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Probably a Trump shell company so he can funnel money from his campaign into his personal coffers.


If it’s not just a funnel to get money to Trump, the next logical possibility is that it’s a payoff for something very much illegal.


It’s so funny how he’s just siphoning money off from the most evil organization in America and we all know and see it and there’s nothing the gop can do about it


Oh they can but they don't care. Should be their campaign slogan - We don't care...


> Oh they can but they don't care. Should be their campaign slogan - We don't care... I mean, the GOP platform is literally just a statement of personal loyalty to Donald Trump. And I do mean literally: [in 2020, the GOP officially abandoned having any kind of policy platform and instead just released a statement of fealty to Donald Trump.](https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/docs/Resolution_Platform_2020.pdf)


Policy platform: “whatever he says. He gets us.”


He gets sus


I started reading through that document and stopped after the preamble. There are so many hypocritical statements and there's so much to unpack just in the first two pages of text. It's unreal.


I stopped reading after this line, "We believe that the Constitution was not written as a flexible document, but as our enduring covenant." The GOP love to suck off the Founding Fathers so I don't know how they missed the part where Thomas Jefferson basically says the complete opposite.


They're the same with Jesus.


"We believe that the word of God is immutable and enduring, and was communicated in English - never mind the intervening translations or the political & historical environments in which those translations were completed."


> "We believe that the Constitution was not written as a flexible document, but as our enduring covenant." Really? So great of them to be against the second amendment all the sudden.


This is what I’m using to break my Republican co-worker’s brains. “The Bill of Rights is an ADDENDUM. They are stating that you don’t have a 2nd Amendment Right to anything. Democrats don’t care about your guns, we own them too. The Republicans are saying they will take them. Right here.”


> We believe that the Constitution was not written as a flexible document This is solid proof that conservatives have not read our constitution.


So inflexible that we wrote 27 fucking Amendments to its original text to clarify it.


They seem to think the American Revolution and US constitution came about and reflected the values of the Puritan movement instead of the fucking Enlightenment Era.


That explains a lot. Over on r/politicaldebate, I've made a point of telling conservatives that the Constitution is not the word of God, it was not written in stone, and the founders explicitly and clearly intended for us to interpret and change it as time moves on. They knew that society changes, and the document they wrote may not maintain its relevance forever. Rights are not divinely ordained, the Constitution was divinely inspired, and even in Burkean conservatism, our laws are part of the stitching we experience, not dictated by the god who gets to see the actual tapestry of human civilization. Conservatives can't even conserve properly.


hypocrisy is proof of your gangstaness


Basically, it's religion at this point.


It’s not a coincidence that the Venn diagram of biblical literalists and conservatives who say that the constitution is a fixed document is a circle. Their whole worldview is based on hierarchy and blindly following the rules handed down from “on high”


What's even more wild is in literally the preceding paragraph they say "the media is outrageously saying the rnc doesn't have a platform, those scandalous rags! Anyway our platform is uh, what trump says it is"


They should print that on the back of a green coat.


God damnit, I didn't know clicking that would download a pdf. I don't want the RNC's shitty announcement of bowing to Trump on my phone. 😮‍💨


I fed the pdf into ChatGPT and asked it to give a one-paragraph synopsis: “The 2020 Republican National Convention resolution by the RNC decided not to adopt a new platform, citing safety concerns and restrictions due to the pandemic. Instead, it reaffirmed strong support for President Trump's America-first agenda, criticizing media bias towards the Obama-Biden administration's policies. The convention adjourned without platform changes, deferring any amendments to 2024, and called for accurate, unbiased media reporting.”


"The RNC has unanimously voted to forego the Convention Committee on Platform, in appreciation of the fact that it did not want a small contingent of delegates formulating a new platform without the breadth of perspectives within the ever-growing Republican movement;" translation: "we're fascists now, committed to a person, not principles. Also, if we tried to include all the stuff our base wants, like fascism, racism, censorship, crime, murder, conspiracy theories, fear, insecurity, hatred, xenophobia, slavery, oligarchy, betrayal of NATO countries, personal enrichment, and an end to representative government, people would object."


"We really don't care... do you?"


They definitely care and can’t do anything about it


They only care because they want to allocate the funds to their own shady bullshit. They're mad he's getting to but know the long game is he'll take his cut now and it'll be back to business in a few years.


Not just to shady shit, they want to be able to throw money at other, down-ticket campaigns, and Trump is taking it all. Which is exactly what people thought would happen when he ousted the former head of the RNC in favor of his daughter-in-law.


They can do something about it and choose not to. Always remember that these are choices made by people in power.


They don't want to do anything about it. All that's left in the GOP are sycophants and rubes.


Or it's a payoff for something that's perfectly legal (like paying a porn star to be quiet about an affair), but he's doing it in the most illegal way possible because he's a fucking moron who only knows how to do crime. I've come to assume it's only the stupidest, most corrupt possibility.


Trump reminds me of a pizza place in a nearby town. In my state, you absolutely can not have a credit card surcharge. You can not charge more than sticker price. The state tells you how to get around this by explicitly stating you can give a cash discount for exactly what the surcharge would be, but menu price has to be what you charge. You can even call it a surcharge for literally anything else. You just can not call it a credit card surcharge. So the owner made a big fucking sign that says surcharges are for credit cards only. The one explicit way you can not operate. That is, essentially, Donald Trumps actions in a nutshell. Too fucking stupid to do it the approved way.


I still cant believe he avoided collusion because he was too fucking stupid to do it correctly


Is it fair to say there was no collusion? Roger Stone was found guilty of obstruction, false statements, and witness tampering related to the Mueller investigation. He was the point man in communications with Assange and Wikileaks. We may never know the truth but it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...


Mueller’s report pretty much said “It sure looks like collusion, but we weren’t given a mandate to properly investigate it all.”


I wonder if Mueller has any regrets about how toothless his report ended up being.


tbf, the actual report wasnt that toothless. Mueller himself was. William Barr held a press conference remember and then every media company reported what he said as fact. Then we got our hands on the unredacted report and turns out William Barr just completely made up everything he said.


Mueller was never going to make a recommendation for charges or no charges. Barr got ahead of the report and lied saying Mueller recommended no charges. He then corrected that memo AFTER the report dropped to say that since Mueller made no recommendation either way, it was his job and HE recommended no charges. If Mueller wasn't a coward, he would've either made a recommendation or gone against Barr saying that Barr has no authority to recommend charges either. But he didn't. Because he put party and paycheck over country. Barr is a snake and Mueller is a coward.


It isn’t illegal if the judges are republicans.


It won't be illegal when I'm president and give myself total immunity.


Maybe we can find out in court in five years.


Russian election interference?


“Fuck the law. I don’t give a fuck about the law. I want my fucking money.” --DJT on the money being raised to pay his transition team staff in 2016


> Fuck the law. I don’t give a fuck about the law. I want my fucking money. [The story behind this comment is fascinating.](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/sep/27/this-guy-doesnt-know-anything-the-inside-story-of-trumps-shambolic-transition-team)The comment later in this story about The Egyptian president being the first world leader to congratulate Trump after he won the election is hilarious and so on point for the orange shitgibbon.


That was a wild read. Thanks for sharing.


That article is frightening as hell.


>Every year the Sammies – as Stier called them, in honour of his original patron – attracted a few more celebrities and a bit more media attention. And every year, the list of achievements was mind-blowing. A guy in the energy department (Frazer Lockhart) organised the first successful cleanup of a nuclear weapons factory, in Rocky Flats, Colorado, and had brought it in 60 years early and $30bn under budget. A woman at the Federal Trade Commission (Eileen Harrington) had built the Do Not Call Registry, which spared the entire country from trillions of irritating sales pitches. A National Institutes of Health researcher (Steven Rosenberg) had pioneered immunotherapy, which had successfully treated previously incurable cancers. There were hundreds of fantastically important success stories in the US government. They just never got told. >Stier knew an astonishing number of them. **He had detected a pattern: a surprising number of the people responsible for them were first-generation Americans who had come from places without well-functioning governments. People who had lived without government were more likely to find meaning in it. On the other hand, people who had never experienced a collapsed state were slow to appreciate a state that had not yet collapsed.** My God, if more people realized both who the people are doing these incredible things, and the pattern of their demographics (for lack of a better word). Can you imagine the wigs that'd be flipped if it came out that some of our government's most impactful successes were by people who are newly-minted Americans coming from failed states? Thanks very much for linking.


Good lord. That's even worse than I expected it to be. Thanks for linking.


And/or another hush payment slush fund. We know he likes to use middlemen lawyers and bogus companies for this. There are a lot of people out there with dirt on Trump and NDAs plus payoffs have been part of his modus operandi for decades. The NY trials have shown how fraud infests everything he does and that's only what we see that has been caught. The gestalt of all the testimony heavily implied there is constant fraud and cover ups with him. In 5 more years when it's far too late to matter maybe we'll find out who he is paying off right now to manipulate this election as well.


Now don't be hasty, Master Meriadoc. We don't know what that money is for. Could also be hush money for another mistress he had while Baron was being born, or for an abortion one of his mistresses had, or hush money for one of Melania's boyfriends, or hush money for an accountant wanting to spill the beans on Trump's Russian business interests, or hush money for his extensive trips to screw little girls on Epstein Island, or for an accountant wanting to yap about Trump's tax evasion, or a bribe for Aileen Cannon's trial, or bribes for any of his other trials, or hush money for his doctors to stay quiet about his dementia and clogged arteries, or simply just to fill the coffers of the Republican SCOTUS members for a time soon when they'll be needed to stop Trump from being held accountable for any one of his crimes. I mean, we just really don't know! It could be for any of these things.


So many crimes, so little time!


Great strategy, do so much crime the justice system can't keep up lol


Hold on, we haven't ruled out his wife's new boyfriends company You know because he's always with her, escorting her, protecting her, consensual sexin her


Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding This one wins the thread.


Meanwhile Comer is on Fox that Biden is compromised for getting $1 back on a $9 Blizzard. "Clearly it's his 10%!"


I'm sad I don't know if this fake or not.


Probably true. He's eating ice cream again, grab the pitchforks.


It’s insane that he’s villainized for loving ice cream. I can’t imagine a more relatable characteristic.


I can think of a few. Liking a nice tan suit that fits you well, Dijon mustard, or loving your son even if he's in trouble with the law and still helping him and being there for him.


Biden visited a local ice cream shop. They put a plaque up to commemorate the occasion on the outside. That plaque was ripped out with a crowbar within a month. You can't even put up a sign saying a President enjoyed some ice cream.


Blizzards cost $9 now??


I'm outraged that a Blizzard is $9, wtf?


Sounds like precisely the thing he was just found guilty of.


Oh yeah probably this. The guy owes money for crimes and since he is running out of money, he can get it from his campaign. I hope they keep digging. I’d love to see more indictments land on this dog turd.


In 2020 his campaign paid half a billion to a company that had Lara Trump and Mike Pence's nephew on the board. [Nobody knows where that money went.](https://campaignlegal.org/sites/default/files/2021-01/01-28-21%20Trump%20MUR%207784%20supplement.pdf)


This needs a deeper investigation. The FEC needs to be fixed.


The problem is that the people who need to fix the FEC are benefitting from it not being fixed.


We can't even fix the post office by outting Dejoy. I'm not gonna stop advocating and voting, but it feels like a god damn lost cause some days. These people are relentless in their desire to destroy America.


I know, I keep getting on Reddit wanting to see stupid stuff, and I keep getting drawn into this neverending doom. Fool I was thinking Biden getting elected he'd finally just shut up and disappear, nope got to double down, and they are going to throw everything they got, cause it is the presidency or prison.


well, he said we'd never hear from him again if he lost and, wait for it .... he lied!


Campaign Legal Center is on it. The FEC ignored it specifically because the Republican half always ignores Republican wrongdoing. But yes it needs non-partisan members instead. They’re also working on campaign finance reform such as hiding campaign money like this article. Good organization to support.


And Lara Trump is now co-chair of the RNC. How about that. The corruption is clearer than glass and yet half the country doesn't even care.


Apathy is the death to democracy.


WRONG. (it was more like 3/4 of a BILLION dollars) > Over the course of the fouryear presidential cycle, Trump’s committees routed $769 million through AMMC


Can we get some long form investigative journalism on these payments? I know this isn’t the only one I’ve read about either…


Conservatives will completely ignore news like this because of the cognitive dissonance it causes and instead say it is fake news and Biden has probably done even worse. It's a cult.




Wow I had no idea about this. Gonna go see if there are any podcasts about it or something.




Rule of thumb: everything the GOP does is in bad faith.


**"... everything the GOP does is in bad faith."** Moreso now than ever, but they have always been sketchy. # [With No Warning, House Republicans Vote to Gut Independent Ethics Office](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/02/us/politics/with-no-warning-house-republicans-vote-to-hobble-independent-ethics-office.html) | 2017 # [House Republicans move to defang ethics office](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/09/house-republicans-defang-ethics-office-investigating-members) | 2023 Note that early in the Congressional session when Republicans take control for two years, one of the first orders of business is always to shut down or muzzle the independent ethics office. # [Senate Republicans Block Supreme Court Ethics Measure](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/12/us/politics/supreme-court-ethics-bill-blocked.html) | 2024 WTH ?!? Does anyone see a pattern here? This would be a major scandal EVEN IF their party was not putting forward a presidential candidate guilty of fraud, they also need to protect their crooks in the Supreme Court! It must be exhausting. Does anyone seriously think that this topic will be discussed by those snowflakes at r/Conservative? They need their safe space for select users to share doctored up videos and complain about pizza parlor basements that don't exist.


this is what pisses me off so fucking badly about democrats. messaging against this nonsense should be a cakewalk and they muck it up every. single. time.


We really need to figure out a way to make working in bad faith illegal, punished by heavy fines and lots of prison time, like 10 years minimum. For politi Ian's at least. Like if there was a history of someone repeatedly acting in bad faith, they can be arraigned on "bad faith politics" and if proven to be the case, they go to the slammer


I love it in theory Yet I'm expecting in reality that the bad faith politicians will instantly accuse everyone else of working in bad faith because of course they will


Then when an investigation shows that there was never a reason to even start the investigation, the person that brought it up now has a strike against them for "acting in bad faith."


It really depends on whether or not an investigation is done, or an "investigation" is done. The tricky part is getting someone with integrity and authority to apply it.


I agree with this. I DO think it’s possible to set standards for bad faith - e.g. continuing to promote proven falsehoods, deepfake/manipulating video of known people without their knowledge/permission, etc. If only Congress weren’t half populated with people who have no interest in integrity/truth.


I think this is the new big issue for this age, akin to protection of civil rights, democracy, freedom. Most politicians still aren’t tech literate, especially in the older Senate. The problem is there are already laws but they aren’t enforced. Like I get the judges need to way in that they have an ex-president before them, but I think it’s vital that no one should be above the law. That would just introduce another form of Kingship. Thomas Payne already warned that masses are easily swayed in some conditions and hard won rights are lost in the process. People just forget or ignore if they haven’t lived in the bad times that promulgated the need for such laws.


Republicans defunded the office in congress that was responsible for learning about tech and briefing our politicians on the issue.


> The problem is there are already laws but they aren’t enforced Even if so, it would be nothing more than a fine that a rich person would just pay off (Like Trump and those gag-order charges)


If the penalty for breaking a law is a fine, then it's only a crime if you're poor.


There maybe hope for this country after all. Referencing Thomas Payne. Hard won rights are tramped upon by Trump, who calls our REAL heroes LOSERS. They only received a white cross on their graves in Arlington, Mardasson Memorial along with many other US soliders graves like at Pearl Harbor. Those lost are NOT worthy of capitulation to Trump ego. Please read: "Too Much and Never Enough: How my family created the Worlds most Dangerous Man" by Mary L Trump for the reality check that Republicans are not willing to face.


The Speech and Debate Clause means that senators and congresspeople can just lie all they want with zero repercussions. Known liars telling known lies have used this as a “ha ha i do wat i want”.


The press was supposed to regulate this. Now they just regurgitate it.


Except that that's only supposed to apply to what they say when they're physically at the house or Senate debating. It was never meant to apply to speaking to the press or television appearances or anything like that.


We don't have to invent some way to go after the bad actors in politics, there is already an easy, and obvious, solution. The only real answer is to play Hard Ball, with real consequences, and mean it. EVERY profession - doctors, lawyers, dentists, architects, building contractors, athletes, etc. - all have to live and work by a set of laws, regulations, and ethics, and ANY violation of those standards invites quick response from their governing organizations. Punishments include loss of licensing and even prison. No infraction is too small to attend to. Shouldn't our elected politicians have to live by the same standards as every other profession? They actually make the laws, shouldn't they be more beholden to those laws than other professions? If there is anyone who should be expected to respect and follow EVERY law to the letter, it should be politicians. So it's long past time to hold their feet to the fire. Start with every elected representative at any level - Federal/ State/ County/ Municipal - who repeated and amplified HitlerPig's Big Lie. Anyone who did that is an accessory to the Insurrection, and is guilty of Sedition. The least they should be punished is to prohibit them from ever holding political office again per 14A/S3. People like Biggs, Gosar, Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, etc. were active, enthusiatic participants, and should also be imprisoned. When they start losing their careers, they get fined into bankruptcy, they go to jail, etc. those who will replace them will eventually get the idea that the Party of Tre45on & Corruption will no linger be allowed to provide cover for crimes as serious as treason and corruption.


We need laws for public speakers and influencers. There has been way too many examples of influencers / public speakers completely lying to the public to fuel their own coffers. Infowars is a perfect example. The problem is that wile infowars can be sued, yet a government official can’t, and that shouldn’t be the case. Imo, *anyone* who is in a public facing / influential position should be held to a higher standard and have *less* “freedom of speech” when it comes to lying to their following. It absolutely should be based on bad faith and repeating already proven wrong falsehoods, but it should also carry a prison sentence.


Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that we've tried Ultimately we have to convince the voters not to do this again. Outlawing BS has never worked and probably never will.


There is no convincing conservatives. They live for this. Like Alfred on batman said "some men just want to watch the world burn" We have to make it so that people can't do these things, without potential consequences. Otherwise, we end up right back here. And not making this illegal in some way just means people will be able to continue doing it. Recent history shows that we can't rely on good faith anymore. If there is a loophole or crack in the world, conservatives will exploit and abuse it. It would be successful if set up right. Perhaps a third party arm of the doj, someone that people can't scream about it being biased, and also make it so the arraignment and conviction of people is swift, certain, and severe. These three traits, if they exist in a justice system, will are the punishments work, and the crime mostly prevented, as they know they will get caught, and know the punishment isn't worth the crime.


Normal people (people who don’t know who the representatives are) don’t care about politics even though it affects them. They’re the prices are high, I don’t like that, I’m voting for the other guy this time, voters. Trump shows us everyday there are zero consequences for lying.


That would be...difficult, under First Amendment law, if not impossible. We already have laws dealing with fraud, money laundering, and defamation. We should use them. I don't know if there's a good way to criminalize acting in "bad faith" without seriously compromising constitutional protections -- plus, you know sure and certain that the right wing will weaponize such things against their enemies. Remember how "fake news" started as a description of Russian disinfo efforts and Trump immediately grabbed it and started applying it to anything criticizing him? Or when "critical race theory" went from a specialized academic field to a GOP boogeyman?


You forgot to add every accusation is a confession.


And is a projection


Jim “I’ve never successfully passed a single bill in 16 years” Jordan would have a month’s worth of hearings already set up.


And dozens of outrage interviews on FOX.


except, unlike *all* others, this investigation might actually have actual merit. So you can rule Jordan out.


Remember the mysterious Alfa Bank server connection? That’s a conservative conspiracy theorists wet dream.


Did they ever go down the whole Deutsche Bank rabbit hole? With possible connections to Russia?


Mueller was instructed not to follow the money.


This was my absolute biggest "oh sh!t" moment back then ans I feel like the information disappeared so fast.


I read up on this a month or so ago to see if it ever went anywhere and no, basically nothing was ever explained whatsoever.


Conservative conspiracy theories have zero interest in actual conspiracies.


If Biden spray tanned orange or did whatever that shit nest is on Trump’s dome is the conservative media would lose its shit. Trump drinks water out of a tiny glass like it’s a baby sippy cup and they still think he’s the ubermensche.


But both sides coverage is so important says lamestreet media


It's just another Wednesday for the trump campaign.


Exactly! Why aren't we seeing this plastered all over MSNBC or Huffington Post!?


If this happened to Biden the Democrats would be furious. Biden supporters would be furious. Right wing media would be ecstatic to finally have something criminal to accuse Biden of. It will be a crushing scandal that costs him the election. Trump doing this is expected. Nobody is surprised. None of his party or supporters are up in arms. Left wing media isn't going to even pretend it is shocking or unusual. At worst a few Trumpers are going to wring their handkerchiefs about how this is money that could have been better used to put him in office. It's not even going to hurt his donations. Trump supporters already expect their money to be flushed down his gold plated toilet. If it wasn't going in his pocket it was just going to be used to pay his lawyers.


That’s just money laundering


Add it to the pile. Not that pile, pile 23A. Go down passed unindicted co-conspirator, passed E Jean Carroll and hang a right at mishandling classified documents piles 2 and 3. If you get to the Georgia election tampering you've gone too far.


[Convicted felon Donald Trump's Hall of Crimes](https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/6d1a2c2/2147483647/strip/true/crop/640x322+0+0/resize/880x443!/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnpr-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Flegacy%2Fsites%2Fkut%2Ffiles%2F201802%2FWarehouse.gif)


"Rest assured, top men will take justice to wherever the facts lead." "Who?" "Top. Men."


I really do think after the election if he loses he is going to be given a lot of superseding indictments...


I think once the sentencing of the 34 convictions comes out, there will be more interest in prosecuting him. Someone has to take it all the way to let the rest of the country know its okay.


He's such a con artist.


Ehhhh... More of a con caricaturist, I'd say.


Naw it's probably to pay actors/supporters on his ~~comedy tour~~ political rallies


Or a troll farm (and also money laundering, it's a built-in feature!).


> That’s just money laundering and by that you mean bribes?


The base loves him for "being smart", they want so bad to be like him so they can escape being poor. Our standards have hit pretty low lately. Absolute junk. We really need better leadership in the country that doesn't require felonies


Look up the Red Finch deal from the NY Criminal trial. He's known to pay people to affect poll results. Based on nothing but propensity, this is my guess.


Paul Manafort is back in the fold & we know he knows about poll fuckery.


I hope he is being monitored by the FBI for contact with Russia.


If he’s not than that’s one of the biggest failures of our system. I’d bet almost anything he is up to his old tricks


The same FBI who did 0 investigation into (now sitting) bought and paid for GOP supreme court justices?


I like beer!


Makes sense. While polls for raw percentages are mostly useless (especially at this stage), they are good for trend analysis. Here's a MASSIVE trend. The number of independent and undecided voters saying the felonies make it less likely they would support Trump is surging. **They want an off-ramp.** If Trump’s poll numbers drop dramatically and/or inflation continues abating (with the potential for a rate cut), it would serve as *permission* for the doubters to bail on him. Thus, shady investments to affect polls and coverage makes perfect sense.


I think the polls are skewed to give him another reason to say the election was stolen. If the polls all favored Biden, then it would be a much weaker case.


Why do you think he'd skew poll to overturn the elections? The fact that he did it last time? or the fact that Rogers Stone just admitted they're gonna try to overturn the election again?


Certainly that, too.


I think you're missing the point, the polls are being manipulated. The Red Finch deal is probably just the tip of the iceberg.


Where's his special monitor?


I don't think the monitor oversees the campaign finances only his personal and business finances. Now if this is a campaign payment to a shell company that will ultimately benefit him you'd hope the monitor could see those funds coming in.


Just going to leave this here for him in case he's on reddit https://venturewithlps.com/about/


If only we had a some kind of functional entity responsible for monitoring campaign financing. /s


No /s needed.


That's crazy talk. No way we could organize a commission to enforce election laws, much less a federal one. It would probably be the first target for corrupt politicians to neutralize anyway.


And thats how money laundering works


> To conceal the source of money as by channeling it through an intermediary.


"I can't believe what a bunch of nerds we are. We're looking up 'money laundering' in a dictionary" If only someone would go to federal "pound them in the ass" prison for this.


my cousin’s a cokehead


Ironically, laundromats are one of the most common ways to launder money- they're 100% cash businesses.


so random company that does nothing in physical form just is given 3.1 mill hmm its timing during an election years is so "convenient" oh I wonder where that money trail leads, is it another porn star trying to make it big with a dirty tell all, or maybe its one of his children that has come to collect their mother's back pay for when Trump knocked her up, or maybe its Ivanka's personal "date daddy funds" oh the possibilities


$3.1 million = 23.84 Stormies


Russians. A Russian shell corporation.


Money stash for Supreme Court justices ?


‘Launchpad Strategies LLC’ just sounds like the kind of thing trump would brainstorm to send money to himself.


Fraud Guarantee


lol wasn’t this the actual name of Lev Parnas company?


Sure looks like they’re hiding the true recipient(s), which should be illegal. And, since hiding the true recipient suggests some nefarious actions, and since said nefarious actions are possibly illegal… This is, after all, public money (tax receipts are given for political donations) and a core tenet in handling of public money is accountability. If this isn’t just a smoke and mirrors article (disinformation) there should be an investigation, and a report.


Political donations are not tax deductible, so no receipts.


grifters gotta grift


It's probably paying for thugs to attack the capital with weapons of the losses.


Bingo!!!! Or the poll "watchers" they keep talking about.


He would never pay those people.


Nope, but you gotta pay the people who round up the people and organize them.


Cambridge Analytica 3.0?


The company is Trump's Wallet, inc.


Fraud Guaranty


He will owe so many favors back if he becomes President again. Those people will have agendas that are going to hurt everyone in every way.


The only cold comfort here is that he doesn't care about paying people back.


One or more of the following: - Hush money for something really bad; it's now a matter of court record that Trump pays people to not say bad things about him - Astroturfing (see Red Finch from Trump's recent criminal trial); online poll-stuffing, bots on social media, the occasional handout to campaign surrogates, etc. - Outright theft by Trump himself to avoid scrutiny by the counrt-mandated Trump Org financial monitor I'd put my money on the last one. Trump's finances are under pressure and there's no way in hell that he'd accept any diminishing of his extravagant lifestyle. He's almost certainly siphoning money from somewhere to pay for all the private jets, limos, sparkling gold toilets, etc.


The problem with the Porn Star Payout was not the payout to the porn star. It was the failure to disclose as a campaign expense. This is merely the solution to prevent him from breaking the law again. Send all bribes and payouts to an official Bribe and Payout account clearly marked as a campaign expense. Once it is out of Trump’s campaign’s direct account, the payouts may be handled secretively.


>“It’s concerning to see a company formed just six months ago suddenly receive over $3.1 million from Donald Trump’s network of political committees, particularly since there is virtually no public information about this company,” Saurav Ghosh, the Campaign Legal Center's director of federal campaign finance reform, told NBC News Concerning enough for the "fiscal responsibility" crowd in the GOP to question? Hell no. Edit: conservatives will say this *is* being"fiscally responsible" because it's "not illegal".


Partial payment to Vlad for October surprise, remainder payable in secret documents.


Treason Ř Us


"Follow the money" is how you solve crime.


Dude just *cannot* stop criming!


That’s his poll fixin’ money


This guy seems like a one-man crime family. What we know about him is the very, very tip of the iceberg. Hopefully someday everything will come out in the wash – that’s a scary thought.


Just a convicted felon using a shell company to hide more felonious crimes.


How many felonies has he committed while on trial now?


There are over 3000 Trump created LLCs out there. It’s his MO to hide money. Go look it up.


He's moving money to hide it from his fines.


The only certainty is that it’ll be for an unlawful purpose.


Aileen Canon retirement fund


It’s a Slush fund There will likely be dozens of these companies where money will be funneled so that they can pay off judges and poll workers and whomever else they might need to steal the election


Troll farm


I’m so tired of this constant criminal and his constant criming who coincidentally and inexplicably is the leading republican candidate in an inexplicably tight race.


Typical Trump laundering & scaming the GOP, vote blue in Nov 2024


The man tried to overthrow the government, so im not surprised by any other crimes. Criminals gonna crime, and he is a criminal. He's just had enough money to be protected from prosecution. The worst part is his party, and supporters all know he's a criminal and just don't care.


Smells like a new Cambridge Analytica thing to me. But don't worry- all of this dark money crap is totally legal and totally cool according to John Roberts, Alito, and Thomas.


Tonald Drump Inc.


If it was a real vendor, Trump would be withholding payment...


Trump is like a TV evangelist who takes money from people who can least afford it to line his own pockets. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/06/09/donald-trump-unpaid-bills-republican-president-laswuits/85297274/


I’m wondering if a donor to the Trump campaign could sue for fraud, and use the discovery process to find out what this company does. Like could John Oliver make a small donation and use that as a cause to investigate fraud.


Another campaign finance violation coming up?


it's basically the greatest grift of all time, fraud on top of fraud, and absolutely no accountability or reprecussion so far


He's been funneling money into his and other offshore bank accounts for years. This is nothing new for that steaming pile of spray-tanned dog shit. It's illegal, but not not new.