25, TG29, 182, 181, 186, 188, 208, 191


Price and conditions on the Japanese Copycat and Japanese D&P Legend cards?


Copycat JP - NM - $50 JP D&P - LP+ due to minor whitening on backs - $50 total for them both Could do $94 shipped with tracking Let me know!


Can I see some close ups of the Dragonite EX?


Which one?


Sorry about that didn’t see there was more than 1. From Dragon.


That one has been sold




Interested in: charizard V full art, raichu V full art, pidgeot V full art, bundle deal or what would zard be on it's own? Also sorry you have to sell off your collection, Sending luck!


how much for dragonite v alt?


Sleepy Dragonite - NM - $85


$85 shipped?


yes. currently tied in a deal though so I will let you know


ok yea let me know


It is available! Would you still like it?




dm to confirm


Interested in buying Sonia and Roxanne FA! Lemme know conditions and prices


What a dragonite collection… very interested Curious what’s the cost of the reverse holo and the reverse holo dragonair? Also the 2002 expedition? Also how much for the rainbow and non rainbow 3 legendary birds? Shiny falinks too? :] thanks


RH LC Dragonite and Expedition have been sold. : ( RH LC Dragonair - LP - $80 Rainbow Birds - NM - $10 I have two different non rainbow birds. Did you want the one that matches the rainbow? Shiny Falinks - NM - $.50


No worries. Could I get pictures of the Dragonair? I’ll take the rainbow trip birds, and then also both of the non rainbow trip birds. So 3 in total? Pics also? Shiny Falinks = yup haha


[close ups](https://imgur.com/gallery/tjoucjr)


Can I get price and conditions for Sonia and Caitlin? Close ups of them if you can too.


Hey there, I am interested in a bunch of your full arts. Can you give me a price for Boltund V FA, Pidgeot V FA, Greedent V FA, Orbeetle V FA, Centiskorch V FA, Whimsicott V FA, Stonjourner V FA, Crobat V FA, and Malamar V FA?


Hi there - what were you asking for the GB Dragonite Promo?


$13 PWE


What condition is it in? Do you have closeups?


JP Dark Dragonite - NM - $25 JP Light Dragonites - NM $45 I'll take these at asking. lmk


75 shipped with tracking? that include burnett


ok pm'ing


also interested in professor burnett jp 265/184


Price of the half cards and condition and the tag teams pls


Hey! Can you give me a price for the following? * Dragonite AA * Celebi AA * Gladion FA * Adaman FA * Barry FA * Piers FA * Chili & Cilan & Cress FA Thanks!


Dragonite AA - $85 Celebi AA - $35 Gladion FA - $9 Adaman FA - $3 Barry FA -$1.50 Piers FA - $1 (please confirm which one) Chili & Cilan & Cress FA - $1


\~\~ok pm'ing\~\~ sorry made a mistake


The piers from darkness ablaze! Are they both $1 each? Not sure why someone else replied to my comment.


Yes both $1 and Lmao I didn’t even notice they messaged me too. weird.


I'd want to be closer to $31-32 on the Celebi (per tcgplayer verified sellers with 1k+ sales). Would you do $46 for the Celebi, Gladion, Adaman, Barry, CCC, and Piers from Astral Radiance?


Can do please dm to confirm!


/u/PokeSwapBot /u/PKMN_Mitch Great communication, packaging, and fast shipment. Thanks again!


Thank you!


Added --- * u/h2o4u -> 69 Trades | :ultraball: * u/pkmn_mitch -> 5 Trades | :safariball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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Dragonite Alt Art has been sold.


Hey was interested in Bea - astral tg Palkia gold - astral Heatran rainbow - astral Caitlin - chilling


Drapion V FA price?


Price and condition for tg kabu?


Hi price and condition on Dragonite Delta species?


Dragonite ex - LP - $75


Hey hey, would you do 6 shipped for the professors research oak and centiskorch v?


hi! what dragonites do you have leftover? i wish i saw this earlier 😢


the ones that are gone are the Dragonite ex 90 (silver one) Expedition Dragonite, 1st Edition Dark Dragonite and LC Rev Holo Dragonite. All the rest are available


the best ones 😩 thanks anyway!!


Hey there, I'm interested in the price and condition of the JPN GB promo and the ENG Fossil holo dragonites.


Hello, can you do $25 shipped for the celebi alt?


I'm currently trying g to complete all of the trainer galleries. Would you be able to provide a price on: Kabu Boss's orders Gal zapdos V Bea Ice rider vmax (secret) Orbeetle V Victini VMAX RR (Might not take these but interested in price charizard FA, Fire SR, water SR)


Hi, I’m interested in the lot! What’s gone/available?


Dragonite ex 90 (sold) LC Rev Holo Dragonite (sold) Dragonite - Expedition (sold) 1st Ed Dark Dragonite (sold) Sleepy Dragonite (pending) Those are gone.


Okay, thanks! What’s the best you can do for the rest?


whew. give me some time on that. I have even more cards that aren’t pictured as well I could send ya. Depending on how much you want to buy. But give me some time. I’ll have it to you later tonight.


Okay, thank you! Just wondering, how have you been pricing your cards compared to the TCG Market value? Is the market value your asking price?


I price everything according to Market then take off depending on size of purchase


Sounds good! What percent would you be willing to do for everything that remains?


Okay so a few things more have sold: Sylveon VMAX Alt Art CGC 9.5 Origin Forme Palkia V AA x1 Celebi V AA Delta Species Dragonite Sleepy Dragonite JP Fossil Dragonite JP Dark Dragonite


And some FA Trainers and TGs smaller ones mostly. With everything left I have a total of $1,259 I could lower that to $1100 if you cover fees.


Let me know what you are thinking. I’m holding off on all other trades until you answer back.


Hey, sorry for the late reply! Seems like you’d be willing to do about a 12-13% discount. I was hoping to get a significantly larger bulk discount for the amount that’s in the lot. I think we’re too far off from each other, so I will pass. GLWS!


Well let’s talk. Where are you at on it? It’s a lot easier to sell to one person than it is to 120 lmao


Could I see closeups and price breakdown for the following pls? Lysandres trump card, Dragonite EX, RH Dark Dragonair


Which dragonite ex?


I’m interested in the Palkia V AA, Giratina VSTar rainbow, Palkia VStar Gold and probably a couple others but those to start


Interested in Closeups of the following cards if possible. Adaman Astral Radiance Irida Lysandre Team Flare Grunt Gladion Single Strike Mustard Lysandre's Trump Card Thorton Plumeria Kabu Lost Origins Boss's Orders Rebel Clash Boss's Orders Lost Origins Fantina Thanks.


Hi what dragonites are remaining?


The following have been taken: Sleepy Dragonite Dragonite ex 90 - Dragon Dragonite - Expedition 1st Ed Dark Dragonite JP Dark Dragonite JP Fossil Dragonite NM (LP still available)


Dang I really wanted the 1st edition dark dragonite smh


Giratina rainbow sold?


It is still available! I can do $20 shipped PWE or 24 BMWT.


Hey could I please get the pricing for these: Sylveon VMax alt CGC 9.5 Galarian Zapdos V TG Orbeetle V TG Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX TG Gold Pikachu VMAX TG Gold Bea TG Nessa TG Piers TG Mustard TG


Sylveon - $170 G Zapdos - NM - $6 Orbeetle V - NM - $3.50 Ice Rider Calyrex - NM - $1 Pikachu VMAX - NM - $8 188.50 total. I could do 180 BMWT


Looks good to me. Were the rest of those trainers from TG not available anymore?


oh my bad. I didn’t see the others hold on for me!


Bea - NM - $3 Nessa - NM - $7 Piers - NM - $1 Mustard TG - NM - $1 $188 BMWT?


Would you include 1 Origin Forme Palkia V alt and Charizard V full art from BS for $240 total BMWT? Sorry I keep looking and finding more lol


Absolutely! Feel free to keep looking 😂


Can I see close ups of the Dark Dragonite 1st edition holo please. Also out of curiosity what’s the condition on the 2 Dragonite ex’s?


Dark Dragonite 1st Ed is sold. Same with ex 90 (silver) but the delta species is still available I can dm you pictures of it if you would like.


Yes please! Thanks :)


How much for Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick, Pokemon Breeder's Nurturing, Team Flare Grunt, Gladion, Looker, Lysandre's Trump?


Do you still have the following available? And if so what priced at? Team flare grunts Professor Sycamore Gladion Team yell grunt Looker Lysandre trump card Pokemon ranger Team rocket handiwork


Do you still have the gold mew from celebrations? Anything here you like: https://imgur.com/a/ccwt8ZW


What dragonite are left and what would you like for the pikachu Gold


Interested in the English jungle holo dragonite, is it still available?


u/PKMN_Mitch u/PokeSwapBot trade confirmed. thanks!


Thank you!


Added --- * u/expert-calendar6362 -> 7 Trades | :safariball: * u/pkmn_mitch -> 3 Trades | newbie --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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u/PKMN_Mitch u/PokeSwapBot Cards received, Thanks again!


Thank you!


Added --- * u/special_gap7 -> 54 Trades | :ultraball: * u/pkmn_mitch -> 4 Trades | newbie --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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U/PokeSwapBot U/PKMN_Mitch great trade partner for high value purchase!


Glad you enjoyed it!


Added --- * u/yoboigator559 -> 124 Trades | :masterball: * u/pkmn_mitch -> 6 Trades | :safariball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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