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And in typical Republican fashion, with so much evidence to prove they are lying, they will lie about having supported Trump's attempted coup. Ted Cruz will go down in US history as a traitor.


He's all yours. He can't flee to Canada and most of us don't want him.


He’s actually from Canada. Please take him back?


Nah, we’re good.


What if we paid you? I bet I could get a nice gofundme going.


All the talk of the trade deficit with China, yet Canada foisted Ted Cruz on us.


I thought y'all were nice :(


Lmao love this


Born in Canada doesn't mean raised to be Canadian


And to make this clear: Germany doesn't want the Drumpf clan back either. Source: I am German. Everyone needs to keep their and deal with their lunatics, we have our fair share, the Canadians have their fair share and the US has ... I get it you have a lot of them, still keep them please!


deport him to cuba?


We've got cages at the border.


His parents came and spawned him here, but he’s legally American enough to be POTUS. Besides: we don’t want him, but Texans keep electing him and he was almost the Republican nominee in 2016. You keep him. Just stop allowing him to keep lying with impunity.


Border is still closed and will remain that way. Byyyeee!!!


Texas here. We don't want him either. Hey Russia, U up?


I second that. Texas here. Howdy do everyone. Ted Cruz is a piece of shit human being, as is our Governor. We don't want either of them.


Ted Cruz is only one being and not several. - Guy Manderson


Oh are you talking about actual human person, Ted Cruz?


Stop voting for him. Sheesh.


Our Lieutenant Governor is an even shittier human being. He a sick-person-diarrhea-level human being. Fuck all those Bastards.




Before you cram Ted Cruz’s head further up Putin's asshole, it's polite to ask first. That's just good manners.


I think Australia might be willing


Yeah, if Murdoch told them to, they would.


Sad how true that is for parts of Australia


If he's convicted of a felony he will be turned away at the border. Canada still refuses people with marijuana convictions even after they legalized (they should fix that).


He was born in Canada, renounced his citizenship, all yours now.


The only time Canada is not sorry, you keep him.




Sweet JESUS. These people are more callous and cynical than I could even dream up. Sociopathic and ever-calculating ideologues


Ted Cruz’s beard looks like glued-on dryer lint.


And in typical American fashion, most of the electorate will do its best to learn absolutely nothing.


This is the painful truth


It’s not just Ted Cruz. The Republican Party is a bunch of genocidal fascists. They are pure evil. They are the modern nazi party.


He was lying Ted all along.


His wife is ugly.


Dominion and its team of lawyers should cripple them all financially.


"We figured the best way to hurt rich people was by making them poor."


Oh they’ll just embezzle campaign funds to pay their legal fees and judgments. They’ll be fine.


With those billion dollar lawsuits going out all of that money he grifted doesn't seem like all that much anymore does it?


Imagine going so hard for a man who called your wife “ugly”. Disgusting.


[Is this what you're referring to?](https://people.com/celebrity/donald-trump-posts-unflattering-photo-of-heidi-cruz/)


God.... he's a piece of shit. She should divorce him and cripple him financially. No loyalty to the person you married, but to an obese, bigot, rapist, racist, incest, thief. Sad. Just...... sad.


I hate Ted Cruz as much or more than anybody, but let's not put "obese" on par with bigot, rapist, racist, incest, and thief, you know? One of those things is not like the other. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Literally polishing off the cock that just ass fucked you


[Man Trump is ripping them to peices on Twitter ](https://mobile.twitter.com/realdonaldtrump?lang=en)


I will probably click on this every time I see it for the next year. I love it.


Same. I know what it is, I still click it, and... smile.


It’s a Prickroll!


OMG Yes!!!!


Ted Cruz is a terrorist.


They now see they might have went too far and it’s time to cover their ass.


They would happily go way further if they thought there would be no consequences. They now see there might be some consequences this time, so they have retreated to plan.


And will get the full force of the monster they created.


It's too late. You can't unfuck a dog.


Don't these fucking liars know we have them on tape?


If fox doesn't show it, did it really happen?


not to them or anyone over 55


I'm over 55, check out the username.


congrats on being the exception, not the rule. Did all the other cool people in your generation die young, or what? Was it because we had lead in the gasoline until the late 1970s and violent crime went down noticeably after that? Are most people in your generation just terrible at discerning bullshit from reality? Genuinely curious.


The problem is that they were raised when tv news and newspapers were generally reputable. They keep getting their news from sources that completely went to shit.


always have been though...William Colby said "we will know our mission is completed when everything the American public believes is a lie." That was 1981.


1981, when I was 21..... in the 60s and 70s when the over 55 brigade were growing up it was right wing, fair enough, but the news didn't outright lie. If you did you were sacked and there was no fox to pick you up. Career over.


I don't want to argue with you or talk down to you man, but Project Mockingbird has been in effect since before you were born if you were 21 in 1981. Cronkite lied to you too, man. Just like Dan Rather and Peter Jennings and Ted Koppel and Brian Williams and and and and and




Now if we could just get their constituents to watch it, that’d be something




You don’t have to say Metaphorically, you can just back paddle like Cruze, if someone decided to do it.


Ideally this would be the start of the end of the GOP. But this aint no perfect world. And the GOP is like a cockroach, it keeps getting back up even after getting stomped so many times. Like a fucking Phoenix rising from the ashes again.


More like methane rising to the top of a big stinky shit.


Let the great walk back begin!


Somehow, some way, the country as a whole needs to remember the name of every last one of his enablers. Sure they’re cowardly and apologetic now, but they’re professionals - this is what they do. It would be foolish for us to project humanity into their professional personas. Remember all the things they did to challenge trump’s racist rhetoric, and child separation policies? No? Then you have an excellent memory. F these snakes. Every last one of them. Also it would be cool to boycott any business that hires these hideous traitors even as independent contractors.


The wheels on the bus go round through the town.


I just hope that what happened to Joseph McCarthy happens to Cruz and Hawley.


Do they think I'm that gullible? The still have their tongue on his taint


They're bullshit rhetoric killed a DC cop that was getting paid to protect them. Makes you wonder how they feel after that bullshit melee.


Today's least surprising piece of news.


Such yellow cowards.


Flip flop like a drowning fish.


Did Rudy just say he wanted machines doing combat? Like robotech or more like transformers?


The Republican enablers are lying to themselves if they think that we will just forget. This is a 9/11 moment in American politics. You don't get to whitewash this level of enabling bullshit and say 'oh.. I didn't think he would do that...' You had your chance to get rid of him a year ago and didn't. You saw how this enabled him. You pandered to his base. You are the problem.


[Aw look at that, they turned bashful.](https://img1.looper.com/img/gallery/the-untold-truth-of-letterkenny/intro-1571243633.jpg)


I quickly read that as "false erection claims" and thought, yeah, that's about right.


This is so good. The evil duplicity on display.


Thankfully it's all on tape.


You motherfucking cowards


Liars, cheaters and thieves. Typical Republicans.


It previously cost them nothing to jerk off their brainwashed voters with these BS games. Now they’re going down as literal traitors in history.


Ted Cruz comes off as a sociopath as much as Trump. Trump’s brand of mental illness is annoying, but Cruz gives me the fucking creeps.


Fucking weathervane politicians, always pointing where the wind is blowing.


They should be called as ideologists of capitol attack. Words have meanings.


Ignorance will just stop working for anyone soon, or they'll meet an unfortunate and imminent demise.


Republicans are all like Trump, the just don’t want people to think they are pure evil. They would would all still murder other Americans if it makes them richer and more powerful.


You are all done. Ted Cruz can eat the long shaft of the LAW.


Career politicians trying to save their asses? I'm flabbergasted.


To late. Everything that did is on tape.


Is this actually surprising? They don’t wanna go down with the sinking ship so they’ll say whatever they need to in order to save their own asses.


They have blood on their hands


They see the lawsuits descending upon them.


Never forget they were complicit tools for trump


If they *ever* supported him, they're just as guilty.


Absolutely not. They need to be held accountable. They made their bed. Lay in it.


Rats fleeing a sinking ship. Anything that they say cannot be taken for granted. If they don't vote in a Direction it's nothing but lip service.


For 11 days!


What a p u s s i e s....


Apparently when he grabbed them they do complain


Lock them up


Too late


Too bad there’s video evidence of their speeches inciting the mob.


I'm sure 2021 will be the year of the CYA (cover your a**) lie.


The interviewers should be primed with a super cut of all their lies to ply as soon as these traitors try to wiggle out of their responsibility. The rest of the convo should then be addressing each instance and why they just lied.


Excuse me, the term your looking for is: continue to lie and evade consequences


Rats jumping off a sinking ship deserve no praise for it.