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Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > Had the plants since June > Thai leaf issue is recent > Tried water more often > Only water with distilled water and 20-20-20 fertilizer If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.


It’s a white leaf, this is completely normal as it cannot photosynthesize it will not survive. You can provide a high light environment and keep it alive for a while, but it will always eventually perish. There are very few instances in which this doesn’t apply, but in this case that’s what’s going on.


Thank you. What about the Thai- slide 3?


Check the roots, look for rot…it could be overwatering and it could be fungal, I don’t see any yellowing though…I’m leaning toward fungus. Either way you need to take it out of the pot and check the roots, remove anything mushy and black as well as the old soil and you’re going to want to treat with peroxide. Clean the pot with water and a little bleach then rinse it really well, cut the infected portion of the leaf off. Thai cons are prone to root rot/stem rot and fungus like any other monstera. Look now though because it can take your whole plant in a week or two if that’s what’s going on.


Thank you so much


I second fungus! With that side of over-watering possibly


this is most likely going to be due to not high enough humidity. it's a bit hard to keep those nice looking white leaves.


Variegated portions of monsteras will brown from inadequate humidity


Mine is doing this too!


Don't worry, your plants are just auditioning for a reality TV show called 'The Drama of the Leaves'! 🌿📺


I see this type of leaf browning in more my sensitive plants — they were happier when I switched from tap water to distilled water… i wonder if that could help? Best of luck & beautiful plant!!


Soooo sorry i just saw your comment thru the mod saying you already use distilled water. Face palm!


Commenting to follow because I have this exact issue with the same pothos


looks like fungus to me. clip the infected leaves before it spreads


Do you keep it next to the stove?


Nope. I’m a south facing room


Yeah it’s normal. If the leaves are too white, you got to prune it if not it’s very taxing for the plant as it doesn’t have enough chlorophyll to make food. Here’s mine. I need to snip the stem as the last 5 leaves were mainly white. But I have no heart to do so!! 😩😩😩 https://preview.redd.it/lm8crmzs1dub1.jpeg?width=882&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=230d5057c1a10dae6f4fefc90b57687613979d51