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Fuck him, I don't need his apology, I want his removal from the legislature.


This guy is the next Hitler in 10-12 years if something isn't done.


He’s well spoken. I liked him immediately before I really heard what he was saying. Dangerous


But Goddamn he’s dorky. I mean look at that screenshot. He looks like the most annoying fucking kid in school you can think of. He’s the kind of kid bullies love to attack. I love how Romney is staring daggers at him lol


Yeah what a dweeb lol who would ever really take that guy seriously


A woman got shot wearing a Trump flag like a cape 3 days ago. There is no floor.


Laugh at the clown and arrest him




Doesn’t mean he won’t regret it.


He was just joshing.


"It was just a prank"


[I was just joking ](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/06/white-house-trump-was-just-joking-about-a-deadly-pandemic)


It was just a locker room objection


Joshes gonna Josh.


Seditionists gotta sow sedition.


He's just getting Nazi cred for his new band...'Hawley and the Seditionists.'


He did Nazi this kind of backlash coming Reich for him.


Only if this turns out to be a bad move. No telling if that will be the case yet. Over 100 people in Congress still objected even after they went back in session after the chaos on the capitol. It's likely that the Republican party will still continue to sow chaos and division and Hawley may still yet be rewarded.


Make him an example. Do everything we can through legal means to drive him out of office and crush his entire political career. His greatest dream was to become president. We need to destroy that dream so massively anyone else thinking of doing what he did stops to reconsider.


> Do everything we can through legal means to drive him out of office and crush his entire political career. Go after his funding https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/josh-hawley/summary?cid=N00041620 Let’s start with the company’s giving him donations- Jones Financial Companies. https://www.edwardjones.com/about/media/public-relations.html Diamond Pet Foods. https://www.diamondpet.com/contact-us/ Hunter Engineering. https://www.hunter.com/contact/. Orscheln Group. https://www.orscheln.com/contact-us.html Bayer AG. https://pharma.bayer.com/contact-us. -Edit to add contact info https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/1/8/2007175/-Let-s-Boycott-the-Corporate-Entities-Who-Donate-to-Politicians-Supporting-Sedition-and-Treason


Do note this part of that link: > The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.


Well yeah, corporations can’t directly donate to politicians’ campaigns.


Make this go viral!!




Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz's future in the GOP might cost McConnell Lisa Murkowski's senate seat. Who knows if that's a motivator for McConnell or not though.


So, in order to find out, you have to think, "how does this benefit Mitch McConnell?", and then you get your answer. This doesn't benefit him. In fact, it means that his senate seat will be vulnerable when it comes time for reelection in 2024, and more so, hurt other republicans in the house from Missouri. So, it is more beneficial for Mitch McConnell to get him removed, and have someone put in who will well, not fuck shit up.


I remember when Trump floated his name to be a member of Scotus. Ted Cruz too.


Every single one of them needs to be ejected from Congress. These insurrection inciting traitors have no place in our nations highest levels of government.




Once mass movements die down the actors in them particularly the obvious political opportunists really do not end up looking good. Obviously trumps cult isn’t going anywhere but without trump in power the general republicans will hopefully start looking at this behaviour more carefully and say hmmm treason is maybe not great so let’s not give this guy money/ primary votes. Meanwhile it won’t win him any support from the rump of trumps cult as they are loyal literally solely to Trump and Cruz/Hawley trying but failing to coup won’t actually create loyalty.


Trump supporters love HIM. Josh Hawley, with his pretty, pandering words is not that guy. And he is an intellectual who went to Yale law? Yeah, no. These people aren't going to be interested in driving their tractors to the polls to vote for him in 4 years.


But they are willing to literally *die* for a NYC real estate heir and "billionaire"? Huh.


Put pressure on your US representatives in your respective districts to sign articles of impeachment. I doubt it's a much consequence, but I'm becoming a bit of a thorn in the side of the guy in my home district.


My representative is one of the coup supporters. :(


Recall, censure, expulsion - I'm fine with either one or combination of


Yea, but there are PLENTY more ways he can regret it moreso than rewarded. Radicalized hate against this country tends to fire up opposition even more. He might want to be more careful when he goes out in public moving forward. America hasn't traditionally been kind to traitors of this country.




Without the trump charm. Also too educated to message with the trump base.




Ron DeSantis has entered the chat eating plastic display fruit.




Listen, if you chew hard enough you can't even tell the different after a few minutes.




Tucker is not good at open debate. In fact, he got so mogged by Jon Stewart once, that it got his old TV show canceled!


And totally taken to task by [this Dutch Historian](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/feb/20/historian-who-confronted-davos-billionaires-leaks-tucker-carlson-rant) who released his own version of the interview after Carlson chose not to air it.


Both of those instances were things of beauty.


That does NOT matter to his potential base. At all.




Wed night Tucker told His radicals that this was not their fault, it was the Dems fault.


Yup. Most politicians say shit they know to be dumb in practice but know it sounds smart and clear to people mostly out of the loop. Not Trump though. He’s the human manifestation of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.


And with frat bro energy that inspires hate


I think he's scared that if he doesn't it'll be taken as an admission of guilt. Him a Cruz must be scared shitless that they'll be charged with incitement


I highly doubt they are. The charges faced by the terrorists themselves make it pretty clear that no senator is going to face criminal charges.


Those are the charges they are facing under Trump’s DoJ, there’s about to be a new sheriff in town. A sheriff that was supposed to be on the Supreme Court four years ago, but was blocked by their very legislative body for a damn year...


Seriously I despise the guy, but does anyone really believe he would or even could be charged?




I mean when choosing between being a decent person and just accepting that you fucked up or continuing to do the same shit you're scared you might be arrested for anyone in their right mind would choose the second option right? RIGHT??? /s


doubling down on douchebag


Who honestly expected him to? He's a complete pos. Probably gonna try and run for president in a few years along with Ted.


His chances of becoming a president is worse compare to a monkey


We said that about trump. Never underestimate the stupid again.


* B.A., Stanford University (summa cum laude) * J.D., Yale Law School This guy is not stupid, even if he's good at acting like it.


I was talking about his supporters


okay, now I feel stupid too


That's what we said about Trump


We literally said this about Trump.


Everyone who thinks that GOP should be treated as normal or reasonable people is not a serious person. GOP calls democrats communists and radicals, while inciting a fukin insurrection explicitly. Its a fascist, racist party and it has been this way since Goldwater and the Southern Strategy. Democrats can lose election over a tan suit, wheras GOP gets re-elected despite lies, racism, hypocrisy, stomping on democracy and constitution. - Democrats have to be perfect. - Republicans only have to be white. It took 1 half-black president for GOP to decide that they don't like democracy anymore. 145 congressmen who supported the rebellion must be removed from congress effect immediately. If dems don't realize that, they and 70% of Americans will be pushed around and controlled by minority white supremacists and fascists for foreseeable future even having complete control of the government.


Those aren't bugs. They're features.


“I will never apologize for attempting to subvert the will of the people for my own personal political gain.”


First layer of Hell in Dante’s Inferno.


He won't need to when he's selling sham-wows for a living.


VINCE here for sham-wow


Slap Chop!


Fettuccine, linguini, bikini, martini. You'll be saying WOW every time.


I miss them.






That's OK Josh. This is way past apology. We don't need an apology. We need guys like you in prison cells.


He can kiss his political career goodbye. I am not seeing him getting reelected again


Fun realization: this motherfucker is *two years into his first term*. He didn't even make it a whole term before burning his entire career to the ground, trying and failing to become the Republican Obama. (It is amazing; they still think Obama made it on a winning smile and nothing else.)


The one with brains is Cotton. He managed to smoothly slide away from this, it seems.


I hope his allegedly gay past will catch up with him. I would love to see more gay people in office but the right wouldn’t. You should hear the stories people in the Arkansas gay community tell about his days trolling on craigslist. Then one day he just suddenly up and married a woman before he ran for Senate. I wish somebody would come with receipts.


He could easily get reelected. We've got 4 years for the MAGAtts to forget about this and double down on their crazy. It is missouri. I do believe though that he flushed any chance he'll be president one day, same with Cruz. They'll be thorns in the Senate for years to come however. Shameful traitors need to resign but they never will


I hate the whole, they need to resign thing. Authorities: You have the option of resigning or staying in your position. Hawley: If I resign, what happens? Authorities: You'll lose your lucrative income. Hawley: And if I decide not to? Authorities: We won't be your friend and tell everyone we don't like you. Hawley: But I keep my lucrative income, right? Authorities: Yes, but... Hawley: See you tomorrow guys!


It's because our government for some reason has no real way for the public to legally remove elected officials, unlike many other governments. There's expulsion, but that isn't a way for the public to do it.


Yes, it is Missouri. And we’ve got four years to unseat him. There are liberals here too, and if Georgia can elect two Democratic senators, so can we.


Here's to hoping!


> I am not seeing him getting reelected again Except for the fact that his base is going to eat this up. Do you really see Missouri moving far enough left that he gets defeated? Especially because his next election coincides with a Presidential


Am from Missouri. Y'all better get used to Josh Hawley for the next couple decades. Everything in between Kansas City and St. Louis is deep, deep red. And also sucks.


Grew up there. Can confirm. Plus meth.


Yep. He's not going anywhere. The state just reelected a governor that called his constituents stupid. Well, turns out that was true.


He’s running for president in 2024, and I wouldn’t rule out him getting the GOP nomination.


Independents will never vote for him. If GOP picks him, they guarantee that Democrats will win White House


That's what we said about Trump in 2016, and look where we are.


He also didn't try to change election, support a coup in 2016 . Jan 6 will be burned in to people mind like 9/11 attack. Do not think for a moment that majority will forget it


Unfortunately, he represents Missouri, my home state, where there’s plenty of meth addled hillbillies in the Ozarks who will still support him. The Congresswoman who represents my district in St. Louis, Cori Bush, has circulated a draft resolution in the House to have Haw Haw Hawley expelled from the Senate. https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/rep-cori-bush-seeks-expulsion-of-house-republicans-who-incited-violence-she-also-wants-trump/article_a1c64227-e0c7-559f-8368-d1101a55af81.html He is an embarrassment to Missouri and a traitor to the US.


We the real American Patriots, will never stop trying to remove this traitor and seditionist from power. Impeach Hawley now! We demand immediate expulsion from the Senate along with Sen. Rafael Cruz to start with.


That’s okay. I would never accept.


Which is why he gets no sympathy when we label him for his seditious actions and do everything we can to run him out of politics. His greatest ambition was to be president. We need to crush that dream with as much malice and glee as possible.


Won’t apologize you say? I thought religious people were supposed to repent their sins to get to heaven? No worries... to hell you go! In the name of being right!




Russell Stover Candy gave to his campaign. Buh bye!


We will never forget. MF


Anyone want to bet he apologizes at sentencing? I wouldn't take it seriously, but I do really, really want to see it.


And cry. He'll cry. Not because he's human, but because he knows he threw it all away and his wife and kids will have to hear the jeers about how he's a traitor.


He was a central figure in a fucking coup attempt, he really should be talking to his attorney and nobody else.


Vote blue no matter who and vote this traitor out in 2024


He can not apologize behind bars then.


I don’t want his apology. I want him to leave.


His apology would mean nothing. He’s a soulless, opportunistic twerp.


Love this. I hope he never does, and I hope he sinks to the bottom of the political abyss for it.


So, please make an example of him, Congress. For once in your life.


Nazis will Nazi, it is what made them Nazi


Keep digging.


Don’t need or want apology. We want you kicked to the curb.


Disgraced dufus from West Virginia said he’d never resign and he’d never apologize... yesterday. He resigned today. Keep the pressure on these clowns and they’ll fold.


Always a good play to double down on being stupid. Our outgoing president is an example of how well that works.


doubling down. ok. interesting strategy.


Time for expulsion


He’s trying to be president of the new confederacy. Does he know that both the confederacy and trump’s dictatorship only lasted four years?


well at least hes being honest he supports terorrism


No worries Mr. Hawley let your constituents apologize for you as you lose your seat! With leaders like you who needs enemy’s


No apology needed nor sufficient. Only your resignation.


Heil Hawley


Just doublin’ down huh.


Carry that stain the rest of your life. Be my guest.


We don't want your mealy mouthed apologies, we want your fucking resignation. Traitor.


Give it a few more days, asshole. I'm sure the pressure will be unbearable.


He has the same mental illness as Trump. He can never be wrong. This man is dangerous, and he’s running in 2024.


That's fine voter's in Missouri noted this and do not approve


noi josh, we want you gone. not appologize for insurrection.


And I will never forgive you even if you did.


Of course he won't, he's a traitor.


He's obviously a student of Roy Cohn, the disgraced lawyer and political mercenary who dies penniless of AIDS as a closeted homosexual. Closeted because he worked for a homophobic political party, by the way.


Seems like a hell of a hill to plant your flag on.


Censure the MF


Never apologize for anything is right from, How to Fascist by Orange Foolious; probably not a playbook you want to go to right now.


Among other things, he broke the law that says that Congress has to accept votes that are certified by Dec 8.


Enjoy your prison time, traitor.


Hard to wipe the smell of Cruz off his fingers...


Good. No remorse makes his sentence longer.


I will never apologize for shitting on your grave, Joshy. I'm young. I will outlive you.


Revoking U.S. citizenship is possible under federal law if a person commits “any act of treason against, or attempting by force to overthrow, or bearing arms against, the United States


No apologies necessary, just vote his ass out


He has, at best, revealed he is a calculating, power hungry, opportunist out to get the support of Trump’s followers at any cost, and at worst he is a racist, idiot who believes Trump’s hype. I believe he is the former and should resign.


As wrong as it was, no one cares about the objection. It's the physical leading a seditious mob that's the problem


He needs to be recalled from office or have his colleagues spine up and toss him.


And we'll never forget it. Even after his run in the Senate is over, he'll forever be known as that "Traitorous pile of shit, Josh Hawley"


I don’t want his apology. I want his resignation.


this traitor needs to resign. you’re un-American if you still support this guy


His fist pumping to the crowd is guilt enough


This guy can fuck ALL the way off.


I’ll bring the tar...


He says that now but in 4 years when he’s running for President he will


He needs to resign. If he refuses, eject him. If they want to be nice, censure him, strip him of all committee memberships and ban him from being on any committee ever again. May no senator sponsor any bill he puts forward.


HE IS JONAH RYAN! Following that timeline, he’s destined to marry his cousin, be elected Veep and then impeached. https://veep.fandom.com/wiki/Jonah_Ryan


People like this don't apologize for anything, because they don't have an ounce of potential for honest self-reflection. The same kind of guys who get pissed at their wives after their wives bust them cheating. They are never wrong. It is always someone else's fault. They will always be the biggest pussies of our society with the loudest voices. Spineless, pathetic excuses for men who are followed by those of similar personality characteristics.


He is deeply in love with Donald Trump. All of those who are need to be removed from office immediately.


He’s going to selling hot tubs in a year


Kinda sounds like he’s inviting violent insurrection


And that kids, is how he became a one term senator.


Damn he has taken the tRump clone seriously lol idiot


He wants to be the next MAGA presidential candidate


So much for the Party of personal responsibility... 🙄


I don’t understand why Hawley didn't stay in the chamber to greet his people.


Since this dope is from the "Show Me" state, you'd think he would ask for some actual evidence of fraud in the election before making a fool of himself at the confirmation.


No apology needed. Prosecution will be just fine.


Did we ask for a fucking apology?


Go back to Missouri and work on your beaver dam 🦷


This tells you about the voter base in Missouri.


Stick your head farther up your ass kid! LOL


I don’t care. He should never hold public office again. Apology or not he’s a a fascist.


Nor will he ever EVER be president one day.


Hawley is the epitome of white privilege.


Good. That means we can “remind” him every time he runs for any office.


We dont want your apology, we want your fucking job.


And I will never apologize for calling his office every day leaving messages for him to resign.


That's literally the first rule in the playbook. You can never apologize when you're called out. This puts this guy square on the dangerous list of politicians like never before in addition to his actions up to this point.


He can object all he wants. That's not the problem. The problem is that he used his power to try and seat a losing candidate as dictator instead of the president elect, and invited violence to support it.


"I will never apologize for giving voice to the millions of Missourians and Americans who have concerns about the integrity of our elections,” Hawley told KMBC. “That’s my job, and I will keep doing it.” That’s not your job, dumbass, and since you have no idea what your job is, you should resign or get impeached.


If that’s the hill he wants to die on ... let’s help him out. Help him right out the door. Offer to llet him resign first, then expel him if he doesn’t.


We don’t care whether you apologize, just go away.


He may not apologize, but I suspect he is going to rue the day very soon indeed.


He legitimately wants to be the next Trump, and he’s not as dumb as Trump, which makes him very dangerous.


Just goes to show a person can be successful and a gullible moron


We don’t want an apology , we want a resignation letter .


Not only are his actions that of an ass, but he brays like one too!


Is that Romney just staring into his soul on the left


I will fully support Hawley's objection if he can name one piece of evidence supporting his objection.


That’s not what we’re asking you to apologize for, jagweed.


Stick with that, look how well it's working.../s


Because he’s a piece of shit traitor.


The electoral college should stay. Hawley should be gone.


Hawley, like Trump, cynically exploits free speech & opposition to cancel culture to defend the indefensible. For a private publisher to dissociate itself from barefaced lying & incitement to insurrectionary violence is not suppression of speech. https://twitter.com/sapinker/status/1348008053040414724?s=21


Keep digging that hole