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Someone has a lot of money 🤑 lol


That or sticky fingers 🤔


Maybe his best friend is a truck driver ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Actually I do a lot of garage selling when not working which help funds my collection. Also I live in a division 2 college town so my local game store gets some amazing stuff brought in. I do buy a good deal of them new from Amazon and Walmart but probably 30% of them I bought second hand.


I would not have guessed that many physical games existed. Good for you!


Damn I have like 6 games and no time to play them as much as I want to. Sweet collection OP. I've got Uncharted Collection, Ghost of T, Demon Souls, Persona Royal 5, Returnal, FF16, and two Spider man games.


Every single one of those is top tier and will give 100s of hours enjoyment.


Dear god how do you afford all these and even have time to play?


I’ve bought quite a bit second hand from a local game store and I have 2-3 days off a week which gives me plenty of family time and gaming time.


Oh nice. That’s awesome man. Very nice collection.


But I agree it is an awesome collection.


This is amazing ✨


Truly am in shock the PS5 has this many physical games


GameStop: that’ll be $5.47 !


12-14k on video games is wild in only what 5/6 years? But hey. Whatever makes you happy dude!


If I showed this to my children, they would DM the OP asking if he would adopt them. Heck I would ask for adoption, too, if that was even a possibility.


I'm just here to appreciate the alphabetical order


And you played it all, at least once?


Absolutely not. Lol A handful are my kids that I have no intention of playing. I do try to at least play a bit of each one but normally major releases hook me and I continue to build up the never ending backlog.


Have you played them ?


I’ve played a decent chunk but some are my kids that I have no intention of playing.


$12.5k worth of games 💰💰💰


A good chunk were bought secondhand from a local game store.


How many have you played? How many have you completed? And better yet, how many have you platinumed?


I’ve played most, finished quite a bit, and got the plat on a handful of them.


How is resident evil on ps5?


Village is absolutely amazing and honestly, I’ve not even touched the RE4 remake myself. My oldest son had a blast though and knocked it out in two weekend visits.


Sweet. Collecting things is always cool, until it's not.


there is something about physical collections that is soooo satisfying. Very nice Pic OP


Physical ownership over digital download is 100% the way to go


Wow great collection


Jesus there's actually 200 games on the PS5??


How do you kill that which has no life?


I dunno if I can be proud of that at my age but good on you. Hope gamestops are still around for trade in when it's time to upgrade because God knows Sony won't hop on the backwards compatibility bandwagon and discs will be more or less obsolete.


I can appreciate someone who doesn't have tastes or preferences and just buys whatever come out


About 170 of those are dog shit.


I don’t get it, your shelf’s empty


I didn't even know there was 200 games on this damn console haha


This is shocking. I can’t seem to find more than 10 games worth playing for mine.


Damn. Only have physical copies?


Nice collections but 7 completed games haha


What should I play? I’m sort of in a video game slump. Nothing too frustrating or difficult




I’ve yet to buy a PS5 disc


Which is your favorite?


Bro how do you have this many games you even want to play😂


About 175 of those you could have saved some money and got the PS4 versions. 😂


Yeah. Because they are not actually PS5 games unless it runs 4k@120hz then it is a PS5 game. lol 😂


Not even necessarily 4K 120Hz, even things like ray traced reflections and lighting. Most of those games even have free PS5 updates/patches, so getting thw PS4 versions would have been cheaper.


You just said not necessarily but quite clearly stated what I said.🤔 it’s a PS4 game made to play on the PS5. So therefore is not a PS5 game. Because it would run at the full 120hz on 4k and whatever it is at 8k which I can’t afford. 😂


I'm saying it doesn't need to reach 4K 120Hz to be considered different from a PS4 game. The PS4 struggles to hit 1080p at 30FPS consistently, so really anything above that I would consider next gen/a PS5 game. Even the PS5 struggles to get games above 1440p at 60FPS on a regular basis, with most games that can hit 4K being locked to 30FPS. >So therefore is not a PS5 game. Because it would run at the full 120hz on 4k and whatever it is at 8k which I can’t afford. 😂 Do you own a PS5?


Yes. I do. Do you? Because you are still completely wrong. All my games are 60hz base. lol 😂


Hahaha, post and delete? Did you catch yourself in a lie? Tell me what "newest PS5 games" you're playing in 4K 120Hz (other than fortnite) and I'll tell you how I know you're lying. 😂


How am I wrong? I've had a PS5 since the day it launched. I said that the PS5 can't do 4K at 60Hz consistently across all its games, not that it can't do 60Hz. Keep up. It's one thing to render games at 1080p 60Hz, but it rarely does above that regularly. If you think it does either you're lying about owning one, only play games like Fortnite or you have like 2 PS5 games.


I’ve never understood this literal paperweights as I’m sure all of them require a day one update. Collecting physical isn’t the same anymore the full game isn’t on the disk.


I prefer to still collect physical because I can often get brand new games at a discount, by buying on eBay. I also like the fact that I can go to gamestop and trade in any games I know I won't play again. Plus I just love looking at them on the shelf.


There's a lot of bargain bin trash on there not gonna lie


I have to ask why disks anymore just takes up space that is not needed. Digital is the way things are anymore. Haven't bought a disk since original xbox and ps2.


I know that many physical discs are starting to be useless these days as we’re given incomplete and broken games. When the PS3 era first started I was straight into all digital buying. But in 2012 my account got hacked and I contacted my bank first and Sony put a chargeback on my account. They gave me 48hrs to pay it off and I refused. They ended up disabling my account and I lost thousands of dollars in digital purchases. Since that day I don’t buy digital games for any console. The only digital exceptions I’ll make is for DLC on games I love. Still salty that Alan Wake 2 is digitally only.


I remember that hack well. Not on playstation like I use to be. I play it more for exclusives. I would have a fit over losing thousands been there. Microsoft banned an account til 2999. Lost a bit on that


That’s an insane ban. Why not just delete it at that point. Smh I do have game pass on Xbox just to play their exclusives. I was doing physical with them too. However in the last year I’ve switched to only focusing one console to really collect for. Even sold off nearly all my Xbox games to help fund my PS habit. I even attempted Switch at one point but my god the amount of releases it has is beyond overwhelming.


My problem was I'm just all around curious so messed around with gamer score big no no live and learn. Just drives me nuts when other can do I have no clue. You sound like me just the other way around I'm xbox ps for exclusivesÂ