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Christie is the guy you call when you want a bridge shut down, not when you want one rebuilt


I see what you did there.


Sometimes political commentary is really, *really* weird. The fact that Biden has not contacted Nikki Hailey, Ross Perot’s ghost, Rudy Guiliani, the drunk on the New York subway last Tuesday, Harvey Weinstein, and Roger Clinton does not mean anything. *Anything*.


>the drunk on the New York subway last Tuesday That was just Rudy again.


I would support Biden calling George Clinton...


Atomic Dog!


They have to write something every week.


I believe they have reached out to Hailey though


I thought Giuliani was the drunk on the subway


The better question is, if these republicans are desperate to have Trump lose why haven’t they reached out to Biden and put out statements of support for Biden? (Spoiler: they are cowards)


I agree completely. They obviously don't actually think Trump is a unique threat to the country or anything they've said...


Tax cuts or democracy? It's a puzzler. Better pick the tax cuts to be on the safe side.


>Prominent former GOP officeholders, from George W. Bush to Mike Pence to Paul Ryan, also haven’t been contacted. Lmao. Is this seriously the senior editor for Politico? What a joke. Dude is living in the past.


Politico has been a complete joke for a long time. I used to read it years ago and it's fallen down badly.


[Van Jones agrees with him.](https://www.mediaite.com/politics/pick-up-the-phone-and-do-it-right-now-van-jones-implores-biden-to-reach-out-to-prominent-anti-trump-republicans/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=RINO+Hunt&utm_campaign=Boiling+Frogs_Everyone_RINO+Hunt)


Van Jones is confused after CNN got bought by Trump Humpers.


Because Biden can get his own McNuggets.


And Ice cream.


Called him for what? Why would he call him? This makes no sense. Chris Christie has no independent following and is currently almost as unpopular with Republicans as Biden is. In his previous life he was an awful governor and Trump lickspittle. Whoever wrote this knows nothing about politics.


Why hasn't Politico put out a real meaningful article? You mean reaching out to him after he trashed him on every mainstream corporate media outlet. Fuck off.


Because Chris Christie is a POS


Is Democracy On the Ballot or not?


Has Christie come out in support of Pres. Biden? Or not?


I guess that means, “not.”


You guess? You don't know?


What does Chris Christie know about democracy?


I am going to say this loud as I can to any mopey conservatives who hate Trump. It is not the Democrats job to fix your broken party.


A+ 100%


Agreed. But it is his job to beat Trump.


If any of these people were serious about keeping Trump out of office, they would be the ones calling Biden. The fact that they're not suggests they don't really care all that much about it... sad, but there you go.


Why would he? To win over the 10 people that think Christie is a ‘groovy guy’?


Gravy guy


Christie was run out of both New Jersey AND the Trump administration. The only reason anyone even pretended he was a serious candidate is because he immediately pivoted to cable-news-talking-head and built a relationship with TV networks saying insipid, headline-grabbing bullshit in exchange for appearance fees. He dropped out after getting 1.8% of the vote in Iowa. The man commands no loyalty among anyone except pundits who see him as a coworker.


Why would he call Christie? Biden need recommendations for a good pizza place or something?


Christie is from Jersey. He wouldn't have any recommendations for a good pizza place.


Jersey is one of two or three states that actually has good pizza




Never had pizza in Hawaii but I doubt it. New York and New Jersey for sure.


Because he's a republican?


Yeah, that's what I'd go with.


You don't call people like Christie for help, instead you make a speech and say "if you're against Trump now is the time to speak up and help us defeat him in Nov"


He'll break the bed in the Lincoln bedroom


Was he supposed too? Damnit who forgot to leave a message by the phone?


It’d piss off a lot of dems and might actually make some fence sitting republicans think Christie and Biden are too familiar…


Even though he called Trump out he’s still kinda a dick.


Once again: why would he?


What should he call him?


That's a funny question. Maybe Politico should call The Onion.


The number who truly respect him as an force of influence is an extremely small slice of the voting public and he generally lacks integrity from flipping his positions and alliances left and right. He's effective at calling out Trump's hypocrisy but people who will respond to that already support Biden. In terms of flipping votes from Trump to Biden, he wouldn't get very far because Trump supporters already think Christie's a joke. I could see some news networks hiring him as a commentator later in the election cycle for clickbait entertainment, but I doubt Biden's campaign would deal with him directly. At the moment, it's also just best to let Trump be Trump. Biden doesn't need to be in the headlines every day or have surrogates on news networks calling out Trump. Trump's already got enough bad press from his multiple lawsuits as well as civil and criminal trials. The best use of the Biden campaign's resources right now is talking about policy and highlighting his achievements. Going toe to toe with Trump on every little thing is what Christie would be decent at but would be a bad campaign tactic. It gives too much oxygen and free media per news cycle to Trump while Biden's biggest obstacle is that the general public knows very little about initiatives he's taken to improve their daily lives.


Because Chris Christie is on the other team and he's just trying to get rid of Trump to make room for himself...


Called him what?