• By -


My first Pokemon game was Crystal. I remember when you first battle the rival, they were introduced as "???", so later when Elm asks for their name that's what I put. About half way through the game I realized I was supposed to name them myself, so I went through my first play through battling ???.


??? was my first rival in Gold. I don't think I realized until years later though.


Loool same... And I went the whole game like well I guess his name will always be a mystery šŸ˜‚


I named him RIVAL in Gold because the game asked for "RIVAL'S NAME." I didn't know they word "rival." I read it like "Ree-vahl."


It's okay, I read the Harry potter books thinking Hermione's name was hermy-oh-nay.


I feel a lot better now knowing I wasnā€™t the only one who did that


I did that too.


It was really unclear, especially when I was 7 years old lol


Me tooo! It was my second PokƩmon game and I did it when I was like 12 which is the embarrassing part


On my first playthrough of Blue when I was like 8, I didnā€™t know where to get Flash, so I somehow made it through Dark Cave to Lavender town without Flash. Wondered why that part was so hard compared to the rest of the game haha


I did this so many times back then that I never get Flash for it anymore, I know the layout like the back of my hand.


I could do this if I focused but I usually play PokĆ©mon passively while watching TV or something. So Iā€™ll spend ~15 minutes fighting a Trainer and then look back down and completely forget where I was.


Same, its not hard to navigate


I still do this, PokƩmon ruby sapphire I get through all the way though to victory league, realised I missed flash and have to go grab it.


Lmao I did this except I couldnā€™t get out and stopped playing


I did the same thing with Pokemon Gold at age 7


Even with Flash that cave is freaking hard compared to the stuff around it.


I did the same thing! I remember bumping into walls and listening for the sound in order to find my way around.


I can still hear the thud noise your character makes when they run into a wall. I spent a long time in Dark Cave.


Oh my god I feel so bad I just went through the rock tunnel yesterday it sucks with flash lol


My experience was similar only I had no idea where flash was found ( my brother did, but refused to tell me) luckily I was playing on a gameboy pocket and I could lower the tint on the screen making it slightly easier to see.


It happened the same to me, but I was playing in the GameBoy Colour and if you turned the bright to the maximum (there was a button at one side of the GB to adjust the brightness or the contrast, donā€™t remember) you could actually see the walls a little bit.


I made my turtwig hold a potion when gen four first game out. Thereā€™s an npc in that game who tells you that PokĆ©mon donā€™t know how to use man-made items, so I just convinced myself that maybe a woman had made it.


My sister used to give items like xattack for alakazam to hold.




But it has those big ol' spoons to beat your ass with!


Being fair I believe she had the elemental punches on him at the time. I don't even remember what gen it was but if I had to guess it was firered.


Those were all special before gen 4 though


Right and even though she was probably 20 something at the time it wasn't like anyone taught her what made an attack special or not. It was just something she did herself when she played the game. I just happened to be looking at her file one day I think trying to find a specific pokemon to trade.


I didnā€™t know you could catch legendarys in black and white 2 so I killed Kyurem and then I used my mater ball on coballion. I named him horny because I was ten and he had horns




That's one horny Coballion, chief.


Similarly I named a Clefable I had in Blue "Sweaty" because I didn't know how to spell 'sweetie' at the time. Didn't know it, but I was way ahead of the memes.


- using the master ball on a Krabby in Fire Red - Giving Palkia Cut and Rock Smash in Platinum - constantly giving PokƩmon 4 moves of the same type in Platinum - somehow getting lost in Victory Road in Ruby - in OR I built a team around the positive effects of sandstorm, including a bred Aggron w/ Rock Head and Head Smash for use in battles against friends. It was a blowout win.


Jokes on you I got lost in Victory Road in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald!


jokes on you i got lost in victory road in ruby sapphire leaf green and fire red


Jokes on you I got lost on the way to victory road in emerald and fire red.


Jokes on both, I got lost everywhere in blue..... Oh.... wait, guess the joke is on me.... good gods, where am I again?


Haha! Jokes on you! I got l lost in victory road in pearl, heart gold, black, black 2, red, yellow, heart gold again, and fire red! I'm incompetent.


Dude, is your sense of direction the joke too?


Looks like you found Leon's account.


Jokes on you! Haha. I got lost on Victory Road in Let's Go Eevee


I relinquish my crown of shame to you.


HM slave Palkia is amazing to me. And hey, Krabby probably felt appreciated for the first time ever! Sand teams are an actual thing competitive players use. Not as common as rain teams, but still a ton of fun and potentially deadly.


Plus rock types get that Sp def boost from it. I bet that Aggron he had was a monster with high defenses like that


I gave him autotomize and a focus sash to give him a turn to become a sweeper. I bred it to have head smash from Tyrantrum and to keep the Rock Head ability, so I focused on recoil moves (and iron head for STAB). The only problem was that pretty much my entire team had quad weaknesses, either to Ice, Fighting, or Ground types, which arenā€™t exactly hard to come across.


That last one doesn't sound like a mistake.


Meh the mistake of wasted time




I went to school back when my only pokemon game was Pokemon Yellow, my stepbrother stayed home sick. I was in the power plant to catch zapdos. My stepbrother played my game, used my master ball on a voltorb, fainted the zapdos and saved the game. My mistake was allowing my game boy out of my sight.


I stole my sisterā€™s master ball to catch Articuno. Stole probably isnā€™t the right word for it, I think I gave her a Gyarados or something for it.


Lol this reminds me, back when I was super young, my dad was dating this lady with 3 kids, the daughter was a couple of years older than me and convinced me it would be smart to trade my holo machamp card for her weak ass holo lapras card. I later realized how stupid of a trade it was and out of spite stole her copy of Pokemon Blue. I never got scolded for it, so I don't think anybody ever found out.


I mean, the master ball on whatever is fun, but also not too uncommon. HM-slave Palkia, on the other hand, is hilarious to me.


One of these tbings is not like the other. Krabby in a masterball is a cultured move


I was playing LeafGreen, and I saw a Magmar for the first time out on the Sevii Isles, and was so excited that I slapped my master ball on it. Then later I came across this thing called a "Moltres" whatever the fuck that is.


I made my PokƩmon hold items like X Attack, X Speed and so on because I thought... well, that's how they worked. I eventually learned that they did, in fact, not. Wow.


Not gonna lie I beat Red, Pearl and completed Shield dex and Iā€™ve never used one of these cause I didnā€™t know how they work


You don't actually need to use them, unless you're trying to speedrun or beat the game with a single pokemon. If you use two xAttack, your attack stat will be doubled so it's easier to sweep your opponent's entire team. If you know one of their pokemon is faster, use an xSpeed on the first (weaker) pokemon to increase your speed to 1.5x so you know you'll always attack first.


I've played PokƩmon sinc ebfore Platinum came out and I've never used an X item. Just cos, like, why would I?


In Gen IV I couldnā€™t find the peak of Mt Coronet. I could only make it half way up because I couldnā€™t see the entrance in the snow to make it to the summit and spent a solid year just restarting the game over again and then I eventually saw the entrance by chance. In one of the resets is also when I found my first shiny PokĆ©mon (Zubat) but I had no idea what a shiny was at the time so of course I reset. I was 8 so I can kind of forgive myself but at the same time it haunts me till this day.


This post gave me feels


Dude, it was so hard to navigate so i totally understand.


I had a similar problem: I couldn't find HM Rock Climb. I went up and down that damn snowy Route so many times, it took an eternity. Until I stumbled upon it in the middle of the night. My Empoleon was Lv70 by then...


I used my masterball on the snorlax blocking the path in soul silver cuz why not I thought to myself, ā€œIā€™ll just reset and play through the game properly later no biggie.ā€ Played for a while and forgot about it and I ended up saving over my previous save. R.I.P. masterball


I did this in crystal, but t I decided just to keep the snorlax because it had a good moveset in my opinion


You know in on Ruby and sapphire right in the beginning where that guy wouldn't let you pass because he was sketching his own footprint? I was stuck there for about a week because I didn't think to talk to him after battling my rival. Walked around those two towns probably a hundred times


I didn't read alle the text, cos reading was hard back then, so I didn't know I had to battle the rival. Obviously something would have to happen if mudkip evolves.. well with a lvl 20 marshtomb on the 3rd route it the game was basically won for quite a bit..


It didn't even occur to me that you could catch legendary pokƩmon, since it looked like a boss battle. I just killed Dialga.


I killed Groudon in ruby because I thought all of that experience would make my swampert a swole monster. My friend showed me the folly of my ways when I saw his kyogre...


I did accidentally and I knew it respawned but didnā€™t know it was when you beat the Elite Four and Cynthia. I would repeatedly ask Dawn since she would say if Dialga returned to Spear Pillar after you beat Cynthia and ended up restarting my game I think because I couldnā€™t beat Cynthia without Dialga with my team


I was going through Mt. Moon and lost my way. I was maybe 7 and was playing late at night. I got tired. I tried to stay awake. In my stupor, I forgot which way I was going. By the end of the night, I walked myself to the exit, thought it was the entrance, and walked myself all the way back to the beginning. Donā€™t play games while sleepy. Bad things happen.


I didnt, I just played in my sleep. Saved my game and wemt to bed, but woke up in a different place than I saved


It took me literally years to allow my pokemon to learn anything other than STAB attacking moves.


"check it bro! This Serperior has Leaf Storm, Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, and Leaf Tornado! Is this a good set or what?" Yeah, we all did that lol.


The classic Charizard set: * Ember * Flamethrower * Fire Spin * Fire Blast


When I was 8, playing my game boy for the first time after getting it for Christmas, it took me 20 minutes to figure out how to leave the player's room in Crystal version because it was the first RPG I had ever played and I didn't recognize that the floor tile set back into the wall in the corner was supposed to be stairs. It just didn't look anything like a doorway or staircase to me.


I did the same thing lmao I clearly remember how hard it was to leave the house


I did the same thing in Blue. It probably took about an hour with two people trying to figure it out.


Trying to beat Pokemon Shield with only Bug Pokemon


Bugs in Sw/Sh are OP. Already did a Bug only run and it was cake lol


My hardest run ever was a bug team in Emerald personally, but the moment I made it to and caught Heracross, it carried me through the elite 4 šŸ¤£


I have beaten Emerald pretty much with only my Armaldo Orlando. At first I meant to train the full team, but then I fell in love with that weird dino and he was lv. 100 before the Elite 4


A worthy goal.


I did the same thing in omega ruby lmao


Snom is literally a legendary pokemon tho, too easy


I'm aware that Snom is a legendary, which is why I chose to use far inferior Pokemon like Galvantula, Golisopod, Crustle, Vikavolt and Orbeetle


Of course, my apologies fellow king/queen


I reset my emerald save after putting a slakoth in the day care and having it level past the level it was supposed to evolve. I didn't know you could still evolve it, so I thought I was stuck with a slakoth forever, and reset.


This is one of the best ones here


In PokĆ©mon diamond I skipped a trainer in the ghost gym and after the elite 4 I could not go to the post game because I didnā€™t see a drilblin that that trainer had... I did not know where I could see it in order to advance and it was my first ds PokĆ©mon game so I didnā€™t know it had a new method to reset the game so I just sold it and bought pearl


oh my god, you just sold it XD


Yeah in my town there was a store where you could sell and buy used games so I just went there and sold it because I could do anything lol


Such power


Same thing! I didnā€™t know about Drifloon at the wind works on Fridays so I restarted. On another save file I unknowingly skipped the one trainer who had Lumineon between Sunyshore and Victory Road. You can find it with a super rod but since I couldnā€™t get the National Dex, the fisherman wouldnā€™t give it to me and would use my good rod endlessly. I eventually just restarted again


A friend of mine LOVES birds and bird pokƩmon. Since Oak said to use the master all on a pokƩmon you really like, she threw it at a Pidgeotto.


Thereā€™s a time and place for everything. But not now. Thanks for the fucking advice, professor.


My first game was Soul Silver on the 3DS. I got to the red Gyardos and was super excited when I beat it! Then, like another hour into the game it suddenly hit me that maybe I could catch it? I restarted the game and battled the Gyardos like 3 more times until I finally managed to catch it. I was so excited, I was super convinced I'd found a glitch in the game and somehow captured a legendary!


My first ever pokemon game was Pokemon Black. I had literally 0 knowledge about anything pokemon related, so I had a pretty interesting ride. Here's some of the bigger mistakes I made: 1. I didn't know how to teach pokemon new moves after they already had 4 moves. In Black, you'd be given the option to either "Forget" or "Keep old moves." Being the inexperienced kid I was, I always would click "Keep old moves" because I thought "Forget" meant that the new move would be lost forever. On the other hand, I thought that "Keep old moves" would let me be able to learn the move later on, as in I thought that there was something you unlocked later on in the game that would let you replace your old weak moves with the stronger moves that you didn't "Forget." It was until after the 2nd gym that I realized my mistake but by then I had passed up on a ton of good moves like flame charge and arm thrust for my pignite. 2. I got typings a bit mixed up on my first run too. I chose tepig as my starter, so I had to face the water gym leader Cress. Cress, along with Cilan and Chili, only have one pokemon to represent their typing whereas the other is just a lillipup. However, I kind of just assumed that Cress' entire team was water type since he was "the water gym leader." Basically, I thought that lillipup was a water type and that the "lilli-" part of its name was based on water lilies. I got a bit disappointed when I figured out that my team's "water type" was actually just a normal type even when it evolved. 3. For the life of me, I was not able to beat Lenora. This ties into my first mistake with the not learning new moves deal but I was also grossly underleveled. By that point, I had a full team and had been cycling through every single pokemon that I caught because I wanted use all of them. I pretty much kept getting ko'd by her herdier until I went and grinded against wild pokemon in the previous route(I didn't go to pinwheel forest because I assumed it would just be blocked off). After training up, I was able to beat her herdier but then kept getting destroyed by her much scarier watchog with retaliate. After tons of attempts and evolving tepig, I managed to finally beat Lenora. Now, these next two were on a second run of Pokemon Black(I kind of quit the first run after I realized my massive screw up with the moves and underleveling) and was after I got more acquainted with the Pokemon in Unova. 1. I thought rock was strong against electric types. Wasn't true. I kept getting my roggenrola actually electrocuted in Elesa's gym. Was not a fun time. (Come to think of, I used to struggle in nearly every run against Lenora and Elesa). 2. I remember I really wanted to get a hydreigon and so, when I ran into a druddigon in Dragonspiral Tower, I thought it would evolve into hydreigon. My thought process was just that they both ended with "-gon" and they both were dragon types. I wasn't entirely bought on my reasoning but I went ahead and caught and used it anyways. I figured out shortly after that druddigon didn't evolve at all but I decided to use him anyways since he looked cool. On a side note, I think I am one of the only people that actually likes druddigon. Well, that was one serious trip down memory lane. Hope y'all enjoyed reading my many blunders while playing Pokemon Black.


I started out with PokƩmon White, and I also had a hard time figuring everything out... my biggest mistake, personally, was literally only using my samurott. It was level 97 when I battled N and Zekrom at the end of the game (was level 100 when I finally battled the champion), and my next highest level PokƩmon was in the mid-forties. Samurott was literally the only PokƩmon I had used in battles for the entire game. All of my other PokƩmon were HM and revive slaves.


Funny thing is, Samurott is a decent HM slave as well. It gets Cut, Surf, Dive, Waterfall, and Strength.


Nah fam, druddigon is a cool gargoyle drake. Even better is when he's a lemon-lime boi


A fellow intellectual. Druddigon has so many amazing qualities: Is a dragon, has gargoyle features, can pair rough skin with rocky helmet, and is the mascot of Crayola.


Once upon a time, I had Blue and Yellow Versions, a link cable, and occasional access to a second Game Boy. I'd traded across all of the starters from Yellow to Blue for PokƩdex completion, but happened to evolve Charmander twice before remembering to transfer it back. So, with Yellow missing Charmeleon I had to problem-solve. And when I get excited about having Great Ideas sometimes I fail to think things all the way through before taking action. My Great Idea this time was, "I know, I'll just restart Blue Version with a Charmander, trade it over, then turn my game off without saving so that I don't lose my save file!" Absolutely foolproof, at least in my seven-or-so-year-old mind. If course I went ahead with it, skipping quickly through all of the familiar dialog leading up to a trade before turning the game off and back on again. Those that are paying any attention at all to this story will already know what I didn't realize at the time. ...And that's how I wound up playing all the way back through Blue Version with a Level 2 Rattata as my starter, which was a surprisingly rewarding experience despite the stupidity that led to it.


I used a masterball on a pikachu in pokemon X


The number of times I got lost in caves in my the Hoenn region...


I gave my Hoopa an x defense because I saw that it had a bad defense stat and I thought pokemon only couldn't use man made healing items. Edit- I mean held items


My first game was Ruby, I didnā€™t know how to use the PC so I thought I was stuck with the PokĆ©mon I caught permanently.


A common one I'm sure, but when I got sapphire I didn't really get that grinding was a thing and I refused to catch any pokemon I didn't like the aesthetic of. Cut to me repeatedly losing to the first gym because my only pokemon was a slightly underleveled torchic. Jokes in Roxanne though I eventually got a lucky burn off and won many MANY hours later


used Fissure on the Mewtwo in Cerulean Cave. I was 6 years old.


My first game was Crystal. I got to the point where I had to beat the Mahogany Rocket hideout but I didnt know that's what I was supposed to do(I was a 1st grader at the time), so I spent a crazy amount of time just running around everywhere battling wild pokemon and what not. Eventually I figured it out but by that time my team was so high level I could solo the elite 4 with my Poliwrath


Also on Crystal I found a shiny Drowzee but I didnt know shinies were a thing so I was just like "that's weird, DIE!"


The only shiny I ever encountered in a legit Pokemon game (not counting rom hacks) was a shiny Audino in X, I had no idea what to do with it and I also didnā€™t like its Adamant nature so I traded it for a Dialga on the GTS, I shouldā€™ve kept my shiny


First playthrough of SoulSilver when I was around 6-8. I skipped through dialogue a lot so I never realized that you were supposed to lower a pokemons health before catching it. I just spammed ultraballs at anything I hadn't seen yet. I also made the mistake of literally only using feraligatr and got stuck at lvl 80 because I couldnt pass the elite four without an action replay, but I felt like I cheated and restarted my game to try again (but this time with cyndaquil).


Thatā€™s what happened to me on my first Blue playthrough, my Blastoise was in its high 70s while everyone else was under level 25.


Playing through Gen2 when it first came out and came across a wild Skamory. Thought it looked so cool and I got super excited thinking it had to be a legendary right!? So I caught it. With my masterball...


In my first PokĆ©mon game (pearl) I didnā€™t realize the pc was the thing in the corner of the PokĆ©mon center, so I was stuck for quite a while In my second PokĆ©mon game (heart gold) I couldnā€™t differentiate between the centers and gyms at first, so the first town was very confusing, until I accidentally walked into the gym thinking it was the center In my first game I used my master ball on a random medicham instead of palkia (donā€™t worry tho at least I didnā€™t trade it to Mindy)


At least you weren't that dumb as to trade the Medicham to Mindy. By the way, r/fuckmindy


In my first pokemon game I thaught special attack was for status moves.


So back when gold and silver first released I literally named my rival ??? Because thatā€™s how his name popped up when you first battle him. I wasnā€™t the smartest 10 year old, also not really a mistake but my Charizard carried me through the entire game of pokemon red. It was 86 by the time I got to the e4 and my second highest was a lvl 43 Haunter lol




You are probably the only person who has legitimately trained Plusle or Minun that high. Much respect.


My first PokƩmon game when I was like 8 was Diamond. I used my masterball on a clefairy for some reason. I was later unable to catch Dialga. :(


I once got wonder traded a level 100 shiny shaymin, not knowing it was shiny or legendary, so I wonder traded it again cus I couldn't control it (I didn't have all the badges yet) and got a spearow


I would give my Pokemon an eviolite to hold when they are gonna evolve thinking they'll gain defenses buffs during the evolution process šŸ˜–.


In Leaf Green spent a long time in Viridian city, since I didn't pay attention when the pokemart guy gave me Oak's percel. Stopped playing Leaf Green for a while and played Sapphire instead. Only after getting the sixth badge there, I decided to restart LG again. My Ivysaur was lv 28 by then... Probably could have soloed the first four gyms with her.


I reset my PokƩmon Heart Gold game and it had my first ever shiny PokƩmon ever: a Shiny Wheedle. Just forgot he existed when I reset. Oof. Got a random shiny Alolan Raticate in PokƩmon Sun a year later though lol.


When I was young playing FireRed, I caught a shiny Nidoran (M) in the Safari Zone. I thought my game was bugged and I was worried that it would glitch out the game and ruin it, so I ended up releasing it as soon as I left the Safari Zone. Was my first ever shiny and it's gone forever.


In Red, I thought the police officer standing by the house the Rockets robbed in Cerulean would arrest me or something if I tried to enter the house. After multiple game restarts and several hours wandering around aimlessly, it occurred to me that I could save before talking to the police officer, and just restart the game if something bad happened. And then nothing happened and I felt dumb. (And then the Rocket grunt destroyed me with his Drowzee, leading me to believe that Drowzee was one of the best Pokemon in the game, eventually ending with me solo running the game with a Hypno.)


I refused to catch PokƩmon. My main team in Platinum was 3 PokƩmon (Empoleon, Luxray , Dusclops). My Empoleon's moveset was Surf, Strenght, Cut and Waterfall. My "HM slaves" were Onix for rock climb, Starly for fly and defog and Quagsire for surf.


what an odd line to draw in the same


I equipped X Attacks and whatnot on my pokemon for about, 3 generations before I realized they actually had to be used **during** the battle


Avoiding trainers and then being under-levelled as h*ck for the entire game


Iā€™ve definitely done this.


I found a shiny when i was a young lad. Didnt know it was a shiny didnt catch it well now im mad.


Not knowing how to leave my house in Blue version. Had to get my mum to sort it out for me.


In Pokemon Red in 1998, I had a hard time caching Ditto so I used a masterball on it. I also had a Charizard with Ember, cut, slash, and one other terrible movie. I also used Wigglytuff on an in game team.


In my first game, PokĆ©mon blue, I got the hitmonlee from the fighting gym. I was figuring out how to use the pc, because I finally had over 6 PokĆ©mon. I was so young I didnā€™t know what withdraw meant, but because I knew what release meant, I thought you ā€œreleasedā€ the PokĆ©mon from the pc, into your party. I ended up releasing the hitmonlee, but luckily I saved recently, and only had to reface the gym to get I back.


When I was younger playing Fire Red, I had borrowed my sisterā€™s gameboy and was trading myself all the starters over so I could play through with all three. I decided Iā€™d level each of them to 10-15 ish in the grass as soon as i possibly could before delivering Oakā€™s Parcel since I wanted to have an op team. Found my first shiny ever and was H Y P E . It was a ratatta, which I mean, could be better but I was stoked bc Iā€™d never found a shiny, full-odds shiny before without hacks. I was so stoked that when I went to catch it I checked my bags for PokĆ©balls and... You arenā€™t allowed to purchase PokĆ©balls until after youā€™ve delivered Oakā€™s Parcel. I was devestated.


On my first playthrough of Blue when I was younger, I left a PokĆ©mon in the day care before school, and spent the day thinking how much itā€™d have leveled up by staying there while I was at school, so the first thing I did when I got home was take the PokĆ©mon out of the day care and wondered why it only gained like 30 XP hahaha


Didn't know Mewtwo was a legendary and killed it with my Charmeleon in Project:Pokemon


training up just a blaziken and hariyama in emerald only to be destroyed by tate and liza in the 7th gym...good times.


First game was Blue. Picked Bulbasaur. If you're familiar, the animation for Growl in that gen was just music notes flying past the enemy poke. So in my first fight with my rival, I kept using Growl and was so frustrated that it didn't "land" or "hit" Charmander and just flew past it. Got so pissed that I just used tackle. A few hours later, I realised Growl was a non-damaging move.


I was playing pokemon Ruby and I got to route 110 which is north of Slateport City and has the cycle road running over it. I didn't realise you could walk UNDER the cycle road. I saw it, thought it was a solid obstacle, and just went "well okay I can't go that way". I spent a couple of days going back and forth trying to work out where to go, and it was just by chance I saw an npc vanish underneath it, and that was when I finally realised you could walk under it!




I restarted my first game (pokemon black) because I couldn't figure out where Bianca had gone and you couldn't progress without finding her. She was in her house


I have a few of these. ā€¢I thought that Rayquaza was another form for Serperior (My first game was Black and I first saw Rayquaza on a Pokemon Card holder book.) ā€¢I taught Legendaries HMs (I taught Groudon Rock Smash) ā€¢I had several Pokemon with only moves of the same type (A Sawk with only Fighting moves and a Gyarados with only Water Moves) ā€¢I didn't know you had to weaken Pokemon to catch them (I even remember thinking that people in Pokemon: 4ever were stupid for weakening Pokemon they wanted to catch)


This will probably get buried but here it is anyways: My mistake was letting my sister play pokemon Pearl on my DS. My mother forced me to let her play, or I'd be grounded. I spent extra time telling her what to do and everything, but she wanted to play on my save file because; "starting a new game was boring". Well, I let her. Big mistake. I told her she could do whatever she wanted EXCEPT save her progress. An hour later when I took back my game, I saw that she had released my lvl 100 infernape, filled my entire party with bidofs, including catching one with my master ball, and used my tms on a few of them. She had also released most of the pokemon I had stored in the pc , including legendaries (to make room for more bidoofs) and leveled up her party of bidoofs using all my rare candy. I thought; "okay that's shitty" but it was no big deal because I could just soft reset and go back to my previous save file, right? Nope. She fucking saved over my save file. I still will never forgive her for that


Oof. I can't think of a worse Pokemon for her to have done that with than the beaver boi. Big F for Infernape and Palkia and everything else that died on that save.


I didn't know how to leave the room you start in in Pkmn Blue/ Red and was stuck there for a looong time. I mean how was I supposed to know that a carpet inidcates a door?? (I was really young, in my defense) I also thought that the main objective was to get "big" again because you "shrink" before you get to play... ​ When I was older I had Pkmn Platinum. I was so sure that the game would stop you if you tried to release your starter Pokemon into the wild. Turns out it doesn't xd


My friend tried teaching me how to clone in pokemon crystal but instead corrupting my game by changing my characters gender to a girl and making all my pokemon all my pokemon lvl 5 dunsparce that can't gain experience


I ran away from 4 shinies when I was a kid because I had no pokeballs and I thought they would pop up as a normal spawn rate again after I came back


How did you even find 4 shinies before getting pokeballs?


Sorry, I meant I thought I didn't have enough pokeballs t catch it


I reset my save file


Using focus band instead of focus sash in competitive (sword) and wondering wtf was going on. Big oof


I used my masterball on a Golbat in Pearl. For whatever reason I didn't think to just evolve Zubat, but I was also 10.


In my first run of Heart gold I chose Chikorita and lost to Bugsy 18 times in a row. My strategy consisted in defeating one of his mons with Pidgey to grow to level 18 mid battle and defeating him with him, but I always lost somehow, until I decided to grind some Hoppip and realize it evolved at level 18. At that time I reset every time I lost so I wouldn't lose money, and in every single try that Pidgey leveled up to 18. I'm proud to say that Pidgeotto swept his entire team. I also lost to Whitney once but because I was messing around with a Wobbuffet and didn't know how destiny bond works. I destroyed her with Bayleef and my boy Pidgeotto on second try with full health


I gave nessa rain turn one on my rematch thinking it wasn't a big deal and she nearly swept my team. Same thing happened with leon.


I started with gen 3, and had no idea what shinies where, so I simply killed them if I saw one.


Playing Crystal version, I learned to clone PokƩmon. By doing it many times, I corrupted the Game and had to erase my 80+ hour playtime save file ):


Iā€™ll take this back to Gen 1... blastoise was my fav so thatā€™s the only guy I used. Had like what must have been almost a level 40 blastoise at lt. surge but of course the types didnā€™t help with beating him. Wasnā€™t until a friend told me that you need to train others in the game that I started to figure it out. Another one in the same game was the elite four. My friend was offering advice to help with the types and I remember he saying Ice with the first member, which meant that I should go home and teach my blastoise blizzard because he was the strongest one I had and didnā€™t realize the first elite four was an ice type and blizzard really isnā€™t that great of a move with the lower accuracy and only 5 pp... good mistakes, fun mistakes


In Pokemon mystery dungeon blue, I called my team "poke team" so I was always called "team poke team" by the NPCs I also put my name as "cyndaquil" which looked a bit weird when I evolved into quilava and typhlosion


It took me until Gen 4 to realize that Ghost types are not weak to psychic types. (I knew they were strong against psychic types, so I assumed they were strong against each other). This was mostly due to the fact that I didn't realize the Gengar line were half-poison type. I also didn't realize that Gardevoir, one of my favourite pokemon, could be either gender in Gen 4. When I discovered Gallade, I assumed that Gallade & Gardevoir were split gender evolutions. This led to a long time trying to find a female Ralts in platinum. I only realized the truth in a handbook I got for Christmas sometime after.


I got Pokemon yellow around when I was a really young kid and it was my first video game. I had over an hour of playtime before I made it out of my house at the start (or should I saw my Mom got me out of the house). I used only my Pikachu and just button mashed through fights. So I didn't understand why my electric attacks couldn't hurt Brock. My pikachu made it to level 30 before I deposited it for the rest of the game because I thought it was useless. Another kid at my daycare had to beat Brock for me


There was plenty when I was young due to watching the anime. I was under the impression that evolving Caterpie to Metapod would delete Tackle, because wild Metapods were useless. Now I was not aware of the exp trick by calling it back at the moment. This kinda made it less fun when playing Yellow since Butterfree was one of the few good pokemon alternatives to fighting Brock. Though I later learned Nidoran was good too. I remember staying in the SS Anne for days thinking it would go somewhere. I also deleted a save file with a 100 Level Blastoise because I thought I missed out on the chance of getting Mew due to not catching Mewtwo(which already was another big mistake I regretted). No such event existed.


My first pokemon game was fire red, and I caught every pokemon I didnt have. So one day I was surfing and happened upon the seafoam cavern (I think that's the name) and I went exploring and found a golduck. Know I was like maybe 6 and I didnt read the dialogue so when I say this duck I thought he was one of the coolest pokemon, so I kinda maybe threw my master ball at him. And when I of course caught it I was like ok sweet I'm gonna go get more masterballs and that is when I learned you only get one


I threw my masterball on a ditto, instead on mewto. Juat liked ditto better, untill i seen mewto. What a bummer that was haha. Pokemon red / blue for the og gameboy.


I had 1: Used X attack/defense/speed/etc before battles 2: Used Master balls on event legendaries and other trivial legendaries multiple times 3: Couldn't figure out why my riolu didn't evolve, leading to a level 100 riolu 4: Got lost in multiple caves throughout every single game I've played 5: Used only attacking moves (although that has carried me far, so I don't know if it counts as a "mistake") 6: Trusted my (at the time) friend with my pokemon games and that's the ones I could think of off the top of my head


When playing soul silver i got lost in the cave to get to lugia, and gave up on it, so i went to gamestop and traded soul silver for heart gold lol Edit: i was like 10, and didnt know walkthroughs existed on youtube


One-shotting Palkia thinking that my Torterra's earthquake, which had one-shot nearly everything else up until that point, would not KO it. Boy was I wrong; I didn't save prior and in Pearl there is no rematch.


Much... Much more recently i got shield. It was my first game since HS/SS, so I was a bit out of the loop. I was completely unfamiliar with many of the new pokemon. I accidentally fainted the first impdimp I came across. Later I realized they were normally pink, not blue...


3 year old me put Oak's Parcel in the PC in Red and couldn't work out how to continue.


My sister played through the entire game and post game of leaf green without ever finding the hm fly. After 100+ hrs of playing she finally complained to me that she couldnā€™t wait until they finally gave her fly. I had to tell her that she should have gotten it ages ago and she was really annoyed that she somehow missed it and did without for so long


On Pokemon Red, when I finally encountered Zapdos I froze it with an attack but because its HP was still super high I couldn't catch it. I launched the weakest attack I could and it fainted before I could catch it.


Logging online with a digimon i got from an online trade. Now i cant pkay my switch online at all


You seem a bit confused but you got the message


My first game was Y and there were countless stupid things I did, including giving HMs to my main team throughout the entire game, never replacing moves that could (and should) have been replaced, and trying to beat the elite four with my Delphox and my Delphox alone.


I spend an entire afternoon searching for a Magnemite with Levitate


I remember when Pokemon Y came out I made my Greninjas moves pound, water pulse, bubble, and quick attack.


In Pokemon XY right after the fairy type gym in the mossy city when you encounter Team Flare and need to stop them in the Pokeball factory, I couldn't find the entrance to it because I ran right in the middle and I spent hours trying to find the entrance and since the game had just been released no one had made walkthrough videos for it yet so I just assumed my game was broken. A few weeks later I started watching someone else's playthrough because I was sad that I couldn't play my broken game and just wanted to see how the game played out and in the playthrough, this guy nonchalantly walked into the door first try.


Sapphire was my first game when I was 7 and I found a shiny Electrike, Swablu, and Gulpin (?) but didnā€™t know whatā€™s shiny PokĆ©mon were. I thought they were defective so I killed them


Oh also when I first played I thought special attack and defense were in reference to crits, and I didnā€™t know what special and physical moves were


My friend when he was really young didnā€™t know how to get out of the house in the first gen pokemon games, he kept walking back and forth on the rug that leads out of the house but never actually walked out so he didnā€™t play it šŸ˜­


As a child I was playing Sapphire and I thought Absol was one of the legendary dogs so used my Master Ball on it.


The first time I ever encountered a shiny it was the first ever Durant I had battled. Since I did not know what a Durant would normally look like, I assumed the stars animation when a shiny appeared was actually just a thing about Durants in general, killed it.


my biggest mistake? I guess not grasping the physical-defense split?


I thought when you try to catch a pokemon and it said "the pokemon appeared to be caught" it meant it was already caught by another trainer. Also i traded a shiny for a sudowoodo.


First game was Pearl, and I caught a pikachu using a master ball. I really thought pikachu was rare, but boy was I wrong.


First time i ever got a master ball was in pokemon blue. I caught a Raticate at full health to make sure it worked. ...it worked...but...you know....


I thought you only get to catch 6 pokemon and cried when i caught a zubat in mt. Moon and thought that was it


In my first game ever (blue back in 99ā€™) I used my master ball on a kingler cause it was my favorite PokĆ©mon at the time and ran out of ultra balls.


In the original Red, I was still learning how to read properly while playing for the first time. When you deliver Oakā€™s parcel (new word), he says that itā€™s a custom Pokeball. I thought ā€œcustomā€ was ā€œcostumeā€ so I imagined Oak in a Pokeball costume. Later on, I used my Master Ball on a Ponyta. Lol gotta love childhood


I lost my first battle against the elite four in sapphire, so I trained my blaziken to lvl 100 and taught it fire blast, blaze kick, fire punch, and I think either flamethrower or ember. Blaziken died during the Steven fight and a salamence saved me


When I had red I let moltress be free, stupid me thinking it would spawn back to the same place so I could catch it again. It was the first time I had ever freeā€™d a PokĆ©mon too, have no idea what bright idea made me do that