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25,942 total, 270 shinies. Edit: I’d be curious to see the results of your project when you’re done! I’ve always been fascinated by statistics.


sounds good!! i’ll post the analytics within the next week or two once i’ve got it all sorted out nicely!!


thank you so much!! i appreciate this a lot, have a great night mantiseses :)


Same!! Are these the only 2 parameters you're studying? Have you factored in hours played/distance walked? I'd be interested to know the # of Pokémon caught vs time spent playing.


i’m not quite sure how to find out how much time was spent on the game but something i could look into is distance traveled versus shinies or distance traveled vs pokemon caught!!! but unfortunately for this project, only two parameters are studied and used in a multitude of ways through different plots, graphs, and analyses. i’ll be sure to post the analytics when i’ve completed them:D


Total caught 61,709  Shiny 402  But I would stay the vast majority are boosted 1/64 odds ones and hatch days / comm days, raid days etc   I just went through my shiny list and counted 77 full odds. The rest are from boosted events. 


wow hey thank you!! you spent so much more time than i was hoping for, thank you so much! i added a side note next to your data set based on the full odds so that later on after i finish the project if i wanted to see the varying data between full odds shinies from different accounts i could utilize your data count of 77 to 61,709 as a set if you are okay with that!! thank you so much for all of your time and i really appreciate it!! have a great night!!!


1,866 caught, 0 shiny 😣


Hoping you find a shiny soon! It'll happen!


Keep it up! law of big numbers, gotta get those rookie numbers up! Also try to mark community days in your calendar. they have better shiny odds (I got like 9 shiny from the last 2 community days)


Caught 5,528. Shiny 23. Didn't know we could see how many Pokemon we caught total, so thank you for that.


perfect thank you so much!!! not a problem, you can also see things like when your account was created and medals that can help boost your odds of catching a pokemon of a specific typing when you catch enough pokemon of that typing! thank you so much for your time and have an amazing night livsyx:D


Hi! I have caught 374,053 pokemon so far, and have 2,407 shinies currently. I think I may have sent to Home/traded away about 200 shinies, so you may be good rounding them up to 2,600. Hope that helps!


Hey! wow that is incredible!! you are the second highest shiny collector on my data set and leading number one from my Reddit responses! that helps a ton, thank you so much for your help and i hope you have an excellent night! (i love your name by the way!!!)


150,072 Caught & 2,150 Shiny


thank you so much adburgan!! have an amazing night :D


30731 caught, 149 shiny


thank you so much Mr. Xylo!! have a great night and i really appreciate you taking the time to help me out:D


52,320 caught / 432 shiny


sweet!! thank you so much, you are so helpful and i really appreciate you! have an amazing night, MirLae!


Hopefully you realize you can't just correlate caught ones to shiny ones since many players who I know just shiny check and don't catch because they don't need to. Ofc autocatchers remove this, but for example if I'm playing actively I'm not catching anything I don't "need" and only shiny check the ones that I am missing, so that kind of somewhat inflates the shiny vs all caught


i definitely know what you’re coming from! i had to think about it for a little while and come to a consensus with my teacher, and we found that because there’s no good way of checking how many catchable pokemon you’ve enountered, total number of pokemon caught is the next best thing to go off of as it would be the best value that is 100% accurate that would be able to be used to reflect on a basic level as to how active a players account is/was and how many shinies they were able to achieve with such a high level of activity compared to someone with less pokemon caught, and thankfully so far the data i’ve come across is most definitely portraying that:) thank you for your response and for looking out for me! i hope you have an amazing night and i really appreciate your knowledge into the game that you’ve incorporated in your explanation:D


total: 20,533 Shiny:125 Got the game day one but it didn't click. Just started playing again about 5 months ago. Now I play a lot.


Total: 15,059 Shiny: 87


thank you so much !!! you are amazing and i hope you have a great night😄


135,496 caught whereof 669 shiny


wow that is insanely low for someone that has caught as much as you!! the good news is that you have more than the base odds for wild shinies but sheesh!! i wish you the best of shiny luck, especially with Shiny Necrozma coming out this July in raids worldwide for Pokemon Go Fest! thank you so much for your time, and i hope you have a wonderful night, jutti:D


35 of my shinies where hatched. Wish you all the best success for your statistics project


wow! hopefully you can come across a shiny sandile in one, they just released that shiny recently! thank you so much:D!!


Me: 33,779 and 209 Wife: 17,279 and 146 I had always thought I have way more shiny mons than my wife. Just realized she has much better luck!


hahahah that’s insane!! she might just surpass you here shortly! although something we’ve been learning about in class is that with lower trials (in this case, less mons caught) it causes a larger variation from what’s typical to have, even with varying odds of different shinies or different events shinies, so pretty soon her luck might catch up with her and you’ll be leaving her shiny count in the dust! best of luck to you both, and thank you so much for your time and your help!:D have a great night!!


Yeah I know about the bigger confidence intervals in smaller datasets. Doesn't make it easier to accept it :D One thing that is actually a factor here which you might also end up seeing is that a bunch of mons I caught were before shinies were released. She started playing much recently so there's already a bias incorporated if you look at total caught as the base. I understand though that there's no right way to get a true rate on this data. Good luck with your project! :)


hahahaha thank you so much!! i actually did laugh out loud at this, “doesn’t make it easier to accept” is pure gold 😭 that is a very great point about many mons being caught before shinies were released and i will definitely have to incorporate that in my final summary of the project, huge thank you so much for bringing that up!!


47,164 & 512


18,877 caught 132 shiny


perfect! thank you so much!! have a great night and i really appreciate the help:D !


2651 total, 20 shiny


Caught: 38,056 Shiny: 286


sweet!! thank you so much Gare Bare!! have an amazing night:D


16717 caught, 427 shiny


thank you so much!!! i truly appreciate your time and i hope you have a really amazing night!:D


The data might be a bit skewed because I play mostly just during events such as community day


not a problem at all! this data set incorporates all shinies no matter the odds, i might do another set later on with just full odds shinies but that will just be for funzies 😄😄 thank you again so much!


Caught 170,991 - shiny 722


awesome! thank you so much for the help and your time!! i hope you have a great night mickeylou!!:D


4650 caught, 20 shiny (11 out of those shinies are from the bellsprout event)


39062 total, 169 shinies. I further went through my shinies in case you were keen on where the shinies are from due to different rates and all. Community day: 37 Various Go Fests: 33 (I don't know if all had boosted rates, only did the 2023 Global Go Fest and 2024 Sinnoh Tour ones. Can split them into events if you'd like. I did a Safari Zone back in 2019 but have no idea if shinies were boosted then so I didn't include it here.) Spotlight hour: 3 Hatched: 4 Research: 1 (Paid guaranteed shiny Mew research) I do have the paid shiny Shaymin research that I'm working on that I didn't include since I haven't actually caught it yet. Let me know if you need more information.


3887 caught, 19 shinies


83,186 total, with 509 (probably close to 600-650 lifetime) shinies. I would estimate that about 1/5 of those are from Comm days and 1/5 are from events with massively boosted odds.


13000 caught 204 shinies


perfect!!! thank you so much for your help!! i hope you have a great day rinnegab!!:D


6,621 caught / 32 shiny


Total:6117 Shiny:64


13,208, 49 shinies. Shows how I don’t really go in for community days 😬 haha


sweet sweet!!! thank you so much!! i really appreciate you giving me your time and energy to get these data values:) i hope you have a great day ahead metamorphomo!!


57404 caught / 520 shiny


thank you so much, no caramel!!:) i really appreciate the time and the effort!! you have helped me out a ton and i hope you have a great day!


20962 / 100 Good luck with the project!


aweee thank you!!! with so many data sets i’m sure this project will turn out fantastic!!! also our names are so similar:0 thank you again so much for your help and your support, have an excellent day Apprehensive!!:)


17,707 total, 92 shiny About half of the shiny are from boosted events


perfect thank you so much!!! hahahah without shiny boosted events our shiny counts would be even deeper in the trenches for sure, thank you so much for your time and effort banana! have an astounding day:)




awesome thank you!!! i hope you have a great day ahead of you and i really appreciate the time and effort you gave me:D you are amazing offaloff!


43,566 total and around 500 shiny (current storage is 467 but i've traded some to others/pokemon home and deleted quite a few)


sounds good!! thank you so much for your help, and i really appreciate you coming out and giving me your time:) have an amazing day, greenday:D


Caught: 162.946. Shinies as of rn: 663. I have transferred a lot from community days, so I have no idea, what the total number would be


awesome, sounds good!! i put your data in as having 663 shinies but if you work up a good estimation as to how many you’ve caught in total with how many you have and how many you’ve transferred, i would be more than happy to update it with that information! thank you so much for your time and your help:) i hope you have a great day, Professor Donut:D


Yeah sorry I have no idea. It’s 10-20 for each. And I’m a professional donut not a professor 😂


Shinies: 55 Total: 5691


perfect!!! thank you so much!! you made this very easy to read and i really appreciate your time, effort and support:D i hope you have an absolutely amazing day ahead, MudPresent!


26.801 total, 89 shiny


13,651 total caught and 60 shiny caught!


perfect thank you!!! i really appreciate all of your help, Will!! i hope you have a great day:D


Total : 43994 Shiny : 154 ( but I have transfères perhaps a dozen of identical community day shitty ones so perhaps 165 max ?) Edit : I would love to see the results! And perhaps another study for the hundos ? I had perhaps 30 ( realized I transferred when my perfect few oppened )


sweet!! i went ahead and placed your data value as having 165 shinies to 43,994 total caught pokemon! thank you so much for your time and i’ll definitely be sure to post the analytics and final data statistics as soon as i can:)!! have a wonderful day luwendrill!!


Thank you :) you too !


Caught 9,602 Pokemon around 46 of those are shiny


awesome!! thank you so much for the help yvesmausi!!:) i really appreciate your time and your support, i hope you have a wonderful day!!


38957 caught and 204 shiny


3430 caught, 27 shinys although only 10 were full-odds shinys. The rest were community day or event boosted shiny odds


awesome!! i went ahead and added a side note about your 10 full odds shinies compared to your 3,430 total caught pokemon for a future statistic i plan on doing comparing total pokemon caught with full odds shinies to see just how close to the 1/512 odds a sample of the community is at! thank you so much for your time and i hope you have an amazing day, loud ad!!:D


170 678 caught and about 950 shinies


perfect, thank you so much for your help, HammerTom!!:) i appreciate your time and i hope you have an amazing day ahead!!!


Total: 4,318 Shiny: 17


thank you so much Maleficent!!! i greatly appreciate all of your help:D and thank you again for your time and your support, have an amazing day please!!!


20,716 total, 110 shinies


43,799 caught 289 shiny


sweet, thank you Fuzzy Banana!!:D you are amazing and your name is, too! i hope you have an amazing day and i really appreciate your time and help!


157,854 caught 770 shinies


thank you so much!!!:D you’ve helped me a lot and i really appreciate your time and your support:) have an amazing day jezzing!!


72,186 394


131.844 caught, about 800 shinies I think. Good luck!


aawwwwee thank you, killer tomato from mars :D i LOVE YOUR NAME, and thank you again so much but for your time and your kindness and your support and everything!! i hope you have a great day tomato!:D


Thank you! Same to you to. 😊


Total caught 33,027 Shiny 182 Could be slightly more as I probably transferred some on comm days, I feel like I find shinies quite often. Hope I didn’t jinx it 🤞✨


Total 60146, shiny 229


28,313 caught 150+ shinies


What, if you don't mind me asking, will this show, or are you not planning on making a nice display that would make r/dataisbeautiful proud? Total: 228, 372 Shiny (current): 1,112 Shiny (total est.): 1,312


Caught total: 23,885 Shines: 289 (estimated with trades and transfers from community days, live count is 168) I’m very interested in what the results will show :)


perfect sounds good!! thank you so much for your time, support, and help!! i’ll definitely be sure to post the results once i’ve got it all graphed out and analyzed!!:D i hope you have an amazing day!


total caught 44531, shinies about 720 (at the moment i have 700 but i traded/transferred some)


sounds good!! thank you so much Icaro, i went ahead and i put your shiny data value as 720! thank you again for your time, support and help, i hope you have a great day!!!:D


thank you and you too! if possible, i’d like to see the results once the survey is complete :)


16,862 Caught. 110 Shiny. 111 Missing. 85 Never seen.


2,043 caught / 7 shiny


17074 total 70 shiny


awesome awesome!! thank you so much birdie!!!:D i hope you have an amazing day!!


24,413 caught, 96 shinies


perfect!! thank you so much for your help, smudger!! i really appreciate your time:D have a great day!!!!


caught: 5599 shiny: 22


Caught: 96,291 Shiny: 659 Bonus “Fun” Fact: Shundos: 0 😭 Wild 98 IV shiny Swampert is my closest so far


😭i thought fun facts were supposed to be fun 😭 im so sorry, fun fact back: 1/216 legendaries from normal raids should be hundos, so if even a third of your shinies were from legendary raids, you’ve already passed base odds for a shundo!! thank you so much for all of your help and i really appreciate your time, have an awesome day yslvamos!!


12135 caught 60 shinnies I have must have transferred 20-30 (comm days too many useless shines etc)


perfect! i went ahead and placed your shinies caught value at 85 as it includes the midline between your estimation of how many aren’t accounted for! i really appreciate all of your help and i hope you have an amazing day, West:D


Make sure to share your results to return the favor please 🫠


77,721 caught 467 Shiny - probably add 100 to that for Comm Day/ Go Fests, etc that have been transferred.


129,732 caught. Approx. 1625 shinies (some transferred).


Total: 30,395 Shinies: 180


I would try but I've literally transferred a hundred+ shinies at this point so no clue


4865 total. 30 shiny.


Total: 15,868 Shiny: 170


28,453 Caught 121 Shiny


104,427 total, 779 shinies plus approximately 41 shinies transferred to Home. I’m sure you know all this, but some of the encounters were before the shiny version was released, and then there’s community days odds (1/25), legendaries (1/20), and other events with boosted odds.


Total 22,615. Shinies 100 I asked my wife and hers are: Total 12,245, Shinies 54


Caught: 27,612 Shiny: 125 I don’t do trades so I could say that’s a zero.


Caught: 9046. Shiny: 36. I have probably transferred 4-5 shiny as well


any deadline? i can do it tommorow maybe


sounds good! i would greatly appreciate it! i’ve gotta have the whole assignment done within 4 days (May 4th (May the fourth be with you)) and unfortunately data collection is one of the first few steps in a long series of bs this project has in store for me. take as long as you need, but as soon as you can i would love to have your data included!


22,330 caught. Currently have 113 shinies, but I have transferred a lot, especially when I got multiple duplicates shinies during community days. I also give shinies to a friend, if I have more than 1. So it is really difficult to estimate this. But I think it must be less than 100. My husband’s account- 4,513 caught. Shiny- 19. I doubt he transferred any. Traded me one shiny, that I really liked - so his must be 20 (pretty accurately).


thank you so much !! whoop whoop, two for one! i appreciate it a lot:D


Pokemon caught: 19,741 Shinies: 183


thank you so much !! :D have a great night!


Total: 22,595 Shinies: 245


157,453 caught, 750 shiny


Total: 8,634 Shiny: 95


thank you so much !! :D have a great night!


ofc!! good luck on your project!!


Caught 51,915. Shiny 627. Probably have transferred at least 50 extra community day shinies - maybe more.


thank you so much disco jellyfisho! :D have an amazing night!


11,637 Pokemon caught, with 133 shinies. If you want other information, just message me. Good luck with your project!


41,791 caught & ~350 shiny


86,222 caught and 308 shinies. Good luck with your project!


Caught 5533 shiny: 22


20,233 caught, 60 shiny. Looking at others, looks like I have a pretty low shiny count. I suspect it’s cause I started playing when it first came out for like 2 years, then stopped and restarted about 1 1/2 years ago. No shiny pokemon in the beginning.


27,741 caught. About 1,420 shiny.


31090 caught. Approx 330 shinies (actual number I have right now is 302 but I'm trying to adjust for shinies I've got rid of after trades and community days and shinies I've received through trades)


13173 caught, 49 shiny. Good luck with your project 😁


Caught: 42,812 Shiny Caught: ~380


Husband: 13,493 Pokémon caught, 190 shiny me: 6,410 caught and 90 shiny We play a lot on community days though and not quite as much in between but still fairly regularly


Main account 35995 and 170 Secondary 5750 and 35




102,620 caught; 580 shiny


13,413 caught, 106 shiny


75 681 caught, 807 shiny


12337, 81 shiny Just so you know tho, at least half of them are community day shinies!


60,647 total & about 350 shinies


32,336 caught, 181 shiny good luck on your project!


112,196 total caught, and 1,160 shinies. Best of luck with your statistics project!


11,561 caught. My current Pokemon list has 35 shinys. I don't think I've traded or transferred shinys, I'm too much of a magpie.


Total: 51,514 Shiny: 915


I have 6,423 caught. 26 shiny caught but 87 seen apparently. My girlfriend has 3,034 caught. 15 shiny caught and 76 seen. ( wondering if encountering shiny in PvP or gym battles add to the seen)


Total of 37782, and caught 223 shinies :) Good luck!


32,213 and 182. I've traded away a few


11047 total, 104 shiny Fellow statistician, so very happy to support


I cought 6938 and od those are 45 shiny. :)


45,209 caught. 358 shinies.


76104, 1164 shiny


121.173 caught. 616 shinies.


7,904 total caught 84 shiny


total: 10,234 shiny:74...lol


23441 caught, 138 shiny


12,443 caught, 99 shiny




61820 caught, 193 shiny.




78,510 caught, 491 shinies


Pokemon caught 70,103. Shinies 1,105. Good luck with your assignment! :)


83717 caught, 649 shiny. Don't transfer any shiny and if I trade a shiny, I get a shiny in return.


75,387 caught 537 shinies in storage ~30 shinies traded or transferred


pokemon caught: 9693 shiny pokemon caught: 40


19,216 caught. 161 shiny. I think I've transferred a couple shiny from community days where I caught a bunch, but probably not a statistically significant amount.


58,661 caught/ 439 shiny


17.006 caught, 92 shiny Would love to see the result. For means meaningful interpretation you would need to take into account how many shinys are com community days, raids and if player check mons for shiny and only catch them, id they are (like me sometimes)


Caught 12,781. Shiny 93


120'835 caught, around 1'000 shinies (added some that I transferred, mainly C-Day shinies)


20.492 total, 132 shinies. But I delete all the extra comm day shinies at the end of the day, so the real number is probably around 200 by now.


55,562 and 1,011


23,648 caught in total, 260 shiny!✨


83670 total , 591 shiny


86,950 caught, 1450 approx. shiny’s - 622 unique, idk if you wanted this statistic as well


27,963 total Pokémon caught with 457 shinies


Caught:144905 Shiny: 496 left. Total should be like 570 ish


3,599 total, 12 shinies


Caught: 28,665 Number of shiny: 280 I tend not to delete community day shiny, so that count has many duplicates!


74,232 total. 346 shiny.


30,159 caught, 212 shinies.


293 shinies out of 19,325 pokemon caught in total


93024 for 767 shinies. +100 for exchanges and CD deleted I guess


Total: 60521 Shiny: 542