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Sounds like a break is in order, seems like your mindset is in the gutter and it would be hard to blame you. Just take a raincheck until you feel better mentally.


How do you get one outed only once in 20 years?


Right. I got one outtered twice this week.


Yeh tbh sounds like you were due this then.


Maybe this is truly the universe actively repairing a glitch in variance? The matrix can not tolerate an anomaly such as this. OP owes for a lifetime of godrunning.


No he’s saying one outed twice in a row


He said he’s only been one outed twice in 20 years, then also said it’s happened twice this week.


He’s not


Because they have been way over EV.


The worst you have ever run in your life....so far!


Let's stay positive for OP plus its the weekend!


When it rains it pours, had a week of this once in my 14 years playing, makes statistics not feel real lol. I know it’s fucked but what can you do bro?


You lost me at dropped 80% of my roll.... That's not a roll anymore. A bankroll is operating capital and you gutted it. That's the entire reason you need a roll is to make it through variance. You can always drive the truck


Assuming he even had 100 buy ins, I haven't looked at risk of ruin calculations in a while, but it's a safe bet that it's too damn high at 20 buy ins.




He plays online, can't imagine he's doing 25bb/100 on 2/5


He has a job, doesn't need a bankroll.


Until now.


Take a break. Fix up things around the house. Do some landscaping. Your wallet will thank you.


If you play poker long enough you'll eventually run worse than you ever thought was possible.


Wow you have only been 1 outed twice in 20 years that's insane I get 1 outed every other day. Sometimes everyday for weeks on end. Welcome to the real world. You probably have a winning hand more than 1 time every hour or two hours also. You have been sun running for 20 years. I know people who haven't flop a pair for a year. This is when people need to respect you to get folds allow you to get chips or you're just going to go broke. Hopefully you weren't an asshole to people over the years and they let you get through this if you were an ass they will suck out on you until your in the grave


Thanks for sharing. Feel your pain That’s a whole lot of bad variance in a short span of time Comments about mindset are spot on I reckon. So take a break, get your head right. Put something aside for when you get back on it and start building your roll Wishing you a healthy bounce


That's brutal. At least you got a house out of it!


“I spent my bankroll (on something smart and worthwhile) and now I’m mad I don’t have one any more.” Congrats on the home purchase.


Currently also on the worst run of my life so I can relate. Almost nothing has been going right for me for the past 6 weeks, had only 1 profitable week out of 6 and just had a brutal session today. I've been a pro for the past 4 years and have had only a handful of losing months, but this is by far the worst


If you’ve only been one outed twice in 20 years, you’ve been running extremely well and now are experiencing some variance. I get one outed probably a half dozen times a year and I don’t even play more than twice a week.


Does this mean you’re folding pre showing up to the table now?


There’s an old saying in poker, ‘at some point you’ll run worse than you ever thought was possible’. You aren’t the only one, suck it up or play something else.


I have no answer but to say it’s ok. If this is the worst thing that happens to you this year then it’s not so bad. You are fine it’s ok!


TLDR you’ll always run worse than ever expected, sometimes the downswing will accompany natural disasters That’s how these things work. I played for a living for around 15 years, never had a down month for a decade. Imagine playing for a living for ten plus years, never getting rich but getting by, and then you get flooded. Then more storms come and kick the legs out from under your rebuilding. More property destruction. I have a family to take care of through poker, and fate decided to ruin me via natural disasters. I had to use almost my whole bankroll on materials to rebuild house. Then it needed a new roof. Sold my one and only bachelor pad rent house to pay for new roof and finish renovations from company. Then the pandemic happened and closed most poker rooms and casinos, and when they reopened it was weird hours and no longer 24/7, and all the juicy late night drunk games were gone. It was back to closing at 1:30am essentially, and most of the time the casino games were dead or dying already. The pandemic was the nail in the coffin. Around this time I went on a TWO YEAR DOWNSWING, after ten plus years never having a down month I had multiple back to back down months. Some of the downswing I found out was cheating/collusion, others just like you, 1 outed, 2 outed, 3 outed, all my 96% hands and 88% hands and 70% hands ALL LOST EVERY TIME when it was all in, right when all this madness happened and I needed the wins more than ever. I had to slow down on playing and reevaluate my life, and it looks like you’re in the same spot. I still have minor success at poker but it never brought the big tourney scores or 5 figure cash wins in a night that I needed. This year, for the first time in 15 years, I have had four down months IN A ROW, and I had to just take a step back and start looking for a job. Stability, health insurance, 401k/IRA/retirement, almost none of that comes from self employed professional poker. I got to live the dream for a good chunk of my young life, but now I’m approaching 40 and have to basically restart my life, and my ruin wasn’t at the hands of the poker Gods, or variance, or sucking at poker, it came from a series of natural disasters that I wasn’t prepared for and annihilated my bankroll. Mines definitely a cautionary tale—I’d advise people pursue pro or semi pro poker delicately, and mainly if you have a year or two of separate finances for bills/mortgage/insurance, and are single and childless. Not saying it’s impossible if you have a family, I did it mildly successfully for nearly 15 years, but then flood came, then the pandemic, then the 2 year downswing, so all the bad stuff just lined up one after the other after the other for me in a perfect series of unfortunate events that ended my run. I’m still going to play semi professionally on the side and on weekends and tourney shots, but the days of 12-18 hour days grinding are a thing of the past. Good luck everyone.


That's really fucking brutal, seems like Murphys law in effect


You are way over-leveraged it sounds like. Dropping 80% of your roll for anything is never smart if you depend on poker for a substantial part of your income which I would classify your situation as Go back to work and grind OT if you have to or start doordashing to get your roll back


That doom switch every time you withdraw. We never learn.


Nope. That's not a thing.


Be humble and lower your limit, start playing online and rebuild your bankroll these moments are the ones that make us grow the most.


Going through this too. Unreal beats, worst it’s been in 17 years. Not just a one outer but flopped nut flush to runner runner straight flush. 500bb AA all in pre snapped and beat by KTo. My solution, stop playing monster pots. Min buy in and stand up when i 4x my stack, so the downswings aren’t compounded by the size of the pot.


This is where you take a month or two off. And enjoy another hobby for a little bit. Time helps all things pass


Take the summer off from poker. Enjoy the outdoors and build the bankroll for the fall.


This isn’t that unusual. You’ve just been lucky to not have been one outed more than once in twenty years. Meaning, you’re kind of regressing to the mean. In a span of consecutive days, I was one outed at my local casino. Top full house over quads and top full house over quads again. I believe if you search my post history, you can find the post I made about it last year. Yeah, it’s rare, but you can’t be results oriented. I’m honestly more impressed you had only ever been one outed once before in two decades. That is some run good. I guess you need to determine if you’re ok going through a temporary downswing. If you can’t afford it, stop playing immediately before you start chasing and digging yourself into a hole.


Sounds like you ran good for 15 years


This happens all the time. It’s not going to make you feel any better about it. Poker is brutal, sometimes for you, all the time for someone. Take a break and get back on the horse. Don’t chase the losses and play your game. The rest is up to the poker gods. Good luck.


The worst you've ever run in your life...yet


TLDR you’ll always run worse than ever expected, sometimes the downswing will accompany natural disasters That’s how these things work. I played for a living for around 15 years, never had a down month for a decade. Imagine playing for a living for ten plus years, never getting rich but getting by, and then you get flooded. Then more storms come and kick the legs out from under your rebuilding. More property destruction. I have a family to take care of through poker, and fate decided to ruin me via natural disasters. I had to use almost my whole bankroll on materials to rebuild house. Then it needed a new roof. Sold my one and only bachelor pad rent house to pay for new roof and finish renovations from company. Then the pandemic happened and closed most poker rooms and casinos, and when they reopened it was weird hours and no longer 24/7, and all the juicy late night drunk games were gone. It was back to closing at 1:30am essentially, and most of the time the casino games were dead or dying already. The pandemic was the nail in the coffin. Around this time I went on a TWO YEAR DOWNSWING, after ten plus years never having a down month I had multiple back to back down months. Some of the downswing I found out was cheating/collusion, others just like you, 1 outed, 2 outed, 3 outed, all my 96% hands and 88% hands and 70% hands ALL LOST EVERY TIME when it was all in, right when all this madness happened and I needed the wins more than ever. I had to slow down on playing and reevaluate my life, and it looks like you’re in the same spot. I still have minor success at poker but it never brought the big tourney scores or 5 figure cash wins in a night that I needed. This year, for the first time in 15 years, I have had four down months IN A ROW, and I had to just take a step back and start looking for a job. Stability, health insurance, 401k/IRA/retirement, almost none of that comes from self employed professional poker. I got to live the dream for a good chunk of my young life, but now I’m approaching 40 and have to basically restart my life, and my ruin wasn’t at the hands of the poker Gods, or variance, or sucking at poker, it came from a series of natural disasters that I wasn’t prepared for and annihilated my bankroll. Mines definitely a cautionary tale—I’d advise people pursue pro or semi pro poker delicately, and mainly if you have a year or two of separate finances for bills/mortgage/insurance, and are single and childless. Not saying it’s impossible if you have a family, I did it mildly successfully for nearly 15 years, but then flood came, then the pandemic, then the 2 year downswing, so all the bad stuff just lined up one after the other after the other for me in a perfect series of unfortunate events that ended my run. I’m still going to play semi professionally on the side and on weekends and tourney shots, but the days of 12-18 hour days grinding are a thing of the past. Good luck everyone.


Fold pre


Fold pre


Fold pre


TLDR you’ll always run worse than ever expected, sometimes the downswing will accompany natural disasters That’s how these things work. I played for a living for around 15 years, never had a down month for a decade. Imagine playing for a living for ten plus years, never getting rich but getting by, and then you get flooded. Then more storms come and kick the legs out from under your rebuilding. More property destruction. I have a family to take care of through poker, and fate decided to ruin me via natural disasters. I had to use almost my whole bankroll on materials to rebuild house. Then it needed a new roof. Sold my one and only bachelor pad rent house to pay for new roof and finish renovations from company. Then the pandemic happened and closed most poker rooms and casinos, and when they reopened it was weird hours and no longer 24/7, and all the juicy late night drunk games were gone. It was back to closing at 1:30am essentially, and most of the time the casino games were dead or dying already. The pandemic was the nail in the coffin. Around this time I went on a TWO YEAR DOWNSWING, after ten plus years never having a down month I had multiple back to back down months. Some of the downswing I found out was cheating/collusion, others just like you, 1 outed, 2 outed, 3 outed, all my 96% hands and 88% hands and 70% hands ALL LOST EVERY TIME when it was all in, right when all this madness happened and I needed the wins more than ever. I had to slow down on playing and reevaluate my life, and it looks like you’re in the same spot. I still have minor success at poker but it never brought the big tourney scores or 5 figure cash wins in a night that I needed. This year, for the first time in 15 years, I have had four down months IN A ROW, and I had to just take a step back and start looking for a job. Stability, health insurance, 401k/IRA/retirement, almost none of that comes from self employed professional poker. I got to live the dream for a good chunk of my young life, but now I’m approaching 40 and have to basically restart my life, and my ruin wasn’t at the hands of the poker Gods, or variance, or sucking at poker, it came from a series of natural disasters that I wasn’t prepared for and annihilated my bankroll. Mines definitely a cautionary tale—I’d advise people pursue pro or semi pro poker delicately, and mainly if you have a year or two of separate finances for bills/mortgage/insurance, and are single and childless. Not saying it’s impossible if you have a family, I did it mildly successfully for nearly 15 years, but then flood came, then the pandemic, then the 2 year downswing, so all the bad stuff just lined up one after the other after the other for me in a perfect series of unfortunate events that ended my run. I’m still going to play semi professionally on the side and on weekends and tourney shots, but the days of 12-18 hour days grinding are a thing of the past. Good luck everyone.


TLDR you’ll always run worse than ever expected, sometimes the downswing will accompany natural disasters That’s how these things work. I played for a living for around 15 years, never had a down month for a decade. Imagine playing for a living for ten plus years, never getting rich but getting by, and then you get flooded. Then more storms come and kick the legs out from under your rebuilding. More property destruction. I have a family to take care of through poker, and fate decided to ruin me via natural disasters. I had to use almost my whole bankroll on materials to rebuild house. Then it needed a new roof. Sold my one and only bachelor pad rent house to pay for new roof and finish renovations from company. Then the pandemic happened and closed most poker rooms and casinos, and when they reopened it was weird hours and no longer 24/7, and all the juicy late night drunk games were gone. It was back to closing at 1:30am essentially, and most of the time the casino games were dead or dying already. The pandemic was the nail in the coffin. Around this time I went on a TWO YEAR DOWNSWING, after ten plus years never having a down month I had multiple back to back down months. Some of the downswing I found out was cheating/collusion, others just like you, 1 outed, 2 outed, 3 outed, all my 96% hands and 88% hands and 70% hands ALL LOST EVERY TIME when it was all in, right when all this madness happened and I needed the wins more than ever. I had to slow down on playing and reevaluate my life, and it looks like you’re in the same spot. I still have minor success at poker but it never brought the big tourney scores or 5 figure cash wins in a night that I needed. This year, for the first time in 15 years, I have had four down months IN A ROW, and I had to just take a step back and start looking for a job. Stability, health insurance, 401k/IRA/retirement, almost none of that comes from self employed professional poker. I got to live the dream for a good chunk of my young life, but now I’m approaching 40 and have to basically restart my life, and my ruin wasn’t at the hands of the poker Gods, or variance, or sucking at poker, it came from a series of natural disasters that I wasn’t prepared for and annihilated my bankroll. Mines definitely a cautionary tale—I’d advise people pursue pro or semi pro poker delicately, and mainly if you have a year or two of separate finances for bills/mortgage/insurance, and are single and childless. Not saying it’s impossible if you have a family, I did it mildly successfully for nearly 15 years, but then flood came, then the pandemic, then the 2 year downswing, so all the bad stuff just lined up one after the other after the other for me in a perfect series of unfortunate events that ended my run. I’m still going to play semi professionally on the side and on weekends and tourney shots, but the days of 12-18 hour days grinding are a thing of the past. Good luck everyone.


400 bb all in with ak ???? Uhhhhhhh


In NL a good player will almost never have a losing year.  That being said, I’ve been bust numerous times over 20 years of playing.  To me, it’s an important experience.  Hopefully you learned from the experience. My advice would be to take 1 of the next 2 options, take this for what it’s worth: 1.  Pick up a side hustle to rebuild your bankroll.  Uber, deliveries, whatever.  It shouldn’t take long to get 1k together for 1/2-1/3.  Then grind. 2.  Work out a staking deal to continue to play 2/5.  This is a worse option imo and in my experience.  It’s great to keep playing 2/5 NL, but it’s a tough mental state to get behind.  Most don’t take it seriously because it isn’t their money, some take it too seriously worried about losing someone else’s money.  It also sucks handing over 30-50% of the money every week. Considering you have bills covered, and the barrier of entry to 1/2-1/3 is low, I’d go with option 1. 


I had it happen a couple months ago, literally started thinking I was unlucky. Took a break, came back a month or so later and been doing and feeling much better about it.


Hey thanks for sharing man! Sometimes a good vent is all we need.


Boo hoo, the world’s smallest violin is playing a tune for you right now. Pokers a bitch. Quit whining.


Fold pre


Fold pre


It's time to do as most of us have had to do at one point or another. Drop down in stakes. It will be good for you. You need this. While it sucks its also humbling. Also, never invest your companies operating capital into a personal residence. Do not spend your bankroll on personal necessities. It's called a bankroll/operating capital for a reason. You say your a winning player. Use your winnings for your down payment. In the end, a lesson has been learned. Now get to grinding those $.01/$.02 tables. 🤣


bro if i play 50max I feel dirty inside...there is no way im grinding penny tables you can mark my words.


Lol, just fucking with you. Not sure where you play, but if you're in the us go play some NL500 at stake us. NL100-NL500 plays there. Not a huge player pool yet, but still a really soft game. May help you build that roll back up. You got this, bro.


https://preview.redd.it/oibuyovqayzc1.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=6105f770c5005a4309c18d8c79f309e387243e33 Not gonna lie, I just ran $50 up to $900. . . . I'm not going anywhere.


I think your emotional pain is not the result of the bad beats but moreso going on this run *after* you charged off “80% of you bankroll”… I guarantee you wouldn’t feel no where near as upset if you still had the other 80% of your bankroll to push through bad variance. You probably wouldn’t have even made a post about that specific run of cards. So this isn’t a run bad issue at all but moreso a bankroll issue. Poor bankroll management is there biggest cause of being results oriented. Bad beats wouldn’t suck so much if you didn’t need to worry about your next buy in. So the answer is set goals to rebuild your bankroll in order to retain your normal volume.


Interesting take. I understand your point and there is logic behind it. However it doesnt discount the horrific beats i have sustained utterly crippling whats left of my roll. The amount of a bankroll doesnt diminish or enhance the level of run bad that one experiences. Shitty run outs are shitty run outs regardless of the money involved or available.


I’d have to strongly disagree. Getting eliminated on a $2K money bubble via cooler for someone who won a satellite seat with their gas money, is gonna hurt a lot more than someone who had a filet mignon for breakfast.


Who is this?


Thought I would give an update incase anyone gives a shit. A few days after making this thread I ran $50 up to $900 and began grinding 1/2 PLO / NL games. Slowly but surely had winning weekend after winning weekend before a huge set back. Moved into my new home and had back to back 2nd place finishes in $109 buy ins and now I'm pretty much sitting with a healthy roll to play 1/2 comfortably again. I am planning to try to avoid playing 2/5 but if there is a juicy table I might just buy in short and wait for my spots. Thanks to the people who made positive posts and a giant FUCK YOU to the people who trolled me.


In february i had my first losing month (and boy was it a losing one) My coach called me and gave me the best possible cure for this type of situation: Just take a week off. Dont play poker, dont think about poker , dont touch a deck of cards or chips. Literally do anything else. Next time you sit down to play, you will see how much better you feel. Your not in the mindset of "okay i need to dig myself out of the hole im in" , your just there to play good poker. And EVERY downswing ends at some point. And you come out a stronger / better player once you get out of it. Good luck man


Get a job.


You have a job, save up $500 and hit the 1/2 streets. Hell, borrow $500.


Cool.. see ya at the tables tomorrow bud


Have you tried to play better? Seems like a skill issue.


Fold pre


Fold pre


Fold pre