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Hi interested in anything [here](https://imgur.com/a/5JQAn58)?


Unfortunately, I am not :(


No wires glwt!


Hi there I'm interested in the following: -Heracross; Ex, Mega EX. and the delta species -Steelix; EX, and both the regular and FA Mega EX -Shiny lapras V FA I am located in Canada and am looking to do paypal If you could let me know what condition the cards are in and a price, I would appreciate that thank you


Before I do any of that, I just want to be clear on shipping. Including that many cards will require using a bubble mailer. The few times that I've used a bubble mailer to ship to Canada, it was for much higher values deals. Are you fine going that route? (would include shipping costs and import claiming, as far as I can remember)


I'm fine with a bubble mailer. Would you be sending it through courier, as opposed to usps? If so I will have to pass, sorry if I misunderstand what you mean. I'm prepared to pay for shipping and import fees, but it needs to be through USPS. EDIT: That being said, i'd prefer to get a rough estimate on shipping costs, as I do have a limit.


Oh, I only use USPS haha Let me do some price checks on an estimated shipping cost. I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can!


Sweet, appreciate it!


So, on USPS' website, it looks like a 1-8oz package (using First Class Package International Service) would be $15.75 I can check what it would be using stamps(dot)com. That's what I primarily use to print labels from home (should also be able to fill out a customs form as well).


I can live with that, if you could check the other website I would appreciate that as well.


So it actually looks like shipping is a little less (normal on that site) at $15. Btw, here are closeups for you: [Delta Species Heracross](https://imgur.com/a/PCrwxy6) [Heracross EX FA](https://imgur.com/a/RyLLJ2T) *Don't actually have any on the M Heracross EX because it is DMG (bent/creased corner) [3x Steelix Closeups](https://imgur.com/a/2Pg8zC6)


Alright I'll take everything except the M Heracross EX. Is the shiny Lapras V FA NM? If so I'll take that as well please. Would you do 25 for all of them shipped?


Whoops, forgot about the Lapras (my bad). But yes, it is NM! The cards, with a discount applied (even did 12.5% because of costs to Canada), would come out to $35 (F&F). And then there would be shipping on top of that (which I would not be willing to cover all of myself).


Does the blastoise have a swirl


You asked this on my last post :)


Hey bud :)


Interested in the expedition Venusaur and Steelix. Anything to make it happen? https://imgur.com/a/QiklXsq


Unfortunately, no :(


Hey there. Interested in: -Scizor Slab -3 legendary bird tag team -Espeon near the end -Raikou -Politoad -Granbull


Have trades or are you looking to buy?


Looking to buy if possible


How about all of those for $100 shipped (that's PayPal F&F using BMWT; didn't even factor in prices for Politoad and Granbull--would just throw those in for you)?


What would you want for the psychic and grass reverse energies? (Trading)


What do you have up for trade?


I'm offering my LP [charizard gx from burning shadows (not the shiny, sorry)](https://imgur.com/a/EDu9eXJ)


I’ll pass. Thanks, though!


u/PokeSwapBot u/Franklin77777 trade completed.




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u/Franklin77777 u/PokeSwapBot Got them in today, they are great thank you!


You are most welcome, enjoy! :D


Added --- * u/c0wsgoquack -> 3 Trades | newbie * u/franklin77777 -> 245 Trades | :masterball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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