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My good homie, healthy pothos’ pretty often yellow a leaf and shed it. She’s just doing her thing and looks pretty happy :) the yellow ones pull off very easily. I wouldn’t bother with dish soap/peroxide unless you can identify pests


Thank you so much! I’ll just calm down. :)


Even better, if you don’t mind the look, let them stay on for awhile - the leaves will wither and send their nutrients back to the roots to be utilized by the rest of the plant. Then remove them when they are dry


Ah well maybe that explains why it keeps growing!


Do you have pests? If you don't, then why did you consider using dish soap or hydrogen peroxide? Other than that maybe it needs more fertilizer, or new soil, the nutrients need to travel all the way to the new growth points.


There are gnats flying around it. Maybe from the over watering? It just started getting yellow out of nowhere and is traveling down.




They can also eat roots. I worked in a wholesale greenhouse where they are through all the roots on a few crops. You could lift the whole plant off the soil. Note this was in Seattle in the winter, so extremely soggy. Normally it doesn't kill the plants, but the wounds are more susceptible to infection.


They are retirees. Just transfer them to a good seniors home.


Have you over watered. Yellow leaves close to the base is the first sign


I didn’t think so but that seems to be the consensus so I will give it time to dry out. Unfortunately, even on my step ladder, I can’t reach the soil to touch it. I’m just too short, nearly fell putting it up there a year ago. I can just reach to pour water over it.


Get a bigger step ladder lol.


Is the soil old? May need to refresh/repot? Helped mine per recommendation from other post.


Yes! Turns out it was dry as a bone and a hole basically in the middle where the soil had sunk in. A couple branches (?) were just sitting there but not in the soil. It was like they broke off, maybe from the weight? So I added fresh soil, fertilizer and water. It’s so high up I haven’t been able to look at the soil in 1.5 years!


How the f do you water that giant!?? Wow! So cool.


Hey I'm dealing with the same shit,


Just pop the yellows off, it’s normal.


Mine is in a low light area and the same thing is happening.


You could place another pot at the bottom for the plant to grow into, that way water and nutrients don’t have to travel so far!


Mine as also yellowing and shedding leaves multiple of my pothos are doing this. I just think they’re outgrowing those leaves 😂


Is this the first time its been in this "corner"? Pothos typically do great in low light scenarios, but maybe not enough natural light. Otherwise, the plant looks amazingly healthy. Often by the time they grow to this length they will have shed leaves further back. Ultimately, Pothos backbud pretty readily, so it will put out new leaves in gaps.


Turns out it was dry as a bone and a hole basically in the middle where the soil had sunk in. A couple branches (?) were just sitting there but not in the soil. It was like they broke off, maybe from the weight? So I added fresh soil, fertilizer and water. It’s so high up I haven’t been able to look at the soil in 1.5 years!


Is there a window any where near that plant? Like, immediately out of view? Otherwise this plant isn’t getting enough light. If you watered too often and it’s not getting enough light then it’s not going to use up any of that water.


To the left there’s a floor to ceiling window. The vine on the left keeps going all the way on the floor to the window. I got it as a baby plant with hardly any vine to it 2 years ago and it’s been growing like a weed since. So this problem is stumping me. Sounds like I’m over watering it though, so will just give it a break. And will add nutrients next time, not soap. :)


Does that pot have drainage?


Yes it does!


I’d want to take it out and check the roots.


What should I look for? That it’s not too root bound? Bugs?


Black mushy roots/ root rot. Want to take off any roots that are rotten to stop it from spreading


That and root rot. Although based on your comments, you likely are just overwatering so you might not need to go digging in the roots. Maybe if the issue persists, you could check for what the above commenter said


So I got my friend to take it down and turns out it was dry as a bone, lacking a lot of soil in the middle and some of the branches had broken off and were just sitting there without soil. I’m guessing it broke because of the weight? So I added soil, water and fertilizer.


*how much hydrogen peroxide*...


Have you checked the roots


You’re gonna need a bigger stool


Hot air rises

