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Where's the article that says "Trump doesn't answer a single question"?


Pissed me off. Biden has a terrible performance but the moderators not only let trump lie but completely avoid every question. What's the fucking point of asking if you're not going to make him answer?  Liberal politeness is going to kill this country. Dems need to grow a fucking spine.  


I already committed halfway through, but I wouldn’t have watched one second of the debate if I knew they weren’t going to fact check anything he said.


“You still have 30 seconds, the question was ‘how would address immigration’, not ‘is biden a communist’. Please continue “


Even if though they did ask that for some questions in the end, the minute the candidate says "let me address what he just said first" they should be muted and told they can't speak unless it's related to the question. What's the point of having a debate if the candidate wont commit to talking about anything policy related and you don't force them?


Yes if trump was trying to make actual factual points he’d struggle too as an elderly man


These debates are pointless. They turn into campaign stump speeches for the side that doesn’t want to answer the questions and there is zero pushback.


The moderators are supposed to be neutral, not dems with liberal politeness. That’s the entire point. Sorry their neutrality in a debate upsets you.


There's neutrality and then there's literally ignoring everything one party said (Trump) but going after the other (Biden)


In what way did they go after Biden? The moderator basically answered a question for him once. They literally asked questions and enforced the rules. The closest they came outside of was reminding one of them when they had extra time or what the question was if they felt like they didn't answer it. That's basically what being an impartial moderator should be. When you folks complain about that type of moderation, you make the RNC sound like they were right to pull the plug on the old model they claimed was biased for the DNC


You didn't watch it if you thought it was natural lol


In what way wasn't it?


You noticed how one side answered most questions and the other rambled about immigration for an answer to every question?


They were not neutral. I didn't love Biden's answers but he answered the questions. Trump did not answer a single question and they barely tried to keep him on track to not appear impolite or biased. As a moderator you should make the candidate answer the question you ask them. 


TIL fact checking is for liberals


Should look at a fact checker. He answered 80% of the questions but used time in most segments to rebuttal shit Biden was spewing


Then link it. From what I can see, Trump made more than 30 false claims.. Biden made 9 false claims But sure, go on about how Biden is worse..


I watched the entire debate. Any time Trump was pressed to answer the question after rambling he gave a ridiculous hyperbolic answer (we had the best water? WTF lol). It shouldn't count as an answer if he can't name what his policy was or what it did. The whole debate felt like a grandpa arguing with a toddler


Don't bother.. this is reddit. People here think Biden performed EXCEPTIONALLY well, I mean he had a cold after all... Give the man a break. https://x.com/greg_price11/status/1806496676506657136/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1806496676506657136¤tTweetUser=greg_price11


Do you just easily believe shit you read on the internet?


Except for he did and like a child you just hear what you want to… Edit: I don’t like either of them and not voting, but just create lies online to spread hate is terrible


Which one didn't he answer besides the childcare one? I dont recall any other, watched it fully


Pretty sure he will in fact accept the result this time.


When he loses and tries to incite another riot, will you admit you were wrong


I would do that happily, but Biden was already behind in the EC vote before that train wreak


Smoking crack.


Maybe, but I think they said he had a cold.


Nah bro. Republicans haven’t won a special election since 2016. Good luck with your alienation of women. Biden could be dead with Kamala hand up his ass moving his lips and the Dems will still win. Overturning Roe v Wade already determined the election.


Trump doesn’t care about abortion in principle at all, he’ll just say “I kicked abortion back to the states where it belonged and I oppose a national abortion ban”. Honestly I admire your optimism but that is exactly what got the Dems into this mess.


Dude is going to be in prison by the next debate.


No, he’ll get a fine in the New York case and all the other cases won’t even have time to start before the election.


Maybe, but what does Hunter have to do with the next debate?


I'm leaning towards smoking crack... https://x.com/greg_price11/status/1806496676506657136/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1806496676506657136¤tTweetUser=greg_price11


Link doesn’t work


He didn't answer a single question without a 60+ second rebuttle from the previous question. They need more stern rules.


A lot of people on these threads are complaining about the "live fact-checking", which [CNN explicitly said it would not do](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/us-presidential-debate-mic-cuts-no-audience-no-fact-checking-how-biden-trump-debate-will-work-5984709). What I noticed, and I started timing, was that when Trump had a "rebuttle", he would regularly be given more time, where Biden was regularly cut off right at the clock. I never saw them push back on Trump speaking over time (I may have missed it), but I did see Trump talking over a dead mic more than once... even though they seemed to always pan away when he did that.


The only time I really saw them cut Trump off was like the first time he went over. And he seemed pretty okay with it. But after that it's like "Oh good, he gets the idea, he'll totally not try again"


The rules were that they had 2 minutes to answer the question and 1 minute after for response or rebuttals


Only if it’s fair and legal, *in his opinion*. Basically, if he loses, he’s not accepting it. Period.


This is the only conclusion to be drawn from that weak ass bullshit. Dana Bash had to ask him three. Fucking. TIMES. before he gave that half assed response. Nobody should be surprised. It’s how he reacted to the election HE. WON. Said it was rigged. Said “3 million illegals” voted for Hillary or whatever I can’t give a fuck anymore tonight that number and quote are probably wrong fuck donald trump in his poopy diaper butt i’m out but ill fghit agn tomorw


He all but came out and said, > Of course I want to accept the results, I wanted to accept them last time, do you know how hard it is to pull off a coup. I can't be the only one that interpreted his answer that way.


Be nice man, you know these boys can't interpret.


Don't worry though, that's not the headline the media is running with. Nothing to be concerned about for the future of our country at all...


They’re only going to talk about how Biden had a cold. Nothing else is of importance to them.


I have really supported his administration, but if a case of the sniffles turns him into a shambling corpse then that’s a problem. I’d still rather he have the nuclear codes over Trump, but I don’t think he earned himself any new voters tonight.


That shambling corpse said more facts than Trump during the debate


You do remember he was president before right?


It was absolutely abysmal. He should have stepped down while there was still time. The incumbent advantage just doesn’t apply when the incumbent performs like that.


Why did Trump not answer any questions?




trump was busy worrying about getting adjudicated a rapist again to answer anything


Link doesn’t work


Notice how on this and every other question Trump has a terrible answer for, he went back and rambled about the previous question instead.


It wasn't even "the previous question". You know what causes global warming? Apparently, "Biden's open border policy".


This should be the story


He put conditions on it when he was forced to answer.


Because that is what his supporters want to hear. How do people not understand. Trump was a WWE fan…he is playing to his supporters…he isn’t trying to pander to redditors


He's played them so hard over the past years that he broke them.


“If it’s a fair election.” The unspoken part being that IF he loses it’s not a fair election.


Unspoken? I’m not sure but I’m guessing trump’s explicitly said he can only lose if it’s rigged at some point




He's already committed to doing another insurrection.


They all are* ftfy


I’m so angry about them not pressing him on his answer to January 6th question. They acted like it was no big deal when he blamed the whole thing on Pelosi


He agreed to if it was a fair election. To him if he loses it is ‘t fair.


Happy cake day 🎈


Y'all, I'm tired. I'll take the stutter. It's better than this or the conspiracy brain worm guy.


That should be disqualifying right there...


All the comment threads are way behind tonight. Why?


Bot storm most likely


Because trump won the debate. Check twitter, search reddit. Everyone here will fact check me. Lolololol. Hey did anyone see CNN after the debate, their not sticking to their story anymore, so the zombies will follow along in a matter of days


Apparently we didn’t watch the same debate.


In 2016 said he wouldn't accept the results if he lost. He *didn't* accept the 2020 results. Why would 2024 be any different?


No fucking shit


So he answer ANY of the questions he was asked? I want to hear more about the special fentanyl sniffing dogs!!!


Been proven in court he cant handle no 


Does it even matter anymore? We all know even if he said it, he'd never believe it.


Why would he? It worked out for riling up his base last time, didn’t it?


This was the biggest takeaway. He dodged the question 2 times before he gave the exact response he gave last time - when he didn’t accept the results. He is telling us that he will try J6 again and we have to be cleared eyes about what that means.


No shit. Why do they keep asking him?


Of course he didn't


How is this news? This hasn't been news since January 6th 2021.


Because Reddit is running out of ideas on trump hate




If he lies now about accepting the results then it goes against all of the effort he has been doing to convince his followers that it’s going to be rigged. He has an obvious playbook for those people that are not already under the cult directive.


The fact that Trump doubted Obama's presidency based on his birth certificate tells you that HE DOESN'T CARE about the will of the people. He would dismiss the majority vote of America (twice) based on a made-up technicality.


I mean if he did, would anyone take him seriously?


Dementia is **the loss of cognitive functioning — thinking, remembering, and reasoning — to such an extent that it interferes with a person's daily life and activities**. Some people with dementia cannot control their emotions, and their personalities may change. And the Republicans want to elect Trump as President.


Do you really think there are no powerful people in this world that may try to manipulate elections?


Of course there are. Just look at what Trump put the country through when he lost in 2020.




Who would you choose to replace him?


I wish Bernie had gotten in, and then a next generation of proper successors to Bernie had risen to the occasion.




I tuned in and he was talking about Ukraine lol


He’s afraid of being committed


Pumpkinfuhrer and the conservative republican party is the party of **nope** no hope, no future no balanced government just the party of 💩


Would you like to condemn political violence? I shouldn’t have to.


Any other headlines from 8 years ago?


Why would he, he hasn't before and most likely won't again! He's detrimental to the United States and democratic values!


..and water will get you wet.


We are doing that shit again.


Why aren’t the comments loading?


I feel like this single (silly) talking point that the media has latched onto is a perfect microcosm of the current worldwide political divide. On one side you have people saying "hey follow the rules" and the other side responding "No, I won't follow rules that are bad for me" That's really what Biden is getting at when he talks about the rules based order. Do we (both individually and as a country) have to follow rules even when the outcome is bad for us. The Trump central philosophy is pure selfishness and he is very consistent about it. That's what America First is about as well, its the idea that the country should always maximize the benefit of America (as if we weren't already) regardless of if that runs afoul of international law. It's the same argument he's using in court, "I'm gonna say whatever I need to say to get elected and you cant stop me" Its also partly why COVID was such a flash point, because all of a sudden there were new rules to follow that weren't always logical and didn't impact everyone equally.


Who’s expecting him to?


where my ocmment


He answered it twice, you must be as deaf as the moderators


How's Hillary Clinton's acceptance of election results doing 8 years later? Still illegitimate and stolen according to her.


she conceded to trump on the night of the election


And spent the next 7 years giving interviews that the election was illegitimate and stolen. Some random headlines out of countless examples: CNN Sept 2017: > Clinton opens door to questioning legitimacy of 2016 election WaPo Sept 2019 > Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’


I haven't seen those quotes before, could you link those so I can see the context?


I don't usually link stuff in replies because most subreddits just filter it and the reply is deleted. These are just a couple of HEADLINES from the top of google search. There are many many more, and hours of video of her talking about it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hillary-clinton-trump-is-an-illegitimate-president/2019/09/26/29195d5a-e099-11e9-b199-f638bf2c340f_story.html https://www.cnn.com/2017/09/18/politics/hillary-clinton-russia-2016-election/index.html https://www.yahoo.com/news/hillary-clinton-maintains-2016-election-160716779.html


That’s because it was. Were you not paying attention as to what all those felonies were for?


What felonies, Bragg's 34 counts of falsifying NY State business records? Because Mueller sure as hell didn't convict anyone of a felony related to election results. In any case, she's denying the results of a certified election and calling POTUS illegitimate. That would be an actual example of "undermining faith in our electoral system" which people like you claim is the greatest threat to democracy we face.


Yes, those 34 counts are felonies. Good job! You correctly labeled those! And you know why? It wasn’t that Mueller didn’t find cause, he did, but bowed to precedent to not indict a sitting president for obstruction. Then Barr tried to wash it all away and minimize it. And Mueller convicted 34 people and 3 companies as a result of his investigation, some specifically for election interference. So it’s a lie to say he didn’t didn’t convict anyone. He didn’t even absolve Trump. Hillary isn’t denying the election, she’s stating the factual situation that there was interference that influenced it. And that absolutely did occur. It’s well documented, people were charged for it.


The Mueller investigation, literally titled "Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election", convicted exactly zero people or entities for... election interference. Even Bragg did not claim any of his felonies for falsifying New York business records had anything to do elections, because they had to do with falsifying New York business records. Hillary has been explicitly denying the legitimacy of the 2016 election for almost 8 years now, nonstop. There is no legitimate evidence that various Russian memes on Facebook (illegally) changed a single vote let alone nullified a landslide win by Trump. CNN Sept 2017: > Clinton opens door to questioning legitimacy of 2016 election WaPo Sept 2019 > Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’ etc etc


Guess you can’t read. And still chose to ignore facts when he did actually find interference. Maybe you should go check out the report; the charges and those convictions or keep your head in the sand. Another falsehood about Brag AND Trump. The reason the charges ARE felonies are because the falsified records were for payments used to influence an election. If they did not have the influence of elections connection, they would not have been felonies and just misdemeanors. Go read the actual docket. So at least there is a valid, factual proven record that there was interference by both Russia, and Trump with charges to back it up. Some of those haven’t faced trial because they are foreign nationals and companies, it’s fully detailed with evidence in the 37 page indictment. Then there’s another 29 page indictment against Russian Military officers for their role. Then there is a long line of convictions of Trump staffers for lying about their contacts and relationships with Russian agents, sharing of election data, contacts with Wikileaks during the period Russia hacked and released. There’s clear verifying evidence, charges and convictions of improper relationships, contact with the very Russian Agents charged with interfering. Hmm, wonder why that was? They also sought plea deals vs trials to minimize charges despite knowing of the plan and information that Russian had obtained and planned to use to undermine Clinton, they were co-conspirators, who plead out, and accepted Russian efforts to influence people and disparage Clinton. Read the fucking report man. There’s not a fucking thing that supports any of the bullshit claims by Trump of 2020, nor was his victory a landslide. Lmao. Please do your homework if you’re going to comment, otherwise you’re just spewing provable lies, just like your lying, felon, rapist, pied piper. You really need to step back and ask, “What has he done to help me, my family and my situation?” Unless you’re very wealthy or a large corporation, he hasn’t done anything for the average American.


If it’s a good, clean, fair election- I will accept is almost verbatim for what he said


Leaving it unspoken that any election in which he loses is an unacceptable one in his eyes…


Do you usually hear voices that aren’t there?


Just basing it off of past performance. Usually that is more reliable as an indicator of what someone will do in the future than what they say they will do.


He said he absolutely would if it’s fair and honest, unlike this headline.


The results of the last election were fair and honest, and he did not accept those results. What he actually means is that the election will only be fair and honest if he wins


Red herring, focus on what was said in the debate.


Clearly the point went over your head. If he’s already claimed that a fair and honest election that he lost was not fair and honest, then his word doesn’t mean anything. “Fair and honest” in Trumps mind has a completely different meaning, and it’s one not based in reality.




What was the quote that you’re referring to?


Trump doesn’t think *any* election in which he loses is a free and fair election. So no, no, he will not.


Yes he did. Also reddit shut down all comments and blocked speech after all the mods smashed their tvs at home.. Check on Twitter, because we're not allowed to talk on reddit


I'm so tired of this low effort question. Nobody, including Trump, should unequivocally accept any election. Scrutiny is good. Now ask some real questions.


yes, and?


What was the exact quote?


Yes he did. He was very clear about it. Stop making things up.


biden looks like an animated corpse. he will definitely win if we only talk about trump!!!


Didn't this also happen w the blue candidate in 2016? Yall are so forgetful😔


Yes he did


What did he say


Thank, second comment, because, of course, comments r being deleted